
Maiders Side Session Jan/Clive

Dec 6th, 2010
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  1. <Cliven> [And so later after everyone's calmed down some and before the enormous Chupacabra... Janie seems to be poking around something near the well where Mina threw the sword at.]
  3. <Cliven> [Most were asleep by now and Cliven thought he could get some sleep, he was wrong...JAnie seems to be knocking on his door.]
  4. * Cliven stirs in his sleep.
  5. * [Rut]Janie knocks quietly, shy to the idea of disturbing anyone. She habitually pounds out 'shave and a haircut' on the door.
  6. * Cliven is woken up by the noise and opesn the door, still half asleep.
  7. <[Rut]Janie> Ehehe... u-um... Hiya, mister. I sure hope I'm not being too much of a nuisance at this hour...
  8. <Cliven> Not... too particularly..what is it Janie?
  9. * [Rut]Janie 's hands are behind her back, jointly holding the handle of a large suitcase.
  10. <Cliven> ....Moving?..
  11. <[Rut]Janie> Huh? Aw, gosh no. I got this in town today and can't open it...
  12. <Cliven> Oh well..
  13. * Cliven steps aside.
  14. <Cliven> Come inside.
  15. * [Rut]Janie pulls it through the doorway. It's on wheels, and is much bigger than the cartoon-esque stick n' bundle she carries normally. You can't imagine what she'd need to put in it, considering how light she travels.
  16. <Cliven> ...just.. what do you carry in that thing?... dno't you have your knapsack from the plane?..
  17. <[Rut]Janie> Uh, w-well, I figured I needed a bigger bag in case we found something mighty important! My other bag can only fit small things.
  18. <Cliven> ..mmn.. you.. plan to sleep in here Janie?
  19. <[Rut]Janie> Huh??
  20. * Cliven looks at your briefcase again.
  21. * Cliven then points to it.
  22. * [Rut]Janie staggers as she drags her bag in, surprised.
  23. <[Rut]Janie> Aw, shucks, mister Cliven... I don't want to be burden. A-and I have my own bed and everything, too! And even if I didn't, I could sleep on the floor.
  24. <Cliven> I have a spare bed over there if you'd like..
  25. * Cliven points to the left one, the right one has Lynette in it.
  26. * [Rut]Janie tilts her head.
  27. <[Rut]Janie> ... missus Lynnie...?
  28. <Cliven> ..ah yes.. she likes to sleep with me.
  29. * [Rut]Janie bites her lip, thinking.
  30. <Cliven> ...did you wanted to sleep with me?
  31. <[Rut]Janie> Golly... I-I guess that would be nice-- I-if you don't mind it any, I mean!
  32. * [Rut]Janie shuffles her feet a bit, embarrassed.
  33. <Cliven> hmm... sure.
  34. * Cliven gets on the left bed and just lays there.
  35. * [Rut]Janie pulls her case up to the foot of the bed quietly, then hangs her hat and jacket on the nearest bedpost. She hops in beside him and seems to try not to take up too much space.
  36. <Cliven> ... Shy?
  37. <[Rut]Janie> Um... but what about opening the suitcase...?
  38. <Cliven> The suitcase?.. you can just leave it...gnn.. there.
  39. <[Rut]Janie> Uh, okay...
  40. * [Rut]Janie wriggles to scoot over, stopping when she nudges Cliven.
  41. <[Rut]Janie> Ehehe... I sure hope this isn't any trouble, mister Cliven.
  42. * Cliven nods.
  43. <Cliven> of course.
  44. * Cliven pulls Janie even closer, he must be tired.
  45. * [Rut]Janie curls up against him -- a ball of warmth on his side.
  46. <Cliven> ughhn....
  47. <[Rut]Janie> G'night then, mister Cliven...
  48. * Cliven kisses her on the lips.
  49. <Cliven> ...night..
  50. <Cliven> [And some time pass...]
  51. <[Rut]Janie> ...
  52. * Cliven is sleeping lightly but you know for sure he's asleep...right?
  53. * [Rut]Janie raises her head very slightly. Her eyes adjust to the dark.
  54. * Cliven tosses around, leaving Janie open to move or leave at her liesure.
  55. * [Rut]Janie crawls back a short distance to give herself full room to rise, but doesn't get out of bed yet. She whispers in a voice barely loud enough to be heard by a waking person, and too quiet to hear otherwise.
  56. <[Rut]Janie> ... Mister Cliven...?
  57. <Cliven> nngn...
  58. * [Rut]Janie slowly climbs out of bed...
  59. * [Rut]Janie tiptoes (exaggeratedly) over to the foot of the bed. With some effort, she hoists the suitcase up so the wheels won't make noise as she sneaks out of the room with it.
