
Amputated Sea Fluffy

Jun 6th, 2012
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  1. >”Sea fluffies?!” you screech. “What sort of genetic debauchery is this?!”
  2. >Your abuse senses tingle.
  3. >You don’t abuse animals. Just fluffy ponies. And your mothers Elkhound, but that’s ancient history.
  4. >You feel obligated to set a precedent for torturing sea fluffies!
  5. >The guy who suggested cutting their legs off so they don’t hurt themselves and forcing them to spend the rest of their lives in a bowl was a genius.
  6. >A divine light shoots down from the heavens and crashes into you, filling your entire room with a golden aura and knocking around all the dirty laundry you refuse to wash.
  7. >New quest! Impress random strangers on the Internet!
  8. >But first you have to clean your Fleshjack.
  9. >You clean your Fleshjack.
  10. >Finished with that, you stroll out to your 1980 Plymouth Duster.
  11. >Grab your fluffy hunter backpack adorned with five fluffy pelts, a necklace of horns, and a few feathers.
  12. >You slap in some AC/DC on the 8 track player and rock out to the tunes as you haul ass through your tiny neighborhood so everyone in the area knows how cool you are because your engine sounds mean.
  13. >Acquire two cheap aquariums.
  14. >Drive thirty minutes out of your way to the ocean.
  15. >Wander around for an hour until you finally spot a few of them splashing at each other.
  16. >Aren’t you lucky? Normally people have to go diving to find these things.
  17. >Dive in headfirst screaming in rage with the bucket clenched between your teeth.
  18. >They swim away. Quickly.
  19. >So they are faster than normal fluffies, but that certainly can’t mean that they are more intelligent.
  20. >Swim out to the shore and reach into your backpack.
  21. >Inside is some fancy Weeaboo Seaweed.
  22. >Says Gnarly on it.
  23. >Wait.
  24. >Nori.
  25. >”Hey, sea fluffies! I have nummies for you!”
  27. >”Yay, nummies!”
  28. >Laughing maniacally, you tear open the bag and throw it into the ocean beneath you.
  29. >”Are you okay?” says a new voice while the sea fluffies gobble up their nummies in an adorable fashion.
  30. >You turn around with a savage grunt and see a perfect ten looking at you.
  31. >First impressions are everything.
  32. >”Can I stick my dick between your tits?” you ask.
  33. >She continues on her way like nothing happened.
  34. >Women were so much easier to pick up in college.
  35. >”Can haf mo’ nummies?”
  36. >The sea fluffies! You almost forgot!
  37. >”How would two of you like a brand new daddy?!”
  38. >They jump out of the water in glee like little dolphins.
  39. >One of them is rather fat and you believe that she might be pregnant. Excellent.
  40. >”You! The girl! You now have a new daddy!”
  41. >”I nuu giwl sea fwuff, I boy!” he says while giggling and holding his inflated belly lovingly with his two fins.
  42. >Oh, that’s right! One time you watched the Discovery Channel during their Big Blue Ocean Week, or whatever the hell it was called.
  43. >Male seahorses are capable of giving birth!
  44. >”If you want a new daddy and plenty of nummies, swim into this bucket!”
  45. >All the sea fluffies swim right into the bucket, but you only make sure two get in.
  46. >”No, you are bad sea fluffies! Go get eaten by a shark!” you yell as you throw the extra sea fluffies back into the ocean.
  47. >The rejected sea fluffies cry as you run back to your car.
  48. >Drop a couple of rocks into the bucket so it holds steady while you are driving. While doing this, the sea fluffy who is not pregnant jumps up and hugs your arm.
  49. >”Wuv daddy!”
  50. >It lets go and lands back in the bucket.
  52. >Hit two stray fluffies and a dog on your way home.
  53. >Fill up the first aquarium with fresh water and drop the pregnant fluffy inside.
  54. >”Wuv new ta. . .” he says before he gags. “Daddy! Som’ting wong wif watah!”
  55. >”Hah-hah! Wong!” you say.
  56. >He screams in pain as his gills refuse to process the fresh water.
  57. >Your boner tears out of your pants and puts a dent in the garage door.
  58. >Are there salt water and fresh water sea fluffies?
  59. >You make a note on your erection to Google that
  60. >”Is sea fwend huwt?” the other fluffy asks, perching on top of the bucket and trying to see his buddy in the new tank.
  61. >The sea fluffy goes into labor prematurely and fills the tank with undeveloped eggs, crying out for help until he finally dies.
  62. >You grab the other sea fluffy and slam him on the table, picking up a pair of scissors nearby.
  63. >”Sea fwuff can owny stay out of watah fo’ wittle bit, den haf go back, but stiw can. . .” he tries to explain to you.
  64. >You tear the fluff from his little sea chest.
  65. >You cut off both of his fins and he starts screaming in terror.
  66. >Blood spurts out everywhere.
  67. >All over the place.
  68. >The garage is filled with blood.
  69. “Okay, this is getting a little ridiculous.”
  70. “I agwee. What can do?”
  71. “Not much, we’re just two characters in a shitty fan fic.”
  72. “You shud scowd me fo’ bweeding so much when da aufoh stops wubbin’ his no-no pwace.”
  73. “Good idea.”
  75. >”Stop bleeding all over my garage, you little shit!”
  76. >”Nuuuuuuuu!” the sea fluffy mewls.
  78. >You cut off his tail and drop him back into the bucket.
  79. >”Whew taiw go? Whew fins go? Why new daddy huwt?” he asks weakly.
  80. >”Bad fluffies live in the bucket!”
  81. >You make sure to keep him alive.
  82. >Yes, you succeeded!
  83. >Post on the Internet about how you should cut off a sea fluffies fins and tail so that they can’t move around the aquarium and hurt themselves.
  84. >Everyone is way ahead of you.
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