
/frz/ reads

Feb 5th, 2014
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  1. The Little Prince (reqqed three times)
  2. Fahrenheit 451 (reqqed three times)
  3. Brave New World (reqqed three times)
  4. LotR (reqqed three times)
  5. Faustus (reqqed three times)
  6. The Divine Comedy (reqqed three times)
  7. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (reqqed twice, three times if you count "Douglas Adams")
  8. American Gods (reqqed three times if you count "anything by Gaiman")
  9. The Once and Future King (reqqed twice)
  10. Heart of Darkness (reqqed twice)
  11. Hyperion (reqqed twice)
  12. DiscWorld (reqqed twice)
  13. The Magicians (reqqed twice if you count The Magician King, its sequel)
  14. Wicked Years (reqqed twice)
  15. A Song of Ice and Fire (reqqed twice)
  16. Lolita (reqqed twice)
  17. Jaws (reqqed twice)
  18. Beowulf (reqqed twice)
  19. House of Leaves (reqqed twice)
  20. The Canterbury Tales (reqqed twice)
  21. Horus Heresy
  22. At the Mountains of Madness
  23. The Dream-quest of Unknown Kadath
  24. The Book of the Duchess
  25. Tristan and Isolde
  26. MacBeth
  27. A Midsummer Night's Dream
  28. Flex Mentallo
  29. "A Man Without a Country", by Kurt Vonnegut
  30. "A Confederacy of Dunces," by John Kennedy Tool
  31. "The Dharma Bums" by Jack Kerouac
  32. "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", by Ken Kesey
  33. "Something Wicked This Way Comes", by Ray Bradbury
  34. "True Grit", by Charles Portis
  35. The Book of the New Sun
  36. Malazan Book of the Fallen
  37. The Alchemist
  38. For Whom the Bell Tolls
  39. Pretty much any Gaiman story
  40. John Dies at the End
  41. Double Indemnity
  42. The Maltese Falcon
  43. Farewell my Lovely
  44. The Ringworld series
  45. Dragonlance (Chronicles, Legends, Second Gen/Cataclysm. War of Souls didn't like much.)
  46. Forgotten Realms (Spellfire trilogy)
  47. Battletech: Warrior Trilogy, anything with Kell Hounds
  48. V.C. Andrews (Dollanganger and Melody/Logan series, My Sweet Audrina)
  49. Three Investigators (both old and new)
  50. Star Wars E.U. (Thrawn, Courtship, Jedi Academy, YJK. Fuck the vong/sithJacenshit)
  51. Mother Night
  52. Dubliners
  53. All the Kings men
  54. Great Expectations
  55. 20,000 Leagues under the sea
  56. Redwall
  57. The Killer Angels
  58. A tale of two cities
  59. Jurassic Park
  60. The Starlight Bark
  61. The Magician King by Lev Grossman
  62. Middlesex
  63. The Bartimaeus Series
  64. Ceremony
  65. The Moorchild
  66. Fight Club
  67. Night's Dawn trilogy
  68. aSoUE books
  69. Engineer trilogy
  70. Matthew Reilly
  71. John Grisham
  72. Watership Down
  73. 1984
  74. Foundation
  75. Joy Luck Club
  76. Speaker for the Dead
  77. The Paladin by George Shipway
  78. The Andromeda Strain though Congo by Michael Crichton
  79. The Lord of the Rings
  80. A Little Princess
  81. A Christmas Carol
  82. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
  83. L'Morte d'Arthur
  84. The Once and Future King
  85. Grant Morrison's run on Doom Patrol
  86. The Count of Monte Cristo
  87. The Decameron
  88. Dune
  89. The Devil to Pay in the Backlands (Grande Sertão: Veredas)
  90. Sir Dour ( Dom Casmurro)
  91. Coraline
  92. The Last Unicorn
  93. Behind the Attic Wall
  94. Illiad/Odyssey
  95. History of the Peloponnesian War
  96. Anabasis
  97. Metaphysics & Ethics
  98. The Aeneid
  99. Meditations
  100. Summa Theologica
  101. The Alexiad
  102. Don Quixote
  103. Leviathan
  104. The Prince & Discourses on Livy
  105. Pride and Prejudice
  106. Candide
  107. Madame Bovary
  108. Huck Finn
  109. All Quiet on the Western Front
  110. The Natural
  111. Animal Farm
  112. Dollanganger series
  113. Scarrow's Eagle Series
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