
Heries: Attempt to kill Icemount (Uncleaned gimme a bit)

Jul 9th, 2013
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  1. 21:34:41: deepsLight 6has connected to the memo!
  2. 21:34:51: <tenebrousPsycher> 14hello.
  3. 21:34:56: <girlygamer> 13hey
  4. 21:34:59: <tenaciousTheseus> It's always been a thing
  5. 21:35:01: <iceMount> 6Hello. .oO
  6. 21:35:02: <tenaciousTheseus> Hey
  7. 21:35:08: <deepsLight> 6hello
  8. 21:35:25: <girlygamer> 13who writes this stuff tho
  9. 21:35:37: <tenebrousPsycher> 14no idea.
  10. 21:35:39: <girlygamer> 13like people are just watching the memo and writin replayers fuckin
  11. 21:35:41: <tenebrousPsycher> 14a bunch.
  12. 21:35:47: <girlygamer> 13god thats creepy as fuck
  13. 21:35:50: <tenaciousTheseus> Yep
  14. 21:35:52: <stanzicApparati> 12Hello.
  15. 21:35:53: <mislaidLullaby> 2<| Hello |>
  16. 21:35:54: <tenaciousTheseus> Also yep
  17. 21:36:01: <tenebrousPsycher> 14I mostly look after the lists and commentary on them.
  18. 21:36:16: <stanzicApparati> 12And this is why it's generally considered impolite, to say the least, to share RPF with the people it involves.
  19. 21:36:17: <deepsLight> 6what a fun thing to come online to see
  20. 21:36:22: <mislaidLullaby> 2<| I have absolutely nothing to say about this |>
  21. 21:36:30: <girlygamer> 13oh god what if people write shit about me thats fuckin weird
  22. 21:36:40: <iceMount> 6Ah, you would be one of the ones in my session, if my memory does not betray me. .oO
  23. 21:36:44: <tenaciousTheseus> Probably
  24. 21:36:45: <stanzicApparati> 12You been on CF much?
  25. 21:36:46: <deepsLight> 6yes
  26. 21:37:05: <girlygamer> 13no
  27. 21:37:24: <tenebrousPsycher> 14you are missing the worst and best stuff.
  28. 21:37:33: <iceMount> 6You appear to be missing your quirk, Deelig. .oO
  29. 21:37:45: <deepsLight> 6am i?
  30. 21:37:53: <iceMount> 6You are indeed. .oO
  31. 21:38:02: <tenaciousTheseus> Mainly the worst stuff
  32. 21:38:06: <deepsLight> 6huh, i guess i forgot it
  33. 21:38:08: <deepsLight> 6oh well
  34. 21:38:17: <tenaciousTheseus> [Gee, you wonder who deepsLight is]
  35. 21:38:30: <stanzicApparati> 12[It's a ~mystery~.]
  36. 21:39:03: <iceMount> 6May I ask who you might have lost it to? I have my suspicions, but I might as well hear what you have to say. .oO
  37. 21:39:42: <deepsLight> 6who says i've lost it?
  38. 21:39:58: <iceMount> 6One does not simply forget their quirk. .oO
  39. 21:40:02: <girlygamer> 13wait huh
  40. 21:40:04: <deepsLight> 6good point i guess
  41. 21:40:40: <tenebrousPsycher> 14what, did you lose your head a bit?
  42. 21:40:57: <girlygamer> 13wait what
  43. 21:40:59: <tenaciousTheseus> [Oh god Cassie no]
  44. 21:41:03: <deepsLight> 6nope
  45. 21:41:06: <tenaciousTheseus> [You shouldn't be laughing]
  46. 21:41:30: <deepsLight> 6[You are laughing, because wow they all know you so well.]
  47. 21:41:50: <mislaidLullaby> 2[ You facepalm ]
  48. 21:41:59: <deepsLight> 6all limbs appear to be intact from what i can see
  49. 21:42:05: <deepsLight> 6hell, not even too much blood loss
  50. 21:42:11: <stanzicApparati> 12Mm.
  51. 21:42:19: <girlygamer> 13w h a t
  52. 21:42:20: <iceMount> 6Of you or of the one whose dongle you are stealing? .oO
  53. 21:43:17: <deepsLight> 6who says i /stole/ it? maybe i'm just borrowing
  54. 21:43:44: <stanzicApparati> 12Borrowing a dongle.
