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Dec 7th, 2012
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  1. 21:29:54 T:117960704 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. 21:29:54 T:117960704 NOTICE: Starting XBMC (11.0 Git:20120702-f3cd288), Platform: Darwin iOS (11.0.0 AppleTV2,1, Version 5.1.1 (Build 9B830)). Built on Jul 2 2012
  3. 21:29:54 T:117960704 NOTICE: special://xbmc/ is mapped to: /private/var/stash/Applications/XBMC.frappliance/XBMCData/XBMCHome
  4. 21:29:54 T:117960704 NOTICE: special://xbmcbin/ is mapped to: /private/var/stash/Applications/XBMC.frappliance/XBMCData/XBMCHome
  5. 21:29:54 T:117960704 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/ is mapped to: /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/userdata
  6. 21:29:54 T:117960704 NOTICE: special://home/ is mapped to: /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC
  7. 21:29:54 T:117960704 NOTICE: special://temp/ is mapped to: /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/temp
  8. 21:29:54 T:117960704 NOTICE: special://frameworks/ is mapped to: /var/stash/Applications/XBMC.frappliance/Frameworks
  9. 21:29:54 T:117960704 NOTICE: The executable running is: /var/stash/Applications/XBMC.frappliance/XBMC
  10. 21:29:54 T:117960704 NOTICE: Local hostname: AppleTV
  11. 21:29:54 T:117960704 NOTICE: Log File is located: /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/xbmc.log
  12. 21:29:54 T:117960704 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. 21:29:54 T:117960704 NOTICE: load settings...
  14. 21:29:54 T:117960704 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/
  15. 21:29:54 T:117960704 NOTICE: loading special://masterprofile/guisettings.xml
  16. 21:29:55 T:117960704 NOTICE: Getting hardware information now...
  17. 21:29:55 T:117960704 INFO: Using analog output
  18. 21:29:55 T:117960704 INFO: AC3 pass through is disabled
  19. 21:29:55 T:117960704 INFO: DTS pass through is disabled
  20. 21:29:55 T:117960704 INFO: AAC pass through is disabled
  21. 21:29:55 T:117960704 INFO: MP1 pass through is disabled
  22. 21:29:55 T:117960704 INFO: MP2 pass through is disabled
  23. 21:29:55 T:117960704 INFO: MP3 pass through is disabled
  24. 21:29:55 T:117960704 DEBUG: Error: Requested setting (videoscreen.screenmode) was not found. It must be case-sensitive
  25. 21:29:55 T:117960704 NOTICE: Checking resolution 12
  26. 21:29:55 T:117960704 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://xbmc/system/playercorefactory.xml.
  27. 21:29:55 T:117960704 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreConfig::<ctor>: created player DVDPlayer for core 1
  28. 21:29:55 T:117960704 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreConfig::<ctor>: created player oldmplayercore for core 1
  29. 21:29:55 T:117960704 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreConfig::<ctor>: created player PAPlayer for core 3
  30. 21:29:55 T:117960704 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: system rules
  31. 21:29:55 T:117960704 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: rtv
  32. 21:29:55 T:117960704 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: hdhomerun/myth/rtmp/mms/udp
  33. 21:29:55 T:117960704 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: lastfm/shout
  34. 21:29:55 T:117960704 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: rtsp
  35. 21:29:55 T:117960704 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: streams
  36. 21:29:55 T:117960704 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: flv/aacp/sdp
  37. 21:29:55 T:117960704 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: mp2
  38. 21:29:55 T:117960704 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: dvd
  39. 21:29:55 T:117960704 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: dvdfile
  40. 21:29:55 T:117960704 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: dvdimage
  41. 21:29:55 T:117960704 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: sdp/asf
  42. 21:29:55 T:117960704 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: nsv
  43. 21:29:55 T:117960704 NOTICE: Loaded playercorefactory configuration
  44. 21:29:55 T:117960704 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml.
  45. 21:29:55 T:117960704 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml does not exist. Skipping.
  46. 21:29:55 T:117960704 NOTICE: No settings file to load (special://xbmc/system/advancedsettings.xml)
  47. 21:29:55 T:117960704 NOTICE: Loaded settings file from special://profile/advancedsettings.xml
  48. 21:29:55 T:117960704 NOTICE: Contents of special://profile/advancedsettings.xml are...
  49. <advancedsettings>
  50. <network>
  51. <cachemembuffersize>34603008</cachemembuffersize>
  52. <curlclienttimeout>45</curlclienttimeout>
  53. </network>
  54. <gui>
  55. <algorithmdirtyregions>3</algorithmdirtyregions>
  56. <nofliptimeout>0</nofliptimeout>
  57. </gui>
  58. <videoscanner>
  59. <ignoreerrors>true</ignoreerrors>
  60. </videoscanner>
  61. </advancedsettings>
  62. 21:29:55 T:117960704 NOTICE: Getting hardware information now...
  63. 21:29:55 T:117960704 INFO: Using analog output
  64. 21:29:55 T:117960704 INFO: AC3 pass through is disabled
  65. 21:29:55 T:117960704 INFO: DTS pass through is disabled
  66. 21:29:55 T:117960704 INFO: AAC pass through is disabled
  67. 21:29:55 T:117960704 INFO: MP1 pass through is disabled
  68. 21:29:55 T:117960704 INFO: MP2 pass through is disabled
  69. 21:29:55 T:117960704 INFO: MP3 pass through is disabled
  70. 21:29:55 T:117960704 DEBUG: Error: Requested setting (videoscreen.screenmode) was not found. It must be case-sensitive
  71. 21:29:55 T:117960704 NOTICE: Checking resolution 12
  72. 21:29:55 T:117960704 NOTICE: Default DVD Player: dvdplayer
  73. 21:29:55 T:117960704 NOTICE: Default Video Player: dvdplayer
  74. 21:29:55 T:117960704 NOTICE: Default Audio Player: paplayer
  75. 21:29:55 T:117960704 NOTICE: Disabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 0.
  76. 21:29:55 T:117960704 NOTICE: Log level changed to 0
  77. 21:29:55 T:117960704 NOTICE: Loading media sources from special://masterprofile/sources.xml
  78. 21:29:55 T:117960704 NOTICE: GL_VENDOR = Imagination Technologies
  79. 21:29:55 T:117960704 NOTICE: GL_RENDERER = PowerVR SGX 535
  80. 21:29:55 T:117960704 NOTICE: GL_VERSION = OpenGL ES 2.0 IMGSGX535-63.24
  81. 21:29:55 T:117960704 NOTICE: GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION = OpenGL ES GLSL ES 1.0
  82. 21:29:55 T:117960704 NOTICE: GL_EXTENSIONS = GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_debug_label GL_EXT_debug_marker GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_EXT_read_format_bgra GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_APPLE_framebuffer_multisample GL_APPLE_rgb_422 GL_APPLE_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_APPLE_texture_max_level GL_IMG_read_format GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc
  83. 21:29:56 T:117960704 NOTICE: initializing playlistplayer
  84. 21:29:56 T:117960704 NOTICE: DONE initializing playlistplayer
  85. 21:29:58 T:135303168 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  86. 21:29:58 T:117960704 NOTICE: initialize done
  87. 21:29:58 T:117960704 NOTICE: Running the application...
  88. 21:29:58 T:142295040 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  89. 21:29:58 T:141762560 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  90. 21:29:58 T:117960704 NOTICE: ES: Starting event server
  91. 21:29:58 T:153010176 NOTICE: ES: Starting UDP Event server on
  92. 21:29:58 T:153010176 NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777
  93. 21:29:58 T:117960704 NOTICE: starting zeroconf publishing
  94. 21:30:00 T:152477696 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  95. 21:30:02 T:142295040 NOTICE: 1Channel: Subscription service starting...
  96. 21:30:02 T:142295040 NOTICE: 1Channel: Service: Auto-update disabled
  97. 21:30:02 T:142295040 NOTICE: 1Channel: Subscription service ending...
  98. 21:30:02 T:141762560 NOTICE: StorageServer Module loaded RUN
  99. 21:30:02 T:141762560 NOTICE: StorageClient-1.3.0 Starting server
  100. 21:30:02 T:141762560 NOTICE: StorageServer-1.3.0 Storage Server starting /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/userdata/Database/commoncache.db
  101. 21:31:06 T:147169280 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  102. 21:31:09 T:147169280 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  103. 21:31:11 T:147169280 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  104. 21:31:29 T:117960704 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://
  105. 21:31:29 T:117960704 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin:// failed
  106. 21:31:29 T:155844608 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  107. 21:31:31 T:147169280 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  108. 21:31:38 T:147169280 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  109. 21:31:43 T:147169280 NOTICE: Metahandlers - Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  110. 21:31:43 T:147169280 NOTICE: Metacontainers - Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  111. 21:31:43 T:147169280 NOTICE: 1Channel: MySQL not enabled or not setup correctly
  112. 21:31:43 T:147169280 NOTICE: 1Channel: Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  113. 21:31:43 T:147169280 NOTICE: 1Channel: MySQL not enabled or not setup correctly
  114. 21:31:43 T:147169280 NOTICE: 1Channel: Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  115. 21:31:43 T:147169280 NOTICE: Table movie_meta initialized
  116. 21:31:43 T:147169280 NOTICE: Table tvshow_meta initialized
  117. 21:31:43 T:147169280 NOTICE: Table season_meta initialized
  118. 21:31:43 T:147169280 NOTICE: Table episode_meta initialized
  119. 21:31:43 T:147169280 NOTICE: Table addons initialized
  120. 21:31:43 T:147169280 NOTICE: 1Channel: {'mode': 'main'}
  121. 21:31:43 T:147169280 NOTICE: 1Channel: Main Menu
  122. 21:31:43 T:147169280 NOTICE: 1Channel: Building 1channel Database
  123. 21:31:47 T:176197632 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  124. 21:31:51 T:176197632 NOTICE: Metahandlers - Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  125. 21:31:51 T:176197632 NOTICE: Metacontainers - Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  126. 21:31:51 T:176197632 NOTICE: 1Channel: MySQL not enabled or not setup correctly
  127. 21:31:51 T:176197632 NOTICE: 1Channel: Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  128. 21:31:52 T:176197632 NOTICE: 1Channel: MySQL not enabled or not setup correctly
  129. 21:31:52 T:176197632 NOTICE: 1Channel: Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  130. 21:31:52 T:176197632 NOTICE: Table movie_meta initialized
  131. 21:31:52 T:176197632 NOTICE: Table tvshow_meta initialized
  132. 21:31:52 T:176197632 NOTICE: Table season_meta initialized
  133. 21:31:52 T:176197632 NOTICE: Table episode_meta initialized
  134. 21:31:52 T:176197632 NOTICE: Table addons initialized
  135. 21:31:52 T:176197632 NOTICE: 1Channel: {'mode': 'ResolverSettings'}
  136. 21:31:54 T:117960704 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://
  137. 21:31:54 T:117960704 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin:// failed
  138. 21:31:56 T:157188096 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  139. 21:32:00 T:157188096 NOTICE: Metahandlers - Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  140. 21:32:00 T:157188096 NOTICE: Metacontainers - Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  141. 21:32:00 T:157188096 NOTICE: 1Channel: MySQL not enabled or not setup correctly
  142. 21:32:00 T:157188096 NOTICE: 1Channel: Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  143. 21:32:00 T:157188096 NOTICE: 1Channel: MySQL not enabled or not setup correctly
  144. 21:32:00 T:157188096 NOTICE: 1Channel: Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  145. 21:32:00 T:157188096 NOTICE: Table movie_meta initialized
  146. 21:32:00 T:157188096 NOTICE: Table tvshow_meta initialized
  147. 21:32:00 T:157188096 NOTICE: Table season_meta initialized
  148. 21:32:00 T:157188096 NOTICE: Table episode_meta initialized
  149. 21:32:00 T:157188096 NOTICE: Table addons initialized
  150. 21:32:00 T:157188096 NOTICE: 1Channel: {'section': 'tv', 'mode': 'BrowseListMenu'}
  151. 21:32:00 T:157188096 NOTICE: 1Channel: Browse Options
  152. 21:32:00 T:157188096 NOTICE: section: tv
  153. 21:32:08 T:156631040 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  154. 21:32:12 T:156631040 NOTICE: Metahandlers - Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  155. 21:32:12 T:156631040 NOTICE: Metacontainers - Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  156. 21:32:13 T:156631040 NOTICE: 1Channel: MySQL not enabled or not setup correctly
  157. 21:32:13 T:156631040 NOTICE: 1Channel: Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  158. 21:32:13 T:156631040 NOTICE: 1Channel: MySQL not enabled or not setup correctly
  159. 21:32:13 T:156631040 NOTICE: 1Channel: Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  160. 21:32:13 T:156631040 NOTICE: Table movie_meta initialized
  161. 21:32:13 T:156631040 NOTICE: Table tvshow_meta initialized
  162. 21:32:13 T:156631040 NOTICE: Table season_meta initialized
  163. 21:32:13 T:156631040 NOTICE: Table episode_meta initialized
  164. 21:32:13 T:156631040 NOTICE: Table addons initialized
  165. 21:32:13 T:156631040 NOTICE: 1Channel: {'section': 'tv', 'mode': 'BrowseAlphabetMenu'}
  166. 21:32:13 T:156631040 NOTICE: 1Channel: Browse by alphabet screen
  167. 21:32:15 T:169975808 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  168. 21:32:19 T:169975808 NOTICE: Metahandlers - Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  169. 21:32:19 T:169975808 NOTICE: Metacontainers - Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  170. 21:32:19 T:169975808 NOTICE: 1Channel: MySQL not enabled or not setup correctly
  171. 21:32:19 T:169975808 NOTICE: 1Channel: Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  172. 21:32:19 T:169975808 NOTICE: 1Channel: MySQL not enabled or not setup correctly
  173. 21:32:19 T:169975808 NOTICE: 1Channel: Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  174. 21:32:19 T:169975808 NOTICE: Table movie_meta initialized
  175. 21:32:19 T:169975808 NOTICE: Table tvshow_meta initialized
  176. 21:32:19 T:169975808 NOTICE: Table season_meta initialized
  177. 21:32:19 T:169975808 NOTICE: Table episode_meta initialized
  178. 21:32:19 T:169975808 NOTICE: Table addons initialized
  179. 21:32:19 T:169975808 NOTICE: 1Channel: {'sort': 'alphabet', 'section': 'tv', 'mode': 'GetFilteredResults', 'letter': '123'}
  180. 21:32:19 T:169975808 NOTICE: 1Channel: Filtered results for Section: tv Genre: Letter: 123 Sort: alphabet Page:
  181. 21:32:19 T:169975808 NOTICE: 1Channel: Fetching URL:
  182. 21:32:19 T:169975808 NOTICE: 1Channel: No cached response. Requesting from internet
  183. 21:32:20 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  184. 21:32:20 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 009-1
  185. 21:32:20 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 0091
  186. 21:32:20 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '0091'
  187. 21:32:20 T:169975808 NOTICE: No match in local DB
  188. 21:32:20 T:169975808 NOTICE: Starting TVDB Lookup
  189. 21:32:20 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  190. 21:32:20 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  191. 21:32:20 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found TV Show List:
  192. 21:32:20 T:169975808 NOTICE: [('80814', '009-1', 'tt1025104')]
  193. 21:32:20 T:169975808 NOTICE: Show *** 009-1 *** found in TVdb. Getting details...
  194. 21:32:21 T:169975808 NOTICE: data returned from TheTVDB <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  195. <Data>
  196. <Series>
  197. <id>80814</id>
  198. <Actors>|Mylene Hoffman|</Actors>
  199. <Airs_DayOfWeek></Airs_DayOfWeek>
  200. <Airs_Time></Airs_Time>
  201. <ContentRating>TV-14</ContentRating>
  202. <FirstAired>2006-10-06</FirstAired>
  203. <Genre>|Animation|Science-Fiction|</Genre>
  204. <IMDB_ID>tt1025104</IMDB_ID>
  205. <Language>en</Language>
  206. <Network>ADV Films</Network>
  207. <NetworkID></NetworkID>
  208. <Overview>In a world where the Cold War never ended, East and West continue to battle for technological and political supremacy.
