
PA8(Scattered on the wind) Remiel:Lost in more ways then one

Jun 15th, 2014
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  1. [22:38] <Kroked> Remiel: as soon as you step into the gate you know something is wrong
  2. [22:38] * Remiel looks around her.
  3. [22:38] <Kroked> it feels as if youa re being pulled apart, pain explodes from every fiber of your body
  4. [22:39] <Kroked> your vision fills with light as you see dozens upon dozens of shapes and things your brain refuse to process
  5. [22:39] * Remiel tries to close her eyes.
  6. [22:39] <Kroked> you can't, you can't feel them
  7. [22:39] <Kroked> you can't feel anything
  8. [22:40] <Kroked> nothing but burning pain
  9. [22:40] <Kroked> it feels as if it continues for years, no, DECADES
  10. [22:41] <Kroked> images pass through your brain
  11. [22:43] <Kroked> You see a town, once peaceful, ravaged by an unspeakable dark abomination. a beautiful angelic creatured, tortured and pained looking as dark tentacles wide as your spaceship that extends for miles lays the locale to waste
  12. [22:44] <Kroked> the image changes to a pair of young girls playing hapilly, one weak looking with silverish hair, the other meek with red hair, though the roots appear black
  13. [22:44] * Remiel tries to call out towards the angelic creature.
  14. [22:45] <Kroked> you are too late
  15. [22:46] <Kroked> the image than changes to a zoomed out view of the universe
  16. [22:47] <Kroked> beautiful, dazzling, endlees, far bigger than anyone ever knew, or may ever know
  17. [22:48] <Kroked> a dark spark appears in the center
  18. [22:48] <Kroked> small, but ever growing
  19. [22:48] <Kroked> faster and faster
  20. [22:48] <Kroked> until the enirety of the universe is Obscured a by this dark crackling mass
  21. [22:49] <Kroked> a face appears in the darkness
  22. [22:50] <Kroked> a deep dark blue like a man suffocated, with hair the color crimson, a face bizzare, but at the same time both frightening and beautiful
  23. [22:51] * Remiel tries to speak.
  24. [22:51] <Kroked> the face grins, an expression that further accentuates its beauty, but scares you tot he core of your beaing
  25. [22:51] <Kroked> Remiel: you may, if you wish
  26. [22:51] <Kroked> BGM
  27. [22:51] <Remiel> "...Who are you?"
  28. [22:52] <Kroked> It speaks in a voice that both seems quite, and earshatteringly loud, deep, and high, feminine, and masculine. enticing.... and terrifying
  29. [22:53] <Kroked> "I am the Last, and all that will remain"
  30. [22:55] <Remiel> "The Last? and what do you mean, 'all that will remain?'"
  31. [22:55] <Kroked> "I am the end that mankind desires, I am the sleep everlasting"
  32. [22:56] <Kroked> "I am the end that no one desires, the void from which no one returns"
  33. [22:56] <Kroked> "I am all"
  34. [22:56] <Kroked> "I am nothing"
  35. [22:56] <Kroked> "I am Omega"
  36. [22:57] <Kroked> the face begins to fade, and with it, your senses
  37. [23:00] <Kroked> and without warning your senses return
  38. [23:00] <Kroked> and with it comes a sharp pain and a wetness
  39. [23:00] <Kroked> the right side of your head is warm and wet, along with the left side of your chest
  40. [23:01] <Kroked> everything is blurry and hard to make out
  41. [23:01] <Kroked> you feel weak
  42. [23:01] <Kroked> you can hardly move yourse;f
  43. [23:01] * Remiel rubs her head and side.
  44. [23:01] <Kroked> you try, but all you succeed in doing is feebly twitching your arm
  45. [23:02] * Remiel attempts to lift her head up
  46. [23:03] <Kroked> you lift your head up a little, enough to see a pale human shaped thing kneeling next to you
  47. [23:04] <Kroked> you seem to be surrounded by plants... now, flowers
  48. [23:04] <Kroked> brilliant crimson red flowers
  49. [23:05] <Kroked> your consciousness begins to fade, but as it does, you make out a single word
  50. [23:05] <Kroked> "Beautiful"
  51. [23:05] <Kroked> you fall into a long deep darkness
  52. [23:06] <Kroked> BGM
  53. [23:07] <Kroked> you slowly regain consciousness
  54. [23:07] * Remiel looks around.
  55. [23:08] <Kroked> you find yourself on a small luxurious bed of red Velvet, covered by a Silken Blanket of Purple
  56. [23:08] <Kroked> the room has a vaguely Gothic feeling to it
  57. [23:08] * Remiel attempts to sit up, rubbing her eyes.