  55. 21:43:45: <iceMount> 6If you are borrowing, then kindly give it back to her. Your other account has not been banned yet. .oO
  56. 21:43:59: <girlygamer> 13what the fuck are yall talkin about im right here yknow
  57. 21:44:04: <deepsLight> 6yes, you /can/ access places while a person is still alive you know
  58. 21:44:15: <deepsLight> 6don't have to kill them to use their dongle
  59. 21:44:18: <stanzicApparati> 12...
  60. 21:44:32: <tenaciousTheseus> Alright. So.
  61. 21:44:39: <girlygamer> 13do i not exist or somethin
  62. 21:44:43: <deepsLight> 6no you don't exist
  63. 21:44:45: <deepsLight> 6c:
  64. 21:44:49: <girlygamer> 13fuck you
  65. 21:44:51: mislaidLullaby 2PMs "Girgam" ( Long story short that is a mass murderer )
  66. 21:44:53: tenebrousPsycher 14PMs "Kari" (sweetie, not the time.)
  67. 21:44:57: <iceMount> 6girlyGamer, it would best if you were to leave for now. .oO
  68. 21:44:58: <tenaciousTheseus> Why did you get another account, and what'll happen to the person who's alive?
  69. 21:45:01: tenebrousPsycher 14PMs "Kari" (breathe.)
  70. 21:45:10: mislaidLullaby 2PMs "Girgam" ( I honestly cannot find a better way to summarise this all )
  71. 21:45:25: girlygamer 13PMs "mislul" (what)
  72. 21:45:33: tenebrousPsycher 14PMs "Kari" (do you have a friend or quadrant to talk to? might be a good time to.)
  73. 21:45:36: <deepsLight> 6i was bored mostly
  74. 21:45:36: girlygamer 13PMs "mislul" (then why the fuck are they here???)
  75. 21:45:44: <iceMount> 6[>Icemount: go outside]
  76. 21:45:49: <deepsLight> 6and so far nothing is gonna happen to them i guess
  77. 21:46:01: <iceMount> 6I do not suppose you would tell us where miss Deelig is, would you? .oO
  78. 21:46:04: mislaidLullaby 2PMs "Girgam" ( Because whenever we try to get rid of her she kills people if I remember right )
  79. 21:46:07: <deepsLight> 6oh of course not
  80. 21:46:12: <deepsLight> 6that would suck the fun out of it
  81. 21:46:15: <tenaciousTheseus> So you're going to let them go?
  82. 21:46:17: <deepsLight> 6maybe
  83. 21:46:35: <tenaciousTheseus> There's an "if" in there somewhere, isn't there
  84. 21:47:06: stanzicApparati 12PMs "girgam" : (That's a multi-count PKer who's stolen someone else's account. Avoid talking to her. We mainly keep her around so that we can get some idea of what she's up to, and maybe help her coplayers avoid her.)
  85. 21:47:08: girlygamer 13PMs "cassie" (no friends in session and i think tri and kris are both offline)
  86. 21:47:18: girlygamer 13PMs "mislul" (why has no one killed her then)
  87. 21:47:32: mislaidLullaby 2PMs "Girgam" ( Several people tried )
  88. 21:47:55: tenebrousPsycher 14PMs "Kari" (try anyway. maybe one will answer.)
  89. 21:48:06: <deepsLight> 6hmmm?
  90. 21:48:20: girlygamer 13PMs "cassie" (k)
  91. 21:48:33: girlygamer 13has disconnected from the memo!
  92. 21:48:43: <deepsLight> 6also the kid's kinda cute, can't be more than six
  93. 21:48:45: <iceMount> 6[>Icemount: Designate "the Land Heries is in" and activate [Bridge of Stars].]
  94. 21:48:48: <deepsLight> 6the glowy paint was a nice touch
  95. 21:48:52: <tenaciousTheseus> What decides whether she lives or dies?
  96. 21:48:57: <deepsLight> 6i don't know yet!
  97. 21:49:00: <iceMount> 6[You'll narrow it down after you land]
  98. 21:49:07: <deepsLight> 6maybe you all should test it out to see what keeps her alive?
  99. 21:49:14: <mislaidLullaby> 2<| Nope |>
  100. 21:49:20: mislaidLullaby 2has disconnected from server!
  101. 21:49:23: girlygamer 13PMs "tri" (hey are you here)
  102. 21:49:28: <tenaciousTheseus> I don't think anyone's going to do that
  103. 21:49:42: <tenaciousTheseus> I'm certainly not going to play a game without any rules
  104. 21:49:47: <tenebrousPsycher> 12numeralsApostate PMs "kar1" (hey there.)
