

Nov 18th, 2016
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text 34.36 KB | None | 0 0
  1. function audioKeeper() {
  2. BestDealsNotif = new Audio;
  3. BestDealsNotif['preload'] = 'auto';
  4. BestDealsNotif['src'] = 'sounds/BestDealsNotif.mp3';
  5. penWrite = new Audio;
  6. penWrite['preload'] = 'auto';
  7. penWrite['src'] = 'sounds/penWrite.ogg';
  8. penOff = new Audio;
  9. penOff['preload'] = 'auto';
  10. penOff['src'] = 'sounds/penOff.mp3';
  11. setTimeout(audioKeeper, 120000);
  12. }
  14. function outGoingTradeoffers() {
  15. try {
  16. if ('connectionTrue' == localStorage['getItem']('OnConnection')) {
  17. if (void(0) != outgoingOffers['match'](/^[0-9]*\;/g)) {
  18. var _outgoing_offer_id_ = outgoingOffers['match'](/^[0-9]*\;/g);
  19. _outgoing_offer_id_ = _outgoing_offer_id_.toString()['replace'](';', '');
  20. /* здесь переменная _tradeoffer_ используется для хранения URL */
  21. var _tradeoffer_ = '' + _outgoing_offer_id_ + '/',
  22. _local_request_ = new XMLHttpRequest;
  23. _local_request_['open']('GET', _tradeoffer_, !0);
  24. _local_request_['send'](null);
  25. _local_request_['onreadystatechange'] = function() {
  26. if (4 == _local_request_['readyState']) {
  27. if (_local_request_['responseText']) {
  28. var _tradeoffer_ = _local_request_['responseText'],
  29. _tradeoffer_html_ = '<div>' + _tradeoffer_ + '</div>';
  32. /* здесь переменная _tradeoffer_ используется для хранения элемента с ответом сервера */
  33. _tradeoffer_ = $(_tradeoffer_html_);
  35. if (void(0) != $('_trade_area_', _tradeoffer_)['html']()) {
  36. var _session_id_ = '',
  37. _index_of_session_id_ = _tradeoffer_html_['indexOf']('g_sessionID = "');
  39. for (_index_of_session_id_ += 15; '"' != _tradeoffer_html_[_index_of_session_id_]; ) {
  40. _session_id_ += _tradeoffer_html_[_index_of_session_id_];
  41. _index_of_session_id_++;
  42. };
  44. var _index_of_partner_steam_id_ = _tradeoffer_html_['indexOf']('g_ulTradePartnerSteamID = \'');
  46. _index_of_partner_steam_id_ += 27;
  47. for (var _partner_steam_id_ = ''; '\'' != _tradeoffer_html_[_index_of_partner_steam_id_]; ) {
  48. _partner_steam_id_ += _tradeoffer_html_[_index_of_partner_steam_id_];
  49. _index_of_partner_steam_id_++;
  50. };
  51. outGoingData = 'sessionid=' + _session_id_ + '&serverid=1&tradeofferid=' + _outgoing_offer_id_ + '&partner=' + _partner_steam_id_ + '&captcha=';
  52. chrome['tabs']['create']({
  53. url: '' + _outgoing_offer_id_ + '/#tradeconfirm',
  54. selected: !1
  55. }, function(_outgoing_offer_id_) {
  56. outgoingOrderTabId = _outgoing_offer_id_['id']
  57. })
  58. } else {
  59. if (outGoingSpecTry >= 2) {
  60. outgoingOffers = outgoingOffers['replace'](_outgoing_offer_id_ + ';', '');
  61. outGoingSpecTry = 0
  62. }
  63. outGoingSpecTry++;
  64. setTimeout(outGoingTradeoffers, 5000);
  65. }
  66. } else {
  67. setTimeout(outGoingTradeoffers, 5000)
  68. }
  69. }
  70. }
  71. } else {
  72. setTimeout(outGoingTradeoffers, 5000)
  73. }
  74. } else {
  75. outgoingOffers = '';
  76. setTimeout(outGoingTradeoffers, 5000)
  77. }
  78. } catch (_outgoing_offer_id_) {
  79. setTimeout(outGoingTradeoffers, 5000)
  80. }
  81. }
  83. function incomingTradeoffers() {
  84. try {
  85. if (void(0) != incomingOffers['match'](/^[0-9]*\;/g)) {
  86. var _incoming_offer_id_ = incomingOffers['match'](/^[0-9]*\;/g);
  87. _incoming_offer_id_ = _incoming_offer_id_.toString()['replace'](';', '');