  210. Mylene Hoffman, field commander of the elite Double Zero intelligence division, exists in this world with her eyes open and her body always ready to do battle. She puts the intelligence into “intelligence agent” and her body into “body of evidence!” Liberating benevolent scientists, tagging along with would-be monster-slayers, meeting her match in the world’s most hard-boiled assassin and navigating a deadly labyrinth of horrors are all in a day’s work for Mylene. There’s no problem she can’t solve with the proper application of high explosives, fast-talk, deceptive jewelry, make-up and the right moves behind closed doors! In a world of spy mystery and intrigue, discover who she kisses one minute and kills the next.</Overview>
  211. <Rating>8.0</Rating>
  212. <RatingCount>4</RatingCount>
  213. <Runtime>25</Runtime>
  214. <SeriesID></SeriesID>
  215. <SeriesName>009-1</SeriesName>
  216. <Status>Ended</Status>
  217. <added></added>
  218. <addedBy></addedBy>
  219. <banner>graphical/80814-g2.jpg</banner>
  220. <fanart>fanart/original/80814-2.jpg</fanart>
  221. <lastupdated>1353816873</lastupdated>
  222. <poster>posters/80814-3.jpg</poster>
  223. <zap2it_id></zap2it_id>
  224. </Series>
  225. </Data>
  226. 21:32:21 T:169975808 NOTICE: Checking if entry already exists in cache table: tvshow_meta
  227. 21:32:21 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1025104'
  228. 21:32:21 T:169975808 NOTICE: Saving cache information:
  229. 21:32:21 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 8.0, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '009-1 ', 'year': 2006, 'duration': '25', 'plot': u'In a world where the Cold War never ended, East and West continue to battle for technological and political supremacy.\n\nMylene Hoffman, field commander of the elite Double Zero intelligence division, exists in this world with her eyes open and her body always ready to do battle. She puts the intelligence into \u201cintelligence agent\u201d and her body into \u201cbody of evidence!\u201d Liberating benevolent scientists, tagging along with would-be monster-slayers, meeting her match in the world\u2019s most hard-boiled assassin and navigating a deadly labyrinth of horrors are all in a day\u2019s work for Mylene. There\u2019s no problem she can\u2019t solve with the proper application of high explosives, fast-talk, deceptive jewelry, make-up and the right moves behind closed doors! In a world of spy mystery and intrigue, discover who she kisses one minute and kills the next.', 'title': '0091', 'mpaa': 'TV-14', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Ended', 'tvdb_id': '80814', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': 'tt1025104', 'studio': 'ADV Films', 'genre': 'Animation,Science-Fiction', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2006-10-06', 'cast': "['Mylene Hoffman']", 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': ''}
  230. 21:32:21 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  231. 21:32:21 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 8.0, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '009-1 ', 'year': 2006, 'duration': '25', 'plot': u'In a world where the Cold War never ended, East and West continue to battle for technological and political supremacy.\n\nMylene Hoffman, field commander of the elite Double Zero intelligence division, exists in this world with her eyes open and her body always ready to do battle. She puts the intelligence into \u201cintelligence agent\u201d and her body into \u201cbody of evidence!\u201d Liberating benevolent scientists, tagging along with would-be monster-slayers, meeting her match in the world\u2019s most hard-boiled assassin and navigating a deadly labyrinth of horrors are all in a day\u2019s work for Mylene. There\u2019s no problem she can\u2019t solve with the proper application of high explosives, fast-talk, deceptive jewelry, make-up and the right moves behind closed doors! In a world of spy mystery and intrigue, discover who she kisses one minute and kills the next.', 'title': '009-1 ', 'mpaa': 'TV-14', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Ended', 'tvdb_id': '80814', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': 'tt1025104', 'studio': 'ADV Films', 'genre': 'Animation,Science-Fiction', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2006-10-06', 'cast': ['Mylene Hoffman'], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': '', 'trailer': ''}
  232. 21:32:21 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  233. 21:32:21 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 07-Ghost
  234. 21:32:21 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 07ghost
  235. 21:32:21 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '07ghost'
  236. 21:32:21 T:169975808 NOTICE: No match in local DB
  237. 21:32:21 T:169975808 NOTICE: Starting TVDB Lookup
  238. 21:32:21 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  239. 21:32:22 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  240. 21:32:22 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found TV Show List:
  241. 21:32:22 T:169975808 NOTICE: [('88651', '07-Ghost', 'tt1424033')]
  242. 21:32:22 T:169975808 NOTICE: Show *** 07-Ghost *** found in TVdb. Getting details...
  243. 21:32:22 T:169975808 NOTICE: data returned from TheTVDB <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  244. <Data>
  245. <Series>
  246. <id>88651</id>
  247. <Actors>|Suwabe Jun'ichi|Saiga Mitsuki|Fukuyama Jun|Namikawa Daisuke|Chiba Susumu|Miyata Kouki|Saitou Chiwa|Kishio Daisuke|Nakai Kazuya|Hatano Wataru|Hayami Shou|Hamada Kenji|Kirii Daisuke|Mitsuo Senda|Saori Hayami|Ayako Kawasumi|Kaori Nazuka|Kouichi Toochika|Mamiko Noto|</Actors>
  248. <Airs_DayOfWeek>Monday</Airs_DayOfWeek>
  249. <Airs_Time></Airs_Time>
  250. <ContentRating></ContentRating>
  251. <FirstAired>2009-04-06</FirstAired>
  252. <Genre>|Animation|Fantasy|</Genre>
  253. <IMDB_ID>tt1424033</IMDB_ID>
  254. <Language>en</Language>
  255. <Network>CTC</Network>
  256. <NetworkID></NetworkID>
  257. <Overview>Set in a gothic fantasy world, this is the story of Teito Klein, an orphaned slave who became the top military academy student. However, an unexpected turn of events left him pursued by the forces of the Barsburg Empire. Now an escaping convict, Teito's sheltered by the church and it’s law of sanctuary. Here, he discovered many mysteries surrounding himself, the church, and the Empire itself. The fact that he might be connected to a dethroned king and the mystical stone of god, 'The Eye of Mikhael' made him the target of the empire more than ever. Fortunately the church is under the mythical 7 Ghost protection. But who are the Ghosts really. Will Teito be free from the military's clutch, And what of his said mission to uncover the history. And who is the military's Chief-of-Staff Ayanami exactly. Teito's future seems to have spiraled into an unexpectedly perilous path.</Overview>
  258. <Rating>8.0</Rating>
  259. <RatingCount>7</RatingCount>
  260. <Runtime>25</Runtime>
  261. <SeriesID>77131</SeriesID>
  262. <SeriesName>07-Ghost</SeriesName>
  263. <Status>Ended</Status>
  264. <added>2009-04-10 04:49:39</added>
  265. <addedBy>1230</addedBy>
  266. <banner>graphical/88651-g3.jpg</banner>
  267. <fanart>fanart/original/88651-3.jpg</fanart>
  268. <lastupdated>1340029815</lastupdated>
  269. <poster>posters/88651-2.jpg</poster>
  270. <zap2it_id></zap2it_id>
  271. </Series>
  272. </Data>
  273. 21:32:22 T:169975808 NOTICE: Checking if entry already exists in cache table: tvshow_meta
  274. 21:32:22 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1424033'
  275. 21:32:22 T:169975808 NOTICE: Saving cache information:
  276. 21:32:22 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 8.0, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '07-Ghost ', 'year': 2009, 'duration': '25', 'plot': u"Set in a gothic fantasy world, this is the story of Teito Klein, an orphaned slave who became the top military academy student. However, an unexpected turn of events left him pursued by the forces of the Barsburg Empire. Now an escaping convict, Teito's sheltered by the church and it\u2019s law of sanctuary. Here, he discovered many mysteries surrounding himself, the church, and the Empire itself. The fact that he might be connected to a dethroned king and the mystical stone of god, 'The Eye of Mikhael' made him the target of the empire more than ever. Fortunately the church is under the mythical 7 Ghost protection. But who are the Ghosts really. Will Teito be free from the military's clutch, And what of his said mission to uncover the history. And who is the military's Chief-of-Staff Ayanami exactly. Teito's future seems to have spiraled into an unexpectedly perilous path.", 'title': '07ghost', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Ended', 'tvdb_id': '88651', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': 'tt1424033', 'studio': 'CTC', 'genre': 'Animation,Fantasy', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2009-04-06', 'cast': '["Suwabe Jun\'ichi", \'Saiga Mitsuki\', \'Fukuyama Jun\', \'Namikawa Daisuke\', \'Chiba Susumu\', \'Miyata Kouki\', \'Saitou Chiwa\', \'Kishio Daisuke\', \'Nakai Kazuya\', \'Hatano Wataru\', \'Hayami Shou\', \'Hamada Kenji\', \'Kirii Daisuke\', \'Mitsuo Senda\', \'Saori Hayami\', \'Ayako Kawasumi\', \'Kaori Nazuka\', \'Kouichi \\tToochika\', \'Mamiko Noto\']', 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': ''}
  277. 21:32:22 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  278. 21:32:22 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 8.0, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '07-Ghost ', 'year': 2009, 'duration': '25', 'plot': u"Set in a gothic fantasy world, this is the story of Teito Klein, an orphaned slave who became the top military academy student. However, an unexpected turn of events left him pursued by the forces of the Barsburg Empire. Now an escaping convict, Teito's sheltered by the church and it\u2019s law of sanctuary. Here, he discovered many mysteries surrounding himself, the church, and the Empire itself. The fact that he might be connected to a dethroned king and the mystical stone of god, 'The Eye of Mikhael' made him the target of the empire more than ever. Fortunately the church is under the mythical 7 Ghost protection. But who are the Ghosts really. Will Teito be free from the military's clutch, And what of his said mission to uncover the history. And who is the military's Chief-of-Staff Ayanami exactly. Teito's future seems to have spiraled into an unexpectedly perilous path.", 'title': '07-Ghost ', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Ended', 'tvdb_id': '88651', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': 'tt1424033', 'studio': 'CTC', 'genre': 'Animation,Fantasy', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2009-04-06', 'cast': ["Suwabe Jun'ichi", 'Saiga Mitsuki', 'Fukuyama Jun', 'Namikawa Daisuke', 'Chiba Susumu', 'Miyata Kouki', 'Saitou Chiwa', 'Kishio Daisuke', 'Nakai Kazuya', 'Hatano Wataru', 'Hayami Shou', 'Hamada Kenji', 'Kirii Daisuke', 'Mitsuo Senda', 'Saori Hayami', 'Ayako Kawasumi', 'Kaori Nazuka', 'Kouichi \tToochika', 'Mamiko Noto'], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': '', 'trailer': ''}
  279. 21:32:22 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  280. 21:32:22 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 1 Girl 5 Gays
  281. 21:32:22 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 1girl5gays
  282. 21:32:22 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '1girl5gays'
  283. 21:32:22 T:169975808 NOTICE: No match in local DB
  284. 21:32:22 T:169975808 NOTICE: Starting TVDB Lookup
  285. 21:32:22 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  286. 21:32:23 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  287. 21:32:23 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found TV Show List:
  288. 21:32:23 T:169975808 NOTICE: []
  289. 21:32:23 T:169975808 NOTICE: Checking if entry already exists in cache table: tvshow_meta
  290. 21:32:23 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE title = '1girl5gays'
  291. 21:32:23 T:169975808 NOTICE: Saving cache information:
  292. 21:32:23 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 0, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '1 Girl 5 Gays ', 'year': 0, 'duration': '', 'plot': '', 'title': '1girl5gays', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': '', 'tvdb_id': '', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': '', 'studio': '', 'genre': '', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '', 'cast': '[]', 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': ''}
  293. 21:32:23 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
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  295. 21:32:23 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  296. 21:32:23 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 1 Girl 5 Gays 2009
  297. 21:32:23 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 1girl5gays 2009
  298. 21:32:23 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '1girl5gays'
  299. 21:32:23 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found meta information by name in cache table:
  300. 21:32:23 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'status': u'', 'rating': 0.0, 'episode': 0, 'trailer_url': u'', 'banner_url': u'', 'title': u'1girl5gays', 'mpaa': u'', 'tvdb_id': u'', 'plot': u'', 'premiered': u'', 'imdb_id': u'', 'imgs_prepacked': u'false', 'cast': u'[]', 'studio': u'', 'cover_url': u'', 'duration': u'', 'overlay': 6, 'genre': u'', 'playcount': 0, 'backdrop_url': u''}
  301. 21:32:23 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  302. 21:32:23 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 0.0, 'banner_url': u'', 'TVShowTitle': '1 Girl 5 Gays ', 'duration': u'', 'plot': u'', 'title': '1 Girl 5 Gays ', 'mpaa': u'', 'imgs_prepacked': u'false', 'backdrop_url': u'', 'status': u'', 'tvdb_id': u'', 'cover_url': u'', 'imdb_id': u'', 'studio': u'', 'genre': u'', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': u'', 'cast': [], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': u'', 'trailer': ''}
  303. 21:32:23 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  304. 21:32:23 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 1 vs 100
  305. 21:32:23 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 1vs100
  306. 21:32:23 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '1vs100'
  307. 21:32:23 T:169975808 NOTICE: No match in local DB
  308. 21:32:23 T:169975808 NOTICE: Starting TVDB Lookup
  309. 21:32:23 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  310. 21:32:23 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  311. 21:32:23 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found TV Show List:
  312. 21:32:23 T:169975808 NOTICE: [('256940', '1 vs. 100', None), ('250725', '1 vs 100 IL', None)]
  313. 21:32:23 T:169975808 NOTICE: Show *** 1 vs 100 *** found in TVdb. Getting details...
  314. 21:32:24 T:169975808 NOTICE: data returned from TheTVDB <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  315. <Data>
  316. <Series>
  317. <id>256940</id>
  318. <Actors>||</Actors>
  319. <Airs_DayOfWeek></Airs_DayOfWeek>
  320. <Airs_Time></Airs_Time>
  321. <ContentRating></ContentRating>
  322. <FirstAired>2012-03-10</FirstAired>
  323. <Genre></Genre>
  324. <IMDB_ID></IMDB_ID>
  325. <Language>en</Language>
  326. <Network>GSN</Network>
  327. <NetworkID></NetworkID>
  328. <Overview>1 vs. 100 is an American game show in which a single player (the 1) goes up against 100 other contestants (the &quot;Mob&quot;). The 1 gains money for every Mob member eliminated, but loses all winnings with an incorrect answer at any point. </Overview>
  329. <Rating></Rating>
  330. <RatingCount>0</RatingCount>
  331. <Runtime>30</Runtime>
  332. <SeriesID></SeriesID>
  333. <SeriesName>1 vs. 100</SeriesName>
  334. <Status></Status>
  335. <added>2012-03-09 23:54:11</added>
  336. <addedBy>351176</addedBy>
  337. <banner></banner>
  338. <fanart>fanart/original/256940-1.jpg</fanart>
  339. <lastupdated>1344374147</lastupdated>
  340. <poster>posters/256940-1.jpg</poster>
  341. <zap2it_id></zap2it_id>
  342. </Series>
  343. </Data>
  344. 21:32:24 T:169975808 NOTICE: Some info missing in TVdb for TVshow *** 1 vs 100 ***. Will search imdb for more
  345. 21:32:24 T:169975808 NOTICE: Requesting IMDB :
  346. 21:32:24 T:169975808 NOTICE: IMDB Meta:
  347. 21:32:24 T:169975808 NOTICE: {u'Plot': u'The Australian version of the elimination quiz where one contestant must eliminate a mob of 100 people to win the $1 million prize.', u'Rated': u'N/A', u'Title': u'1 vs 100', u'Poster': u'N/A', u'Writer': u'N/A', u'Response': u'True', u'Director': u'N/A', u'Released': u'29 Jan 2007', u'Actors': u'Eddie McGuire, Mark S. Daly, Lauren Hewitt', u'Year': u'2007', u'Genre': u'Game-Show', u'Runtime': u'N/A', u'imdbRating': u'5.7', u'imdbVotes': u'45', u'imdbID': u'tt0949786'}
  348. 21:32:24 T:169975808 NOTICE: Updating current meta with IMDB
  349. 21:32:24 T:169975808 NOTICE: -- IMDB - Updating Posters
  350. 21:32:24 T:169975808 NOTICE: -- IMDB - Updating Rating
  351. 21:32:24 T:169975808 NOTICE: -- IMDB - Updating Genre
  352. 21:32:24 T:169975808 NOTICE: Checking if entry already exists in cache table: tvshow_meta
  353. 21:32:24 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt0949786'
  354. 21:32:24 T:169975808 NOTICE: Saving cache information:
  355. 21:32:24 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 5.7000000000000002, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '1 vs 100 ', 'year': 2012, 'duration': '30', 'plot': '1 vs. 100 is an American game show in which a single player (the 1) goes up against 100 other contestants (the "Mob"). The 1 gains money for every Mob member eliminated, but loses all winnings with an incorrect answer at any point. ', 'votes': '', 'title': '1vs100', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': '', 'tvdb_id': '256940', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': u'tt0949786', 'studio': 'GSN', 'genre': u'Game-Show', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2012-03-10', 'cast': '[]', 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': ''}
  356. 21:32:24 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  357. 21:32:24 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 5.7000000000000002, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '1 vs 100 ', 'year': 2012, 'duration': '30', 'plot': '1 vs. 100 is an American game show in which a single player (the 1) goes up against 100 other contestants (the "Mob"). The 1 gains money for every Mob member eliminated, but loses all winnings with an incorrect answer at any point. ', 'votes': '', 'title': '1 vs 100 ', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': '', 'tvdb_id': '256940', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': u'tt0949786', 'studio': 'GSN', 'genre': u'Game-Show', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2012-03-10', 'cast': [], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': '', 'trailer': ''}
  358. 21:32:24 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  359. 21:32:24 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 1-800-Missing
  360. 21:32:24 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 1800missing
  361. 21:32:24 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '1800missing'
  362. 21:32:24 T:169975808 NOTICE: No match in local DB
  363. 21:32:24 T:169975808 NOTICE: Starting TVDB Lookup
  364. 21:32:24 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  365. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  366. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found TV Show List:
  367. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: []
  368. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: Checking if entry already exists in cache table: tvshow_meta
  369. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE title = '1800missing'
  370. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: Saving cache information:
  371. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 0, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '1-800-Missing ', 'year': 0, 'duration': '', 'plot': '', 'title': '1800missing', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': '', 'tvdb_id': '', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': '', 'studio': '', 'genre': '', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '', 'cast': '[]', 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': ''}
  372. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  373. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 0, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '1-800-Missing ', 'year': 0, 'duration': '', 'plot': '', 'title': '1-800-Missing ', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': '', 'tvdb_id': '', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': '', 'studio': '', 'genre': '', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '', 'cast': [], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': '', 'trailer': ''}
  374. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  375. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 1-800-Missing 2003
  376. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 1800missing 2003
  377. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '1800missing'
  378. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found meta information by name in cache table:
  379. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'status': u'', 'rating': 0.0, 'episode': 0, 'trailer_url': u'', 'banner_url': u'', 'title': u'1800missing', 'mpaa': u'', 'tvdb_id': u'', 'plot': u'', 'premiered': u'', 'imdb_id': u'', 'imgs_prepacked': u'false', 'cast': u'[]', 'studio': u'', 'cover_url': u'', 'duration': u'', 'overlay': 6, 'genre': u'', 'playcount': 0, 'backdrop_url': u''}
  380. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  381. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 0.0, 'banner_url': u'', 'TVShowTitle': '1-800-Missing ', 'duration': u'', 'plot': u'', 'title': '1-800-Missing ', 'mpaa': u'', 'imgs_prepacked': u'false', 'backdrop_url': u'', 'status': u'', 'tvdb_id': u'', 'cover_url': u'', 'imdb_id': u'', 'studio': u'', 'genre': u'', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': u'', 'cast': [], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': u'', 'trailer': ''}
  382. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  383. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 10 Items or Less (TV)
  384. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 10itemsorlesstv
  385. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '10itemsorlesstv'
  386. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: No match in local DB
  387. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: Starting TVDB Lookup
  388. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  389. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  390. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found TV Show List:
  391. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: []
  392. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: Checking if entry already exists in cache table: tvshow_meta
  393. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE title = '10itemsorlesstv'
  394. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: Saving cache information:
  395. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 0, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '10 Items or Less (TV) ', 'year': 0, 'duration': '', 'plot': '', 'title': '10itemsorlesstv', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': '', 'tvdb_id': '', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': '', 'studio': '', 'genre': '', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '', 'cast': '[]', 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': ''}
  396. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  397. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 0, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '10 Items or Less (TV) ', 'year': 0, 'duration': '', 'plot': '', 'title': '10 Items or Less (TV) ', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': '', 'tvdb_id': '', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': '', 'studio': '', 'genre': '', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '', 'cast': [], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': '', 'trailer': ''}
  398. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  399. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 10 Items or Less (TV) 2006
  400. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 10itemsorlesstv 2006
  401. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '10itemsorlesstv'
  402. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found meta information by name in cache table:
  403. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'status': u'', 'rating': 0.0, 'episode': 0, 'trailer_url': u'', 'banner_url': u'', 'title': u'10itemsorlesstv', 'mpaa': u'', 'tvdb_id': u'', 'plot': u'', 'premiered': u'', 'imdb_id': u'', 'imgs_prepacked': u'false', 'cast': u'[]', 'studio': u'', 'cover_url': u'', 'duration': u'', 'overlay': 6, 'genre': u'', 'playcount': 0, 'backdrop_url': u''}
  404. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  405. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 0.0, 'banner_url': u'', 'TVShowTitle': '10 Items or Less (TV) ', 'duration': u'', 'plot': u'', 'title': '10 Items or Less (TV) ', 'mpaa': u'', 'imgs_prepacked': u'false', 'backdrop_url': u'', 'status': u'', 'tvdb_id': u'', 'cover_url': u'', 'imdb_id': u'', 'studio': u'', 'genre': u'', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': u'', 'cast': [], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': u'', 'trailer': ''}
  406. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  407. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 10 O'Clock Live
  408. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 10oclocklive
  409. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '10oclocklive'
  410. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: No match in local DB
  411. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE: Starting TVDB Lookup
  412. 21:32:25 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  413. 21:32:26 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  414. 21:32:26 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found TV Show List:
  415. 21:32:26 T:169975808 NOTICE: [('221001', "10 O'Clock Live", 'tt1811399')]
  416. 21:32:26 T:169975808 NOTICE: Show *** 10 O'Clock Live *** found in TVdb. Getting details...