  105. 21:49:48: <iceMount> 6That is hardly fun, making us play a game in which a single wrong answer ends it. .oO
  106. 21:49:58: <deepsLight> 6nah, a single wrong answer doesn't end it
  107. 21:50:29: <iceMount> 6If you kill her, it ends, does it not? .oO
  108. 21:50:58: <iceMount> 6[>Arrive at the Land of Brine and Glow]
  109. 21:51:00: <deepsLight> 6well i mean there is one or two things that would instantly end the game, but not /everything/ is a wrong answer
  110. 21:51:08: girlygamer 13PMs "tri" (howve you been doin)
  111. 21:51:12: <tenebrousPsycher> 12numeralsApostate PMs "kar1" (1t really fuck1ng sucks t0 be back 0n Altern1a.)
  112. 21:51:17: <tenaciousTheseus> Are you going to tell us what's going to do what?
  113. 21:51:22: <tenaciousTheseus> Or are we supposed to walk blind?
  114. 21:52:05: girlygamer 13PMs "tri" (your presessions on alternia??)
  115. 21:52:19: <tenebrousPsycher> 12numeralsApostate PMs "kar1" (1 d1d the th1ng where 1 g0t stuff w1th my bl00d c0l0r. and yes. 1t 1s.)
  116. 21:52:25: <deepsLight> 6hmmm, maybe if someone asks nicely i might give a hint
  117. 21:52:43: <tenaciousTheseus> Will you please give us a hint?
  118. 21:53:20: <tenebrousPsycher> 12numeralsApostate PMs "kar1" (1t k1nd 0f sucks but 1 w1ll l1ve.)
  119. 21:53:20: <iceMount> 6[>Designate "the acre that Heries is in" and activate [Bridge of Stars] again]
  120. 21:53:36: girlygamer 13PMs "tri" (are you back on one of those ships again?)
  121. 21:53:41: <deepsLight> 6well since you asked so nicely
  122. 21:54:27: <tenebrousPsycher> 12numeralsApostate PMs "kar1" (n0. 0n the gr0und)
  123. 21:55:18: girlygamer 13PMs "tri" (maybe presession will be short)
  124. 21:55:22: <deepsLight> 6if i'm forced to leave
  125. 21:55:27: <deepsLight> 6things go south
  126. 21:55:43: <tenaciousTheseus> Right
  127. 21:55:58: <iceMount> 6[Your meteor moves about ten feet and stops. Welp.]
  128. 21:56:01: <tenebrousPsycher> 12numeralsApostate PMs "kar1" (1 h0pe s0. there 1s 0ne name s0 far 0n my chumpr0ll.)
  129. 21:56:24: <iceMount> 6[There's some interesting caves, part of a trench, and the Spire.]
  130. 21:56:35: girlygamer 13PMs "tri" (do you know the name)
  131. 21:57:02: <tenaciousTheseus> Anything else you're going to tell us?
  132. 21:57:06: <deepsLight> 6nope!
  133. 21:57:14: <deepsLight> 6sorry one free hint per game
  134. 21:57:23: stanzicApparati 12PMs "everyone but deepsLight" : (#rules - we need a safe place to work out what the hell to do.)
  135. 21:57:39: <tenaciousTheseus> Free hint?
  136. 21:57:42: <tenaciousTheseus> Is there some way to get more?
  137. 21:57:45: <deepsLight> 6yes that was technically free
  138. 21:57:47: <deepsLight> 6maybe!
  139. 21:58:23: <tenaciousTheseus> If you're not going to be cooperative, I'm not going to play
  140. 21:58:34: <deepsLight> 6hey i'm being very cooperative!
  141. 21:58:43: <tenaciousTheseus> Hard to play a game without rules
  142. 21:58:47: <tenebrousPsycher> 12numeralsApostate PMs "kar1" (yeah let me th1nk.)
  143. 21:58:53: <tenaciousTheseus> Impossible, even
  144. 21:58:56: <deepsLight> 6there are rules, just not all of them are known
  145. 21:59:00: <deepsLight> 6that's what makes it fun isn't it?