  58. [23:09] <Kroked> dark and mysterious, but undoubtedly holding a sort of beauty
  59. [23:09] <Kroked> the room is adorned with beautiful Purple Roses
  60. [23:10] <Kroked> as you rub your eyes some of your hair falls in front of your face
  61. [23:10] <Kroked> however it's... off
  62. [23:10] * Remiel squints.
  63. [23:11] <Kroked> the dye is gone, you can tell immediately but... it's still not quite right
  64. [23:12] * Remiel pulls a few more strands of her hair into view.
  65. [23:12] <Kroked> you do so
  66. [23:12] <Kroked> and as you do so 2 things become apparent
  67. [23:12] <Kroked> 1. your hair is longer than it should be
  68. [23:12] <Kroked> it goes down to your butt
  69. [23:13] <Kroked> 2, it is a deep dark bluish color
  70. [23:13] * Remiel looks around for her glasses.
  71. [23:13] <Kroked> they are nowhere to be seen
  72. [23:14] * Remiel looks for a mirror.
  73. [23:15] <Kroked> you find one behind the bed you were on, as the bed was in the center of the room, in fact it almost looks like a sort of pedestal now that you look at it
  74. [23:15] <Kroked> like something you place a precious object on
  75. [23:15] * Remiel Stands up out of bed to look at herself in the mirror.
  76. [23:17] <Kroked> your hair is indeed much longer than it was, and a deep Brilliant Dark blue. your face is more mature than you remember, less of a girl, and more of a woman, your skin is paler, but not terribly so, your left eye is now closer to an orange, and your right a subtle violet
  77. [23:17] <Kroked> you are wearing the clothes you remember, but they seem smaller
  78. [23:18] <Kroked> they are also stained a deep Crimson, almost black
  79. [23:20] * Remiel instinctively feels her own face, and proceeds to inspect every inch of her own body.
  80. [23:21] <Kroked> it feels the same yet... foreign
  81. [23:24] * Remiel involuntarily says. "Odd..."
  82. [23:25] <Kroked> your voice has changed slightly
  83. [23:25] <Kroked> a little lower
  84. [23:25] <Kroked> some might call it Huskier
  85. [23:29] <Remiel> "hair, eyes, face, voice."
  86. [23:29] * Remiel looks down. "What else has changed?"
  87. [23:32] <Kroked> you are slightly taller, not by much, you had mainly reached your peak anyway, you've matured a little in the chest area, a bit actually, you now have a bit more there than you did before, a visible rack. not gigantic, but big enough to be alluring
  88. [23:33] * Remiel blushes. "...just how long have I been out?"
  89. [23:35] <Kroked> the room is silent but for you
  90. [23:35] * Remiel looks around for a window or a door.
  91. [23:36] <Kroked> there is an ornate door on the opposite side of the room from the mirror, and a small window, from which moonlight is pouring through above the mirror
  92. [23:37] * Remiel tries the door first.
  93. [23:39] <Kroked> it opens with ease to another room, a circular room with a dark purple violet tile floor, along the edges are ornate coffins, entwined with purple roses, all lightly glowing, lighting up the room
  94. [23:39] <Kroked> it has a sort of eerie beauty to it
  95. [23:40] * Remiel calls out. "...Hello?"
  96. [23:40] <Kroked> no answer
  97. [23:41] * Remiel nervously walks towards the next door.
  98. [23:43] <Kroked> you head out and find yourself on a rail-less stairway in the open air, a stairway that seems to grow directly out of a gigantic castle like building,one which, you realize after a moment, is actually made from a gigantic Gnarled Tree
  99. [23:44] <Kroked> the stairway leads to a bunch of interconnected platforms decorated with red roses that glow softly
  100. [23:44] <Kroked> the platforms reach an intersection
  101. [23:44] <Kroked> to the left it seems to lead to another room in the tree
  102. [23:44] <Kroked> to the right, a larger staircase along the tree base
  103. [23:45] * Remiel heads towards the other room.
  104. [23:45] * Remiel stays close to the wall of the tree along the way.
  105. [23:46] <Kroked> it leads you to a sort of warehouse full of strange and exotic looking items, pots, cups, chairs, lamps, swords, guns, and old fashioned armor
  106. [23:47] <Kroked> all strange and exotic, with a powerful feel
  107. [23:47] * Remiel calls out again. "Is anyone there?"
  108. [23:47] <Kroked> no answer
  109. [23:48] * Remiel grabs a lamp.