  88. var _tradeoffer_ = '' + _incoming_offer_id_ + '/',
  89. _local_request_ = new XMLHttpRequest;
  90. _local_request_['open']('GET', _tradeoffer_, !0), _local_request_['send'](null), _local_request_['onreadystatechange'] = function() {
  91. if (4 == _local_request_['readyState']) {
  92. if (_local_request_['responseText']) {
  93. var _tradeoffer_ = _local_request_['responseText'],
  94. _tradeoffer_html_ = '<div>' + _tradeoffer_ + '</div>';
  95. if (_tradeoffer_ = $(_tradeoffer_html_), void(0) != $('.trade_area', _tradeoffer_)['html']()) {
  96. var _session_id_ = '',
  97. _index_of_session_id_ = _tradeoffer_html_['indexOf']('g_sessionID = "');
  98. for (_index_of_session_id_ += 15;
  99. '"' != _tradeoffer_html_[_index_of_session_id_];) {
  100. _session_id_ += _tradeoffer_html_[_index_of_session_id_], _index_of_session_id_++
  101. };
  102. var _index_of_partner_steam_id_ = _tradeoffer_html_['indexOf']('g_ulTradePartnerSteamID = \'');
  103. _index_of_partner_steam_id_ += 27;
  104. for (var _partner_steam_id_ = '';
  105. '\'' != _tradeoffer_html_[_index_of_partner_steam_id_];) {
  106. _partner_steam_id_ += _tradeoffer_html_[_index_of_partner_steam_id_], _index_of_partner_steam_id_++
  107. };
  108. incomingData = 'sessionid=' + _session_id_ + '&serverid=1&tradeofferid=' + _incoming_offer_id_ + '&partner=' + _partner_steam_id_ + '&captcha=', chrome['tabs']['create']({
  109. url: '' + _incoming_offer_id_ + '/#incomingTradeOfferConf',
  110. selected: !1
  111. }, function(_incoming_offer_id_) {
  112. incomingOrderTabId = _incoming_offer_id_['id']
  113. })
  114. } else {
  115. if (incomingSpecTry >= 2) {
  116. incomingOffers = incomingOffers['replace'](_incoming_offer_id_ + ';', '');
  117. incomingSpecTry = 0;
  118. }
  119. incomingSpecTry++;
  120. setTimeout(incomingTradeoffers, 5000);
  121. }
  122. } else {
  123. setTimeout(incomingTradeoffers, 5000)
  124. }
  125. }
  126. }
  127. } else {
  128. setTimeout(incomingTradeoffers, 5000)
  129. }
  130. } catch (_incoming_offer_id_) {
  131. setTimeout(incomingTradeoffers, 5000)
  132. }
  133. }
  135. function subInterval() {
  136. var _local_request_ = new XMLHttpRequest;
  137. _local_request_['open']('GET', '', !0);
  138. _local_request_['send'](null);
  139. _local_request_['onreadystatechange'] = function() {
  140. if (4 == _local_request_['readyState']) {
  141. if (_local_request_['responseText'] && 200 == _local_request_['status']) {
  142. var _response_text_ = _local_request_['responseText'],
  143. _email_ = $('#email', _response_text_)['text']();
  145. if ('' != _email_) {
  146. /* значение переменной _value_ неочевидно */
  147. var _value_ = $('span[name="Opskins Trade Helper"]', _response_text_)['text']();
  149. if (void(0) != _value_ && '' != _value_ && parseInt(_value_) >= 0) {
  150. if ('0' == _value_) {
  151. _value_ = 1;
  152. }
  153. } else {
  154. _value_ = '0';
  155. };
  156. localStorage['setItem']('accountMail', 'activated');
  157. localStorage['setItem']('days', '\u221E');
  158. localStorage['setItem']('sub', 'true');
  159. chrome['storage']['sync']['set']({
  160. opsSub: 'true'
  161. })
  162. } else {
  163. var _value_ = '0';
  164. localStorage['setItem']('accountMail', 'activated');
  165. localStorage['setItem']('sub', 'true');
  166. localStorage['setItem']('days', '\u221E');
  167. chrome['storage']['sync']['set']({
  168. opsSub: 'true'
  169. })
  170. };
  171. setTimeout(subInterval, 1800000)
  172. } else {