  417. 21:32:26 T:169975808 NOTICE: data returned from TheTVDB <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  418. <Data>
  419. <Series>
  420. <id>221001</id>
  421. <Actors>|Charlie Brooker|David Mitchell|Jimmy Carr|Lauren Laverne|</Actors>
  422. <Airs_DayOfWeek>Thursday</Airs_DayOfWeek>
  423. <Airs_Time>22:00</Airs_Time>
  424. <ContentRating>TV-14</ContentRating>
  425. <FirstAired>2011-01-20</FirstAired>
  426. <Genre>|Comedy|</Genre>
  427. <IMDB_ID>tt1811399</IMDB_ID>
  428. <Language>en</Language>
  429. <Network>Channel 4</Network>
  430. <NetworkID></NetworkID>
  431. <Overview>Live topical comedy show hosted by Jimmy Carr, David Mitchell, Charlie Brooker and Lauren Laverne. Each presenter has their own sections, and all four will come together for some parts of the show. Jimmy Carr is the desk-based presenter, with David Mitchell chairing discussions and conducting interviews, Charlie Brooker taking an acerbic and cynical look at the week's media coverage, and Lauren Laverne collecting the views and comments of the audience, both in the studio and from those watching at home via Twitter.</Overview>
  432. <Rating>9.3</Rating>
  433. <RatingCount>4</RatingCount>
  434. <Runtime>60</Runtime>
  435. <SeriesID>80758</SeriesID>
  436. <SeriesName>10 O'Clock Live</SeriesName>
  437. <Status>Continuing</Status>
  438. <added>2011-01-12 11:03:05</added>
  439. <addedBy>196521</addedBy>
  440. <banner>graphical/221001-g2.jpg</banner>
  441. <fanart>fanart/original/221001-3.jpg</fanart>
  442. <lastupdated>1346583799</lastupdated>
  443. <poster>posters/221001-3.jpg</poster>
  444. <zap2it_id></zap2it_id>
  445. </Series>
  446. </Data>
  447. 21:32:26 T:169975808 NOTICE: Checking if entry already exists in cache table: tvshow_meta
  448. 21:32:26 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1811399'
  449. 21:32:26 T:169975808 NOTICE: Saving cache information:
  450. 21:32:26 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 9.3000000000000007, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': "10 O'Clock Live ", 'year': 2011, 'duration': '60', 'plot': "Live topical comedy show hosted by Jimmy Carr, David Mitchell, Charlie Brooker and Lauren Laverne. Each presenter has their own sections, and all four will come together for some parts of the show. Jimmy Carr is the desk-based presenter, with David Mitchell chairing discussions and conducting interviews, Charlie Brooker taking an acerbic and cynical look at the week's media coverage, and Lauren Laverne collecting the views and comments of the audience, both in the studio and from those watching at home via Twitter.", 'title': '10oclocklive', 'mpaa': 'TV-14', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Continuing', 'tvdb_id': '221001', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': 'tt1811399', 'studio': 'Channel 4', 'genre': 'Comedy', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2011-01-20', 'cast': "['Charlie Brooker', 'David Mitchell', 'Jimmy Carr', 'Lauren Laverne']", 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': ''}
  451. 21:32:26 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  452. 21:32:26 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 9.3000000000000007, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': "10 O'Clock Live ", 'year': 2011, 'duration': '60', 'plot': "Live topical comedy show hosted by Jimmy Carr, David Mitchell, Charlie Brooker and Lauren Laverne. Each presenter has their own sections, and all four will come together for some parts of the show. Jimmy Carr is the desk-based presenter, with David Mitchell chairing discussions and conducting interviews, Charlie Brooker taking an acerbic and cynical look at the week's media coverage, and Lauren Laverne collecting the views and comments of the audience, both in the studio and from those watching at home via Twitter.", 'title': "10 O'Clock Live ", 'mpaa': 'TV-14', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Continuing', 'tvdb_id': '221001', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': 'tt1811399', 'studio': 'Channel 4', 'genre': 'Comedy', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2011-01-20', 'cast': ['Charlie Brooker', 'David Mitchell', 'Jimmy Carr', 'Lauren Laverne'], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': '', 'trailer': ''}
  453. 21:32:26 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  454. 21:32:26 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 10 Things I Hate About You (TV)
  455. 21:32:26 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 10thingsihateaboutyoutv
  456. 21:32:26 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '10thingsihateaboutyoutv'
  457. 21:32:26 T:169975808 NOTICE: No match in local DB
  458. 21:32:26 T:169975808 NOTICE: Starting TVDB Lookup
  459. 21:32:26 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  460. 21:32:27 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  461. 21:32:27 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found TV Show List:
  462. 21:32:27 T:169975808 NOTICE: []
  463. 21:32:27 T:169975808 NOTICE: Checking if entry already exists in cache table: tvshow_meta
  464. 21:32:27 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE title = '10thingsihateaboutyoutv'
  465. 21:32:27 T:169975808 NOTICE: Saving cache information:
  466. 21:32:27 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 0, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '10 Things I Hate About You (TV) ', 'year': 0, 'duration': '', 'plot': '', 'title': '10thingsihateaboutyoutv', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': '', 'tvdb_id': '', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': '', 'studio': '', 'genre': '', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '', 'cast': '[]', 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': ''}
  467. 21:32:27 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  468. 21:32:27 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 0, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '10 Things I Hate About You (TV) ', 'year': 0, 'duration': '', 'plot': '', 'title': '10 Things I Hate About You (TV) ', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': '', 'tvdb_id': '', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': '', 'studio': '', 'genre': '', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '', 'cast': [], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': '', 'trailer': ''}
  469. 21:32:27 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  470. 21:32:27 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 10 Things I Hate About You (TV) 2009
  471. 21:32:27 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 10thingsihateaboutyoutv 2009
  472. 21:32:27 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '10thingsihateaboutyoutv'
  473. 21:32:27 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found meta information by name in cache table:
  474. 21:32:27 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'status': u'', 'rating': 0.0, 'episode': 0, 'trailer_url': u'', 'banner_url': u'', 'title': u'10thingsihateaboutyoutv', 'mpaa': u'', 'tvdb_id': u'', 'plot': u'', 'premiered': u'', 'imdb_id': u'', 'imgs_prepacked': u'false', 'cast': u'[]', 'studio': u'', 'cover_url': u'', 'duration': u'', 'overlay': 6, 'genre': u'', 'playcount': 0, 'backdrop_url': u''}
  475. 21:32:27 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  476. 21:32:27 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 0.0, 'banner_url': u'', 'TVShowTitle': '10 Things I Hate About You (TV) ', 'duration': u'', 'plot': u'', 'title': '10 Things I Hate About You (TV) ', 'mpaa': u'', 'imgs_prepacked': u'false', 'backdrop_url': u'', 'status': u'', 'tvdb_id': u'', 'cover_url': u'', 'imdb_id': u'', 'studio': u'', 'genre': u'', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': u'', 'cast': [], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': u'', 'trailer': ''}
  477. 21:32:27 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  478. 21:32:27 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 10 Things You Don't Know About
  479. 21:32:27 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 10thingsyoudontknowabout
  480. 21:32:27 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '10thingsyoudontknowabout'
  481. 21:32:27 T:169975808 NOTICE: No match in local DB
  482. 21:32:27 T:169975808 NOTICE: Starting TVDB Lookup
  483. 21:32:27 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  484. 21:32:27 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  485. 21:32:27 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found TV Show List:
  486. 21:32:27 T:169975808 NOTICE: [('257161', "10 Things You Don't Know About", 'tt2271785')]
  487. 21:32:27 T:169975808 NOTICE: Show *** 10 Things You Don't Know About *** found in TVdb. Getting details...
  488. 21:32:28 T:169975808 NOTICE: data returned from TheTVDB <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  489. <Data>
  490. <Series>
  491. <id>257161</id>
  492. <Actors>||</Actors>
  493. <Airs_DayOfWeek>Monday</Airs_DayOfWeek>
  494. <Airs_Time>10:00 PM</Airs_Time>
  495. <ContentRating></ContentRating>
  496. <FirstAired>2012-02-27</FirstAired>
  497. <Genre>|Documentary|</Genre>
  498. <IMDB_ID>tt2271785</IMDB_ID>
  499. <Language>en</Language>
  500. <Network>History</Network>
  501. <NetworkID></NetworkID>
  502. <Overview>Did you know that President John F. Kennedy was a bodybuilder, Roman ruler Caligula loved to gamble and drug kingpin Pablo Escobar burned millions in cash to keep warm? In the series 10 Things You Don’t Know About, author and maverick historian David Eisenbach reveals intriguing and provocative details about some of history’s most fascinating individuals and groups. Tune in each week to explore the lives of historical figures ranging from Abraham Lincoln to the members of the Rat Pack, discovering what your textbooks never told you.</Overview>
  503. <Rating></Rating>
  504. <RatingCount>0</RatingCount>
  505. <Runtime>30</Runtime>
  506. <SeriesID></SeriesID>
  507. <SeriesName>10 Things You Don't Know About</SeriesName>
  508. <Status>Continuing</Status>
  509. <added>2012-03-14 03:08:33</added>
  510. <addedBy>360679</addedBy>
  511. <banner></banner>
  512. <fanart></fanart>
  513. <lastupdated>1340385867</lastupdated>
  514. <poster></poster>
  515. <zap2it_id>SH1527544</zap2it_id>
  516. </Series>
  517. </Data>
  518. 21:32:28 T:169975808 NOTICE: Some info missing in TVdb for TVshow *** 10 Things You Don't Know About ***. Will search imdb for more
  519. 21:32:28 T:169975808 NOTICE: Requesting IMDB :
  520. 21:32:29 T:169975808 NOTICE: IMDB Meta:
  521. 21:32:29 T:169975808 NOTICE: {u'Plot': u'N/A', u'Rated': u'N/A', u'Title': u"10 Things You Don't Know About", u'Poster': u'N/A', u'Writer': u'N/A', u'Response': u'True', u'Director': u'N/A', u'Released': u'27 Feb 2012', u'Actors': u'David Eisenbach, Robert McLain', u'Year': u'2012', u'Genre': u'Biography, History', u'Runtime': u'N/A', u'imdbRating': u'5.7', u'imdbVotes': u'17', u'imdbID': u'tt2271785'}
  522. 21:32:29 T:169975808 NOTICE: Updating current meta with IMDB
  523. 21:32:29 T:169975808 NOTICE: -- IMDB - Updating Posters
  524. 21:32:29 T:169975808 NOTICE: -- IMDB - Updating Rating
  525. 21:32:29 T:169975808 NOTICE: Checking if entry already exists in cache table: tvshow_meta
  526. 21:32:29 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt2271785'
  527. 21:32:29 T:169975808 NOTICE: Saving cache information:
  528. 21:32:29 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 5.7000000000000002, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': "10 Things You Don't Know About ", 'year': 2012, 'duration': '30', 'plot': u'Did you know that President John F. Kennedy was a bodybuilder, Roman ruler Caligula loved to gamble and drug kingpin Pablo Escobar burned millions in cash to keep warm? In the series 10 Things You Don\u2019t Know About, author and maverick historian David Eisenbach reveals intriguing and provocative details about some of history\u2019s most fascinating individuals and groups. Tune in each week to explore the lives of historical figures ranging from Abraham Lincoln to the members of the Rat Pack, discovering what your textbooks never told you.', 'votes': '', 'title': '10thingsyoudontknowabout', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Continuing', 'tvdb_id': '257161', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': u'tt2271785', 'studio': 'History', 'genre': 'Documentary', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2012-02-27', 'cast': '[]', 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': ''}
  529. 21:32:29 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  530. 21:32:29 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 5.7000000000000002, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': "10 Things You Don't Know About ", 'year': 2012, 'duration': '30', 'plot': u'Did you know that President John F. Kennedy was a bodybuilder, Roman ruler Caligula loved to gamble and drug kingpin Pablo Escobar burned millions in cash to keep warm? In the series 10 Things You Don\u2019t Know About, author and maverick historian David Eisenbach reveals intriguing and provocative details about some of history\u2019s most fascinating individuals and groups. Tune in each week to explore the lives of historical figures ranging from Abraham Lincoln to the members of the Rat Pack, discovering what your textbooks never told you.', 'votes': '', 'title': "10 Things You Don't Know About ", 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Continuing', 'tvdb_id': '257161', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': u'tt2271785', 'studio': 'History', 'genre': 'Documentary', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2012-02-27', 'cast': [], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': '', 'trailer': ''}
  531. 21:32:29 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  532. 21:32:29 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 100 Questions
  533. 21:32:29 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 100questions
  534. 21:32:29 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '100questions'
  535. 21:32:29 T:169975808 NOTICE: No match in local DB
  536. 21:32:29 T:169975808 NOTICE: Starting TVDB Lookup
  537. 21:32:29 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  538. 21:32:29 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  539. 21:32:29 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found TV Show List:
  540. 21:32:29 T:169975808 NOTICE: [('94581', '100 Questions', 'tt1441093')]
  541. 21:32:29 T:169975808 NOTICE: Show *** 100 Questions *** found in TVdb. Getting details...