  110. [23:49] <Kroked> you pick it up and realize it isn't actually a lamp
  111. [23:49] <Kroked> it's a little glass case with a brightly glowing green flower inside
  112. [23:51] * Remiel takes the not-lamp with her, promising herself to return it later.
  113. [23:53] <Kroked> you do so
  114. [23:53] <Kroked> do you leave the room?
  115. [23:53] <Remiel> ((yes))
  116. [23:54] <Kroked> you move to leave the room, and the closer to the door you get, the heavier the glass case gets
  117. [23:54] <Kroked> by the time you are halfway there, it is too heavy to continue carrying
  118. [23:55] <Kroked> you drop it
  119. [23:55] <Kroked> it disappears
  120. [23:56] <Remiel> "...huh."
  121. [23:58] * Remiel decides against grabbing another lamp, and proceeds to walk outside of the room.
  122. [23:59] <Kroked> you do so, heading back, when you reach the center platform of the intersection, a voice echoes softly around you
  123. [23:59] <Kroked> "You're awake"
  124. [23:59] * Remiel looks around.
  125. [00:01] <Kroked> a man seems to fade into sight from the shadows across from you, he has moss greed hair, and a pale complexion, almost white. he wears a noble looking suit of a dark purplish blue
  126. [00:01] <Kroked> his eye's are deep purple
  127. [00:03] <Remiel> "Um... who are you?"
  128. [00:03] <Remiel> "Where am I?"
  129. [00:09] <Kroked> "I am not hear to answer your questions. My job is to report when you are awake"
  130. [00:10] <Remiel> "Oh..."
  131. [00:12] <Remiel> "I'm sorry if I've caused any trouble."
  132. [00:13] <Kroked> the man simply gives a "hmph" and fades into the shadows
  133. [00:15] <Kroked> you are alone once more
  134. [00:17] * Remiel simply waits, looking up at the sky.
  135. [00:18] <Remiel> "...Where did everyone else go?"
  136. [00:18] <Kroked> the sky a a dark color, yet... not quite like night, more like twilight on the verge of being dark
  137. [00:18] <Kroked> and yet a moon shines
  138. [00:20] <Kroked> you stand there for a good while, nobody comes
  139. [00:22] * Remiel decides to walk around more.
  140. [00:24] <Kroked> the main staircase itself splits in the distance, one up to the right, and down to the left, the righ seems to lead to a small tower of some sort, you can see lights coming from windows, while the left seems to split again in the distance, one going up the tree, the other down it
  141. [00:25] <Kroked> BGM
  142. [00:27] * Remiel takes the right staircase.
  143. [00:29] <Kroked> you walk up the staircase that spirals around the tower and into a small room at the top, the room is decorated with large glowing blue flowers, with 2 large windows on the opposite side of the room. in the center is a small upraised section with a small staircase leading to a pool of water
  144. [00:33] * Remiel walks up the staircase, and experimentally dips her finger in the pool of water.
  145. [00:34] <Kroked> the water rippled and you feel a strong force drag you onto the surface of the pool, however, you do not get wet
  146. [00:34] <Kroked> a swirl of rose petals surrounds you, and suddenly you find yourself in another room
  147. [00:34] * Remiel looks around, confused.
  148. [00:35] <Kroked> you are in front of another small basin, this one decorated similarly, but with the exit a little to the left of the other rooms
  149. [00:35] * Remiel walks towards the exit.
  150. [00:36] <Kroked> you find yourself in a room full of beautiful pristine white flowers
  151. [00:36] <Kroked> they cover the floor of this room
  152. [00:39] <Kroked> some of them are huge easily as big as you, they however are on the perimeter of the room
  153. [00:40] <Kroked> the center is full of normal sized flowers, beautiful all the same
  154. [00:40] * Remiel walks into the room, admiring the flowers.
  155. [00:41] <Kroked> you walk slowly looking around, however, the flowers so enrapture you that you do not notice the man who appears from the shadows at your back
  156. [00:42] <Kroked> with a single swift refine movement he impales you, his blade coming out the center of your body
  157. [00:43] <Kroked> you fall to your knees and collapse
  158. [00:43] <Kroked> your vision fades, you fall unconscious
  159. [00:43] <Kroked> you wake up some time later
  160. [00:43] <Kroked> you are still in the flower garden
  161. [00:43] <Kroked> you feel perfectly fine
  162. [00:43] <Remiel> "...what."
  163. [00:43] <Kroked> dizzy
  164. [00:43] <Kroked> but fine
  165. [00:44] * Remiel climbs to her feet.
  166. [00:44] <Kroked> you get up, and look around
  167. [00:45] <Kroked> the flowers directly around where you feel are a deep royal Purple
  168. [00:46] * Remiel looks down to where the man stabbed her.