  173. setTimeout(subInterval, 30000)
  174. }
  175. }
  176. }
  177. }
  178. var quickConfirm = !1,
  179. quickRemoveTabId = '',
  180. subcheck = !1,
  181. outgoingOffers = '',
  182. outGoingData = '',
  183. outgoingOrderTabId = '',
  184. incomingOffers = '',
  185. incomingData = '',
  186. incomingOrderTabId = '',
  187. BestDealsNotif,
  188. penWrite,
  189. penOff;
  191. audioKeeper();
  192. localStorage['removeItem']('accountMail');
  193. localStorage['removeItem']('days');
  194. localStorage['removeItem']('sub');
  195. chrome['storage']['sync']['set']({
  196. opsSub: 'false'
  197. });
  198. setTimeout(outGoingTradeoffers, 100);
  199. setTimeout(incomingTradeoffers, 100);
  201. chrome['notifications']['onClicked']['addListener'](function(_notificationId_) {
  202. if ('tradeFail' == _notificationId_) {
  203. chrome['tabs']['create']({
  204. url: ''
  205. });
  206. }
  207. chrome['notifications']['clear'](_notificationId_, function() {});
  208. });
  210. chrome['tabs']['onRemoved']['addListener'](function(_tabId_, _removeInfo_) {
  211. if (_tabId_ == quickRemoveTabId) {
  212. quickConfirm = !1;
  213. }
  214. if (_tabId_ == outgoingOrderTabId) {
  215. outGoingData = '';
  216. outGoingTradeoffers();
  217. }
  218. if (_tabId_ == incomingOrderTabId) {
  219. incomingData = '';
  220. incomingTradeoffers()
  221. }
  222. });
  224. chrome['runtime']['onMessage']['addListener'](function(_message_, _sender_, _sendResponse_) {
  225. if (/freshSpecialData\:/g ['test'](_message_)) {
  226. var _processed_message_ = _message_['replace'](/freshSpecialData\:/gim, ''),
  227. _user_id_ = _processed_message_;
  228. localStorage['setItem']('userId', _user_id_);
  229. chrome['cookies']['get']({
  230. url: '',
  231. name: 'PHPSESSID'
  232. }, function(_cookie_) {
  233. if (_cookie_['name'] != localStorage['getItem']('PHPSESSID')) {
  234. localStorage['setItem']('PHPSESSID', _cookie_['value']);
  235. }
  236. });
  237. chrome['cookies']['get']({
  238. url: '',
  239. name: 'opskins_csrf_token'
  240. }, function(_cookie_) {
  241. if (_cookie_['name'] != localStorage['getItem']('csrf')) {
  242. localStorage['setItem']('csrf', _cookie_['value']);
  243. }
  244. })
  245. } else {
  246. if ('deleteSpecialData' == _message_) {
  247. localStorage['removeItem']('csrf');
  248. localStorage['removeItem']('userId');
  249. localStorage['removeItem']('PHPSESSID');
  250. } else {
  251. if ('fastFASTfast' == _message_) {
  252. chrome['tabs']['create']({
  253. url: ''
  254. })
  255. } else {
  256. if (/quickLog\:/gim ['test'](_message_)) {
  257. var _options_ = {
  258. type: 'basic',
  259. title: 'Quick Buy',
  260. message: _message_['replace']('quickLog:', ''),
  261. iconUrl: 'images/icon128.png'
  262. };
  263. chrome['notifications']['clear']('quickLog', function() {});
  264. chrome['notifications']['create']('quickLog', _options_, function(_notificationId_) {})
  265. } else {
  266. if (/quickMsgBL\:/gim ['test'](_message_)) {
  267. var _options_ = {
  268. type: 'basic',
  269. title: 'Black List',
  270. message: _message_['replace']('quickMsgBL:', ''),
  271. iconUrl: 'images/icon128.png'
  272. };
  273. chrome['notifications']['clear']('quickMsgBL', function() {});
  274. chrome['notifications']['create']('quickMsgBL', _options_, function(_notificationId_) {})
  275. } else {
  276. if (/tradeSuccess\:/gim ['test'](_message_)) {
  277. var _options_ = {
  278. type: 'basic',