  146. 21:59:11: <tenaciousTheseus> Not really, no
  147. 21:59:16: <deepsLight> 6and don't worry, most mistakes won't end in death
  148. 21:59:32: <deepsLight> 6keep saying you won't play though and we'll have a problem
  149. 21:59:57: <tenaciousTheseus> Mmhm
  150. 22:00:00: <tenaciousTheseus> I know
  151. 22:00:17: <tenebrousPsycher> 12numeralsApostate PMs "kar1" (tacticalNightmare, cad1e.
  152. 22:00:19: <tenebrousPsycher> 12)
  153. 22:00:31: <tenaciousTheseus> I still have no idea what the game /is/
  154. 22:00:36: <deepsLight> 6and?
  155. 22:00:46: girlygamer 13PMs "tri" (dont think ive heard of em)
  156. 22:00:46: <tenaciousTheseus> And I can't play, even if I want to
  157. 22:00:49: <deepsLight> 6i'm not actually obligated to tell you
  158. 22:00:57: <tenaciousTheseus> Because I have no idea what I should do
  159. 22:01:03: <deepsLight> 6keep talking
  160. 22:01:05: girlygamer 13PMs "tri" (have you tried pestering them??)
  161. 22:01:35: <iceMount> 6Have you written any fanfictions recently? .oO
  162. 22:01:47: <deepsLight> 6nope, i have not
  163. 22:01:51: <deepsLight> 6been a bit busy with something
  164. 22:02:02: <tenebrousPsycher> 12numeralsApostate PMs "kar1" (yes, 1 talked t0 them f0r a b1t.)
  165. 22:02:15: girlygamer 13PMs "tri" (are they nice)
  166. 22:02:59: <iceMount> 6What something is this, if the rules allow me to ask? .oO
  167. 22:03:00: <deepsLight> 6so i wonder does anyone here actually know the kid?
  168. 22:03:07: <deepsLight> 6she put up a fight
  169. 22:03:13: <tenebrousPsycher> 12numeralsApostate PMs "kar1" (seemed like 1t anyway. they used t0 be a n0nplayer.)
  170. 22:03:16: <deepsLight> 6nope, you aren't allowed to know
  171. 22:03:30: <tenaciousTheseus> I haven't seen her before
  172. 22:03:36: girlygamer 13PMs "tri" (how many sessions have they been in??)
  173. 22:03:43: <iceMount> 6She was in the session meeting. .oO
  174. 22:04:07: <deepsLight> 6yep, i remembered her voice. hadn't actually seen her before this though
  175. 22:05:25: <iceMount> 6She was... fourth session? Fifth? Quite a few for one so young. .oO
  176. 22:05:48: <deepsLight> 6indeed, has the makings of a lovely speed runner i think
  177. 22:06:04: <tenaciousTheseus> You get people who start younger than normal, occasionally
  178. 22:06:17: <deepsLight> 6i guess so!
  179. 22:06:56: <tenaciousTheseus> Rache is in a session with someone who's six-ish sweeps and eight sessions
  180. 22:07:13: <deepsLight> 6now that sure is quite a number of sessions for someone so young
  181. 22:07:16: <iceMount> 6[>Try to freestyle Stars so you can feel an attraction towards wherever Heries is.]
  182. 22:08:26: <tenebrousPsycher> 12numeralsApostate PMs "kar1" (she wasn't a player, but she was 1n a sess10n bef0re. just 0ne.)
  183. 22:08:40: <iceMount> 6Have you seen any with more at that age? .oO
  184. 22:08:55: girlygamer 13PMs "tri" (oh)
  185. 22:09:14: <deepsLight> 6i haven't! it's pretty impressive to fit that many sessions in such a short time
  186. 22:10:28: <iceMount> 6A shame you are threatening to cut that short. .oO
  187. 22:10:45: <deepsLight> 6not really, people die in this game all the time
  188. 22:10:59: <deepsLight> 6hell it's almost /cruel/ to make a child continue playing this forever
  189. 22:11:12: <tenebrousPsycher> 12numeralsApostate PMs "kar1" (s0me0ne made a deal t0 make her n0t d00med.)
  190. 22:12:11: <iceMount> 6Clearly she does not think so, if she has done so well. .oO
  191. 22:13:07: <deepsLight> 6yes well aren't children supposed to be seen and not heard? i think i read that somewhere when reading about humans
  192. 22:13:21: <deepsLight> 6her opinion on the matter doesn't seem to count for much
  193. 22:13:44: <tenaciousTheseus> Pretty sure that was obsolete and declared bullshit decades before I played
  194. 22:14:17: <deepsLight> 6oh really
  195. 22:14:32: <tenaciousTheseus> Mmhm
  196. 22:15:16: <deepsLight> 6well right now i don't think she's up for voicing her own opinion so i'll assume she has none
  197. 22:15:44: <iceMount> 6Is she gagged, unconscious, or other? .oO
  198. 22:15:48: <tenaciousTheseus> Don't think that's correct, but whatever
  199. 22:16:22: <deepsLight> 6really that's not correct?
