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Dec 22nd, 2014
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  1. Chapter 1 The Journey
  3. It was like any other day on Valhalla, the sword and the lights were shining and the ground was soft. As I stood to my feet I knew that somehow I was going to make it further than I ever had before. I went straight for the shimmering rock for my morning pep talk.
  4. I closed my eyes as I approached and tried to imagine a fearless warrior built for adventure, one with armor that shined brighter than the sword and a face that was decorated with survival. In my mind I was everything I wanted to be but as my eyes opened I saw only a kryllet. I didn't see survival on my face at all, saw innocence and weakness. Not a single patch of thick skin had grown in yet and I was no where close to being matured.
  5. I wasn't going to let this bring me down today because I knew today was the day I go the distance. I snarled at my reflection showing nearly all 50 teeth, I winced my eyes until I could see only a glimmer in the primary pupils and the lids of my secondary vision.
  6. As with every morning in a kryll's life I rubbed the grit into the bone exposed in the top of my head. I was determined to keep my helm protected and healthy. After all, how will I be a fearless warrior if I'm exposed and unhealthy.
  7. With protective gear on and a smile on my face I took the first step towards the unknown. I was going to be the youngest kryll to reach 700 depth and return alive. I decided a long time ago that north was my direction. After seeing my link enter the unknown 4 years ago and never return I thought my best chance for finding him was to head that way.
  8. Again, like any other day, I passed under the rock trees and crossed over the fleet field. These were always easy. The fear began to slowly creep in when the sky darkened. I knew these were the effects of the great virus and that I had easily made it 250 depth past this. The sight in my primary eyes began to fade so I switched to my secondary vision. The world was always a different place looking through the lens of my secondary.
  9. My pace slowed as I grew nearer to the forest. This was about to get harder and I knew it because I had been through it before. The fact was, I wasn't fully recovered from the last trip.
  10. I fixed in on my point of entry so intently that I hadn't even noticed the crashing of thunderers only 2 hands length on either side of me. Thunderers may have scared me before, with the shattering of splintered rock, and maybe even wounded me here or there but not this time, not today. Push back the fear I told myself don't let it over take you. I entered the forest and immediately a rock tree crash landed at my feet taking at least 3 bullet druids down with it. As the druids took their last breath the fear came to me. Maybe I wasn't going to make it very far. Maybe, like these druids I was going to die without notice from a falling tree. Maybe I was going to lose breath like last time or find myself in the bottom of an acid pool.
  11. My anxiety had gotten the best of me. I suddenly noticed my breathing was frantic and my lung was pushing all four shoulders up and down rapidly. My walking had inadvertently turned to jogging and I needed to relax. When I thought it safe to sit I did so and looked back down the trail I had taken so far. I realized all the worrying had actually distracted me for another 60 depth.
  12. But I can't keep getting lucky like this, I need to focus. So I took some deep breaths. Just then I noticed a pulling on my ankles and saw that I had sunk into the ground. I was not safe by any means. I was not lucky I was being drug under by a limper root. Few kryll have survived this but I knew I could be different. I was trained on how to free myself from these. I only had to remember my training. Stay calm and breath I told myself over and over again.
  13. I reached in the pouch on my hip and pulled out my knife. I needed to find the vein that ran through a portion of the root. It became hard to focus on the root when it's poison had entered my blood stream through its thorns. As my vision began to blur and my consciousness faded I finally spotted the vein.
  14. Now waist deep I plunged my knife into the root and felt it's grip release me. I grabbed a nearby tree limb and pulled myself out just as I fainted.
  15. I have no idea how much time had passed or even if I had survived the poison, all I knew was that I was waking up to the feeling of being dragged across the ground. The blades of grass had cut up my face pretty badly so i figured I had been out for quite awhile.
  16. I shook my head and blinked my eyes in an attempt to fully awaken. As I looked around I knew I needed to remain limp so as to keep whatever is dragging me from thinking I was alive.
  17. Through the thick fog and the tall grass it was hard to really tell anything about my position, that is until I spotted a large mushroom like plant known as a wimpo blossom. These only grew in the eastern part of the wilderness and were often close to bodies of suid muk.