  279. title: 'Quick Buy',
  280. message: _message_['replace'](/tradeSuccess\:/gim, ''),
  281. iconUrl: 'images/icon128.png'
  282. };
  283. chrome['notifications']['clear']('quickLog', function() {});
  284. chrome['notifications']['clear']('tradeSuccess', function() {});
  285. chrome['notifications']['create']('tradeSuccess', _options_, function(_notificationId_) {})
  286. } else {
  287. if (/tradeFail\:/gim ['test'](_message_)) {
  288. var _options_ = {
  289. type: 'basic',
  290. title: 'Quick Buy',
  291. message: _message_['replace'](/tradeFail\:/gim, ''),
  292. iconUrl: 'images/icon128.png'
  293. };
  294. chrome['notifications']['clear']('quickLog', function() {});
  295. chrome['notifications']['clear']('tradeFail', function() {});
  296. chrome['notifications']['create']('tradeFail', _options_, function(_notificationId_) {})
  297. } else {
  298. if ('getQuickConfirm' == _message_) {
  299. chrome['tabs']['sendMessage'](_sender_['tab']['id'], quickConfirm);
  300. } else {
  301. if ('getSpecialData' == _message_) {
  302. var _local_request__ = new XMLHttpRequest;
  303. _local_request__['open']('GET', '', !0);
  304. _local_request__['send'](null);
  305. _local_request__['onreadystatechange'] = function() {
  306. if (4 == _local_request__['readyState']) {
  307. if (_local_request__['responseText']) {
  308. var _element_out_of_response_text_ = $('<div>' + _local_request__['responseText'] + '</div>');
  309. if (void(0) != $('.avatar-menu', _element_out_of_response_text_)['html']()) {
  310. var _scripts_quantity_ = $('script:not(:empty)', _element_out_of_response_text_)['size'](),
  311. _code_to_eval_ = '';
  313. for (_index_ = 0; _index_ < _scripts_quantity_; ) {
  314. _code_to_eval_ = $('script:not(:empty):eq(' + _index_ + ')', _element_out_of_response_text_)['text']();
  315. if (_code_to_eval_['indexOf']('g_UID') > -1) {
  316. eval(_code_to_eval_);
  317. _index_ = _scripts_quantity_;
  318. }
  319. _index_++;
  320. };
  321. try {
  322. var _user_id_ = g_UID;
  323. localStorage['setItem']('userId', _user_id_);
  324. var _options_ = {
  325. type: 'basic',
  326. title: 'Opskins Trade Helper',
  327. message: 'Special data collected.',
  328. iconUrl: 'images/icon128.png'
  329. };
  330. chrome['notifications']['clear']('specialDataNotif', function() {});
  331. chrome['notifications']['create']('specialDataNotif', _options_, function(_notificationId_) {});
  332. chrome['cookies']['get']({
  333. url: '',
  334. name: 'opskins_csrf_token'
  335. }, function(_cookie_) {
  336. localStorage['setItem']('csrf', _cookie_['value']);
  337. chrome['cookies']['get']({
  338. url: '',
  339. name: 'PHPSESSID'
  340. }, function(_cookie_) {
  341. localStorage['setItem']('PHPSESSID', _cookie_['value']);
  342. chrome['runtime']['sendMessage']('readyData');
  343. })
  344. })
  345. } catch (a) {
  346. var _options_ = {
  347. type: 'basic',
  348. title: 'Opskins Trade Helper',
  349. message: 'Special data error.',
  350. iconUrl: 'images/icon128.png'
  351. };
  352. chrome['notifications']['clear']('specialDataNotif', function() {});
  353. chrome['notifications']['create']('specialDataNotif', _options_, function(_notificationId_) {});
  354. console['log'](a), chrome['runtime']['sendMessage']('readyData');
  355. }
  356. } else {
  357. localStorage['removeItem']('csrf');
  358. localStorage['removeItem']('userId');
  359. localStorage['removeItem']('PHPSESSID');
  360. var _options_ = {