  200. 22:16:34: <deepsLight> 6are you /sure/?
  201. 22:16:48: <tenaciousTheseus> Just because she's unable to voice her opinion doesn't mean she doesn't have one
  202. 22:17:32: <deepsLight> 6hmm
  203. 22:18:31: <deepsLight> 6also don't worry icemount, you can find out when you actually get here. because i'm very certain you're gonna come to look for us, aren't you?
  204. 22:19:06: <iceMount> 6That depends. Would coming to look for you violate the rules? .oO
  205. 22:19:12: <deepsLight> 6nahhhh
  206. 22:20:37: <deepsLight> 6this just adds a bit of fun to it, i wonder how long it'll take you to find us
  207. 22:20:52: <iceMount> 6[>You start swimming to the Spire, guided by the Drift]
  208. 22:22:45: <iceMount> 6Well, shall we see then? .oO
  209. 22:22:51: <deepsLight> 6sure!
  210. 22:23:06: <deepsLight> 6i dunno, i guess if you take tooo long i might get bored
  211. 22:23:43: <tenaciousTheseus> And then, considering what else you do when you get bored, you're going to take it out on deeLigh
  212. 22:23:44: <iceMount> 6Tenthe will keep you entertained, I am sure. .oO
  213. 22:23:46: <tenaciousTheseus> ((*lig))
  214. 22:23:49: <tenaciousTheseus> Mm. I'll try
  215. 22:24:20: <deepsLight> 6aww, very sweet of you
  216. 22:24:21: <iceMount> 6[You start looking for an open window.]
  217. 22:24:28: <iceMount> 6[Or at least an unlocked one]
  218. 22:24:40: <tenaciousTheseus> I try
  219. 22:24:47: <tenaciousTheseus> And on occasion, even succeed
  220. 22:24:54: <tenaciousTheseus> It's surprising to me too
  221. 22:25:13: <deepsLight> 6i can imagine
  222. 22:25:32: <deepsLight> 6you aren't that bad though, i have met worse people
  223. 22:25:47: <iceMount> 6[ do not seem to be having any luck with this]
  224. 22:26:26: <deepsLight> 6[You were quite thorough in locking up the spire.]
  225. 22:26:50: <tenaciousTheseus> I bet
  226. 22:27:00: <tenaciousTheseus> Hey, have you heard any of my music?
  227. 22:27:12: <tenaciousTheseus> I upload some every know and then to Pits, but
  228. 22:27:22: <deepsLight> 6i don't think i have, or if i have it was quite a while ago
  229. 22:27:25: <deepsLight> 6refresh my memory
  230. 22:27:31: <tenaciousTheseus> Ah, I should change that
  231. 22:27:37: <tenaciousTheseus> Here, I recorded this a day or so ago
  232. 22:28:05: <deepsLight> 6[Roll your eyes, you aren't going to actually listen but might as well play along. This is fun.]
  233. 22:28:09: <deepsLight> 6oh good
  234. 22:28:17: tenaciousTheseus uploaded file "Soldiersofthewasteland.mp3 to the memo! ((
  235. 22:28:38: deepsLight 6has downloaded the file!
  236. 22:28:40: <iceMount> 6[You swim back down to he bottom floor, take a chunk of coral and your knife, and try to quietly and carefully break away the mortar holding a window in place.]
  237. 22:29:10: <deepsLight> 6[You keep the file, but don't play it.]
  238. 22:29:27: <tenaciousTheseus> Hm
  239. 22:29:29: <tenaciousTheseus> I should poke Rache
  240. 22:29:42: <tenaciousTheseus> Get him and me to collaborate on a song
  241. 22:29:52: <deepsLight> 6that would be interesting
  242. 22:29:53: <iceMount> 6Do you think he would agree? .oO
  243. 22:30:16: <tenaciousTheseus> Well, yeah, probably
  244. 22:30:34: <iceMount> 6[The window cracks. You very carefully widen it as quietly as you can.]