  60. <Cliven> ....
  61. * Cliven is woken but says nothing as he keeps an eye on this girl...
  62. * [Rut]Janie grabs her jacket and hat, and is out the door. Cliven can hear muted footsteps as she descends the stairs.
  63. <Cliven> ...
  64. * Cliven ges up quickly and quietly and trails after her.
  65. <Cliven> ....Janie?
  66. <Cliven> [Was meant to be a low voice. WHoops.]
  67. * [Rut]Janie travels to the edge of town hurriedly, unaware that she's being followed. She doesn't hear Cliven, having gotten some distance...
  68. * [Rut]Janie goes all the way to the well from earlier that day...
  69. * Cliven .oO( What is she doing?)....
  70. * [Rut]Janie leans in over the edge, looking down. She grasps the pulley for support.
  71. <Cliven> [The pull is heavier than you thought...]
  72. <[Rut]Janie> [=-= She's not using it, just holding the rope for support as she leans in.]
  73. <Cliven> [Oh..]
  74. <Cliven> [The well is slippery and you begin to lose your grip.]
  75. <[Rut]Janie> W-woaaa!
  76. <Cliven> ..!
  77. * [Rut]Janie wobbles and takes the plunge! She grabs the rope instinctively, causing the pulley to rapidly wheel the bucket up.
  78. * Cliven sees Janie is about to fall into the well and dashes after her!
  79. <[Rut]Janie> Gyaaaah~
  80. * Cliven stops the rope with his hands!.. ooh... rope burn.... but it stops it.
  81. <Cliven> Janie!
  82. <[Rut]Janie> ! M-mister Cliven?!
  83. * [Rut]Janie 's voice echoes. The thin well prevents her from turning over, leaving her head-down, several feet below. She's clutching the rope to keep herself from falling, and is braced against the walls with her legs.
  84. <Cliven> Ok.... I'm going to take hold of one of your legs Janie... hold on to the rope ok?
  85. <[Rut]Janie> Wah! Ah, um, wait!
  86. <Cliven> Y-yeah>
  87. * [Rut]Janie struggles to look up at Cliven from her position.
  88. <[Rut]Janie> C-can you, um... low me a little?
  89. <[Rut]Janie> [=-= lower*]
  90. <Cliven> Ah..ok?..
  91. * Cliven lets Janie down and easy....
  92. <[Rut]Janie> Nggh... A-almost there. Don't stop...
  93. * Cliven lets her down some more.
  94. * [Rut]Janie is slid further and deeper along the moist walls... wait, what.
  95. <[Rut]Janie> Almost... almost... Ah! Got it!
  96. <Cliven> W-what is it?
  97. <[Rut]Janie> Pull me back up, please~
  98. <Cliven> Y-yeah..
  99. * Cliven starts to pull her up, its getting heavier..wait.. heavier!?
  100. <Cliven> ....ghnn!
  101. * Cliven starts pulling her some more and then she got stuck..shit!
  102. <[Rut]Janie> Huh? Are you okay?
  103. * [Rut]Janie squirms, trying to look up again. It causes her dress to slip down, flashing her white briefs. There's a bear on the back, naturally.
  104. <Cliven> ....
  105. * Cliven looks at it for a moment...
  106. * Cliven shakes his head as she yanks with one final push, sending her flying towards him!
  107. <[Rut]Janie> Aieee!~
  108. * [Rut]Janie flies out legs first. Cliven's strength would've been enough to shotput Janie a dozen yards even without the pulley. She lands on top of him with a squish.
  109. <Cliven> ....
  110. * Cliven voice mumbles underneath Janie.
  111. <[Rut]Janie> Ouch... Ehehe, sorry, mister Clivern...
  112. <[Rut]Janie> [=-= Cliven*]
  113. * [Rut]Janie crawls off of him.
  114. <Cliven> ...what did you find?
  115. <[Rut]Janie> Umm...
  116. * [Rut]Janie reluctantly shows him what she's holding. Mina's sword.
  117. <[Rut]Janie> ... Don't tell, okay?...
  118. <Cliven> ...
  119. <Cliven> I see.
  120. * Cliven nods.
  121. <Cliven> What for?
  122. * [Rut]Janie sits on her knees, looking down.
  123. <[Rut]Janie> Aw shucks... I don't know why, mister Cliven. It just made me sad when I saw Mina just throw away...
  124. * [Rut]Janie pauses thoughtfully.
  125. <[Rut]Janie> ... The sword she saved everyone with.
  126. * Cliven nods.