  542. 21:32:30 T:169975808 NOTICE: data returned from TheTVDB <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  543. <Data>
  544. <Series>
  545. <id>94581</id>
  546. <Actors>|Sophie Winkleman|</Actors>
  547. <Airs_DayOfWeek>Tuesday</Airs_DayOfWeek>
  548. <Airs_Time>9:30</Airs_Time>
  549. <ContentRating></ContentRating>
  550. <FirstAired>2010-05-28</FirstAired>
  551. <Genre>|Comedy|</Genre>
  552. <IMDB_ID>tt1441093</IMDB_ID>
  553. <Language>en</Language>
  554. <Network>NBC</Network>
  555. <NetworkID></NetworkID>
  556. <Overview>Emmy winner James Burrows (Will &amp; Grace, Friends) directs 100 Questions, a new comedy series written and executive produced by Christopher Moynihan (For Your Consideration) that provides hilarious answers to 100 questions about love. Charlotte Payne (Sophie Winkleman, Peep Show) is looking for love and has rejected multiple marriage proposals -- but she has yet to meet Mr. Right. When she joins a popular online dating site, she gets a little help from her dating counselor Ravi (Amir Talai, The Ex List) - who requires her to take a 100-question compatibility test. The questions aren’t easy for Charlotte to answer, and each one requires her to recount a poignant and humorous time in her life with friends Leslie (Elizabeth Ho, Women’s Murder Club), Jill (Joy Suprano, NBC’s Law &amp; Order), Mike (Christopher Moynihan, For Your Consideration) and Wayne (David Walton, Quarterlife). The test becomes a journey of self-discovery for Charlotte who begins to realize what she truly wants in a relationship. Ron West (Psych), Kelly Kulchak (Psych) and Michelle Nader (King of Queens) join Moynihan as executive producers.</Overview>
  557. <Rating>8.0</Rating>
  558. <RatingCount>1</RatingCount>
  559. <Runtime>30</Runtime>
  560. <SeriesID>76763</SeriesID>
  561. <SeriesName>100 Questions</SeriesName>
  562. <Status>Ended</Status>
  563. <added>2009-05-16 12:46:51</added>
  564. <addedBy>5664</addedBy>
  565. <banner>graphical/94581-g.jpg</banner>
  566. <fanart>fanart/original/94581-1.jpg</fanart>
  567. <lastupdated>1332716887</lastupdated>
  568. <poster>posters/94581-1.jpg</poster>
  569. <zap2it_id></zap2it_id>
  570. </Series>
  571. </Data>
  572. 21:32:30 T:169975808 NOTICE: Checking if entry already exists in cache table: tvshow_meta
  573. 21:32:30 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1441093'
  574. 21:32:30 T:169975808 NOTICE: Saving cache information:
  575. 21:32:30 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 8.0, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '100 Questions ', 'year': 2010, 'duration': '30', 'plot': u'Emmy winner James Burrows (Will & Grace, Friends) directs 100 Questions, a new comedy series written and executive produced by Christopher Moynihan (For Your Consideration) that provides hilarious answers to 100 questions about love. Charlotte Payne (Sophie Winkleman, Peep Show) is looking for love and has rejected multiple marriage proposals -- but she has yet to meet Mr. Right. When she joins a popular online dating site, she gets a little help from her dating counselor Ravi (Amir Talai, The Ex List) - who requires her to take a 100-question compatibility test. The questions aren\u2019t easy for Charlotte to answer, and each one requires her to recount a poignant and humorous time in her life with friends Leslie (Elizabeth Ho, Women\u2019s Murder Club), Jill (Joy Suprano, NBC\u2019s Law & Order), Mike (Christopher Moynihan, For Your Consideration) and Wayne (David Walton, Quarterlife). The test becomes a journey of self-discovery for Charlotte who begins to realize what she truly wants in a relationship. Ron West (Psych), Kelly Kulchak (Psych) and Michelle Nader (King of Queens) join Moynihan as executive producers.', 'title': '100questions', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Ended', 'tvdb_id': '94581', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': 'tt1441093', 'studio': 'NBC', 'genre': 'Comedy', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2010-05-28', 'cast': "['Sophie Winkleman']", 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': ''}
  576. 21:32:30 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  577. 21:32:30 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 8.0, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '100 Questions ', 'year': 2010, 'duration': '30', 'plot': u'Emmy winner James Burrows (Will & Grace, Friends) directs 100 Questions, a new comedy series written and executive produced by Christopher Moynihan (For Your Consideration) that provides hilarious answers to 100 questions about love. Charlotte Payne (Sophie Winkleman, Peep Show) is looking for love and has rejected multiple marriage proposals -- but she has yet to meet Mr. Right. When she joins a popular online dating site, she gets a little help from her dating counselor Ravi (Amir Talai, The Ex List) - who requires her to take a 100-question compatibility test. The questions aren\u2019t easy for Charlotte to answer, and each one requires her to recount a poignant and humorous time in her life with friends Leslie (Elizabeth Ho, Women\u2019s Murder Club), Jill (Joy Suprano, NBC\u2019s Law & Order), Mike (Christopher Moynihan, For Your Consideration) and Wayne (David Walton, Quarterlife). The test becomes a journey of self-discovery for Charlotte who begins to realize what she truly wants in a relationship. Ron West (Psych), Kelly Kulchak (Psych) and Michelle Nader (King of Queens) join Moynihan as executive producers.', 'title': '100 Questions ', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Ended', 'tvdb_id': '94581', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': 'tt1441093', 'studio': 'NBC', 'genre': 'Comedy', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2010-05-28', 'cast': ['Sophie Winkleman'], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': '', 'trailer': ''}
  578. 21:32:30 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  579. 21:32:30 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 100 Years of Horror
  580. 21:32:30 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 100yearsofhorror
  581. 21:32:30 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '100yearsofhorror'
  582. 21:32:30 T:169975808 NOTICE: No match in local DB
  583. 21:32:30 T:169975808 NOTICE: Starting TVDB Lookup
  584. 21:32:30 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  585. 21:32:30 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  586. 21:32:30 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found TV Show List:
  587. 21:32:30 T:169975808 NOTICE: [('84092', '100 Years of Horror', 'tt0166940')]
  588. 21:32:30 T:169975808 NOTICE: Show *** 100 Years of Horror *** found in TVdb. Getting details...
  589. 21:32:31 T:169975808 NOTICE: data returned from TheTVDB <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  590. <Data>
  591. <Series>
  592. <id>84092</id>
  593. <Actors>||</Actors>
  594. <Airs_DayOfWeek></Airs_DayOfWeek>
  595. <Airs_Time></Airs_Time>
  596. <ContentRating></ContentRating>
  597. <FirstAired>1996-12-13</FirstAired>
  598. <Genre>|Documentary|</Genre>
  599. <IMDB_ID>tt0166940</IMDB_ID>
  600. <Language>en</Language>
  601. <Network></Network>
  602. <NetworkID></NetworkID>
  603. <Overview>100 YEARS OF HORROR is the first show of its kind ever produced; chronicling the history of movie horror from the earliest experimental chillers through the unforgettable &quot;golden age of movie monsters,&quot; and on through today's terrifying fright films.
  605. Hosted by Christopher Lee, the screen's legendary King of Horror, the show features appearances by Robert De Niro, Jamie Lee Curtis, Hugh Hefner, Charlton Heston, Kenneth Branagh, Joe Dante, and many more. Also featured are fascinating interviews with Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, Lon Chaney Jr., Vincent Price, Peter Cushing, and Claude Rains. Included as a special bonus are never-before-seen interviews with the friends and families of the legendary names of horror such as Bela Lugosi, Jr.; Boris Karloff's daughter, Sarah Karloff; Claude Rains' daughter, Jessica Rains, and more.
  607. &quot;100 Years of Horor&quot; also highlights rare and chilling scenes from current films such as Mary Shelly's Frankenstein, Halloween, Poltergeist, and The Haunting, to classics like Dracula, Frankenstein, The Wolf Man, The Mummy, Phantom Of The Opera, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Creature From The Black Lagoon, and The Body Snatchers. Also included are rare photographs from private collections, home movies from the sets of horror classics, as well as outtakes, screen tests, previously &quot;lost&quot; films, and other exciting surprises. Each episode offers unique production sidelights and insights to make 100 YEARS OF HORROR the most interesting and informative horror chronology ever assembled.
  609. This show was produced, written and directed by Ted Newsom, creator of Cinemax's ED WOOD: LOOK BACK IN ANGORA and the BBC's FLESH AND BLOOD-THE HAMMER HERITAGE OF HORROR. </Overview>
  610. <Rating></Rating>
  611. <RatingCount>0</RatingCount>
  612. <Runtime>25</Runtime>
  613. <SeriesID></SeriesID>
  614. <SeriesName>100 Years of Horror</SeriesName>
  615. <Status>Ended</Status>
  616. <added>2008-12-13 20:03:49</added>
  617. <addedBy>1311</addedBy>
  618. <banner>graphical/84092-g.jpg</banner>
  619. <fanart></fanart>
  620. <lastupdated>1332699636</lastupdated>
  621. <poster>posters/84092-1.jpg</poster>
  622. <zap2it_id></zap2it_id>
  623. </Series>
  624. </Data>
  625. 21:32:31 T:169975808 NOTICE: Some info missing in TVdb for TVshow *** 100 Years of Horror ***. Will search imdb for more
  626. 21:32:31 T:169975808 NOTICE: Requesting IMDB :
  627. 21:32:31 T:169975808 NOTICE: IMDB Meta:
  628. 21:32:31 T:169975808 NOTICE: {u'Plot': u'Clips from Horror Films.', u'Rated': u'Unrated', u'Title': u'100 Years of Horror', u'Poster': u'', u'Writer': u'Ted Newsom', u'Response': u'True', u'Director': u'Ted Newsom', u'Released': u'N/A', u'Actors': u'Christopher Lee, Lon Chaney, Peter Cushing, Hugh M. Hefner', u'Year': u'1996', u'Genre': u'Documentary, Horror', u'Runtime': u'5 h 43 min', u'imdbRating': u'6.8', u'imdbVotes': u'181', u'imdbID': u'tt0166940'}
  629. 21:32:31 T:169975808 NOTICE: Updating current meta with IMDB
  630. 21:32:31 T:169975808 NOTICE: -- IMDB - Updating Posters
  631. 21:32:31 T:169975808 NOTICE: -- IMDB - Updating Rating
  632. 21:32:31 T:169975808 NOTICE: Checking if entry already exists in cache table: tvshow_meta
  633. 21:32:31 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt0166940'
  634. 21:32:31 T:169975808 NOTICE: Saving cache information:
  635. 21:32:31 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 6.7999999999999998, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '100 Years of Horror ', 'year': 1996, 'duration': '25', 'plot': '100 YEARS OF HORROR is the first show of its kind ever produced; chronicling the history of movie horror from the earliest experimental chillers through the unforgettable "golden age of movie monsters," and on through today\'s terrifying fright films.\n\nHosted by Christopher Lee, the screen\'s legendary King of Horror, the show features appearances by Robert De Niro, Jamie Lee Curtis, Hugh Hefner, Charlton Heston, Kenneth Branagh, Joe Dante, and many more. Also featured are fascinating interviews with Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, Lon Chaney Jr., Vincent Price, Peter Cushing, and Claude Rains. Included as a special bonus are never-before-seen interviews with the friends and families of the legendary names of horror such as Bela Lugosi, Jr.; Boris Karloff\'s daughter, Sarah Karloff; Claude Rains\' daughter, Jessica Rains, and more.\n\n"100 Years of Horor" also highlights rare and chilling scenes from current films such as Mary Shelly\'s Frankenstein, Halloween, Poltergeist, and The Haunting, to classics like Dracula, Frankenstein, The Wolf Man, The Mummy, Phantom Of The Opera, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Creature From The Black Lagoon, and The Body Snatchers. Also included are rare photographs from private collections, home movies from the sets of horror classics, as well as outtakes, screen tests, previously "lost" films, and other exciting surprises. Each episode offers unique production sidelights and insights to make 100 YEARS OF HORROR the most interesting and informative horror chronology ever assembled.\n\nThis show was produced, written and directed by Ted Newsom, creator of Cinemax\'s ED WOOD: LOOK BACK IN ANGORA and the BBC\'s FLESH AND BLOOD-THE HAMMER HERITAGE OF HORROR. ', 'votes': '', 'title': '100yearsofhorror', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Ended', 'tvdb_id': '84092', 'cover_url': u'', 'imdb_id': u'tt0166940', 'studio': '', 'genre': 'Documentary', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '1996-12-13', 'cast': '[]', 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': ''}
  636. 21:32:31 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  637. 21:32:31 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 6.7999999999999998, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '100 Years of Horror ', 'year': 1996, 'duration': '25', 'plot': '100 YEARS OF HORROR is the first show of its kind ever produced; chronicling the history of movie horror from the earliest experimental chillers through the unforgettable "golden age of movie monsters," and on through today\'s terrifying fright films.\n\nHosted by Christopher Lee, the screen\'s legendary King of Horror, the show features appearances by Robert De Niro, Jamie Lee Curtis, Hugh Hefner, Charlton Heston, Kenneth Branagh, Joe Dante, and many more. Also featured are fascinating interviews with Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, Lon Chaney Jr., Vincent Price, Peter Cushing, and Claude Rains. Included as a special bonus are never-before-seen interviews with the friends and families of the legendary names of horror such as Bela Lugosi, Jr.; Boris Karloff\'s daughter, Sarah Karloff; Claude Rains\' daughter, Jessica Rains, and more.\n\n"100 Years of Horor" also highlights rare and chilling scenes from current films such as Mary Shelly\'s Frankenstein, Halloween, Poltergeist, and The Haunting, to classics like Dracula, Frankenstein, The Wolf Man, The Mummy, Phantom Of The Opera, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Creature From The Black Lagoon, and The Body Snatchers. Also included are rare photographs from private collections, home movies from the sets of horror classics, as well as outtakes, screen tests, previously "lost" films, and other exciting surprises. Each episode offers unique production sidelights and insights to make 100 YEARS OF HORROR the most interesting and informative horror chronology ever assembled.\n\nThis show was produced, written and directed by Ted Newsom, creator of Cinemax\'s ED WOOD: LOOK BACK IN ANGORA and the BBC\'s FLESH AND BLOOD-THE HAMMER HERITAGE OF HORROR. ', 'votes': '', 'title': '100 Years of Horror ', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Ended', 'tvdb_id': '84092', 'cover_url': u'', 'imdb_id': u'tt0166940', 'studio': '', 'genre': 'Documentary', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '1996-12-13', 'cast': [], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': '', 'trailer': ''}
  638. 21:32:31 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  639. 21:32:31 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 1000 Places to See Before You Die
  640. 21:32:31 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 1000placestoseebeforeyoudie
  641. 21:32:31 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '1000placestoseebeforeyoudie'
  642. 21:32:31 T:169975808 NOTICE: No match in local DB
  643. 21:32:31 T:169975808 NOTICE: Starting TVDB Lookup
  644. 21:32:31 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  645. 21:32:32 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  646. 21:32:32 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found TV Show List:
  647. 21:32:32 T:169975808 NOTICE: [('83346', '1,000 Places to See Before You Die', 'tt0936451'), ('83520', '1000 Places To See Before You Die', None)]
  648. 21:32:32 T:169975808 NOTICE: Show *** 1000 Places to See Before You Die *** found in TVdb. Getting details...
  649. 21:32:33 T:169975808 NOTICE: data returned from TheTVDB <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  650. <Data>
  651. <Series>
  652. <id>83346</id>
  653. <Actors>|Albin Ulle|Melanie Ulle|</Actors>
  654. <Airs_DayOfWeek></Airs_DayOfWeek>
  655. <Airs_Time></Airs_Time>
  656. <ContentRating>TV-G</ContentRating>
  657. <FirstAired>2007-03-29</FirstAired>
  658. <Genre>|Documentary|</Genre>
  659. <IMDB_ID>tt0936451</IMDB_ID>
  660. <Language>en</Language>
  661. <Network>Travel Channel</Network>
  662. <NetworkID></NetworkID>
  663. <Overview>Albin and Melanie Ulle travel around the World to showcase some of the Earth's vast beauty.
  665. The program also explores the diverse cultures of several amazing countries and approximately 100 of the 1,000 Places from the book, with an eye towards unearthing local charms and traditions.</Overview>
  666. <Rating>8.0</Rating>
  667. <RatingCount>1</RatingCount>
  668. <Runtime>60</Runtime>
  669. <SeriesID></SeriesID>
  670. <SeriesName>1,000 Places to See Before You Die</SeriesName>
  671. <Status>Ended</Status>
  672. <added>2008-10-09 06:33:06</added>
  673. <addedBy>4408</addedBy>
  674. <banner>graphical/83346-g2.jpg</banner>
  675. <fanart>fanart/original/83346-1.jpg</fanart>
  676. <lastupdated>1290262529</lastupdated>
  677. <poster>posters/83346-1.jpg</poster>
  678. <zap2it_id></zap2it_id>
  679. </Series>
  680. </Data>
  681. 21:32:33 T:169975808 NOTICE: Checking if entry already exists in cache table: tvshow_meta
  682. 21:32:33 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt0936451'
  683. 21:32:33 T:169975808 NOTICE: Saving cache information:
  684. 21:32:33 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 8.0, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '1000 Places to See Before You Die ', 'year': 2007, 'duration': '60', 'plot': "Albin and Melanie Ulle travel around the World to showcase some of the Earth's vast beauty.\n\nThe program also explores the diverse cultures of several amazing countries and approximately 100 of the 1,000 Places from the book, with an eye towards unearthing local charms and traditions.", 'title': '1000placestoseebeforeyoudie', 'mpaa': 'TV-G', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Ended', 'tvdb_id': '83346', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': 'tt0936451', 'studio': 'Travel Channel', 'genre': 'Documentary', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2007-03-29', 'cast': "['Albin Ulle', 'Melanie Ulle']", 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': ''}
  685. 21:32:33 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  686. 21:32:33 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 8.0, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '1000 Places to See Before You Die ', 'year': 2007, 'duration': '60', 'plot': "Albin and Melanie Ulle travel around the World to showcase some of the Earth's vast beauty.\n\nThe program also explores the diverse cultures of several amazing countries and approximately 100 of the 1,000 Places from the book, with an eye towards unearthing local charms and traditions.", 'title': '1000 Places to See Before You Die ', 'mpaa': 'TV-G', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Ended', 'tvdb_id': '83346', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': 'tt0936451', 'studio': 'Travel Channel', 'genre': 'Documentary', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2007-03-29', 'cast': ['Albin Ulle', 'Melanie Ulle'], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': '', 'trailer': ''}
  687. 21:32:33 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  688. 21:32:33 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 1000 Ways to Die
  689. 21:32:33 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 1000waystodie
  690. 21:32:33 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '1000waystodie'
  691. 21:32:33 T:169975808 NOTICE: No match in local DB
  692. 21:32:33 T:169975808 NOTICE: Starting TVDB Lookup
  693. 21:32:33 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  694. 21:32:33 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  695. 21:32:33 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found TV Show List:
  696. 21:32:33 T:169975808 NOTICE: [('82083', '1000 Ways To Die', 'tt1105711')]
  697. 21:32:33 T:169975808 NOTICE: Show *** 1000 Ways to Die *** found in TVdb. Getting details...
