
Setting a Private Twitter Feed

Aug 19th, 2016
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  3. 06/09/16 v3 - Added a new script, with raid filter functionality, so that you don't need to manually edit the code to set a new raid search (though you can add new raids to the list, as per the code's comments). Thanks anon!
  5. 20/08/16 v2 - Autocopy for English tweets has been fixed, a beeping alert option has been added. Thanks anon!
  7. 20/08/16 - Added a new script, which uses pyperclip to copy the codes automatically. Changed tweepy and pyperclip installation to be made through pip, python's native downloader/installer, which automates much of the process. Setting paths for Python's folders now made through cmd. Thanks anon!
  9. ---------------------------------------------------
  11. Here's how to get your own personal twitter feed on Windows, for faster raid joining. Tweetdeck is fucking garbage with its 20+ seconds to update tweets, which is already slow, but even more so during magnafest. Heck, even with this method of instant updating I sometimes can't get a hit in due to latency compared to the japs. But still, it's a very big improvement.
  13. NOTE: For everything in quote marks that I ask for you to write, you obviously remove the quotes when you input the data.
  16. 1 - You'll need to download Python, which is the programming language used to run this feed. You'll also need a Twitter account to obtain access to the API, but if you use Tweetdeck, you probably have a Twitter already.
  18. The download link to Python is:
  20. ""
  22. I, personally, am using the 2.7 version of Python. I strongly encourage you to do the same.
  25. 2 - To get access to the Twitter API, you're going to need to request access to Twitter. First, log into your Twitter, then go to this page:
  27. ""
  29. And register. Your application name must be unique, and for the website you can put whatever (literally ""). After that, create your app. You are going to save your consumer key and consumer secret on a notepad, then request an access token, and also save the access key and the access token secret.
  32. 3 - After that, it's time to install Python and its libraries, tweepy (which accesses the Twitter API to gather info) and pyperclip (which automatically copies the raid codes). Install the package you downloaded. Open Windows' command prompt by pressing Win+R and typing "cmd". Type "setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\Python27\;C:\Python27\Scripts" ". This sets paths so that you can use python's commands directly. Then, type "pip install tweepy". Once it finishes installing, type "pip install pyperclip". After both are installed, close your command prompt.
  35. 4 - To set the code up, you can download the following pastes (download button at top left of the paste). The first one is the recommended, it has a raid list so you can automatically set any number of raids up on the fly, but I'd recommend tracking just a few so that the autocopier does not screw you up:
  37. ""
  39. Following is the older version and you have to set the raid name manually, included mainly for legacy purposes. In "myStream.filter" line, just above the last block of code, insert the text you want to search for between the quotes. So, say, for Tia Magna, you'd put "Lv50 ティアマト・マグナ". The complete list is, obviously, in the OP for the general.
  41. ""
  43. Left-click and "Edit in IDLE". In the "consumer_key", "consumer_secret", "access_token", "access_token_secret" lines, paste the codes that you saved earlier in each field, between the quotes.
  45. Last, get a sound file to put in the same folder your script is located at, and name it "sound.wav". The Windows default sounds are located at "C:\Windows\Media" or whatever drive you installed it at.
  47. Then save your work, and use F5 to run. If you need to run the script again later, open it with IDLE and F5 to run. It works if you double-click to open but the command prompt displays gibberish, IDLE makes it a bit better. The 8-digit code is copied automatically, even if the window is minimized. You just have to paste it into either Viramate or the raid assist window inside the game.
  49. Godbless, anons. Let's get those flips.
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