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Mar 19th, 2011
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  1. You: heyy
  2. Stranger: im looking for justin bieber !
  3. You: I am Justin Bieber!
  4. Stranger: haha, your so damn funny.
  5. You: No joke
  6. You: :o
  7. Stranger: like im really going to believe that.
  8. You: Why shouldnt it be true? :D
  9. Stranger: um, because a lot of people pose as justin bieber because they are fake no life losers. prove you're justin and i'll believe you.
  10. You: What do you want as proof?
  11. Stranger: anything.
  12. Stranger: whats your facebook page?
  13. You:!/JustinBieber
  14. You: Convinced?
  15. Stranger: nope.
  16. Stranger: how old were the girls that broke into your hotel room in liverpool?
  17. You: 16
  18. Stranger: and ? the other one was a different age.
  19. You: I dont remember, dont care for it anymore
  20. You: See
  21. You: I dont know if you believe me or not
  22. You: All I can say is that I am Justin, whether you believe me or not is your choice
  23. Stranger: i want to believe you because i am beyond in love with justin bieber but i know better then to believe some random creep posing as justin on omegle. if you can legit prove it, i will believe you.
  24. You: I can understand you, but I dont have too much time for this, especially not for proving that I am "the right one"
  25. You: Hope you can understand this, too
  26. Stranger: can you follow me on twitter "justin"
  27. You: I dont follow "normal" fans, sorry
  28. Stranger: no!! please justin! i love you. like, more then anything.
  30. You: This is really cute of you, but are not the only one
  31. You: If I stop following everyone who asks I will never stop with it
  32. Stranger: please justin!! like it would make me so happy. you followed all those other people. pleaseee.
  33. Stranger: i will do anything!!!
  34. You: You cant do anything as we dont know each other very well...there is nothing you can do for me, sorry ;)
  35. Stranger: oh my gosh. please justin!!!! i love you. posters of you cover my walls, i have pajamas, stickers, shirts, and bracelets that have you on them. and i have a whole album on facebook of you. thats how much i love you. and if you just followed me on twitter my life would be complete. and i could honestly say i have everything in the world.
  36. You: I can only repeat myself, this is really cute of you! But see, I really cant. In that moment I dont even have the chance, as my twitter-account is mostly used by my management and I cant even login here, sorry.
  37. Stranger: thats all lies. your twitter isnt used mostly by your management. there is no way your mangement would post that things that you do. and i know you tweet things from your phone. you have an iphone. so you just proved your a poser.
  38. You: I post things on my iphone
  39. You: And this is me
  40. You: But I dont follow people
  41. You: My management gives me a "list" of "important people" I should follow
  42. You: It is not my choice
  43. Stranger: really? thats why most of the people you follow are just random people. what country are you in for your tour right now? and what did you and jaden do yesterday for red nose day?
  44. You: See
  45. You: I know you still dont believe me and I can understand that
  46. You: But I dont want to try to convince you the whole time, as this is senseless for me
  47. You: I hope you understand this
  48. You: How old are you if I may ask?
  49. Stranger: i do understand. but what i dont understand is why your such a loser that you pose as justin bieber on omegle. its not funny to mess with girls that are in love with him. GET A LIFE. and if you may ask, i'm 17.
  50. You: It is not fair of you to threat me as a "poser", which I am definitly not
  51. You: But as I said in the beginning, it is your choice
  52. You: I try to get some contact to my fans in my really (you can believe me) rare freetime
  53. You: If they dont want it, it is fine
  54. You: I could do other things then
  55. Stranger: ohkay. fine. heey justinn (: im a HUGE fan (: how are you?
  56. You: Actually I am fine, but a little tired
  57. You: How are you?
  58. Stranger: ehh, could be better. in a really bad mood.
  59. You: Why are you in a bad mood?
  60. Stranger: my mom. irritates me. a lot.
  61. You: Explain it :)
  62. Stranger: i dont like talking about my problems. i keep everything to myself. but thanks. & i gotta weird random question?
  63. You: Sure?
  64. Stranger: can you get on twitter on your phone right now ?
  65. You: No, I cant
  66. You: Supplying it
  67. You: Here in Britain it is very late
  68. You: and it needs to be full tomorrow
  69. Stranger: oh. i see. hows jaden ?
  70. You: Fine I think
  71. You: at least thats what I heard today ;)
  72. Stranger: thats cool. do you use formspring?
  73. You: Formspring? What do you mean exactly?
  74. Stranger: the website.
  75. You: Never heard of it
  76. You: Should I?
  77. Stranger: yes, its amazing.
  78. You: Seems to use a lot of time, which I sadly dont have
  79. You: But maybe I'll check it later
  80. Stranger: you deffff shouldd. so, whatssup? enjoy red nose day with jaden ?
  81. You: Oh yeah
  82. You: Jaden is amazing
  83. You: But hey
  84. You: I need to get offline now
  85. You: Have a gig in Manchester tomorrow/today (dont know where you live)
  86. You: Really need some sleep
  87. Stranger: goodnight <3 remember that i love you! and if you ever get the chance follow me on twitter; CarolynnBeliebs
  88. You: I wish you a good night and thank you for your support! :)
  89. You: I'll see what I can do
  90. You: Good night!
  91. Stranger: your welcome <3 thanksss <3
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