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Nov 26th, 2012
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  1. [10/29/2012 2:11:46 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: yer but a bypass bypasses
  2. [10/29/2012 2:11:52 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: it doesnt stop battleye working
  3. [10/29/2012 2:12:17 AM] Max Shannon: yea server sided battleye will still run, But i can be kicked for turning myself into a goat
  4. [10/29/2012 2:12:23 AM] Max Shannon: Setting damage.. all mad stuff..
  5. [10/29/2012 2:12:38 AM] Max Shannon: my bypass just lets me spectate, use ESP anti hack tools basically
  6. [10/29/2012 2:12:55 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: whats esp anti hack
  7. [10/29/2012 2:13:35 AM] Max Shannon: my esp(cost me 5 euro) writs a message to a VDU when a player moves more than 500 feet in 5 seconds.
  8. [10/29/2012 2:14:00 AM] Max Shannon: Then , i spectate player and ban him if he does teleport
  9. [10/29/2012 2:14:43 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: only reason i ask is
  10. [10/29/2012 2:14:51 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: when we went to the heli
  11. [10/29/2012 2:14:55 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: we didnt have enough glass to repair it
  12. [10/29/2012 2:14:58 AM] Max Shannon: Everytime you've found me or ive found you i was actually playing the game, when running the scripts my game is near un bearable with lag..
  13. [10/29/2012 2:14:59 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: but after i moved car away
  14. [10/29/2012 2:15:01 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: and came back
  15. [10/29/2012 2:15:02 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: heli was fully repaired
  16. [10/29/2012 2:15:06 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: and it wanst legit
  17. [10/29/2012 2:15:14 AM] Max Shannon: The guys asked me, thats awas server
  18. [10/29/2012 2:15:29 AM] Max Shannon: that wasnt me.. Swear on my mothers life.. haha..
  19. [10/29/2012 2:15:54 AM] Max Shannon: we didnt even put glass in it remember, if i would have repaired the vehicle the fuel would have filled up
  20. [10/29/2012 2:16:00 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: well somebody in the group was hacking
  21. [10/29/2012 2:16:03 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: cos thats a wuat script
  22. [10/29/2012 2:16:05 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: repair vehicle
  23. [10/29/2012 2:16:13 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: and they shouldnt be doing that
  24. [10/29/2012 2:16:33 AM] Max Shannon: Sometimes on AWAs, choppers dont repair fully even after twice the parts are put into it..
  25. [10/29/2012 2:17:08 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: nah
  26. [10/29/2012 2:17:11 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: all choppers repair
  27. [10/29/2012 2:17:13 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: with 9 glass
  28. [10/29/2012 2:17:29 AM] Max Shannon: Yes, WUAT scripts also fully refuel the helicopter.. that comes up on the logs.. setFuel ''1200'' if (fuel == 1200 < 60)
  29. [10/29/2012 2:17:50 AM] Max Shannon: basically if the fuel is filled to the neck in less than 60 seconds, logs report
  30. [10/29/2012 2:17:58 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: but
  31. [10/29/2012 2:17:59 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: you can just edit wuat
  32. [10/29/2012 2:18:07 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: so that it doesnt fill fuel lol
  33. [10/29/2012 2:18:33 AM] Max Shannon: well, wuat doesnt work on awas private hive..
  34. [10/29/2012 2:18:37 AM] Max Shannon: or any bliss server
  35. [10/29/2012 2:18:51 AM] Max Shannon: Did you not know that?
  36. [10/29/2012 2:18:54 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: well i presume an admin
  37. [10/29/2012 2:18:56 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: can just list the scripts in it
  38. [10/29/2012 2:19:01 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: and stop them from being executed
  39. [10/29/2012 2:19:15 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: but you can script many ways to teleport
  40. [10/29/2012 2:19:18 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: and many ways to repair
  41. [10/29/2012 2:19:28 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: and an admin ant list all illegal scripts
  42. [10/29/2012 2:19:32 AM] Max Shannon: Only people with remote ex bypasses can teleport
  43. [10/29/2012 2:19:42 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: all a bypass does is let you run the scripts
  44. [10/29/2012 2:19:48 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: or byattleye kicks you
  45. [10/29/2012 2:19:53 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: or bans you depending on the script ran
  46. [10/29/2012 2:19:57 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: that dance script
  47. [10/29/2012 2:19:58 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: if i ran it
  48. [10/29/2012 2:20:01 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: it would kick me
  49. [10/29/2012 2:20:14 AM] Max Shannon: wana see the 2 scripts i use?