  245. 22:30:36: <tenaciousTheseus> He loves the same music I do, and loves playing it
  246. 22:30:45: <deepsLight> 6there is that at least
  247. 22:31:31: <iceMount> 6What kind of music do you like, Heries? .oO
  248. 22:32:22: <iceMount> 6[You wonder if trying to be sneaky is getting you some ARC. You hope so.]
  249. 22:32:51: <deepsLight> 6that's a good question. i don't know, i have a fondness for string instruments
  250. 22:33:41: <tenaciousTheseus> Ah, yeah, you play the violin, if I remember right
  251. 22:34:13: <deepsLight> 6yep
  252. 22:34:28: <deepsLight> 6i sing too, but not so much anymore
  253. 22:34:37: <tenaciousTheseus> I recall a number of Florence and the Machine songs
  254. 22:34:40: <iceMount> 6[You break out a hole large enough to stick your arm in. You feel around for the window lock.]
  255. 22:35:03: <deepsLight> 6ah yes, i enjoy that sort of thing
  256. 22:36:30: <deepsLight> 6it's some good music
  257. 22:36:56: <iceMount> 6[You finally get the window open and swim inside.]
  258. 22:37:09: <tenaciousTheseus> Mmhm. I trade music occasionally with an old coplayer of mine. She sends me F+TM every know and then
  259. 22:37:24: <iceMount> 6[You look for a stairwell. The Drift is leading you upwards.]
  260. 22:38:01: <deepsLight> 6oh, that's nice!
  261. 22:38:43: <deepsLight> 6boy icemount you sure are slow
  262. 22:38:54: <deepsLight> 6feel like i've been waiting forever
  263. 22:39:13: <iceMount> 6The Medium is quite large. .oO
  264. 22:39:32: <iceMount> 6And I do not want to risk crushing you and dooming the timeline with [Bridge of Stars]. .oO
  265. 22:39:46: <deepsLight> 6haha
  266. 22:40:07: <tenaciousTheseus> Give him some time. He's got to find what land you're in, and then where on the land, first
  267. 22:40:37: <deepsLight> 6he's stars, he's probably already on the land, if not closing in
  268. 22:40:45: <deepsLight> 6i'm not ignorant on how aspects can be used
  269. 22:42:01: tenaciousTheseus shrugs
  270. 22:42:03: <iceMount> 6[You keep moving upward, though at one point you have to move a barricade. You simply captchalogue it piece by piece.]
  271. 22:42:10: <tenaciousTheseus> Been a while since I was Stars
  272. 22:42:15: <tenaciousTheseus> Wasn't that great at it, either
  273. 22:42:24: <tenaciousTheseus> Although that got me some bonuses because I was Prince
  274. 22:42:26: <tenaciousTheseus> So
  275. 22:42:35: <tenaciousTheseus> You ever roll Stars?
  276. 22:42:43: <deepsLight> 6nope, i haven't!
  277. 22:42:54: <iceMount> 6If you wish me to risk crushing you, you may always ask me to rush matters. .oO
  278. 22:43:29: <deepsLight> 6well if you like doomed timelines sure, but since i'm on here and you are too, you aren't going to do it
  279. 22:43:38: <tenaciousTheseus> You have rolled Prince, though, yeah?
  280. 22:43:42: <deepsLight> 6i have
  281. 22:43:53: <deepsLight> 6prince of rage
  282. 22:43:54: <tenaciousTheseus> I remember Rache telling me about a cute little seadweller in dark purple pantaloons
  283. 22:44:08: <deepsLight> 6that so
  284. 22:44:27: <iceMount> 6[You are swimming down a hallway when the Drift suddenly changes the direction of its pull. You must be in the right general area.]
  285. 22:44:32: <tenaciousTheseus> Mmhm
  286. 22:44:36: <tenaciousTheseus> He saw you in the bubbles
  287. 22:44:51: <tenaciousTheseus> I think Izzy was in that one, too
  288. 22:45:01: <deepsLight> 6not surprised, there's lots of dead versions of people out there
  289. 22:45:02: <tenaciousTheseus> Can't really remember. You'll have to ask him
  290. 22:45:12: <deepsLight> 6i don't even know who izzy is
  291. 22:45:56: <iceMount> 6[After a bit of searching and testing, you think you have found the right room.]
  292. 22:46:04: <iceMount> 6[It doesn't appear to have any windows.]