  169. [00:47] <Kroked> there is indeed a hole where you were stabbed, but no wound. your shirt is stiff, and dyed a deep purple
  170. [00:49] * Remiel quickly walks out of the room before she gets stabbed in the chest again.
  171. [00:49] <Kroked> there are 2 doors other than the one you came in, one to the south, and one to the east, you came from the west
  172. [00:50] * Remiel walks out through the south door.
  173. [00:51] <Kroked> you walk up to it, but it seems to be locked from the other side
  174. [00:52] * Remiel tries the east door.
  175. [00:54] <Kroked> you head out it, and up a set of steps to a small platform as you've seen many of so far, in the middle of it, blocking your way is a man in a Dark purple suit with pale blonde hair in a tail, a rapier at his side
  176. [00:54] <Kroked> as you walk up to him, he looks at you sternly and says only "Leave"
  177. [00:54] <Remiel> "sorry."
  178. [00:55] * Remiel walks in the opposite direction.
  179. [00:55] <Kroked> you hurry the hell back whence you came, you notice above the door to the pool is a balcony of some kind that overlooks this little garden, huh
  180. [00:56] <Kroked> you head back into where the pool is
  181. [00:56] * Remiel dips her finger into the pool again.
  182. [00:57] <Kroked> it teleports you back to the first tower
  183. [00:58] * Remiel walks down the stairs back to the intersection.
  184. [00:58] <Kroked> you do so
  185. [00:59] <Kroked> as before, there is a path going up the tree, and one going down, you see it splits again further up the tree, one continuing further up, the other going to another tower
  186. [00:59] <Kroked> this one attached, but hanging parallel to the tree
  187. [00:59] * Remiel takes the other stairway up.
  188. [01:00] <Kroked> do you continue up the tree, or go to the attached tower?
  189. [01:00] <Remiel> ((to the attached tower.))
  190. [01:02] <Kroked> you find a red haired man in some kind of rough leather armor lounging on the bridge leading to the tower, he isn't blocking your way or anything, but he watches you as you pass with an amused look
  191. [01:03] <Remiel> "Um...You're not going to stab me, are you?"
  192. [01:04] <Kroked> he chuckles at that, "So you're the human girl that inherited Herre's power eh? Interesting"
  193. [01:04] <Remiel> "Who?"
  194. [01:08] <Kroked> "The ruler of Sí"
  195. [01:09] <Kroked> the man suddenly cocks his head "Hmm? Ahh it seems it's time for me to go"
  196. [01:09] <Kroked> he suddenly fades away
  197. [01:09] <Remiel> "Ah..."
  198. [01:09] <Kroked> at that moment men appear
  199. [01:10] <Kroked> they both have white hair, and wear Simple, but fine clothing
  200. [01:10] <Kroked> one addresses you "Did you talk with Zozma?"
  201. [01:11] <Remiel> "That red-haired man? Only briefly."
  202. [01:11] <Remiel> "I'm sorry, was I not supposed to?"
  203. [01:12] <Kroked> the other one swears at your response "That infidel! how dare he sneak into the castle!"
  204. [01:12] <Kroked> the first one speaks to his companion "He may still be around"
  205. [01:12] <Kroked> they nod, and fade away
  206. [01:12] <Kroked> you are alone again
  207. [01:12] <Remiel> "Um... Excuse me, but where am...I?"
  208. [01:13] * Remiel sighs.
  209. [01:13] * Remiel continues walking up towards the adjacent tower.
  210. [01:15] <Kroked> you head into a large circular room just like the one outside the one you woke up in, it too is full of ornate coffins, but flowers entwining around these are bright white
  211. [01:16] <Kroked> there is another door at the opposite end of the room
  212. [01:17] * Remiel walks towards the door and tries opening it.
  213. [01:17] <Kroked> it opens easily
  214. [01:17] <Kroked> you find a room much like the one you woke up in, only decked in white flowers, and in the center, instead of a bed, in a clear glass coffin
  215. [01:18] <Kroked> inside lay a beautiful woman in an elegant white dress, he hair decorated with beautiful white flowers
  216. [01:19] * Remiel kneels down and examines the woman's face.
  217. [01:19] <Kroked> she is very very pretty
  218. [01:19] <Kroked> but you do not know her
  219. [01:21] * Remiel stands up again.
  220. [01:22] <Kroked> you do so
  221. [01:22] * Remiel heads back out towards the door.
  222. [01:23] <Kroked> you head back out and leave the rooms, back to the intersection
  223. [01:24] * Remiel heads towards the downwards staircase.