  50. [10/29/2012 2:20:22 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: nah
  51. [10/29/2012 2:20:30 AM] Max Shannon: its only a pastebin
  52. [10/29/2012 2:20:33 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: i use arma eidtor a long time
  53. [10/29/2012 2:20:38 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: scripting is easy
  54. [10/29/2012 2:20:49 AM] Max Shannon: well took me 3 weeks to figure out spectate haha
  55. [10/29/2012 2:20:54 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: lol
  56. [10/29/2012 2:20:56 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: u should hav ejust googled
  57. [10/29/2012 2:21:20 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: should get awa to set a 30s countdown
  58. [10/29/2012 2:21:22 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: upon exit
  59. [10/29/2012 2:21:28 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: to stop combat loggers
  60. [10/29/2012 2:21:31 AM] Max Shannon: 2 stop alt+f4ing?
  61. [10/29/2012 2:21:32 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: yer
  62. [10/29/2012 2:21:38 AM] Max Shannon: Yes, and i said a custom loot table
  63. [10/29/2012 2:21:43 AM] Max Shannon: Removing l85s
  64. [10/29/2012 2:21:43 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: yer
  65. [10/29/2012 2:21:55 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: l85 and as50 need removing
  67. [10/29/2012 2:22:56 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: i also wondered how you found us yesterday lol
  68. [10/29/2012 2:23:00 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: well jack wondered
  69. [10/29/2012 2:23:12 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: cos we saw u run towards barn and shoot zombies
  70. [10/29/2012 2:23:16 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: after the bus was disabled
  71. [10/29/2012 2:23:22 AM] Max Shannon: Where?
  72. [10/29/2012 2:23:23 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: then somehow you found us again other side of cherno
  73. [10/29/2012 2:23:36 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: and you never had a line of sight on us
  74. [10/29/2012 2:23:46 AM] Max Shannon: well i spawned in on the hotel
  75. [10/29/2012 2:23:51 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: nah
  76. [10/29/2012 2:23:52 AM] Max Shannon: where are you talking about?
  77. [10/29/2012 2:23:53 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: not then
  78. [10/29/2012 2:23:56 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: you crashed the bus
  79. [10/29/2012 2:23:57 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: you were driving
  80. [10/29/2012 2:24:02 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: or it got shot
  81. [10/29/2012 2:24:03 AM] Max Shannon: Yea i whent to look for a wheel
  82. [10/29/2012 2:24:05 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: we followed up to it
  83. [10/29/2012 2:24:09 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: and you ran to the barn
  84. [10/29/2012 2:24:12 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: near cherno powerstation
  85. [10/29/2012 2:24:17 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: cos i name tagged u
  86. [10/29/2012 2:24:20 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: when we saw u run up there
  87. [10/29/2012 2:24:25 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: then we ran other side of cherno
  88. [10/29/2012 2:24:27 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: opposite direction to you
  89. [10/29/2012 2:24:32 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: and you were with us again
  90. [10/29/2012 2:24:46 AM] Max Shannon: I went to the industrial, did you not see side chat?
  91. [10/29/2012 2:24:53 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: lol
  92. [10/29/2012 2:24:54 AM] Max Shannon: We were looking for wheels
  93. [10/29/2012 2:24:57 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: it just amazes me
  94. [10/29/2012 2:24:59 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: on a huge manp
  95. [10/29/2012 2:25:01 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: you find us 3 times
  96. [10/29/2012 2:25:06 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: iv never seen a player do this
  97. [10/29/2012 2:25:26 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: then you randomly killed zombies right in our line of sight
  98. [10/29/2012 2:25:31 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: which makes me think u knew where we were all time
  99. [10/29/2012 2:25:39 AM] Max Shannon: I didn't even know you were there haha?
  100. [10/29/2012 2:25:41 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: which from what i read earlier about navigator
  101. [10/29/2012 2:25:44 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: i think u were using that on us
  102. [10/29/2012 2:25:52 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: as i told u our names
  103. [10/29/2012 2:25:55 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: and it shows names
  104. [10/29/2012 2:26:29 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: that doesnt seem that legit man
  105. [10/29/2012 2:26:31 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: if ur folloiwng people like that
  106. [10/29/2012 2:26:40 AM] Max Shannon: Nah man, if i wanted to be a fanboy i would have followed you straight away, i ran on the coast away from zombies?