  293. 22:46:14: <tenaciousTheseus> Itziar Thales, woundThreads
  294. 22:46:28: <tenaciousTheseus> Thirty-something sessions, native Maid of Space
  295. 22:46:30: <tenaciousTheseus> ((*Stars))
  296. 22:46:33: <deepsLight> 6fun
  297. 22:46:38: <tenaciousTheseus> Old person. Also badass
  298. 22:46:44: <deepsLight> 6i'm sure
  299. 22:46:51: <iceMount> 6[You wonder if you can use the Drift to get a sense of where each individual in the room is.]
  300. 22:47:47: <tenaciousTheseus> I mean. You don't get old in a game like this without being badass
  301. 22:48:01: <iceMount> 6Impressive. .oO
  302. 22:48:07: <deepsLight> 6of course, you have to know what you're doing
  303. 22:51:09: <deepsLight> 6boy it sure got quiet
  304. 22:51:17: <deepsLight> 6i wonder what's happening now
  305. 22:51:23: <iceMount> 6Well... .oO
  306. 22:51:30: <iceMount> 6I could tell you, if you really wish. .oO
  307. 22:51:39: <deepsLight> 6sure if you want to
  308. 22:51:39: <tenaciousTheseus> Imps
  309. 22:51:40: <iceMount> 6But I would think you are one who likes surprises. .oO
  310. 22:51:46: <deepsLight> 6haha
  311. 22:51:47: <tenaciousTheseus> Jeez, Heries, it's been three minutes
  312. 22:51:56: <tenaciousTheseus> You gotta learn to relax and take things slow
  313. 22:51:59: <tenaciousTheseus> Roll Rhyme and get back to me
  314. 22:52:21: <deepsLight> 6hahaha
  315. 22:52:26: <deepsLight> 6cute
  316. 22:53:17: <tenaciousTheseus> I've been told I am, yeah
  317. 22:53:26: <tenaciousTheseus> Not sure what they were on, but eh
  318. 22:53:28: <iceMount> 6[You walk up the side of the wall and designate "five feet to the right".]
  319. 22:53:39: <iceMount> 6[ [Bridge of Stars] ]
  320. 22:54:38: <iceMount> 6[A large chunk of wall breaks free and flies away, you with it. You leap off and draw your knife. "Hello, Heries."]
  321. 22:55:33: <deepsLight> 6[Okay you weren't expecting a chunk of wall to get ripped away. Luckily you already have your halberd and were waiting. "Oh there you are!"]
  322. 22:57:22: <iceMount> 6[You glance in Lophii's direction. "Here I am. Would you care to come out into the waters where there's more room to fight?"]
  323. 22:58:33: <deepsLight> 6["Are you saying there's not room here? I think I've got more than enough space. "]
  324. 22:59:15: <iceMount> 6[You shrug. "I would think your halberd would be unwieldy in there."]
  325. 23:00:03: <deepsLight> 6["Mmm, so you'd think but I think I've got this."]
  326. 23:00:15: deepsLight 6is away!
  327. 23:00:43: <tenaciousTheseus> Damn
  328. 23:00:50: <tenaciousTheseus> Was expecting a response to that
  329. 23:01:37: <iceMount> 6[You draw a second, larger knife, and spring forward.]
  330. 23:06:27: <deepsLight> 6[You swing, aiming for somewhere around head level for him. Maybe you'll get lucky! ]
  331. 23:09:25: <iceMount> 6[You duck under the swing and keep swimming. You have to get inside her effective reach.]
  332. 23:11:19: <deepsLight> 6[You're already recovering, pulling your blade around for another go, this time a more downward strike, since unfortunately that one didn't seem to connect. You're really hoping you get him before too long. ]
  333. 23:12:12: <iceMount> 6[You attempt to sidestep it.]
  334. 23:13:13: <iceMount> 6[You don't quite make it. Purple clouds the water as your remaining ear and a chunk of your fin drift away.]
  335. 23:14:03: <iceMount> 6[You snarl at her and try to jam your larger knife through the handle of her halberd.]
  336. 23:16:39: <deepsLight> 6[First blood! You already feel accomplished. You let him jam the knife into the handle, and attempt to just yank the knife and halberd out of his reach again.]
  337. 23:18:11: <iceMount> 6[You hold fast and start trying to pull her towards you.]
  338. 23:22:58: <deepsLight> 6[You keep trying to hold your ground and pull the weapon back. Which isn't going quite as planned. Fine, if he wants the halberd, he can have it! You let go.]