  698. 21:32:34 T:169975808 NOTICE: data returned from TheTVDB <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  699. <Data>
  700. <Series>
  701. <id>82083</id>
  702. <Actors>||</Actors>
  703. <Airs_DayOfWeek>Monday</Airs_DayOfWeek>
  704. <Airs_Time>10:00 pm</Airs_Time>
  705. <ContentRating>TV-14</ContentRating>
  706. <FirstAired>2008-05-14</FirstAired>
  707. <Genre>|Documentary|News|Reality|</Genre>
  708. <IMDB_ID>tt1105711</IMDB_ID>
  709. <Language>en</Language>
  710. <Network>Spike TV</Network>
  711. <NetworkID></NetworkID>
  712. <Overview>Death is the ultimate unknown; something we both fear and are intrigued by. 1,000 Ways to Die chronicles the last moments of people who met an untimely demise by making bad choices or through sheer bad luck. As well as being horrifying and morbidly funny, 1,000 Ways to Die is also educational and recreates the scenes using state of the art CGI graphics animation. </Overview>
  713. <Rating>8.0</Rating>
  714. <RatingCount>6</RatingCount>
  715. <Runtime>30</Runtime>
  716. <SeriesID>75618</SeriesID>
  717. <SeriesName>1000 Ways To Die</SeriesName>
  718. <Status>Continuing</Status>
  719. <added></added>
  720. <addedBy></addedBy>
  721. <banner>graphical/82083-g.jpg</banner>
  722. <fanart>fanart/original/82083-2.jpg</fanart>
  723. <lastupdated>1354896973</lastupdated>
  724. <poster>posters/82083-3.jpg</poster>
  725. <zap2it_id>SH01044193</zap2it_id>
  726. </Series>
  727. </Data>
  728. 21:32:34 T:169975808 NOTICE: Checking if entry already exists in cache table: tvshow_meta
  729. 21:32:34 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1105711'
  730. 21:32:34 T:169975808 NOTICE: Saving cache information:
  731. 21:32:34 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 8.0, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '1000 Ways to Die ', 'year': 2008, 'duration': '30', 'plot': 'Death is the ultimate unknown; something we both fear and are intrigued by. 1,000 Ways to Die chronicles the last moments of people who met an untimely demise by making bad choices or through sheer bad luck. As well as being horrifying and morbidly funny, 1,000 Ways to Die is also educational and recreates the scenes using state of the art CGI graphics animation. ', 'title': '1000waystodie', 'mpaa': 'TV-14', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Continuing', 'tvdb_id': '82083', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': 'tt1105711', 'studio': 'Spike TV', 'genre': 'Documentary,News,Reality', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2008-05-14', 'cast': '[]', 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': ''}
  732. 21:32:34 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  733. 21:32:34 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 8.0, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '1000 Ways to Die ', 'year': 2008, 'duration': '30', 'plot': 'Death is the ultimate unknown; something we both fear and are intrigued by. 1,000 Ways to Die chronicles the last moments of people who met an untimely demise by making bad choices or through sheer bad luck. As well as being horrifying and morbidly funny, 1,000 Ways to Die is also educational and recreates the scenes using state of the art CGI graphics animation. ', 'title': '1000 Ways to Die ', 'mpaa': 'TV-14', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Continuing', 'tvdb_id': '82083', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': 'tt1105711', 'studio': 'Spike TV', 'genre': 'Documentary,News,Reality', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2008-05-14', 'cast': [], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': '', 'trailer': ''}
  734. 21:32:34 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  735. 21:32:34 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 101 Dalmatians The Series
  736. 21:32:34 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 101dalmatianstheseries
  737. 21:32:34 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '101dalmatianstheseries'
  738. 21:32:34 T:169975808 NOTICE: No match in local DB
  739. 21:32:34 T:169975808 NOTICE: Starting TVDB Lookup
  740. 21:32:34 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  741. 21:32:34 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  742. 21:32:34 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found TV Show List:
  743. 21:32:34 T:169975808 NOTICE: [('73719', '101 Dalmatians: The Series', 'tt0144700')]
  744. 21:32:34 T:169975808 NOTICE: Show *** 101 Dalmatians The Series *** found in TVdb. Getting details...
  745. 21:32:35 T:169975808 NOTICE: data returned from TheTVDB <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  746. <Data>
  747. <Series>
  748. <id>73719</id>
  749. <Actors>|April Winchell|Charlotte Rae|Cheri Dennis|Christine Cavanaugh|Cree Summer|creed summer|Debi Mae West|Frank Welker|Jim Cummings|Kath Soucie|Pam Dawber|Tom Wilson|Toran Caudell|</Actors>
  750. <Airs_DayOfWeek>Daily</Airs_DayOfWeek>
  751. <Airs_Time>5:00 AM</Airs_Time>
  752. <ContentRating>TV-Y</ContentRating>
  753. <FirstAired>1997-09-01</FirstAired>
  754. <Genre>|Animation|Children|</Genre>
  755. <IMDB_ID>tt0144700</IMDB_ID>
  756. <Language>en</Language>
  757. <Network>Toon Disney</Network>
  758. <NetworkID></NetworkID>
  759. <Overview>101 Dalmatians: The Series is based on Disney's famous animated movie 101 Dalmatians. There's always lots of fun with 101 Dalmatian puppies as they grow and play. 1st Season of 101 was on ABC. 2nd season ran on Syndication. 65 episodes were made. 12 on ABC and 53 on Syndication. Watch 101 Dalmatians: The Series everyday at 2:00 AM Eastern / 5:00 AM Pacific on Toon Disney! Main Characters: ¢Lucky: Lucky is the leader of the four main pups. He's very adventurous and always seems to be full of energy, but his addiction to the action he watches on TV has made him a little too adventurous, and he's usually the one at fault when the pups get into trouble. ¢Cadpig: The little hippie of the small group and also the runt of the litter (hence the name). Cadpig always likes to see the world in a very peaceful way. She often uses metaphysical metaphors as words of wisdom to her friends. She may seem like she's happy all the time, but you won't like her when she's ang</Overview>
  760. <Rating></Rating>
  761. <RatingCount>0</RatingCount>
  762. <Runtime>30</Runtime>
  763. <SeriesID>2423</SeriesID>
  764. <SeriesName>101 Dalmatians: The Series</SeriesName>
  765. <Status>Ended</Status>
  766. <added></added>
  767. <addedBy></addedBy>
  768. <banner>graphical/73719-g3.jpg</banner>
  769. <fanart>fanart/original/73719-1.jpg</fanart>
  770. <lastupdated>1349611928</lastupdated>
  771. <poster>posters/73719-1.jpg</poster>
  772. <zap2it_id></zap2it_id>
  773. </Series>
  774. </Data>
  775. 21:32:35 T:169975808 NOTICE: Some info missing in TVdb for TVshow *** 101 Dalmatians The Series ***. Will search imdb for more
  776. 21:32:35 T:169975808 NOTICE: Requesting IMDB :
  777. 21:32:35 T:169975808 NOTICE: IMDB Meta:
  778. 21:32:35 T:169975808 NOTICE: {u'Plot': u'Lucky, Cadpig, Rolly and their chicken friend Spot have a series of adventures around the Dearly Farm.', u'Rated': u'TV-Y', u'Title': u'101 Dalmatians: The Series', u'Poster': u'', u'Writer': u'Ken Koonce, Dodie Smith', u'Response': u'True', u'Director': u'Peter Ferk, Kelly Ward', u'Released': u'01 Sep 1997', u'Actors': u'Kath Soucie, Tara Strong, Jeff Bennett, Frank Welker', u'Year': u'1997', u'Genre': u'Animation, Comedy, Family', u'Runtime': u'30 min', u'imdbRating': u'5.6', u'imdbVotes': u'254', u'imdbID': u'tt0144700'}
  779. 21:32:35 T:169975808 NOTICE: Updating current meta with IMDB
  780. 21:32:35 T:169975808 NOTICE: -- IMDB - Updating Posters
  781. 21:32:35 T:169975808 NOTICE: -- IMDB - Updating Rating
  782. 21:32:35 T:169975808 NOTICE: Checking if entry already exists in cache table: tvshow_meta
  783. 21:32:35 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt0144700'
  784. 21:32:35 T:169975808 NOTICE: Saving cache information:
  785. 21:32:35 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 5.5999999999999996, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '101 Dalmatians The Series ', 'year': 1997, 'duration': '30', 'plot': u"101 Dalmatians: The Series is based on Disney's famous animated movie 101 Dalmatians. There's always lots of fun with 101 Dalmatian puppies as they grow and play. 1st Season of 101 was on ABC. 2nd season ran on Syndication. 65 episodes were made. 12 on ABC and 53 on Syndication. Watch 101 Dalmatians: The Series everyday at 2:00 AM Eastern / 5:00 AM Pacific on Toon Disney! Main Characters: \xa2Lucky: Lucky is the leader of the four main pups. He's very adventurous and always seems to be full of energy, but his addiction to the action he watches on TV has made him a little too adventurous, and he's usually the one at fault when the pups get into trouble. \xa2Cadpig: The little hippie of the small group and also the runt of the litter (hence the name). Cadpig always likes to see the world in a very peaceful way. She often uses metaphysical metaphors as words of wisdom to her friends. She may seem like she's happy all the time, but you won't like her when she's ang", 'votes': '', 'title': '101dalmatianstheseries', 'mpaa': 'TV-Y', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Ended', 'tvdb_id': '73719', 'cover_url': u'', 'imdb_id': u'tt0144700', 'studio': 'Toon Disney', 'genre': 'Animation,Children', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '1997-09-01', 'cast': "['April Winchell', 'Charlotte Rae', 'Cheri Dennis', 'Christine Cavanaugh', 'Cree Summer', 'creed summer', 'Debi Mae West', 'Frank Welker', 'Jim Cummings', 'Kath Soucie', 'Pam Dawber', 'Tom Wilson', 'Toran Caudell']", 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': ''}
  786. 21:32:35 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  787. 21:32:35 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 5.5999999999999996, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '101 Dalmatians The Series ', 'year': 1997, 'duration': '30', 'plot': u"101 Dalmatians: The Series is based on Disney's famous animated movie 101 Dalmatians. There's always lots of fun with 101 Dalmatian puppies as they grow and play. 1st Season of 101 was on ABC. 2nd season ran on Syndication. 65 episodes were made. 12 on ABC and 53 on Syndication. Watch 101 Dalmatians: The Series everyday at 2:00 AM Eastern / 5:00 AM Pacific on Toon Disney! Main Characters: \xa2Lucky: Lucky is the leader of the four main pups. He's very adventurous and always seems to be full of energy, but his addiction to the action he watches on TV has made him a little too adventurous, and he's usually the one at fault when the pups get into trouble. \xa2Cadpig: The little hippie of the small group and also the runt of the litter (hence the name). Cadpig always likes to see the world in a very peaceful way. She often uses metaphysical metaphors as words of wisdom to her friends. She may seem like she's happy all the time, but you won't like her when she's ang", 'votes': '', 'title': '101 Dalmatians The Series ', 'mpaa': 'TV-Y', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Ended', 'tvdb_id': '73719', 'cover_url': u'', 'imdb_id': u'tt0144700', 'studio': 'Toon Disney', 'genre': 'Animation,Children', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '1997-09-01', 'cast': ['April Winchell', 'Charlotte Rae', 'Cheri Dennis', 'Christine Cavanaugh', 'Cree Summer', 'creed summer', 'Debi Mae West', 'Frank Welker', 'Jim Cummings', 'Kath Soucie', 'Pam Dawber', 'Tom Wilson', 'Toran Caudell'], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': '', 'trailer': ''}
  788. 21:32:35 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  789. 21:32:35 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 101 Ways to Leave a Game Show
  790. 21:32:35 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 101waystoleaveagameshow
  791. 21:32:35 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '101waystoleaveagameshow'
  792. 21:32:35 T:169975808 NOTICE: No match in local DB
  793. 21:32:35 T:169975808 NOTICE: Starting TVDB Lookup
  794. 21:32:35 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  795. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  796. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found TV Show List:
  797. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: [('249736', '101 Ways to Leave a Game Show (US)', 'tt1868102')]
  798. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: Checking if entry already exists in cache table: tvshow_meta
  799. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE title = '101waystoleaveagameshow'
  800. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: Saving cache information:
  801. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 0, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '101 Ways to Leave a Game Show ', 'year': 0, 'duration': '', 'plot': '', 'title': '101waystoleaveagameshow', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': '', 'tvdb_id': '', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': '', 'studio': '', 'genre': '', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '', 'cast': '[]', 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': ''}
  802. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  803. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 0, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '101 Ways to Leave a Game Show ', 'year': 0, 'duration': '', 'plot': '', 'title': '101 Ways to Leave a Game Show ', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': '', 'tvdb_id': '', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': '', 'studio': '', 'genre': '', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '', 'cast': [], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': '', 'trailer': ''}
  804. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  805. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 101 Ways to Leave a Game Show 2011
  806. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 101waystoleaveagameshow 2011
  807. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '101waystoleaveagameshow'
  808. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found meta information by name in cache table:
  809. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'status': u'', 'rating': 0.0, 'episode': 0, 'trailer_url': u'', 'banner_url': u'', 'title': u'101waystoleaveagameshow', 'mpaa': u'', 'tvdb_id': u'', 'plot': u'', 'premiered': u'', 'imdb_id': u'', 'imgs_prepacked': u'false', 'cast': u'[]', 'studio': u'', 'cover_url': u'', 'duration': u'', 'overlay': 6, 'genre': u'', 'playcount': 0, 'backdrop_url': u''}
  810. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  811. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 0.0, 'banner_url': u'', 'TVShowTitle': '101 Ways to Leave a Game Show ', 'duration': u'', 'plot': u'', 'title': '101 Ways to Leave a Game Show ', 'mpaa': u'', 'imgs_prepacked': u'false', 'backdrop_url': u'', 'status': u'', 'tvdb_id': u'', 'cover_url': u'', 'imdb_id': u'', 'studio': u'', 'genre': u'', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': u'', 'cast': [], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': u'', 'trailer': ''}
  812. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  813. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 1066
  814. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 1066
  815. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '1066'
  816. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: No match in local DB
  817. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: Starting TVDB Lookup
  818. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  819. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  820. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found TV Show List:
  821. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: [('96531', '1066: The Battle for Middle Earth', 'tt1329539')]
  822. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: Checking if entry already exists in cache table: tvshow_meta
  823. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE title = '1066'
  824. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: Saving cache information:
  825. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 0, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '1066', 'year': 0, 'duration': '', 'plot': '', 'title': '1066', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': '', 'tvdb_id': '', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': '', 'studio': '', 'genre': '', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '', 'cast': '[]', 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': ''}
  826. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  827. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 0, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '1066', 'year': 0, 'duration': '', 'plot': '', 'title': '1066', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': '', 'tvdb_id': '', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': '', 'studio': '', 'genre': '', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '', 'cast': [], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': '', 'trailer': ''}
  828. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  829. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 1066 0
  830. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 1066 0
  831. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '1066'
  832. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found meta information by name in cache table:
  833. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'status': u'', 'rating': 0.0, 'episode': 0, 'trailer_url': u'', 'banner_url': u'', 'title': u'1066', 'mpaa': u'', 'tvdb_id': u'', 'plot': u'', 'premiered': u'', 'imdb_id': u'', 'imgs_prepacked': u'false', 'cast': u'[]', 'studio': u'', 'cover_url': u'', 'duration': u'', 'overlay': 6, 'genre': u'', 'playcount': 0, 'backdrop_url': u''}
  834. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  835. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 0.0, 'banner_url': u'', 'TVShowTitle': '1066', 'duration': u'', 'plot': u'', 'title': '1066', 'mpaa': u'', 'imgs_prepacked': u'false', 'backdrop_url': u'', 'status': u'', 'tvdb_id': u'', 'cover_url': u'', 'imdb_id': u'', 'studio': u'', 'genre': u'', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': u'', 'cast': [], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': u'', 'trailer': ''}
  836. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  837. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 11eyes
  838. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 11eyes
  839. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '11eyes'
  840. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: No match in local DB
  841. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: Starting TVDB Lookup
  842. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  843. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  844. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found TV Show List:
  845. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: [('117851', '11eyes', None)]
  846. 21:32:36 T:169975808 NOTICE: Show *** 11eyes *** found in TVdb. Getting details...