  107. [10/29/2012 2:26:47 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: well
  108. [10/29/2012 2:26:50 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: im very careful in dayz
  109. [10/29/2012 2:26:53 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: you never had a line of sight on us
  110. [10/29/2012 2:26:59 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: yet you managed to find us again
  111. [10/29/2012 2:27:11 AM] Max Shannon: I didnt even know you were there man?
  112. [10/29/2012 2:27:16 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: yer you did lol
  113. [10/29/2012 2:27:17 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: :D
  114. [10/29/2012 2:27:22 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: thats why you danced
  115. [10/29/2012 2:27:24 AM] Max Shannon: on which part?
  116. [10/29/2012 2:27:25 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: right infront of us
  117. [10/29/2012 2:27:34 AM] Max Shannon: I always dance haha
  118. [10/29/2012 2:27:46 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: i only tell you this now
  119. [10/29/2012 2:27:50 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: cos when people see the dance in video
  120. [10/29/2012 2:27:53 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: they gonna think ur a hacker
  121. [10/29/2012 2:28:10 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: cos ur name tage etc. is on show
  122. [10/29/2012 2:28:14 AM] Max Shannon: Well, my dance is on
  123. [10/29/2012 2:28:26 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: but dance is an illegal script
  124. [10/29/2012 2:28:29 AM] Max Shannon: AWA is also subbed to my channel
  125. [10/29/2012 2:28:39 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: people know its an illegal script
  126. [10/29/2012 2:29:26 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: just sayin you should really use dayz navigator etc.
  127. [10/29/2012 2:29:31 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: whilst admining
  128. [10/29/2012 2:29:36 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: teleport esps etc
  129. [10/29/2012 2:29:37 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: are fine
  130. [10/29/2012 2:29:39 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: for detecting
  131. [10/29/2012 2:29:44 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: but something like navigator
  132. [10/29/2012 2:29:48 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: seems a massive advantage
  133. [10/29/2012 2:30:16 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: dont think many of them gonna believe you found us 3 times
  134. [10/29/2012 2:30:41 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: nobody has every legit found me 3 times
  135. [10/29/2012 2:30:42 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: ever
  136. [10/29/2012 2:30:59 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: so im almost certain u were running navigator
  137. [10/29/2012 2:31:47 AM] Max Shannon: Well, i told you.. while using the esps and stuff i cant move.. But i can tell you now, i don't use the navigator. Simpkly because it takes alot of system power.
  138. [10/29/2012 2:31:57 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: 0_o
  139. [10/29/2012 2:32:04 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: isnt it a firefox plugin lol
  140. [10/29/2012 2:32:06 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: cant take that much
  141. [10/29/2012 2:32:24 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: makes me wonder who else uses it
  142. [10/29/2012 2:32:28 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: since you linked me it
  143. [10/29/2012 2:32:35 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: and who got banned today
  144. [10/29/2012 2:32:38 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: when 1.183 came out
  145. [10/29/2012 2:32:43 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: cos i noticed server was emptier
  146. [10/29/2012 2:33:16 AM] Max Shannon: Yea, i noticed that also, but you do need a remote ex bypass to run the navigator.. and you'll see, im not banned
  148. [10/29/2012 2:33:42 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: nah you dont
  149. [10/29/2012 2:33:43 AM] Max Shannon: Im way up north, i get 25-30 frames in cherno, if i had navigator, id get like 10..
  150. [10/29/2012 2:33:44 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: it says in the log
  151. [10/29/2012 2:33:48 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: on the post you gave me
  152. [10/29/2012 2:33:51 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: you dont need a bypass
  153. [10/29/2012 2:34:13 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: i would imagine it just downloads the coordinates
  154. [10/29/2012 2:34:14 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: form the server
  155. [10/29/2012 2:34:20 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: and puts them in a google map
  156. [10/29/2012 2:34:30 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: users gonna be fucked now though
  157. [10/29/2012 2:34:32 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: since 1.183
  158. [10/29/2012 2:36:31 AM] Max Shannon: Well AWA knows, i use ESP and the spectator, but on our admin map, it draws lines of players using the navgiator, hitting tenet to tent, vehicle to vehicle Theres no need for me, if i wanted because admin map shows everything..
  160. [10/29/2012 2:36:58 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: well
  161. [10/29/2012 2:37:05 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: u still need to find who auto repaired the heli
  162. [10/29/2012 2:37:10 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: cos thats not a legit admin script
  163. [10/29/2012 2:37:11 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: thats admin abuse
  164. [10/29/2012 2:37:17 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: or a hacker
  165. [10/29/2012 2:37:51 AM] Max Shannon: Well, i only put engine parts in the chopper, i never touched the glass..