  18. The good news was that I was alive and had actually been dragged about as deep as I had ever been before. The bad news was that I was probably about to be a meal for something large and obviously strong. Kryll are not exactly light creatures. When you stand about 11 hands tall and are as dense with muscle as a rock tree is with wood you would be too. We may not be the dominant species on this planet but we are normally very high on the food chain.
  19. So what was this thing dragging me; I wasn't able to get a view from down in the ground, I needed to break free. "one, two, and three" I whispered to myself as i swung my free leg around to break the grip it had of my other ankle.
  20. Managing to free both legs, I immediately jumped to my feet, pulled out a knife I had stored in my forearm band, and frantically looked for any nearby exits.
  21. It turned slowly around as if knowing I would never get away in time. As its face revealed itself I saw first its shell like skin and bone structure surrounding the back of its head. The horns came down along its jaw line where they met large tusks protruding upwards and into a large party of other teeth. The eyes were as black as the night sky and focused intently on my knife.
  22. The creature swung its large arms around faster than I could have reacted to and smash against my armed hand. I knew it had managed to break at least one bone in the process of disarming me.
  23. Obviously this was not a creature that was dull or weak. As I began to quickly observe my enemy I noticed it also ran on four legs and carried a tail nearly as long as the bed I slept in with a large stone like knot on the end.
  24. So running wasn't going to work because it could surely catch me. Overpowering just wasn't going to happen. Basically, I had to try and outsmart this thing.
  25. I assumed a fighting stance with three arms raised and the other broken hand behind my back. I didn't have time to be scared or even think about what I was doing, I simply had to act.
  26. Even though I had never seen one of these before I could tell my advantage was in climbing. Turing to face the tree to my right I leaped up and off of the trunk and into the air. For a moment I thought I wasn't going to make it but luckily I felt my hands hit the limb of a tree slightly higher in the air. Using the moment I had gained, I swung off of that limp and landed even higher up on a close tree. The creature smashed into the first tree shortly after I leaped off of it and literally managed to dent the thickest part, sending splinters everywhere. Quickly it looked up at me clinging to the trunk of the tree at least 20 hands in the air and began to charge again. I needed to time my landing just perfectly to miss his crushing head.
  27. The moment his head made contact with the tree I loosened my grip and dropped onto its back. I grabbed the bone structure coming off of its head and leaned hard to the right. I had hopped I could bring it to the ground but the result wasn't what I had hoped.
  28. A large arm reached around and grabbed both my hands in one swoop. Its grip was so tight I couldn't break myself free. I was pulled to the ground beneath the creature and dragged under its front legs.
  29. I could see what was about to happen as its reared up to land the crushing blow and end my life. I reached out for something to grab, anything to get me out of this situation. My hands rummaged through the grass and leaves frantically before landing on the knife that had been swatted out of my hand earlier.
  30. I could see the large feet barreling down on me and I rose the knife in the air. The left foot of this great creature came down on the tip of the knife so fast that even the handle sank into its flesh.
  31. This may not have been enough to kill the beast but it was at least enough to change the course of its falling feet. It rolled on its side and landed with a thundering boom!
  32. I wasn't about to stay to find out what happened next. I crawled up to the ground and began to run. I didn't care which way I was going or where I was at the time I just wanted to get away.
  33. I could hear the beast get back to its feet and scream at the anger of a lost meal. Part of me wanted to go back and finish the job but my instinct to survive was to strong. Its a point of pride for a kryll to kill something bigger than itself. At my age I would have been given rank for such a kill.
  34. After running for at least 200 depth I stopped to catch my breath. only this time catching my breath was harder than normal. The air seemed thinner and it was then that I remembered where I was. After about an hour of slowly breathing in and out to steady my breathing I decided to continue.
  35. It was during that hour that I had time to think about where I was going and what it was I was doing here. Everything told me to turn and go home since I knew which direction it was now. Ultimately the reason I decided to push on was because this is where I almost died the last time. This same air is what had me running home suffocating only 2 shades of the sword ago. (A shade of the sword changed every 15 days.)
  36. I wasn't going to break at the same place I did before. I told myself I was going to go further than I ever had before and this was the chance to do it. It may have been hard getting to this point but I knew I was stronger than I had been. I was ready to continue.
  37. Bearing slightly northwest to get back on track I walked cautiously and slowly. I didn't know what laid ahead or what traps may be waiting for me. With each step I grew more and more confident in my ability to make it further.
