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a guest
Apr 28th, 2016
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  1. Anzu
  2. Auto-Composition
  3. Auto-Compression
  4. Auto-Encryption
  5. Column-Number
  6. Electric-Indent
  7. Eval-Sexp-Fu-Flash
  8. Evil
  9. Evil-Escape
  10. Evil-Local
  11. Evil-Search-Highlight-Persist
  12. Evil-Surround
  13. File-Name-Shadow
  14. Flx-Ido
  15. Font-Lock
  16. Global-Anzu
  17. Global-Auto-Revert
  18. Global-Evil-Search-Highlight-Persist
  19. Global-Evil-Surround
  20. Global-Font-Lock
  21. Global-Hl-Line
  22. Global-Page-Break-Lines
  23. Global-Spacemacs-Leader-Override
  24. Helm
  25. Helm-Descbinds
  26. Helm-Flx
  27. Ido-Vertical
  28. Info-Breadcrumbs-In-Mode-Line
  29. Line-Number
  30. Override-Global
  31. Page-Break-Lines
  32. Persp
  33. Popwin
  34. Projectile
  35. Projectile-Global
  36. Read-Only
  37. Recentf
  38. Shell-Dirtrack
  39. Show-Smartparens
  40. Show-Smartparens-Global
  41. Smooth-Scrolling
  42. Spaceline-Helm
  43. Spaceline-Info
  44. Spacemacs-Leader-Override
  45. Transient-Mark
  46. Volatile-Highlights
  47. Which-Key
  48. Window-Numbering
  49. Winner
  50. Xterm-Mouse
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