
Trump 2

Nov 29th, 2016
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  1. Dear Donald, hi! it's me! Morgan!
  3. I wanted to write this letter to you, as you aren't president yet, and I can still call you a raging douche racist ass fuck, who would, when presented with a bunch of kittens, would only grab the ones you'd rate at a five or higher. that anger aside, I want to talk to you about when you said "That makes me very sad, I'll say directly to the camera, stop it!" during your 60 minutes interview.
  4. Look, I get it, you're a very busy, paranoid man, who is desperately doing everything in your power to get the fuck out of the white house, which, if we're being absolutely honest here, you never intended to win. The election to you, is just another challenge, a game. you don't really care about all the politics, you actually just wanted to win a pissing contest against hillary. but why?
  5. We're not going to focus on that. Look, Don, you mind if i call you Dawn? You do? Great, good, Donald. We're seeing an unprecedented amount of fear, anger, and hatred brewing up all across America right now, and it is, in actuality, a direct result of how you ran your campaign. The Rust Belt, the people you tapped into that for so long have been ignored? Well, there's a reason for that. the views they have are outdated, ignorant, idiotic on some levels and outright disturbing in some situations.
  6. they aren't all bad, I'm sure of that, but let's focus on your, and we're going to play with the term, "President-Electency" As a play on words with "presidency" and "elect".
  7. There's a reason that things in place, because shit'd go south pretty fast without the transition period. you've inspired a rising wave of outright racism, bullying, antagonistic behavior, and in some case, physical assault against minorities. Why?
  9. Because a good majority of the people that you yourself said, "Your voices will no longer be ignored!"? Those are the people that are spreading this unrest. you need to get a hold on this situation before a full on race war erupts, and you become the losing sides movements face. If you've read history of old fallen kingdoms, the moment that kingdom gives up, is when the King dies during a battle. And Donald, I honestly don't wish you any harm, that's why I'm writing my anger out in the book, the Rage of the Grumpy cat. I make no bones about how angry i am at your election, as well as some of the actions I wish were taken against you.
  11. But I realized a fun truth, that literary and fictitious assassination is by far safer and and stress relieving then actually going through with it. I'm sure you agree with me. Point being, I don't want to see any harm come to you, I never did. I just didn't want you as president. But, this is our reality until December 19th says otherwise. Getting back to my point, you need to do a better job of getting things under control. Swastikas are being painted in your name, your choices in cabinet are further deepening the fear and hate that is dividing our nation, and you SERIOUSLY don't want being the POTUS as your number one fuck up.
  13. While you still have time, energy, and life, because let's face it, there are people out FAR angrier than I, with the means to cause physical and very real harm to you. Please, find it in your heart to spread love and hope instead of fear and anger. Make AMERICA great again, not the bigotry, ignorance, and racism that affects both sides of the isle.
  15. Thank you for your time.
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