  38. I knew I had officially made it further than I ever had before when I came to the sight of the mountains in the background. No kryll really knew how high those mountains stood because none had made it close enough to them to find out; let alone climb them.
  39. At that point I decided that it was my goal to make it there no matter what. I wasn't going back home this time. If I was going to find safety and comfort it was only going to be in front of me. Most kryll on this planet spend their lives trying to survive by having the easiest life possible. They hide in their homes and simply move when the virus gets to close.
  40. The way I see it, the virus will have killed the planet in some time anyway so I may as well see as much as I can. I wanted to be the strongest one here. Strong enough to survive the virus in the middle of 1000 depth. I wanted to be strong enough to truly live, not scared enough to survive.
  41. I looked towards the mountain, took one breath and continued on my journey. The blue glow of the mountain shined a dim light on the trees beneath it. As the rocks got smaller and smaller towards the top the light seemed to glow brighter. When the lights meet the green of the clouds the colors made a sight so rare and beautiful that I had to see it closer.
  42. In front of me lay what was known as razer weed. This was a viciously tough plant that only grew in the deepest parts of forests and had sharp edges on it that could cut even the toughest skin. I knew I would have to brave the pain and walk through it to get any further. As I placed my foot the first time I knew this wasn't going to be fun.
  43. I must have walked 50 steps in this painful stuff before it had gotten to thick to barely move. It grew thicker and thicker until there wasn't a place for my feet to dodge landing in it. I took out my knife and attempted to move forward through the weeds but I couldn't cut them very easily and made it almost nowhere. I went to plant my foot on the ground during my attempts to free myself of these weeds and nearly fell when I slipped off the edge of a cliff that I hadn't noticed was there. Rather un-luckily I was caught by the weeds wrapped around my arm.
  44. I managed to free my arm enough to lower myself slightly down the edge of the cliff but found it hard to trust my landing when a dense fog beneath me kept me from seeing the ground.
  45. "1 2 3... " I counted in my head and then all at once let myself drop. I tumbled down the side of the mountain hitting multiple rocks on the way down before gaining a footing and sliding down the rest of it on my feet. The cliff was just shallow enough that I wasn't falling by the time I reached the base. When my sliding reached a graceful halt at the bottom I noticed I had made it to the acid fields. I have only heard rare tales of kryll ever making it this far.
  46. Tremendously dangerous and highly lethal I traversed these acid pools very carefully. Every step was taken with caution until I eventually found enough foot room to stand and walk normally. I looked up and again saw the mountains now much closer than before.
  47. The closer I got to the mountain the lighter the sky got until I was eventually able to switch back to my primary vision. It may have seemed as though everything was getting easier if it wasn't for the ground turning black and ice cold. Almost like the virus was constantly changing its symptoms. I exited the forest into an open field. This was a very different field though. The ground was emitting droplets of condensed acid upwards that traveled higher than I could see. They may have been extremely deadly but they were scattered enough that I didn't have to worry about them as much.
  48. I began to run towards the mountain as the fear of danger left me. The vegetation lost all it's life as I got closer almost as though the mountain was emitting a death like aura from its base but as long as I could see around me I wasn't worried about it.
  49. Now in a full Sprint I could see the base of the mountain tiled with large rocks in the distance. If my link had made it this far then I was sure he could have survived in its caves. Hope flooded my thoughts as I pondered the idea of seeing Fury again.
  50. I saw what looked like a kryll from afar approaching and I immediately slowed to a halt to get a better view. I could see what looked like a shadow of a figure grow in size as it drew closer to me. "Either fury had gotten really big or that wasn't him." I said to myself disheartened.
  51. Due to the common savagery of most living things on this planet I had to assume this was hostile. The figure expanded rapidly as it's wings extended from its body. In a single downward stroke the creature had lifted itself off the ground.
  52. All four eyes widened as I realized what I was looking at. Now, too close to run I stared in horror at the largest Airen I had ever seen. This was the dominant species on this planet and it was obvious why. I must have walked into it's territory.
  53. At this point the Airen was at least 200 hands in the air and barreling straight for me. It didn't even flinch as the acid passed barely on either side of it.