  847. 21:32:37 T:169975808 NOTICE: data returned from TheTVDB <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  848. <Data>
  849. <Series>
  850. <id>117851</id>
  851. <Actors>|Asakawa Yuu|Morikubo Shoutarou|Gotou Mai|Ono Daisuke|Ichimura Oma|Rikimaru Noriko|Nemoto Kouta|Mizuhashi Kaori|Takahashi Chiaki|Hagiwara Emiko|Youji Ueda|Hyousei (Misao Kusakabe)|Ayano Niina|</Actors>
  852. <Airs_DayOfWeek>Tuesday</Airs_DayOfWeek>
  853. <Airs_Time>25:00</Airs_Time>
  854. <ContentRating>TV-14</ContentRating>
  855. <FirstAired>2009-10-06</FirstAired>
  856. <Genre>|Animation|</Genre>
  857. <IMDB_ID></IMDB_ID>
  858. <Language>en</Language>
  859. <Network></Network>
  860. <NetworkID></NetworkID>
  861. <Overview>Satsuki Kakeru lost his sister by suicide and has been living a dull life ever since then. One day, he is transported into a bizarre world &quot;Red Night&quot; along with his friend Minase Yuka. In order to survive and escape from Red Night, he fights against Dark Spirits (Ralva) and Black Nights.</Overview>
  862. <Rating>7.2</Rating>
  863. <RatingCount>6</RatingCount>
  864. <Runtime>25</Runtime>
  865. <SeriesID></SeriesID>
  866. <SeriesName>11eyes</SeriesName>
  867. <Status>Ended</Status>
  868. <added>2009-10-08 22:16:42</added>
  869. <addedBy>39061</addedBy>
  870. <banner>graphical/117851-g3.jpg</banner>
  871. <fanart>fanart/original/117851-3.jpg</fanart>
  872. <lastupdated>1352781469</lastupdated>
  873. <poster>posters/117851-3.jpg</poster>
  874. <zap2it_id></zap2it_id>
  875. </Series>
  876. </Data>
  877. 21:32:37 T:169975808 NOTICE: Checking if entry already exists in cache table: tvshow_meta
  878. 21:32:37 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE title = '11eyes'
  879. 21:32:37 T:169975808 NOTICE: Saving cache information:
  880. 21:32:37 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 7.2000000000000002, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '11eyes ', 'year': 2009, 'duration': '25', 'plot': 'Satsuki Kakeru lost his sister by suicide and has been living a dull life ever since then. One day, he is transported into a bizarre world "Red Night" along with his friend Minase Yuka. In order to survive and escape from Red Night, he fights against Dark Spirits (Ralva) and Black Nights.', 'title': '11eyes', 'mpaa': 'TV-14', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Ended', 'tvdb_id': '117851', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': None, 'studio': '', 'genre': 'Animation', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2009-10-06', 'cast': "['Asakawa Yuu', 'Morikubo Shoutarou', 'Gotou Mai', 'Ono Daisuke', 'Ichimura Oma', 'Rikimaru Noriko', 'Nemoto Kouta', 'Mizuhashi Kaori', 'Takahashi Chiaki', 'Hagiwara Emiko', 'Youji Ueda', 'Hyousei (Misao Kusakabe)', 'Ayano Niina']", 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': ''}
  881. 21:32:37 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  882. 21:32:37 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 7.2000000000000002, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '11eyes ', 'year': 2009, 'duration': '25', 'plot': 'Satsuki Kakeru lost his sister by suicide and has been living a dull life ever since then. One day, he is transported into a bizarre world "Red Night" along with his friend Minase Yuka. In order to survive and escape from Red Night, he fights against Dark Spirits (Ralva) and Black Nights.', 'title': '11eyes ', 'mpaa': 'TV-14', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Ended', 'tvdb_id': '117851', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': '', 'studio': '', 'genre': 'Animation', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2009-10-06', 'cast': ['Asakawa Yuu', 'Morikubo Shoutarou', 'Gotou Mai', 'Ono Daisuke', 'Ichimura Oma', 'Rikimaru Noriko', 'Nemoto Kouta', 'Mizuhashi Kaori', 'Takahashi Chiaki', 'Hagiwara Emiko', 'Youji Ueda', 'Hyousei (Misao Kusakabe)', 'Ayano Niina'], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': '', 'trailer': ''}
  883. 21:32:37 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  884. 21:32:37 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 12 kokuki
  885. 21:32:37 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 12kokuki
  886. 21:32:37 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '12kokuki'
  887. 21:32:37 T:169975808 NOTICE: No match in local DB
  888. 21:32:37 T:169975808 NOTICE: Starting TVDB Lookup
  889. 21:32:37 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  890. 21:32:38 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  891. 21:32:38 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found TV Show List:
  892. 21:32:38 T:169975808 NOTICE: []
  893. 21:32:38 T:169975808 NOTICE: Checking if entry already exists in cache table: tvshow_meta
  894. 21:32:38 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE title = '12kokuki'
  895. 21:32:38 T:169975808 NOTICE: Saving cache information:
  896. 21:32:38 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 0, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '12 kokuki ', 'year': 0, 'duration': '', 'plot': '', 'title': '12kokuki', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': '', 'tvdb_id': '', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': '', 'studio': '', 'genre': '', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '', 'cast': '[]', 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': ''}
  897. 21:32:38 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  898. 21:32:38 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 0, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '12 kokuki ', 'year': 0, 'duration': '', 'plot': '', 'title': '12 kokuki ', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': '', 'tvdb_id': '', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': '', 'studio': '', 'genre': '', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '', 'cast': [], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': '', 'trailer': ''}
  899. 21:32:38 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  900. 21:32:38 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 12 kokuki 2002
  901. 21:32:38 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 12kokuki 2002
  902. 21:32:38 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '12kokuki'
  903. 21:32:38 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found meta information by name in cache table:
  904. 21:32:38 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'status': u'', 'rating': 0.0, 'episode': 0, 'trailer_url': u'', 'banner_url': u'', 'title': u'12kokuki', 'mpaa': u'', 'tvdb_id': u'', 'plot': u'', 'premiered': u'', 'imdb_id': u'', 'imgs_prepacked': u'false', 'cast': u'[]', 'studio': u'', 'cover_url': u'', 'duration': u'', 'overlay': 6, 'genre': u'', 'playcount': 0, 'backdrop_url': u''}
  905. 21:32:38 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  906. 21:32:38 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 0.0, 'banner_url': u'', 'TVShowTitle': '12 kokuki ', 'duration': u'', 'plot': u'', 'title': '12 kokuki ', 'mpaa': u'', 'imgs_prepacked': u'false', 'backdrop_url': u'', 'status': u'', 'tvdb_id': u'', 'cover_url': u'', 'imdb_id': u'', 'studio': u'', 'genre': u'', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': u'', 'cast': [], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': u'', 'trailer': ''}
  907. 21:32:38 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  908. 21:32:38 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 12 oz Mouse
  909. 21:32:38 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 12ozmouse
  910. 21:32:38 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '12ozmouse'
  911. 21:32:38 T:169975808 NOTICE: No match in local DB
  912. 21:32:38 T:169975808 NOTICE: Starting TVDB Lookup
  913. 21:32:38 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  914. 21:32:38 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  915. 21:32:38 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found TV Show List:
  916. 21:32:38 T:169975808 NOTICE: [('79159', '12 oz. Mouse', None)]
  917. 21:32:38 T:169975808 NOTICE: Show *** 12 oz Mouse *** found in TVdb. Getting details...
  918. 21:32:39 T:169975808 NOTICE: data returned from TheTVDB <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  919. <Data>
  920. <Series>
  921. <id>79159</id>
  922. <Actors>|Adam Reed|Bonnie Rosmarin|Dave Willis|Matt Harrigan|Matt Maiellaro|Matt Thompson|Melissa Wormper|Nick Gianopoulos|Nick Whynfeld|Vishal Roney|</Actors>
  923. <Airs_DayOfWeek></Airs_DayOfWeek>
  924. <Airs_Time></Airs_Time>
  925. <ContentRating>TV-MA</ContentRating>
  926. <FirstAired>2005-06-01</FirstAired>
  927. <Genre>|Animation|Comedy|</Genre>
  928. <IMDB_ID></IMDB_ID>
  929. <Language>en</Language>
  930. <Network>Cartoon Network</Network>
  931. <NetworkID></NetworkID>
  932. <Overview>From the co-creator of Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Brak Show, and Space Ghost comes 12 oz. Mouse, the story of a drunk mouse named, well, Mouse. Occasionally he'll be called Fitz, but that isn't important. His best friend, and only friend, is Skillet, the chinchilla. They rob banks and get into all sorts of trouble.</Overview>
  933. <Rating>9.5</Rating>
  934. <RatingCount>4</RatingCount>
  935. <Runtime>15</Runtime>
  936. <SeriesID>48750</SeriesID>
  937. <SeriesName>12 oz. Mouse</SeriesName>
  938. <Status>Ended</Status>
  939. <added></added>
  940. <addedBy></addedBy>
  941. <banner>graphical/48750-g.jpg</banner>
  942. <fanart>fanart/original/79159-1.jpg</fanart>
  943. <lastupdated>1332840553</lastupdated>
  944. <poster>posters/79159-1.jpg</poster>
  945. <zap2it_id>SH754279</zap2it_id>
  946. </Series>
  947. </Data>
  948. 21:32:39 T:169975808 NOTICE: Checking if entry already exists in cache table: tvshow_meta
  949. 21:32:39 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE title = '12ozmouse'
  950. 21:32:39 T:169975808 NOTICE: Saving cache information:
  951. 21:32:39 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 9.5, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '12 oz Mouse ', 'year': 2005, 'duration': '15', 'plot': "From the co-creator of Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Brak Show, and Space Ghost comes 12 oz. Mouse, the story of a drunk mouse named, well, Mouse. Occasionally he'll be called Fitz, but that isn't important. His best friend, and only friend, is Skillet, the chinchilla. They rob banks and get into all sorts of trouble.", 'title': '12ozmouse', 'mpaa': 'TV-MA', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Ended', 'tvdb_id': '79159', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': None, 'studio': 'Cartoon Network', 'genre': 'Animation,Comedy', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2005-06-01', 'cast': "['Adam Reed', 'Bonnie Rosmarin', 'Dave Willis', 'Matt Harrigan', 'Matt Maiellaro', 'Matt Thompson', 'Melissa Wormper', 'Nick Gianopoulos', 'Nick Whynfeld', 'Vishal Roney']", 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': ''}
  952. 21:32:39 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  953. 21:32:39 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 9.5, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '12 oz Mouse ', 'year': 2005, 'duration': '15', 'plot': "From the co-creator of Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Brak Show, and Space Ghost comes 12 oz. Mouse, the story of a drunk mouse named, well, Mouse. Occasionally he'll be called Fitz, but that isn't important. His best friend, and only friend, is Skillet, the chinchilla. They rob banks and get into all sorts of trouble.", 'title': '12 oz Mouse ', 'mpaa': 'TV-MA', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Ended', 'tvdb_id': '79159', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': '', 'studio': 'Cartoon Network', 'genre': 'Animation,Comedy', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2005-06-01', 'cast': ['Adam Reed', 'Bonnie Rosmarin', 'Dave Willis', 'Matt Harrigan', 'Matt Maiellaro', 'Matt Thompson', 'Melissa Wormper', 'Nick Gianopoulos', 'Nick Whynfeld', 'Vishal Roney'], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': '', 'trailer': ''}
  954. 21:32:39 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  955. 21:32:39 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 13 Fear Is Real
  956. 21:32:39 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 13fearisreal
  957. 21:32:39 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '13fearisreal'
  958. 21:32:39 T:169975808 NOTICE: No match in local DB
  959. 21:32:39 T:169975808 NOTICE: Starting TVDB Lookup
  960. 21:32:39 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  961. 21:32:39 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  962. 21:32:39 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found TV Show List:
  963. 21:32:39 T:169975808 NOTICE: [('84468', '13 Fear Is Real', 'tt1204828')]
  964. 21:32:39 T:169975808 NOTICE: Show *** 13 Fear Is Real *** found in TVdb. Getting details...
  965. 21:32:40 T:169975808 NOTICE: data returned from TheTVDB <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  966. <Data>
  967. <Series>
  968. <id>84468</id>
  969. <Actors>||</Actors>
  970. <Airs_DayOfWeek>Wednesday</Airs_DayOfWeek>
  971. <Airs_Time>08:00 pm</Airs_Time>
  972. <ContentRating></ContentRating>
  973. <FirstAired>2009-01-07</FirstAired>
  974. <Genre>|Drama|Reality|</Genre>
  975. <IMDB_ID>tt1204828</IMDB_ID>
  976. <Language>en</Language>
  977. <Network>The CW</Network>
  978. <NetworkID></NetworkID>
  979. <Overview>&quot;13 – Fear Is Real&quot; is a spine-tingling new 8-part reality series in which the horror genre and reality genre meld to make a new, innovative series. Thirteen people compete to &quot;stay alive&quot; as they face their deepest fears in an all-out elimination competition and scare-fest. Pitted against each other in situations straight from the horror movies, the 13 will face shocking surprises, psychological scares and lots of &quot;beware of the dark&quot; moments, all designed by a &quot;mastermind&quot; of terror. In addition to frightening them, he'll also entice individuals to work in concert with him and against the others, creating a situation in which the 13 will not only look over their shoulders but will also never be certain who is real before them.
  981. Each week, one unlucky victim will be &quot;killed off&quot; via frightening challenges and game-playing until only one person is left to win the grand prize of - fittingly - $66,666.
  983. &quot;13 – Fear Is Real&quot; is produced by Magic Molehill Productions, Inc. and Warner Horizon Television Inc. in association with Jay Bienstock Productions and Ghost House Pictures with executive producers Jay Bienstock ( &quot;Survivor,&quot; &quot;The Apprentice&quot; ), Sam Raimi (the &quot;Spider-Man&quot; films, &quot;The Evil Dead&quot; films) &amp; Robert Tapert ( &quot;The Evil Dead&quot; films, &quot;The Grudge&quot; films).</Overview>
  984. <Rating></Rating>
  985. <RatingCount>0</RatingCount>
  986. <Runtime>60</Runtime>
  987. <SeriesID>75972</SeriesID>
  988. <SeriesName>13 Fear Is Real</SeriesName>
  989. <Status>Ended</Status>
  990. <added>2009-01-08 01:29:53</added>
  991. <addedBy>6537</addedBy>
  992. <banner>blank/84468.jpg</banner>
  993. <fanart>fanart/original/84468-1.jpg</fanart>
  994. <lastupdated>1275296955</lastupdated>
  995. <poster>posters/84468-1.jpg</poster>
  996. <zap2it_id></zap2it_id>
  997. </Series>
  998. </Data>
  999. 21:32:40 T:169975808 NOTICE: Some info missing in TVdb for TVshow *** 13 Fear Is Real ***. Will search imdb for more
  1000. 21:32:40 T:169975808 NOTICE: Requesting IMDB :
  1001. 21:32:41 T:169975808 NOTICE: IMDB Meta:
  1002. 21:32:41 T:169975808 NOTICE: {u'Plot': u'A new reality series that incorporates aspects from the horror movie genre.', u'Rated': u'N/A', u'Title': u'13: Fear Is Real', u'Poster': u'', u'Writer': u'Gunnar Wetterberg', u'Response': u'True', u'Director': u'N/A', u'Released': u'07 Jan 2009', u'Actors': u'Erica Renee Johnson, Ted Kirner, Melyssa Nocar, Adam Wood', u'Year': u'2009', u'Genre': u'Horror, Reality-TV', u'Runtime': u'N/A', u'imdbRating': u'5.3', u'imdbVotes': u'83', u'imdbID': u'tt1204828'}
  1003. 21:32:41 T:169975808 NOTICE: Updating current meta with IMDB
  1004. 21:32:41 T:169975808 NOTICE: -- IMDB - Updating Posters
  1005. 21:32:41 T:169975808 NOTICE: -- IMDB - Updating Rating
  1006. 21:32:41 T:169975808 NOTICE: Checking if entry already exists in cache table: tvshow_meta
  1007. 21:32:41 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1204828'
  1008. 21:32:41 T:169975808 NOTICE: Saving cache information:
  1009. 21:32:41 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 5.2999999999999998, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '13 Fear Is Real ', 'year': 2009, 'duration': '60', 'plot': u'"13 \u2013 Fear Is Real" is a spine-tingling new 8-part reality series in which the horror genre and reality genre meld to make a new, innovative series. Thirteen people compete to "stay alive" as they face their deepest fears in an all-out elimination competition and scare-fest. Pitted against each other in situations straight from the horror movies, the 13 will face shocking surprises, psychological scares and lots of "beware of the dark" moments, all designed by a "mastermind" of terror. In addition to frightening them, he\'ll also entice individuals to work in concert with him and against the others, creating a situation in which the 13 will not only look over their shoulders but will also never be certain who is real before them.\n\nEach week, one unlucky victim will be "killed off" via frightening challenges and game-playing until only one person is left to win the grand prize of - fittingly - $66,666.\n\n"13 \u2013 Fear Is Real" is produced by Magic Molehill Productions, Inc. and Warner Horizon Television Inc. in association with Jay Bienstock Productions and Ghost House Pictures with executive producers Jay Bienstock ( "Survivor," "The Apprentice" ), Sam Raimi (the "Spider-Man" films, "The Evil Dead" films) & Robert Tapert ( "The Evil Dead" films, "The Grudge" films).', 'votes': '', 'title': '13fearisreal', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Ended', 'tvdb_id': '84468', 'cover_url': u'', 'imdb_id': u'tt1204828', 'studio': 'The CW', 'genre': 'Drama,Reality', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2009-01-07', 'cast': '[]', 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': ''}
  1010. 21:32:41 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  1011. 21:32:41 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 5.2999999999999998, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '13 Fear Is Real ', 'year': 2009, 'duration': '60', 'plot': u'"13 \u2013 Fear Is Real" is a spine-tingling new 8-part reality series in which the horror genre and reality genre meld to make a new, innovative series. Thirteen people compete to "stay alive" as they face their deepest fears in an all-out elimination competition and scare-fest. Pitted against each other in situations straight from the horror movies, the 13 will face shocking surprises, psychological scares and lots of "beware of the dark" moments, all designed by a "mastermind" of terror. In addition to frightening them, he\'ll also entice individuals to work in concert with him and against the others, creating a situation in which the 13 will not only look over their shoulders but will also never be certain who is real before them.\n\nEach week, one unlucky victim will be "killed off" via frightening challenges and game-playing until only one person is left to win the grand prize of - fittingly - $66,666.\n\n"13 \u2013 Fear Is Real" is produced by Magic Molehill Productions, Inc. and Warner Horizon Television Inc. in association with Jay Bienstock Productions and Ghost House Pictures with executive producers Jay Bienstock ( "Survivor," "The Apprentice" ), Sam Raimi (the "Spider-Man" films, "The Evil Dead" films) & Robert Tapert ( "The Evil Dead" films, "The Grudge" films).', 'votes': '', 'title': '13 Fear Is Real ', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Ended', 'tvdb_id': '84468', 'cover_url': u'', 'imdb_id': u'tt1204828', 'studio': 'The CW', 'genre': 'Drama,Reality', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2009-01-07', 'cast': [], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': '', 'trailer': ''}
  1012. 21:32:41 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1013. 21:32:41 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 13 Witches
  1014. 21:32:41 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 13witches
  1015. 21:32:41 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '13witches'
  1016. 21:32:41 T:169975808 NOTICE: No match in local DB
  1017. 21:32:41 T:169975808 NOTICE: Starting TVDB Lookup
  1018. 21:32:41 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  1019. 21:32:41 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  1020. 21:32:41 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found TV Show List:
  1021. 21:32:41 T:169975808 NOTICE: [('259310', '13 Witches', None)]
  1022. 21:32:41 T:169975808 NOTICE: Show *** 13 Witches *** found in TVdb. Getting details...