  224. [01:25] <Kroked> awhile down, this splits as well, to the left is another tower, and a little further down, is a doorway into the tree itself, past that doorway is another tower
  225. [01:27] * Remiel heads towards the left tower first.
  226. [01:28] <Kroked> inside is a sight much like the last, first a coffin room, this time decked in yellow flowers, and than a smaller room with a golden coffin in the center, this one is harder to see into due to the color
  227. [01:29] <Remiel> /me looks into the coffin.
  228. [01:30] <Kroked> its hard to make out, but you think you see a woman with long golden hair, wearing armor of some kind
  229. [01:30] * Remiel tries knocking on the coffin.
  230. [01:30] <Kroked> no response
  231. [01:32] * Remiel sighs. "worth a try."
  232. [01:33] * Remiel walks out towards the door, and takes the other fork in the staircase.
  233. [01:33] <Kroked> to the other tower?
  234. [01:33] <Remiel> ((yes))
  235. [01:34] <Kroked> the first room is much like the last two, a coffin room, this time decked in deep red roses, the next room is almost the same as the others except for a single small detail
  236. [01:34] <Kroked> the slightly clear ruby red coffin is open, and empty
  237. [01:35] * Remiel walks back out.
  238. [01:35] <Kroked> you do so
  239. [01:36] * Remiel walks into the doorway in the tree.
  240. [01:38] <Kroked> you head down a spiralling set of platforms until you reach the base.on the floor in the middle of the room is the mosaic of a a Beautiful rose, opposite the stairs you came down is another set, turning to the left as you go down the steps is a pair of Large double door, engraved with roses that stands wide open., behind you is a closed gate
  241. [01:39] * Remiel tries the doors.
  242. [01:42] <Kroked> you head through the doors, and they slowly close behind you as you do, leaving you to slowly to tread the red carpet, in what appears to be a throne room of some sort, decked in brilliant violet flowers. Near the thronene, off to the side is the man you met before who said he was to report your waking, on the opposite side of the carpet is the severe blonde>
  243. [01:44] <Kroked> man, next to him is another man with lighter green hair, wearing a plain brown piece of armor with large shoulder guards, however, what catches your attention is the commanding presence of the man on the throne. he wears robes that seem to flow on their own, as if lightly pushed by a magical breeze, his long white hair has accents of yellow at their tips, on>
  244. [01:45] <Kroked> his head he wears a simple golden band. on each side of him are somber, but beautiful maids in white dresses.
  245. [01:45] <Kroked> this commanding man looks down at you and says simply "What is your name?"
  246. [01:45] <Remiel> "Remiel."
  247. [01:46] <Kroked> the man gives a light smile that tugs at your heart "Remiel, A lovely name, and quite meek as well I see"
  248. [01:47] <Remiel> "Um...Thank you."
  249. [01:52] <Kroked> the man nods to the man you first met "Dyne, take her to Rootville and get the dress we ordered, her clothes are filthy"
  250. [01:53] <Kroked> the man gives a bow "Yes my Lord"
  251. [01:53] <Remiel> "Um, excuse me... But, where am I?"
  252. [01:55] <Kroked> the white haired man from before shoots you a sharp glare, the man you hadn't seen before speaks up however "Sí, the land of the Fae"
  253. [01:57] <Remiel> "I see...Thank you."
  254. [01:58] * Remiel bows politely.
  255. [02:01] <Kroked> The man called dyne walks over and gestures for you to follow him
  256. [02:02] * Remiel follows the man.
  257. [02:02] <Kroked> he leads you out of the throne room, and too the gates, which open for him
  258. [02:03] <Kroked> you head across a bridge, and to the roots of the tree, to rootville
  259. [02:03] <Kroked> end rp
  260. [02:03] * ~Kroked throws 10 exp at Remiel
  261. [02:04] <Remiel> tax free?
  262. [02:04] <~Kroked> i took it off
  263. [02:04] <Remiel> tax included.
  264. [02:04] <~Kroked> yes
  265. [02:05] <Remiel> 228 xp.
  266. [02:05] <~Kroked> level up
  267. [02:05] <~Kroked> you are required to take an immediate level in Warlock
  268. [02:05] <~Kroked> we will go over that tomorrow
  269. [02:05] <Remiel> okay.
  270. [02:06] <~Kroked> also, thanks for rolling with the punches, I realize this was a pretty obtuse session
  271. [02:06] <Remiel> It's okay.
  272. [02:06] <Remiel> Just answer me this.
  273. [02:06] <Remiel> Am I, or am I not a princess now.
  274. [02:07] <~Kroked> it's complicated
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