  54. To my surprise it landed with a thundering quake right behind me after passing within reach above my head. It's six legs turned to bring the creature to my side. It slowly rotated around me as it began to speak. The voice bellowed so deep that I could feel the vibration in my chest. It's breath was chilling.
  55. "Why have you come to my domain?" the Airen questioned, now on my right side. Attempting to hide my fear I held a proud pose and began to open my mouth... "was it kill or be killed." The Airen interrupted. "That is all you're race knows after all". I had to be careful what I said. I took a sort pause then began to speak. "I came seeking strength and adventure, with no intention of intruding in your domain.
  56. "Then leave!" argued the Airen. This seemed unusually kind for an Airen to say. I expected him to kill me on the spot. All he wanted was for me to leave. I turned to do just that and found myself frozen at the sight of the virus filled forest behind me. I was at a cross roads between quitting everything I came out here to do and facing certain death.
  57. My pride overwhelmed me when I realized it was my fear that drove me to want to flee. "I will not be afraid" I told myself and I quickly turned back around.
  58. The Airen had come to a stop in front of me and was watching intently as I made my decision. When faced with me having no intention to leave the Airen spoke again. "You are brave for one so young, but bravery will not save you, if death is what you choose then so be it."
  59. The Airen attempted to seize me with one of it's claws but I jumped back in time to miss it's grip. Instead the tips of it's claws found themselves dragging across my chest. I didn't have time to feel the pain. I simply glanced down and found the strength to fight when the plate that covered my chest hit the ground.
  60. The Airen, now frustrated, swung is mouth around and towards the ground attempting to swallow me in one bite. I dove to the right only to see the tail already swinging right at me. The moment it made contact I grabbed it. Now holding on for my life I felt my body jerk left and right as the Airen tried to throw me off.
  61. I found myself facing to the sky and my back towards the ground just as the tail thrust toward the ground. I lept from the tail just before it crushed me into the ground. I must have rolled at least three times before I tumbled right to my feet before being caught in the rising acid. Before I could fully gain my balance I saw one of the wings shooting out to impale me. Instinctively I reached in front of me and managed to catch the wing right as the point reached my gut. The momentum of the wing pushed me back across the ground.
  62. With all the force I could muster I clenched the fists of my shoulder arms and brought them down on the Airen's wing. I tore a part of the skin away and broke the talon from the tip of the wing.
  63. The Airen quickly drew it's wing back then extended is neck and roared into my face. The chill of this breath streamed across my face so fast that I could feel my skin losing its color. I knelt slowly to pick up the broken talon on the ground while it's roar continued.
  64. When the Airen pulled it's large head back I took one deep breath and roared back. I wanted to show it that I was stronger even if I didn't believe it to be true.
  65. "Enough games!" the Airen angrily shouted. The Airen rose it's wings to fly and began to raise its body off the ground. It was 40 hands in the air before it came to a halt and allowed itself to drift for a moment before entering a free fall. During the drift time the mouth opened larger than I had seen it before and it took in gallons of breath. With the exhale of the Airen came a blizzard of ice.
  66. I had no idea these creatures were capable of such things but none the less there were thousands of tiny shards of frozen spit being thrown in my direction.
  67. I turned around to save myself but found the ice burying far to deep into my back for me to survive. The shards continued to pummel me and I flinched with each piece that struck me. There was a ringing sound that had developed and progressively gotten louder until it was deafening. Just before I was ready to take the last strike the ice stopped flowing and the ringing continued only in my head.
  68. I fell to my knees and then on to my palms. I tried to stand but couldn't. I tried to breathe but could only breathe cold. I tried to reach for my back but only collapsed to my side.
  69. When I landed I felt the sharp pain of a few ice shards driving themselves deeper. I looked back where the creature would have landed expecting to find my last moments but to my surprise the creature wasn't there. I looked up into the sky and found that the Airen had fled so fast that it was barely visible in the distance to the north.
  70. Light blue dust was falling all around me. The dust disintegrated before it landed on the ground. The sparkling of the dust in the air came to a finish after a few moments.
  71. Was this just the scene before death or had I been saved somehow. I was startled by the sight of kryll feet standing by my head. I couldn't see who it was at first but I had to assume a friend given the situation. The glare coming from the sword was strong and it made it difficult to see. As I adjusted the glare faded and I discovered the wonder of who was standing by my side.
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