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Oct 27th, 2014
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  1. 1. CIDC
  2. 2. alcoholking
  3. 3. Volk0r
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  62. 62. barkjon
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  73. 73. Seda314
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  78. 78. -openTarget-
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  81. 81. Myth05
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  83. 83. pretentious888
  84. 84. antlee1
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  94. 94. Erak606
  95. 95. Death_Brownie
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  97. 97. BotCato
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  125. 125. fush_and_chups_
  126. 126. Jonathan358
  127. 127. TheEpicKiller
  128. 128. _i1
  129. 129. hectic101
  130. 130. SpottedOwls
  131. 131. Champ469
  132. 132. ThatLatvianAsshole
  133. 133. roit_pls
  134. 134. IHaveMyMoments
  135. 135. YOL0SWAGGINS
  136. 136. PatMoon
  137. 137. 13narwhalsFTW
  138. 138. TrueSolidarity
  139. 139. scarletsmoke
  140. 140. GoaGandalf
  141. 141. vergi
  142. 142. RvDarklord
  143. 143. Spikeey
  144. 144. ArtyFall
  145. 145. AnTiArcher12
  146. 146. AsCeNdEnT986
  147. 147. ayychen
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  150. 150. ecker
  151. 151. firemaster
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  153. 153. Fredericton9
  154. 154. vithu153
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  157. 157. inoah12
  159. 159. phant0mphr3ak96
  160. 160. theAmazingMrX
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  162. 162. Snaky43
  163. 163. Azuredawn
  164. 164. Raejar
  165. 165. TheYoloSaurus
  166. 166. MaiKyLoL
  167. 167. redTygr
  168. 168. Sheld0re
  169. 169. Cliff_Merlin
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  171. 171. nameisgeogga
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  174. 174. Shiraz56
  175. 175. Steven__hawking
  176. 176. linttis
  177. 177. FingerPrint_EUNE
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  179. 179. Xlncuk
  180. 180. DivineRaptor
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  182. 182. meth0dykal
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  185. 185. Rboelge
  186. 186. Creeper2daknee
  187. 187. OCGamer97
  188. 188. justinchen88
  189. 189. iamnotcool123
  190. 190. Zman077
  191. 191. Afroderp
  192. 192. BrokenHuman
  193. 193. FapLotion
  194. 194. BeardieBro
  195. 195. True_Sauce
  196. 196. Kravior
  197. 197. Master_Pibj
  198. 198. Reindoonicorn
  199. 199. afonsanho
  200. 200. vk93
  201. 201. Redsox3334
  202. 202. se3mi
  203. 203. SoylentCrayon
  204. 204. ResseXx
  205. 205. SevenOhSeven
  206. 206. niko1312
  207. 207. NFGnar
  208. 208. SRSLY_GUYS_SRSLY
  209. 209. Stynat
  210. 210. ZehBlaqMamba
  211. 211. Beythoven
  212. 212. teamj342
  213. 213. Ultrateon
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  215. 215. Antyronio
  216. 216. TasteTheRonbow
  217. 217. CloudzInTheSky
  218. 218. Neff619
  219. 219. Prel1m1nary
  220. 220. Moobl4
  221. 221. Tooky17
  222. 222. Psychokittycat
  223. 223. Yoghurt_
  224. 224. quick1ez
  225. 225. marshman222
  226. 226. jokerr77
  227. 227. flipy118
  228. 228. ColdBloodKarma
  229. 229. MrEclipsez
  230. 230. mmcevoy
  231. 231. Gotiyababa
  232. 232. SubliminalWaffles
  233. 233. Paco-the-taco
  234. 234. DevinOverstreet
  235. 235. Killerrabbitz
  236. 236. ubercajun
  237. 237. Fistacles
  238. 238. InfernalAtheistLLama
  239. 239. Rehendi
  240. 240. captchrono
  241. 241. Baxterz
  242. 242. failing_forwards
  243. 243. Milosivich
  244. 244. gsseg
  245. 245. MaruchanRamens
  246. 246. ksupwns33
  247. 247. Strydd3r
  248. 248. ringadu
  249. 249. Ultimatefruitninja
  250. 250. majordookie
  251. 251. Lezikk
  252. 252. user-
  253. 253. NarutoIsSwag
  254. 254. klaLiis
  255. 255. TearsDontFall
  256. 256. G-hovas
  257. 257. aGeDlIkEwINe
  258. Timestamp: 2014-10-27 15:21:50 UTC
  259. You have randomized this list 10 times.
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