  166. [10/29/2012 2:38:08 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: one in the group
  167. [10/29/2012 2:38:11 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: waited until i was away
  168. [10/29/2012 2:38:11 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: with the car
  169. [10/29/2012 2:38:15 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: and auto repaired it
  170. [10/29/2012 2:38:19 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: cos they knew i would notice
  171. [10/29/2012 2:39:05 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: so one of your clan hacks
  172. [10/29/2012 2:39:08 AM] Max Shannon: Well, im sure i didnt repair it, me and s2k repaired rotor and engine, unique had scrap and a windscreen
  173. [10/29/2012 2:39:16 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: one in your clan hacks
  174. [10/29/2012 2:39:34 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: i rewatched the footage
  175. [10/29/2012 2:39:38 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: there is no way it was legit
  176. [10/29/2012 2:39:41 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: absolutely no way
  177. [10/29/2012 2:39:59 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: just wrecks fun of game
  178. [10/29/2012 2:40:02 AM] Max Shannon: You do relise that its server sided i can go show you now?
  179. [10/29/2012 2:40:16 AM] Max Shannon: Somestimes choppers hull dont fix, therefore it leaks
  180. [10/29/2012 2:40:59 AM] Max Shannon: Sometimes they auto repiar themselfs, and they also have a certain% chance to spawn 10% fixed etc on awas, ( i know the windscreens where broke) but it does it with every vehicle
  181. [10/29/2012 2:41:44 AM] Max Shannon: theres 2 choppers in awas right now, that wont repair..
  182. [10/29/2012 2:41:49 AM] Max Shannon: hulls stuck
  183. [10/29/2012 2:41:50 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: lol
  184. [10/29/2012 2:41:51 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: every chopper repairs
  185. [10/29/2012 2:41:59 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: you just need 9 glass
  186. [10/29/2012 2:42:05 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: you repair the last glass twice
  187. [10/29/2012 2:42:07 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: the bug
  188. [10/29/2012 2:42:09 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: is that until you do that
  189. [10/29/2012 2:42:13 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: it continually leaks fuel
  190. [10/29/2012 2:42:16 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: faster than can be filled
  191. [10/29/2012 2:42:22 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: its not a bug stopping it being repaired
  192. [10/29/2012 2:42:45 AM] Max Shannon: well, i actually didnt know that so you need what 18 glass?
  193. [10/29/2012 2:42:50 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: nah
  194. [10/29/2012 2:42:52 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: you need 9 glass
  195. [10/29/2012 2:42:55 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: you go down each glass
  196. [10/29/2012 2:42:56 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: in the list
  197. [10/29/2012 2:42:58 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: and repair once
  198. [10/29/2012 2:43:00 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: even if green
  199. [10/29/2012 2:43:05 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: and you repair the last in the list another time
  200. [10/29/2012 2:43:16 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: then its fixed
  201. [10/29/2012 2:43:21 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: and iv never seen one auto repair
  202. [10/29/2012 2:43:25 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: without it being a result of a server restart
  203. [10/29/2012 2:43:28 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: not properly tracking it
  204. [10/29/2012 2:43:43 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: well im glad 1.183 put navigator out of action
  205. [10/29/2012 2:43:52 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: would have literally stopped playing reading what i read today about it
  206. [10/29/2012 2:43:55 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: a full map hack
  207. [10/29/2012 2:43:56 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: wow
  208. [10/29/2012 2:43:58 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: some people are lame
  209. [10/29/2012 2:44:38 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: nobody should use that shit, admin or not
  210. [10/29/2012 2:44:44 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: cos you kill one guy whilst using it
  211. [10/29/2012 2:44:47 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: your as bad as the hackers
  212. [10/29/2012 2:44:54 AM] Max Shannon: I don't need to use anything like that, i can look at the admin map.. But we did notice today, a list of usual players, got banned for gamehack #77
  213. [10/29/2012 2:44:56 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: you gave an unfair advantage to get that kill
  214. [10/29/2012 2:45:12 AM] Max Shannon: Who did i kill with it?