  1023. 21:32:42 T:169975808 NOTICE: data returned from TheTVDB <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  1024. <Data>
  1025. <Series>
  1026. <id>259310</id>
  1027. <Actors>||</Actors>
  1028. <Airs_DayOfWeek></Airs_DayOfWeek>
  1029. <Airs_Time></Airs_Time>
  1030. <ContentRating></ContentRating>
  1031. <FirstAired></FirstAired>
  1032. <Genre></Genre>
  1033. <IMDB_ID></IMDB_ID>
  1034. <Language>en</Language>
  1035. <Network></Network>
  1036. <NetworkID></NetworkID>
  1037. <Overview></Overview>
  1038. <Rating></Rating>
  1039. <RatingCount>0</RatingCount>
  1040. <Runtime></Runtime>
  1041. <SeriesID></SeriesID>
  1042. <SeriesName>13 Witches</SeriesName>
  1043. <Status></Status>
  1044. <added>2012-05-22 16:27:35</added>
  1045. <addedBy>342659</addedBy>
  1046. <banner></banner>
  1047. <fanart></fanart>
  1048. <lastupdated>1337729366</lastupdated>
  1049. <poster></poster>
  1050. <zap2it_id></zap2it_id>
  1051. </Series>
  1052. </Data>
  1053. 21:32:42 T:169975808 NOTICE: Some info missing in TVdb for TVshow *** 13 Witches ***. Will search imdb for more
  1054. 21:32:42 T:169975808 NOTICE: Requesting IMDB :
  1055. 21:32:42 T:169975808 NOTICE: IMDB Meta:
  1056. 21:32:42 T:169975808 NOTICE: {u'Plot': u'13 Witches is a Fantasy Horror story where thirteen sisters who practiced paganism, centuries ago , were wrongfully accused of being witches...', u'Rated': u'N/A', u'Title': u'13 Witches', u'Poster': u'', u'Writer': u'Sabine Mondestin', u'Response': u'True', u'Director': u'Sabine Mondestin', u'Released': u'06 May 2012', u'Actors': u'Sabine Mondestin, Steve Lareau, Lauren Watson, Marie West', u'Year': u'2012', u'Genre': u'Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi', u'Runtime': u'N/A', u'imdbRating': u'8.9', u'imdbVotes': u'291', u'imdbID': u'tt2233925'}
  1057. 21:32:42 T:169975808 NOTICE: Updating current meta with IMDB
  1058. 21:32:42 T:169975808 NOTICE: -- IMDB - Updating Overview
  1059. 21:32:42 T:169975808 NOTICE: -- IMDB - Updating Premiered
  1060. 21:32:42 T:169975808 NOTICE: -- IMDB - Updating Posters
  1061. 21:32:42 T:169975808 NOTICE: -- IMDB - Updating Rating
  1062. 21:32:42 T:169975808 NOTICE: -- IMDB - Updating Genre
  1063. 21:32:42 T:169975808 NOTICE: -- IMDB - Updating Runtime
  1064. 21:32:42 T:169975808 NOTICE: Checking if entry already exists in cache table: tvshow_meta
  1065. 21:32:42 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt2233925'
  1066. 21:32:42 T:169975808 NOTICE: Saving cache information:
  1067. 21:32:42 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 8.9000000000000004, 'banner_url': '', 'overview': u'13 Witches is a Fantasy Horror story where thirteen sisters who practiced paganism, centuries ago , were wrongfully accused of being witches...', 'TVShowTitle': '13 Witches ', 'year': 0, 'duration': '', 'plot': u'13 Witches is a Fantasy Horror story where thirteen sisters who practiced paganism, centuries ago , were wrongfully accused of being witches...', 'votes': '', 'title': '13witches', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': '', 'tvdb_id': '259310', 'cover_url': u'', 'imdb_id': u'tt2233925', 'released': '2012-05-06', 'studio': '', 'genre': u'Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': 'None', 'cast': '[]', 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': ''}
  1068. 21:32:42 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  1069. 21:32:42 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 8.9000000000000004, 'banner_url': '', 'overview': u'13 Witches is a Fantasy Horror story where thirteen sisters who practiced paganism, centuries ago , were wrongfully accused of being witches...', 'TVShowTitle': '13 Witches ', 'year': 0, 'duration': '', 'plot': u'13 Witches is a Fantasy Horror story where thirteen sisters who practiced paganism, centuries ago , were wrongfully accused of being witches...', 'votes': '', 'title': '13 Witches ', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': '', 'tvdb_id': '259310', 'cover_url': u'', 'imdb_id': u'tt2233925', 'released': '2012-05-06', 'studio': '', 'genre': u'Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': 'None', 'cast': [], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': '', 'trailer': ''}
  1070. 21:32:42 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1071. 21:32:42 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 15 Storeys High
  1072. 21:32:42 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 15storeyshigh
  1073. 21:32:42 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '15storeyshigh'
  1074. 21:32:42 T:169975808 NOTICE: No match in local DB
  1075. 21:32:42 T:169975808 NOTICE: Starting TVDB Lookup
  1076. 21:32:42 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  1077. 21:32:43 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  1078. 21:32:43 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found TV Show List:
  1079. 21:32:43 T:169975808 NOTICE: [('72339', '15 Storeys High', 'tt0354262')]
  1080. 21:32:43 T:169975808 NOTICE: Show *** 15 Storeys High *** found in TVdb. Getting details...
  1081. 21:32:43 T:169975808 NOTICE: data returned from TheTVDB <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  1082. <Data>
  1083. <Series>
  1084. <id>72339</id>
  1085. <Actors>|Benedict Wong|Sean Lock|</Actors>
  1086. <Airs_DayOfWeek>Sunday</Airs_DayOfWeek>
  1087. <Airs_Time>11:00 PM</Airs_Time>
  1088. <ContentRating></ContentRating>
  1089. <FirstAired>2003-03-01</FirstAired>
  1090. <Genre>|Comedy|</Genre>
  1091. <IMDB_ID>tt0354262</IMDB_ID>
  1092. <Language>en</Language>
  1093. <Network>BBC Three</Network>
  1094. <NetworkID></NetworkID>
  1095. <Overview>One of the BBC's cult TV comedies, this sharp and quirky series is written by and stars British Comedy Award winner Sean Lock. He's locked in a high-rise flatshare with another bloke on a South London council estate. But he's the landlord and his lodger Errol is making his life a misery. What's more there are other oddball occupants in the block to contend with, from the wife-swappers and bible-bashers to the guy with a lodger of his own: a horse.</Overview>
  1096. <Rating>8.6</Rating>
  1097. <RatingCount>8</RatingCount>
  1098. <Runtime>30</Runtime>
  1099. <SeriesID>17724</SeriesID>
  1100. <SeriesName>15 Storeys High</SeriesName>
  1101. <Status>Ended</Status>
  1102. <added></added>
  1103. <addedBy></addedBy>
  1104. <banner>graphical/72339-g.jpg</banner>
  1105. <fanart>fanart/original/72339-1.jpg</fanart>
  1106. <lastupdated>1351672463</lastupdated>
  1107. <poster>posters/72339-3.jpg</poster>
  1108. <zap2it_id></zap2it_id>
  1109. </Series>
  1110. </Data>
  1111. 21:32:43 T:169975808 NOTICE: Checking if entry already exists in cache table: tvshow_meta
  1112. 21:32:43 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt0354262'
  1113. 21:32:43 T:169975808 NOTICE: Saving cache information:
  1114. 21:32:43 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 8.5999999999999996, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '15 Storeys High ', 'year': 2003, 'duration': '30', 'plot': "One of the BBC's cult TV comedies, this sharp and quirky series is written by and stars British Comedy Award winner Sean Lock. He's locked in a high-rise flatshare with another bloke on a South London council estate. But he's the landlord and his lodger Errol is making his life a misery. What's more there are other oddball occupants in the block to contend with, from the wife-swappers and bible-bashers to the guy with a lodger of his own: a horse.", 'title': '15storeyshigh', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Ended', 'tvdb_id': '72339', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': 'tt0354262', 'studio': 'BBC Three', 'genre': 'Comedy', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2003-03-01', 'cast': "['Benedict Wong', 'Sean Lock']", 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': ''}
  1115. 21:32:43 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  1116. 21:32:43 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 8.5999999999999996, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '15 Storeys High ', 'year': 2003, 'duration': '30', 'plot': "One of the BBC's cult TV comedies, this sharp and quirky series is written by and stars British Comedy Award winner Sean Lock. He's locked in a high-rise flatshare with another bloke on a South London council estate. But he's the landlord and his lodger Errol is making his life a misery. What's more there are other oddball occupants in the block to contend with, from the wife-swappers and bible-bashers to the guy with a lodger of his own: a horse.", 'title': '15 Storeys High ', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Ended', 'tvdb_id': '72339', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': 'tt0354262', 'studio': 'BBC Three', 'genre': 'Comedy', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2003-03-01', 'cast': ['Benedict Wong', 'Sean Lock'], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': '', 'trailer': ''}
  1117. 21:32:43 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1118. 21:32:43 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 16 and Pregnant
  1119. 21:32:43 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 16andpregnant
  1120. 21:32:43 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '16andpregnant'
  1121. 21:32:43 T:169975808 NOTICE: No match in local DB
  1122. 21:32:43 T:169975808 NOTICE: Starting TVDB Lookup
  1123. 21:32:43 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  1124. 21:32:44 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  1125. 21:32:44 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found TV Show List:
  1126. 21:32:44 T:169975808 NOTICE: [('126011', '16 and Pregnant', 'tt1454730')]
  1127. 21:32:44 T:169975808 NOTICE: Show *** 16 and Pregnant *** found in TVdb. Getting details...
  1128. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE: data returned from TheTVDB <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  1129. <Data>
  1130. <Series>
  1131. <id>126011</id>
  1132. <Actors>||</Actors>
  1133. <Airs_DayOfWeek>Tuesday</Airs_DayOfWeek>
  1134. <Airs_Time>10:00 PM</Airs_Time>
  1135. <ContentRating>TV-14</ContentRating>
  1136. <FirstAired>2009-06-11</FirstAired>
  1137. <Genre>|Documentary|Reality|</Genre>
  1138. <IMDB_ID>tt1454730</IMDB_ID>
  1139. <Language>en</Language>
  1140. <Network>MTV</Network>
  1141. <NetworkID></NetworkID>
  1142. <Overview>16 and Pregnant is an MTV reality television series produced by Morgan J. Freeman and Dia Sokol Savage. It follows the stories of pregnant teenage girls in high school dealing with the hardships of teenage pregnancy. Each episode features a different teenage girl, with the episode typically beginning when she is 4 to 8 months into her pregnancy.</Overview>
  1143. <Rating>10.0</Rating>
  1144. <RatingCount>1</RatingCount>
  1145. <Runtime>60</Runtime>
  1146. <SeriesID>75725</SeriesID>
  1147. <SeriesName>16 and Pregnant</SeriesName>
  1148. <Status>Continuing</Status>
  1149. <added>2009-11-27 10:23:47</added>
  1150. <addedBy>54551</addedBy>
  1151. <banner>graphical/126011-g.jpg</banner>
  1152. <fanart>fanart/original/126011-1.jpg</fanart>
  1153. <lastupdated>1347740917</lastupdated>
  1154. <poster>posters/126011-1.jpg</poster>
  1155. <zap2it_id>EP01157246</zap2it_id>
  1156. </Series>
  1157. </Data>
  1158. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE: Checking if entry already exists in cache table: tvshow_meta
  1159. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1454730'
  1160. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE: Saving cache information:
  1161. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 10.0, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '16 and Pregnant ', 'year': 2009, 'duration': '60', 'plot': '16 and Pregnant is an MTV reality television series produced by Morgan J. Freeman and Dia Sokol Savage. It follows the stories of pregnant teenage girls in high school dealing with the hardships of teenage pregnancy. Each episode features a different teenage girl, with the episode typically beginning when she is 4 to 8 months into her pregnancy.', 'title': '16andpregnant', 'mpaa': 'TV-14', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Continuing', 'tvdb_id': '126011', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': 'tt1454730', 'studio': 'MTV', 'genre': 'Documentary,Reality', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2009-06-11', 'cast': '[]', 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': ''}
  1162. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  1163. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 10.0, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '16 and Pregnant ', 'year': 2009, 'duration': '60', 'plot': '16 and Pregnant is an MTV reality television series produced by Morgan J. Freeman and Dia Sokol Savage. It follows the stories of pregnant teenage girls in high school dealing with the hardships of teenage pregnancy. Each episode features a different teenage girl, with the episode typically beginning when she is 4 to 8 months into her pregnancy.', 'title': '16 and Pregnant ', 'mpaa': 'TV-14', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Continuing', 'tvdb_id': '126011', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': 'tt1454730', 'studio': 'MTV', 'genre': 'Documentary,Reality', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2009-06-11', 'cast': [], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': '', 'trailer': ''}
  1164. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1165. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 17 Kids and Counting
  1166. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 17kidsandcounting
  1167. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '17kidsandcounting'
  1168. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE: No match in local DB
  1169. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE: Starting TVDB Lookup
  1170. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  1171. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE:
  1172. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found TV Show List:
  1173. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE: []
  1174. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE: Checking if entry already exists in cache table: tvshow_meta
  1175. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE title = '17kidsandcounting'
  1176. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE: Saving cache information:
  1177. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 0, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '17 Kids and Counting ', 'year': 0, 'duration': '', 'plot': '', 'title': '17kidsandcounting', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': '', 'tvdb_id': '', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': '', 'studio': '', 'genre': '', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '', 'cast': '[]', 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': ''}
  1178. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  1179. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 0, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '17 Kids and Counting ', 'year': 0, 'duration': '', 'plot': '', 'title': '17 Kids and Counting ', 'mpaa': '', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': '', 'tvdb_id': '', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': '', 'studio': '', 'genre': '', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '', 'cast': [], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': '', 'trailer': ''}
  1180. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1181. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 17 Kids and Counting 2008
  1182. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 17kidsandcounting 2008
  1183. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '17kidsandcounting'
  1184. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE: Found meta information by name in cache table:
  1185. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'status': u'', 'rating': 0.0, 'episode': 0, 'trailer_url': u'', 'banner_url': u'', 'title': u'17kidsandcounting', 'mpaa': u'', 'tvdb_id': u'', 'plot': u'', 'premiered': u'', 'imdb_id': u'', 'imgs_prepacked': u'false', 'cast': u'[]', 'studio': u'', 'cover_url': u'', 'duration': u'', 'overlay': 6, 'genre': u'', 'playcount': 0, 'backdrop_url': u''}
  1186. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  1187. 21:32:45 T:169975808 NOTICE: {'rating': 0.0, 'banner_url': u'', 'TVShowTitle': '17 Kids and Counting ', 'duration': u'', 'plot': u'', 'title': '17 Kids and Counting ', 'mpaa': u'', 'imgs_prepacked': u'false', 'backdrop_url': u'', 'status': u'', 'tvdb_id': u'', 'cover_url': u'', 'imdb_id': u'', 'studio': u'', 'genre': u'', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': u'', 'cast': [], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': u'', 'trailer': ''}
  1188. 21:33:01 T:176340992 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1189. 21:33:07 T:176340992 NOTICE: Metahandlers - Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  1190. 21:33:07 T:176340992 NOTICE: Metacontainers - Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  1191. 21:33:07 T:176340992 NOTICE: 1Channel: MySQL not enabled or not setup correctly
  1192. 21:33:07 T:176340992 NOTICE: 1Channel: Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  1193. 21:33:07 T:176340992 NOTICE: 1Channel: MySQL not enabled or not setup correctly
  1194. 21:33:07 T:176340992 NOTICE: 1Channel: Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  1195. 21:33:07 T:176340992 NOTICE: Table movie_meta initialized
  1196. 21:33:07 T:176340992 NOTICE: Table tvshow_meta initialized
  1197. 21:33:07 T:176340992 NOTICE: Table season_meta initialized
  1198. 21:33:07 T:176340992 NOTICE: Table episode_meta initialized
  1199. 21:33:07 T:176340992 NOTICE: Table addons initialized
  1200. 21:33:07 T:176340992 NOTICE: 1Channel: {'img': '', 'imdbnum': 'tt1454730', 'url': '', 'title': '16 and Pregnant ', 'video_type': 'tvshow', 'mode': 'TVShowSeasonList', 'year': '2009'}
  1201. 21:33:07 T:176340992 NOTICE: 1Channel: Seasons for TV Show
  1202. 21:33:08 T:176340992 NOTICE: 1Channel: Imdb ID not recieved from title search, updating with new id of tt1454730
  1203. 21:33:08 T:176340992 NOTICE: 1Channel: Title: 16 and Pregnant Old IMDB: Old TVDB: New IMDB tt1454730 Year: 2009
  1204. 21:33:08 T:176340992 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1205. 21:33:08 T:176340992 NOTICE: Updating meta data: 16 and Pregnant Old: New: tt1454730 Year:
  1206. 21:33:08 T:176340992 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by name for: tvshow 16andpregnant
  1207. 21:33:08 T:176340992 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.title = '16andpregnant'
  1208. 21:33:08 T:176340992 NOTICE: Found meta information by name in cache table:
  1209. 21:33:08 T:176340992 NOTICE: {'status': u'Continuing', 'rating': 10.0, 'episode': 0, 'trailer_url': u'', 'banner_url': u'', 'title': u'16andpregnant', 'mpaa': u'TV-14', 'tvdb_id': u'126011', 'plot': u'16 and Pregnant is an MTV reality television series produced by Morgan J. Freeman and Dia Sokol Savage. It follows the stories of pregnant teenage girls in high school dealing with the hardships of teenage pregnancy. Each episode features a different teenage girl, with the episode typically beginning when she is 4 to 8 months into her pregnancy.', 'premiered': u'2009-06-11', 'imdb_id': u'tt1454730', 'imgs_prepacked': u'false', 'cast': u'[]', 'studio': u'MTV', 'cover_url': u'', 'duration': u'60', 'overlay': 6, 'genre': u'Documentary,Reality', 'playcount': 0, 'backdrop_url': u''}
  1210. 21:33:08 T:176340992 NOTICE: Deleting table entry: 16andpregnant
  1211. 21:33:08 T:176340992 NOTICE: SQL DELETE: DELETE FROM tvshow_meta WHERE title = '16andpregnant'
  1212. 21:33:08 T:176340992 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1213. 21:33:08 T:176340992 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive meta data for tvshow: 16 and Pregnant tt1454730
  1214. 21:33:08 T:176340992 NOTICE: Looking up in local cache by id for: tvshow tt1454730
  1215. 21:33:08 T:176340992 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, CASE WHEN b.episode ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE b.episode END AS episode, CASE WHEN c.playcount ISNULL THEN 0 ELSE c.playcount END as playcount FROM tvshow_meta a LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS episode FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1454730' GROUP BY imdb_id) b ON a.imdb_id = b.imdb_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT imdb_id, count(imdb_id) AS playcount FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1454730' AND overlay=7 GROUP BY imdb_id) c ON a.imdb_id = c.imdb_id WHERE a.imdb_id = 'tt1454730'
  1216. 21:33:08 T:176340992 NOTICE: No match in local DB
  1217. 21:33:08 T:176340992 NOTICE: Starting TVDB Lookup
  1218. 21:33:08 T:176340992 NOTICE: data returned from TheTVDB <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  1219. <Data>
  1220. <Series>
  1221. <seriesid>126011</seriesid>
  1222. <language>en</language>
  1223. <SeriesName>16 and Pregnant</SeriesName>
  1224. <banner>graphical/126011-g.jpg</banner>
  1225. <Overview>16 and Pregnant is an MTV reality television series produced by Morgan J. Freeman and Dia Sokol Savage. It follows the stories of pregnant teenage girls in high school dealing with the hardships of teenage pregnancy. Each episode features a different teenage girl, with the episode typically beginning when she is 4 to 8 months into her pregnancy.</Overview>
  1226. <FirstAired>2009-06-11</FirstAired>
  1227. <IMDB_ID>tt1454730</IMDB_ID>
  1228. <zap2it_id>EP01157246</zap2it_id>
  1229. <id>126011</id>
  1230. </Series>
  1231. </Data>
  1232. 21:33:09 T:176340992 NOTICE: Show *** 16 and Pregnant *** found in TVdb. Getting details...