  127. <[Rut]Janie> [=-= the second "just" isn't supposed to be there.]
  128. <Cliven> I see...
  129. * [Rut]Janie looks up at him pleadingly.
  130. <Cliven> Yes? What is it Janie?
  131. <[Rut]Janie> M-mina said she's just a normal person, and I understand that! B-but... she's sort of a hero to me...
  132. <[Rut]Janie> You gotta promise you won't tell her I have it! Please...
  133. * Cliven pats her.
  134. <Cliven> I won't.
  135. <[Rut]Janie> ...
  136. * [Rut]Janie sighs in relief.
  137. <[Rut]Janie> Ooh... thanks so much!
  138. <Cliven> No problem.
  139. * [Rut]Janie hugs him around the waist gratefully.
  140. <Cliven> Ah.. yes yes... it's quite no problem at all!
  141. * Cliven is quite panicking with this cute little girl on him.
  142. <Cliven> * Cliven is quite panicking with this cute little girl on him.
  143. <[Rut]Janie> Heehee~
  144. * [Rut]Janie lets go after what must've seemed like an eternity to the poor man.
  145. <[Rut]Janie> Now, I just need to...
  146. * [Rut]Janie puzzles at the lock on her suitcase.
  147. <Cliven> ....can't open it?
  148. * [Rut]Janie nods. The suitcase has a three-digit combination lock, with dials on it displaying the numbers.
  149. <[Rut]Janie> Sheesh... I should've been more careful when I picked this out...
  150. * [Rut]Janie 's suitcase has a leather tag dangling from it...
  151. <Cliven> Give me a moment with it Janie..
  152. * [Rut]Janie steps back obediently, giving him room.
  153. * Cliven pulls out a profession swiss army knife, not the cheap shit you see in store and works on the lock, unlocking it in short order.
  154. <Cliven> Here.
  155. <[Rut]Janie> Wowiee~ Thanks!
  156. <Cliven> There, we'd better hurry up before Mina sees us.
  157. * [Rut]Janie pops the sword in the trunk and shuts it.
  158. * Cliven nods
  159. <Cliven> There.
  160. <Cliven> Cmon.. lets go back.
  161. * [Rut]Janie takes Cliven's hand and skips along, swinging their arms while pulling the suitcase behind her.
  162. <[Rut]Janie> ~
  163. <Cliven> ....this time. Don't go outside.. its cold..
  164. * Cliven leans down.
  165. <Cliven> Cmon.. I'll do you the same I did with Mina.
  166. <[Rut]Janie> ?
  167. <[Rut]Janie> What's that, mister Cliven?
  168. <Cliven> Piggyback.
  169. <Cliven> I'll carry the case.
  170. * [Rut]Janie stares at Cliven momentarily.
  171. <[Rut]Janie> Yeee~
  172. * [Rut]Janie clambers on without warning!
  173. <Cliven> Ah!
  174. * Cliven struggles a little bit at first.
  175. * [Rut]Janie practically feels lighter than some retrievers he's seen.
  176. * Cliven grabs the case and hops to Janie's delight
  177. <[Rut]Janie> Hahahaha~
  178. * [Rut]Janie giggles happily.
  179. <Cliven> [And so they head back into the inn and into his room.]
  180. <Cliven> Down you go.
  181. * [Rut]Janie hops off as she's lowered. She hugs Cliven around the neck.
  182. <[Rut]Janie> Hehe~ Thanks for everything. You're the best, mister Cliven~
  183. <Cliven> Hehe.
  184. <Cliven> No problem at all Janie.
  185. <Cliven> Oh.
  186. <Cliven> Will you be sleeping here tonight?
  187. * [Rut]Janie has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  188. * [Rut]Janie has joined #Zewell
  189. <Cliven> <Cliven> Oh.
  190. <Cliven> <Cliven> Will you be sleeping here tonight?
  191. <[Rut]Janie> I'd love to!
  192. * [Rut]Janie clings.
  193. <Cliven> Ok..ok..
  194. * Cliven chuckles softly as if to not wake up Lynette.
  195. * [Rut]Janie 's previous hesitation is gone. Cliven's gesture must have really moved her. She tags along to beg energetically.
  196. <[Rut]Janie> [=-= BED*, dammit.]
  197. <Cliven> [Hohohohoho~]
  198. * Cliven is dragged to bed by a little girl.
  199. * Cliven huddles close to Janie.
  200. <Cliven> Come on Janie.. we got a long ok?
  201. <Cliven> [*day.]
  202. * [Rut]Janie falls asleep rolled up against Cliven with her head on his shoulder as she hugs his arm.
  203. <[Rut]Janie> [ZE EYND]
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