  339. 23:23:57: <iceMount> 6[You fling it away from you and lunge forward after Heries again. Your replacement knife is a bit plain, but sharp.]
  340. 23:27:47: <deepsLight> 6[You don't even care anymore, you try to dodge to the side, hopefully you can get around him and towards where he flung your halberd!]
  341. 23:29:39: <iceMount> 6[You slash at her face]
  342. 23:32:38: <deepsLight> 6[And now there's another purple cloud of blood, this time it's yours. You stop moving for your halberd, turning and attempting to just claw him in the face. Fuck it, you know how to do some hand to hand. You desperately hope you can keep up with him.]
  343. 23:34:04: <iceMount> 6[You close your eyes to protect them and flare your fins to more easily detect where she is. Your injured one protests this loudly with a pang of pain and a spurt of blood.]
  344. 23:34:13: <iceMount> 6[You grab for her fins.]
  345. 23:37:35: <deepsLight> 6[You duck, switching your target from his face to his gills. This is why you keep your claws sharpened. ]
  346. 23:40:57: <iceMount> 6[Your gills are doing a lot better now, thanks to Chowen's work. It's a shame she'll have to go over them again.]
  347. 23:41:10: <iceMount> 6[You let out a pained hiss and grab for her hair and horns.]
  348. 23:43:07: <deepsLight> 6[You screech as he gets a hold of you, trying to continue clawing, and if possible tear out chunks of flesh.]
  349. 23:44:57: <iceMount> 6[You snarl and yank her head away from you, trying to get her to let up on your gills. You are /definitely/ going to need to have those looked at. You dig your fingernails into the base of a horn as hard as you can.]
  350. 23:47:58: <deepsLight> 6[No, no, /no/. No you can't let up, you want him /dead/. That's why you're here that's why you fucking did this. But you are in pain, and fuck it's hard to keep going because he's already yanked your head away. You're /angry/, but you're tiring and in pain and it's getting incredibly hard to keep up the fight.]
  351. 23:49:41: <iceMount> 6[You try to shift your grip to her throat]
  352. 23:52:01: <deepsLight> 6[Okay /that/ turns your attention to attacking his arm instead of his gills. Beautiful, now you're just in a frenzied panic instead of thinking clearly. Now you're just clawing and kicking at anything within range in an attempt to get him off. ]
  353. 23:54:19: <iceMount> 6[You don't get a very /good/ grip, what with how your arm is practically being clawed off owowowowow, but it's there. You squeeze.]
  354. 00:03:47: <deepsLight> 6[Oh god you do not want, not one bit. You keep trying to claw, but it just gets weaker and weaker.]
  355. 00:04:59: <iceMount> 6[You hold on grimly]
  356. 00:09:28: <deepsLight> 6[Eventually your struggles slow, and then stop as you go unconscious. What a wonderful end to your plan, you get a gold star for failing spectacularly! ]
  357. 00:11:18: <iceMount> 6[You haul her over your shoulder, then pick up Lophii and haul her over your /other/ shoulder.]
  358. 00:11:43: <iceMount> 6[You [Bridge of Stars] back to your Spire]
  359. 00:11:58: deepsLight 6has idled out!
  360. 00:12:02: deepsLight 6has disconnected from the memo!
  361. 00:12:15: <tenaciousTheseus> Welp
  362. 00:12:24: <tenebrousPsycher> 14what's going on?
  363. 00:12:30: iceMount 6is back
  364. 00:12:48: <iceMount> 6The hostage is alive and safe. .oO
  365. 00:12:54: <tenaciousTheseus> That's good
  366. 00:12:57: <tenaciousTheseus> And Heries?
  367. 00:13:08: <iceMount> 6Unconscious in my spire. .oO
  368. 00:13:18: <tenaciousTheseus> Mmkay then
  369. 00:14:15: <iceMount> 6I have to go now to take care of this bleeding, however. .oO
  370. 00:14:19: <tenebrousPsycher> 14probably best to do what was done before.
  371. 00:14:24: <tenebrousPsycher> 14good sense and good luck.
  372. 00:14:42: <iceMount> 6Farewell. .oO
  373. 00:14:46: iceMount 6has left the memo
  374. 00:15:12: <tenaciousTheseus> Mm. That turned out
  375. 00:15:16: <tenaciousTheseus> Better than I expected
  376. 00:15:24: <tenaciousTheseus> Guess I'm just pessimistic
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