  361. type: 'basic',
  362. title: 'Opskins Trade Helper',
  363. message: 'Sign In to OPSkins.',
  364. iconUrl: 'images/icon128.png'
  365. };
  366. chrome['notifications']['clear']('specialDataNotif', function() {});
  367. chrome['notifications']['create']('specialDataNotif', _options_, function(_notificationId_) {});
  368. chrome['runtime']['sendMessage']('readyData');
  369. }
  370. } else {
  371. var _options_ = {
  372. type: 'basic',
  373. title: 'Opskins Trade Helper',
  374. message: 'Failed to collect special data.\x0AINTERNET DSCONECTED',
  375. iconUrl: 'images/icon128.png'
  376. };
  377. chrome['notifications']['clear']('specialDataNotif', function() {});
  378. chrome['notifications']['create']('specialDataNotif', _options_, function(_notificationId_) {});
  379. chrome['runtime']['sendMessage']('readyData')
  380. }
  381. }
  382. }
  383. } else {
  384. if (/InventoryManager\:/gim ['test'](_message_)) {
  385. var _options_ = {
  386. type: 'basic',
  387. title: 'Inventory Manager',
  388. message: _message_['replace'](/InventoryManager\:/gim, ''),
  389. iconUrl: 'images/icon128.png'
  390. };
  391. chrome['notifications']['clear']('InventoryManager', function() {});
  392. chrome['notifications']['create']('InventoryManager', _options_, function(_notificationId_) {})
  393. } else {
  394. if ('startsubcheck' == _message_) {
  395. if (1 != subcheck) {
  396. setTimeout(subInterval, 1800000)
  397. }
  398. subcheck = !0;
  399. } else {
  400. if (/^BDS_BL_Inport\:/gim ['test'](_message_)) {
  401. var _stored_BestDealsSeacher_BL_ = localStorage['getItem']('BestDealsSeacher_BL'),
  402. _prepared_BestDealsSeacher_BL_ = '[' + _message_['replace'](/^BDS_BL_Inport\:/gim, '') + '];';
  403. if (void(0) == _stored_BestDealsSeacher_BL_) {
  404. localStorage['setItem']('BestDealsSeacher_BL', _prepared_BestDealsSeacher_BL_);
  405. chrome['runtime']['sendMessage']('upd_BDS_BL:' + _prepared_BestDealsSeacher_BL_);
  406. var _options_ = {
  407. type: 'basic',
  408. title: 'Best Deals Searcher',
  409. message: _prepared_BestDealsSeacher_BL_['replace'](/\]\;$/, '')['replace'](/^\[/, '') + '\x0Aadded to the BlackList',
  410. iconUrl: 'images/blimg.png'
  411. };
  412. penWrite['play']();
  413. chrome['notifications']['clear']('bds_bl_msg', function() {});
  414. chrome['notifications']['create']('bds_bl_msg', _options_, function(_notificationId_) {})
  415. } else {
  416. if (_stored_BestDealsSeacher_BL_['indexOf'](_prepared_BestDealsSeacher_BL_) > -1) {
  417. var _options_ = {
  418. type: 'basic',
  419. title: 'Best Deals Searcher',
  420. message: 'This item is already in the list',
  421. iconUrl: 'images/icon128.png'
  422. };
  423. penOff['play']();
  424. chrome['notifications']['clear']('bds_bl_msg', function() {});
  425. chrome['notifications']['create']('bds_bl_msg', _options_, function(_notificationId_) {})
  426. } else {
  427. _stored_BestDealsSeacher_BL_ = _prepared_BestDealsSeacher_BL_ + _stored_BestDealsSeacher_BL_;
  428. localStorage['setItem']('BestDealsSeacher_BL', _stored_BestDealsSeacher_BL_);
  429. chrome['runtime']['sendMessage']('upd_BDS_BL:' + _prepared_BestDealsSeacher_BL_);
  430. var _options_ = {
  431. type: 'basic',
  432. title: 'Best Deals Searcher',
  433. message: _prepared_BestDealsSeacher_BL_['replace'](/\]\;$/, '')['replace'](/^\[/, '') + '\x0Aadded to the BlackList',
  434. iconUrl: 'images/blimg.png'
  435. };
  436. penWrite['play']();