  215. [10/29/2012 2:45:14 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: not you
  216. [10/29/2012 2:45:17 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: im speaking generally
  217. [10/29/2012 2:45:21 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: nobody should have a map hack
  218. [10/29/2012 2:45:25 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: whether admin or not
  219. [10/29/2012 2:45:38 AM] Max Shannon: Nah, the map refreshs every 25 mins
  220. [10/29/2012 2:45:39 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: thats why i never created my own dayz server
  221. [10/29/2012 2:45:42 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: lol
  222. [10/29/2012 2:45:52 AM] Max Shannon: my admin map, thats linked to awkack
  223. [10/29/2012 2:45:55 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: yer
  224. [10/29/2012 2:45:57 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: thats fine
  225. [10/29/2012 2:45:58 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: but navigator
  226. [10/29/2012 2:46:02 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: that has a 1sec timer
  227. [10/29/2012 2:46:06 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: there is a screenshot of it
  228. [10/29/2012 2:46:09 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: auto fucking refresh
  229. [10/29/2012 2:46:11 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: so its like a movie map
  230. [10/29/2012 2:46:38 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: but well
  231. [10/29/2012 2:46:41 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: at least u caught that hacker
  232. [10/29/2012 2:46:42 AM] Max Shannon: Nah, man i really dont use the navigator, i catch hackers and i am good at what i do..
  233. [10/29/2012 2:46:51 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: who shot at jack
  234. [10/29/2012 2:47:00 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: but u should spectate your clan
  235. [10/29/2012 2:47:02 AM] Max Shannon: Well, i didnt?
  236. [10/29/2012 2:47:02 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: one of them cheats
  237. [10/29/2012 2:47:16 AM] Max Shannon: only one i can vouch for is s2k and sada, we met dan online
  238. [10/29/2012 2:47:26 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: somebody hack repaired the heli
  239. [10/29/2012 2:47:27 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: definitely
  240. [10/29/2012 2:47:35 AM] Max Shannon: also unique got banned for gamehack #77 today.. but it could have been a dif guy
  241. [10/29/2012 2:47:39 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: makes me wonder
  242. [10/29/2012 2:47:43 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: how nobody else noticed
  243. [10/29/2012 2:47:48 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: i didnt say as would have wrecekd video
  244. [10/29/2012 2:48:04 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: but there were 5 people there
  245. [10/29/2012 2:48:16 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: how did nobody spot it suddenly got repaired
  246. [10/29/2012 2:48:21 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: im thinking more than one knows somebody hacks
  247. [10/29/2012 2:48:44 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: i mean u guys wernt noobs
  248. [10/29/2012 2:48:47 AM] Max Shannon: Well, somebody was repairing the chopper while i was in it, somebody that didnt have a ghillee suit
  249. [10/29/2012 2:48:55 AM] Max Shannon: then everything went green but no fuel
  250. [10/29/2012 2:49:05 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: well
  251. [10/29/2012 2:49:10 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: i dont think thats the case
  252. [10/29/2012 2:49:15 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: from the scripts i know of
  253. [10/29/2012 2:49:21 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: you have to be in vehicle to repiar
  254. [10/29/2012 2:49:25 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: or at least in editor
  255. [10/29/2012 2:49:26 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: if you want to
  256. [10/29/2012 2:49:45 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: makes me wonder how hacker free AWA is
  257. [10/29/2012 2:49:58 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: but i guess until somebody hack kills me will keep playing there
  258. [10/29/2012 2:50:14 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: and no rollback on server either
  259. [10/29/2012 2:50:16 AM] Max Shannon: well, we suffered a massive hacker attack last night..
  260. [10/29/2012 2:50:19 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: so if someone hacks
  261. [10/29/2012 2:50:23 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: all are fucked
  262. [10/29/2012 2:51:11 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: is so annoying seriously for me
  263. [10/29/2012 2:51:16 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: cos i played dayz when there were no hackers
  264. [10/29/2012 2:51:20 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: and kids wrecked it so fast
  265. [10/29/2012 2:51:32 AM] Max Shannon: 1 sec, i cant fucking ban these hackers that are on now
  266. [10/29/2012 2:52:27 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: well you seem to be quite vigilant which is good
  267. [10/29/2012 2:52:32 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: so when we play ill send you a msg
  268. [10/29/2012 2:52:36 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: so you can keep an eye out if your on
  269. [10/29/2012 2:53:13 AM] Max Shannon: I might just spectate you or jack with your permission, sit here with some popcorn
  271. [10/29/2012 2:57:02 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: i dont see how they can stop people taking player coords etc.
  272. [10/29/2012 2:57:17 AM] Max Shannon: Well, you have to understand the people making hacks, make them for money.. men will do strange things for money
  273. [10/29/2012 2:57:54 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: yer but navigator is free
  274. [10/29/2012 2:57:57 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: thats the problem
  275. [10/29/2012 2:57:58 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: or it was
  276. [10/29/2012 2:58:00 AM] FRANKIEonPCin1080p: until today
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