  437. chrome['notifications']['clear']('bds_bl_msg', function() {});
  438. chrome['notifications']['create']('bds_bl_msg', _options_, function(_notificationId_) {})
  439. }
  440. }
  441. } else {
  442. if ('This item is already in the list' == _message_) {
  443. var _options_ = {
  444. type: 'basic',
  445. title: 'Best Deals Searcher',
  446. message: 'This item is already in the list',
  447. iconUrl: 'images/icon128.png'
  448. };
  449. chrome['notifications']['clear']('bds_bl_msg', function() {});
  450. chrome['notifications']['create']('bds_bl_msg', _options_, function(_notificationId_) {})
  451. } else {
  452. if (/confirmThisOutgoingTrade\:/gim ['test'](_message_)) {
  453. var _confirmThisOutgoingTrade_ = _message_['replace'](/confirmThisOutgoingTrade\:/gim, '');
  454. outgoingOffers = outgoingOffers + _confirmThisOutgoingTrade_ + ';'
  455. } else {
  456. if ('getOutgoingData' == _message_) {
  457. chrome['tabs']['sendMessage'](_sender_['tab']['id'], 'outGoingData:' + outGoingData + ';;;' + outgoingOffers['match'](/^[0-9]*\;/g).toString()['replace'](';', ''));
  458. } else {
  459. if ('outGoingTradeConfirmed' == _message_) {
  460. chrome['runtime']['sendMessage']('successOutgoingTradeOffer:' + outgoingOffers['match'](/^[0-9]*\;/g).toString()['replace'](';', ''));
  461. outgoingOffers = outgoingOffers['replace'](/^[0-9]*\;/g, '');
  462. outGoingSpecTry = 0;
  463. } else {
  464. if (/quickConfirmTadeoffer\:/gim ['test'](_message_)) {
  465. var _quickConfirmTadeoffer_ = _message_['replace'](/quickConfirmTadeoffer\:/gim, '');
  466. incomingOffers = incomingOffers + _quickConfirmTadeoffer_ + ';'
  467. } else {
  468. if ('getIncomingData' == _message_) {
  469. chrome['tabs']['sendMessage'](_sender_['tab']['id'], 'incomingData:' + incomingData + ';;;' + incomingOffers['match'](/^[0-9]*\;/g).toString()['replace'](';', ''));
  470. } else {
  471. if ('incomingTradeConfirmed' == _message_) {
  472. chrome['runtime']['sendMessage']('successIncomingTradeOffer:' + incomingOffers['match'](/^[0-9]*\;/g).toString()['replace'](';', ''));
  473. incomingOffers = incomingOffers['replace'](/^[0-9]*\;/g, '');
  474. incomingSpecTry = 0
  475. } else {
  476. if (/DealsNotif\:/gim ['test'](_message_)) {
  477. var _options_ = {
  478. type: 'basic',
  479. title: 'Best Deals Searcher',
  480. message: _message_['replace'](/DealsNotif\:/gim, ''),
  481. iconUrl: 'images/icon128.png'
  482. };
  483. BestDealsNotif['play']();
  484. chrome['notifications']['clear']('DealsNotif', function() {});
  485. chrome['notifications']['create']('DealsNotif', _options_, function(_notificationId_) {})
  486. }
  487. }
  488. }
  489. }
  490. }
  491. }
  492. }
  493. }
  494. }
  495. }
  496. }
  497. }
  498. }
  499. }
  500. }
  501. }
  502. }
  503. }
  504. }
  505. }
  506. });
  508. localStorage['setItem']('OnConnection', 'connectionFalse');
  510. chrome['runtime']['onMessageExternal']['addListener'](function(_message_, _sender_, _sendResponse_) {
  511. _message_ = _message_['data'];
  512. if ('connectionTrue' == _message_) {
  513. localStorage['setItem']('OnConnection', _message_);
  514. chrome['runtime']['sendMessage']('checkConnetion');
  515. }
  516. if ('connectionFalse' == _message_) {
  517. localStorage['setItem']('OnConnection', _message_);
  518. chrome['runtime']['sendMessage']('checkConnetion');
  519. }
  520. });
  522. var outGoingSpecTry = 0, incomingSpecTry = 0;
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