  1233. 21:33:09 T:176340992 NOTICE: data returned from TheTVDB <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  1234. <Data>
  1235. <Series>
  1236. <id>126011</id>
  1237. <Actors>||</Actors>
  1238. <Airs_DayOfWeek>Tuesday</Airs_DayOfWeek>
  1239. <Airs_Time>10:00 PM</Airs_Time>
  1240. <ContentRating>TV-14</ContentRating>
  1241. <FirstAired>2009-06-11</FirstAired>
  1242. <Genre>|Documentary|Reality|</Genre>
  1243. <IMDB_ID>tt1454730</IMDB_ID>
  1244. <Language>en</Language>
  1245. <Network>MTV</Network>
  1246. <NetworkID></NetworkID>
  1247. <Overview>16 and Pregnant is an MTV reality television series produced by Morgan J. Freeman and Dia Sokol Savage. It follows the stories of pregnant teenage girls in high school dealing with the hardships of teenage pregnancy. Each episode features a different teenage girl, with the episode typically beginning when she is 4 to 8 months into her pregnancy.</Overview>
  1248. <Rating>10.0</Rating>
  1249. <RatingCount>1</RatingCount>
  1250. <Runtime>60</Runtime>
  1251. <SeriesID>75725</SeriesID>
  1252. <SeriesName>16 and Pregnant</SeriesName>
  1253. <Status>Continuing</Status>
  1254. <added>2009-11-27 10:23:47</added>
  1255. <addedBy>54551</addedBy>
  1256. <banner>graphical/126011-g.jpg</banner>
  1257. <fanart>fanart/original/126011-1.jpg</fanart>
  1258. <lastupdated>1347740917</lastupdated>
  1259. <poster>posters/126011-1.jpg</poster>
  1260. <zap2it_id>EP01157246</zap2it_id>
  1261. </Series>
  1262. </Data>
  1263. 21:33:09 T:176340992 NOTICE: Checking if entry already exists in cache table: tvshow_meta
  1264. 21:33:09 T:176340992 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1454730'
  1265. 21:33:09 T:176340992 NOTICE: Saving cache information:
  1266. 21:33:09 T:176340992 NOTICE: {'rating': 10.0, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '16 and Pregnant ', 'year': 2009, 'duration': '60', 'plot': '16 and Pregnant is an MTV reality television series produced by Morgan J. Freeman and Dia Sokol Savage. It follows the stories of pregnant teenage girls in high school dealing with the hardships of teenage pregnancy. Each episode features a different teenage girl, with the episode typically beginning when she is 4 to 8 months into her pregnancy.', 'title': '16andpregnant', 'mpaa': 'TV-14', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Continuing', 'tvdb_id': '126011', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': u'tt1454730', 'studio': 'MTV', 'genre': 'Documentary,Reality', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2009-06-11', 'cast': '[]', 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': ''}
  1267. 21:33:09 T:176340992 NOTICE: Returned Meta:
  1268. 21:33:09 T:176340992 NOTICE: {'rating': 10.0, 'banner_url': '', 'TVShowTitle': '16 and Pregnant ', 'year': 2009, 'duration': '60', 'plot': '16 and Pregnant is an MTV reality television series produced by Morgan J. Freeman and Dia Sokol Savage. It follows the stories of pregnant teenage girls in high school dealing with the hardships of teenage pregnancy. Each episode features a different teenage girl, with the episode typically beginning when she is 4 to 8 months into her pregnancy.', 'title': '16 and Pregnant ', 'mpaa': 'TV-14', 'imgs_prepacked': 'false', 'backdrop_url': '', 'status': 'Continuing', 'tvdb_id': '126011', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': u'tt1454730', 'studio': 'MTV', 'genre': 'Documentary,Reality', 'episode': 0, 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2009-06-11', 'cast': [], 'playcount': 0, 'trailer_url': '', 'trailer': ''}
  1269. 21:33:09 T:176340992 NOTICE: Retrieving TVDB ID
  1270. 21:33:09 T:176340992 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT tvdb_id FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1454730'
  1271. 21:33:09 T:176340992 NOTICE: Looking up season data in cache db, imdb id: tt1454730 tvdb_id: 126011 season: 1
  1272. 21:33:09 T:176340992 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, b.backdrop_url FROM season_meta a, tvshow_meta b WHERE a.imdb_id = 'tt1454730' AND season =1 and a.imdb_id=b.imdb_id and a.tvdb_id=b.tvdb_id
  1273. 21:33:10 T:176340992 NOTICE:
  1274. 21:33:10 T:176340992 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT backdrop_url FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1454730' AND tvdb_id = '126011'
  1275. 21:33:10 T:176340992 NOTICE: Saving season cache information:
  1276. 21:33:10 T:176340992 NOTICE: {'overlay': 6, 'season': 1, 'tvdb_id': u'126011', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': u'tt1454730', 'backdrop_url': u''}
  1277. 21:33:10 T:176340992 NOTICE: Looking up season data in cache db, imdb id: tt1454730 tvdb_id: 126011 season: 2
  1278. 21:33:10 T:176340992 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, b.backdrop_url FROM season_meta a, tvshow_meta b WHERE a.imdb_id = 'tt1454730' AND season =2 and a.imdb_id=b.imdb_id and a.tvdb_id=b.tvdb_id
  1279. 21:33:10 T:176340992 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT backdrop_url FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1454730' AND tvdb_id = '126011'
  1280. 21:33:10 T:176340992 NOTICE: Saving season cache information:
  1281. 21:33:10 T:176340992 NOTICE: {'overlay': 6, 'season': 2, 'tvdb_id': u'126011', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': u'tt1454730', 'backdrop_url': u''}
  1282. 21:33:10 T:176340992 NOTICE: Looking up season data in cache db, imdb id: tt1454730 tvdb_id: 126011 season: 3
  1283. 21:33:10 T:176340992 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, b.backdrop_url FROM season_meta a, tvshow_meta b WHERE a.imdb_id = 'tt1454730' AND season =3 and a.imdb_id=b.imdb_id and a.tvdb_id=b.tvdb_id
  1284. 21:33:10 T:176340992 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT backdrop_url FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1454730' AND tvdb_id = '126011'
  1285. 21:33:10 T:176340992 NOTICE: Saving season cache information:
  1286. 21:33:10 T:176340992 NOTICE: {'overlay': 6, 'season': 3, 'tvdb_id': u'126011', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': u'tt1454730', 'backdrop_url': u''}
  1287. 21:33:10 T:176340992 NOTICE: Looking up season data in cache db, imdb id: tt1454730 tvdb_id: 126011 season: 4
  1288. 21:33:10 T:176340992 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT a.*, b.backdrop_url FROM season_meta a, tvshow_meta b WHERE a.imdb_id = 'tt1454730' AND season =4 and a.imdb_id=b.imdb_id and a.tvdb_id=b.tvdb_id
  1289. 21:33:10 T:176340992 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT backdrop_url FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1454730' AND tvdb_id = '126011'
  1290. 21:33:10 T:176340992 NOTICE: Saving season cache information:
  1291. 21:33:10 T:176340992 NOTICE: {'overlay': 6, 'season': 4, 'tvdb_id': u'126011', 'cover_url': '', 'imdb_id': u'tt1454730', 'backdrop_url': u''}
  1292. 21:33:10 T:176340992 ERROR: SetContent called with an invalid handle.
  1293. 21:33:10 T:176340992 ERROR: AddSortMethod - called with an invalid handle.
  1294. 21:33:12 T:805195776 ERROR: Previous line repeats 6 times.
  1295. 21:33:12 T:805195776 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1296. 21:33:16 T:805195776 NOTICE: Metahandlers - Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  1297. 21:33:16 T:805195776 NOTICE: Metacontainers - Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  1298. 21:33:16 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: MySQL not enabled or not setup correctly
  1299. 21:33:16 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  1300. 21:33:16 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: MySQL not enabled or not setup correctly
  1301. 21:33:16 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  1302. 21:33:16 T:805195776 NOTICE: Table movie_meta initialized
  1303. 21:33:16 T:805195776 NOTICE: Table tvshow_meta initialized
  1304. 21:33:16 T:805195776 NOTICE: Table season_meta initialized
  1305. 21:33:16 T:805195776 NOTICE: Table episode_meta initialized
  1306. 21:33:16 T:805195776 NOTICE: Table addons initialized
  1307. 21:33:16 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: {'season': '1', 'title': '16 and Pregnant ', 'mode': 'TVShowEpisodeList', 'imdbnum': 'tt1454730'}
  1308. 21:33:16 T:805195776 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1309. 21:33:16 T:805195776 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive episode meta data for: tt1454730 1 1
  1310. 21:33:16 T:805195776 NOTICE: Retrieving TVDB ID
  1311. 21:33:16 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT tvdb_id FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1454730'
  1312. 21:33:16 T:805195776 NOTICE: Looking up episode data in cache db, imdb id: tt1454730 season: 1 episode: 1
  1313. 21:33:16 T:805195776 NOTICE:
  1314. 21:33:17 T:805195776 NOTICE: Retrieving extra TV Show information from tvshow_meta
  1315. 21:33:17 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1454730'
  1316. 21:33:17 T:805195776 NOTICE: Getting episode watched status
  1317. 21:33:17 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT * FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = "tt1454730" AND season = 1 AND episode = 1
  1318. 21:33:17 T:805195776 NOTICE: Saving Episode Meta
  1319. 21:33:17 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT * FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = "tt1454730" AND season = 1 AND episode = 1
  1320. 21:33:17 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL Delete: DELETE FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = "tt1454730" AND season = 1 AND episode = 1
  1321. 21:33:17 T:805195776 NOTICE: Saving episode cache information:
  1322. 21:33:17 T:805195776 NOTICE: {'plot': u"When her fianc\xe9 Ryan takes no interest in helping out with the new baby, Maci has to figure out if her relationship will survive or if she's alone in facing the biggest challenge of her life.", 'tvdb_id': u'126011', 'rating': 0.0, 'title': 'Maci', 'poster': '', 'writer': '', 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2009-06-11', 'episode_id': '1338701', 'director': '', 'duration': u'60', 'studio': u'MTV', 'cover_url': '', 'season': 1, 'genre': u'Documentary,Reality', 'episode': 1, 'mpaa': u'TV-14', 'imdb_id': 'tt1454730', 'trailer_url': ''}
  1323. 21:33:17 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT backdrop_url FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1454730' AND tvdb_id = '126011'
  1324. 21:33:17 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: {'plot': u"When her fianc\xe9 Ryan takes no interest in helping out with the new baby, Maci has to figure out if her relationship will survive or if she's alone in facing the biggest challenge of her life.", 'tvdb_id': u'126011', 'rating': 0.0, 'title': 'Maci', 'poster': '', 'TVShowTitle': '16 and Pregnant ', 'writer': '', 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2009-06-11', 'episode_id': '1338701', 'director': '', 'duration': u'60', 'studio': u'MTV', 'cover_url': '', 'season': 1, 'genre': u'Documentary,Reality', 'episode': 1, 'mpaa': u'TV-14', 'imdb_id': 'tt1454730', 'trailer_url': '', 'backdrop_url': u''}
  1325. 21:33:17 T:805195776 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1326. 21:33:17 T:805195776 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive episode meta data for: tt1454730 1 2
  1327. 21:33:17 T:805195776 NOTICE: Retrieving TVDB ID
  1328. 21:33:17 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT tvdb_id FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1454730'
  1329. 21:33:17 T:805195776 NOTICE: Looking up episode data in cache db, imdb id: tt1454730 season: 1 episode: 2
  1330. 21:33:17 T:805195776 NOTICE:
  1331. 21:33:18 T:805195776 NOTICE: Retrieving extra TV Show information from tvshow_meta
  1332. 21:33:18 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1454730'
  1333. 21:33:18 T:805195776 NOTICE: Getting episode watched status
  1334. 21:33:18 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT * FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = "tt1454730" AND season = 1 AND episode = 2
  1335. 21:33:18 T:805195776 NOTICE: Saving Episode Meta
  1336. 21:33:18 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT * FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = "tt1454730" AND season = 1 AND episode = 2
  1337. 21:33:18 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL Delete: DELETE FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = "tt1454730" AND season = 1 AND episode = 2
  1338. 21:33:18 T:805195776 NOTICE: Saving episode cache information:
  1339. 21:33:18 T:805195776 NOTICE: {'plot': 'Farrah is a popular cheerleader from Council Bluffs, Iowa, but when her friends start gossiping about her becoming a single mom, she abandons her high school life and starts spending way too much time with her overbearing mother.', 'tvdb_id': u'126011', 'rating': 0.0, 'title': 'Farrah', 'poster': '', 'writer': '', 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2009-06-18', 'episode_id': '1338721', 'director': '', 'duration': u'60', 'studio': u'MTV', 'cover_url': '', 'season': 1, 'genre': u'Documentary,Reality', 'episode': 2, 'mpaa': u'TV-14', 'imdb_id': 'tt1454730', 'trailer_url': ''}
  1340. 21:33:18 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT backdrop_url FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1454730' AND tvdb_id = '126011'
  1341. 21:33:18 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: {'plot': 'Farrah is a popular cheerleader from Council Bluffs, Iowa, but when her friends start gossiping about her becoming a single mom, she abandons her high school life and starts spending way too much time with her overbearing mother.', 'tvdb_id': u'126011', 'rating': 0.0, 'title': 'Farrah', 'poster': '', 'TVShowTitle': '16 and Pregnant ', 'writer': '', 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2009-06-18', 'episode_id': '1338721', 'director': '', 'duration': u'60', 'studio': u'MTV', 'cover_url': '', 'season': 1, 'genre': u'Documentary,Reality', 'episode': 2, 'mpaa': u'TV-14', 'imdb_id': 'tt1454730', 'trailer_url': '', 'backdrop_url': u''}
  1342. 21:33:18 T:805195776 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1343. 21:33:18 T:805195776 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive episode meta data for: tt1454730 1 3
  1344. 21:33:18 T:805195776 NOTICE: Retrieving TVDB ID
  1345. 21:33:18 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT tvdb_id FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1454730'
  1346. 21:33:18 T:805195776 NOTICE: Looking up episode data in cache db, imdb id: tt1454730 season: 1 episode: 3
  1347. 21:33:18 T:805195776 NOTICE:
  1348. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: Retrieving extra TV Show information from tvshow_meta
  1349. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1454730'
  1350. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: Getting episode watched status
  1351. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT * FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = "tt1454730" AND season = 1 AND episode = 3
  1352. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: Saving Episode Meta
  1353. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT * FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = "tt1454730" AND season = 1 AND episode = 3
  1354. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL Delete: DELETE FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = "tt1454730" AND season = 1 AND episode = 3
  1355. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: Saving episode cache information:
  1356. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: {'plot': 'Amber spends her senior year moving in with her well meaning, but immature, boyfriend Gary. But with a baby on the way, the two will have to juggle adult responsibilities on a teenage budget.', 'tvdb_id': u'126011', 'rating': 0.0, 'title': 'Amber', 'poster': '', 'writer': '', 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2009-06-25', 'episode_id': '1338741', 'director': '', 'duration': u'60', 'studio': u'MTV', 'cover_url': '', 'season': 1, 'genre': u'Documentary,Reality', 'episode': 3, 'mpaa': u'TV-14', 'imdb_id': 'tt1454730', 'trailer_url': ''}
  1357. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT backdrop_url FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1454730' AND tvdb_id = '126011'
  1358. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: {'plot': 'Amber spends her senior year moving in with her well meaning, but immature, boyfriend Gary. But with a baby on the way, the two will have to juggle adult responsibilities on a teenage budget.', 'tvdb_id': u'126011', 'rating': 0.0, 'title': 'Amber', 'poster': '', 'TVShowTitle': '16 and Pregnant ', 'writer': '', 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2009-06-25', 'episode_id': '1338741', 'director': '', 'duration': u'60', 'studio': u'MTV', 'cover_url': '', 'season': 1, 'genre': u'Documentary,Reality', 'episode': 3, 'mpaa': u'TV-14', 'imdb_id': 'tt1454730', 'trailer_url': '', 'backdrop_url': u''}
  1359. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1360. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive episode meta data for: tt1454730 1 4
  1361. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: Retrieving TVDB ID
  1362. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT tvdb_id FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1454730'
  1363. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: Looking up episode data in cache db, imdb id: tt1454730 season: 1 episode: 4
  1364. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE:
  1365. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: Retrieving extra TV Show information from tvshow_meta
  1366. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1454730'
  1367. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: Getting episode watched status
  1368. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT * FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = "tt1454730" AND season = 1 AND episode = 4
  1369. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: Saving Episode Meta
  1370. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT * FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = "tt1454730" AND season = 1 AND episode = 4
  1371. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL Delete: DELETE FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = "tt1454730" AND season = 1 AND episode = 4
  1372. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: Saving episode cache information:
  1373. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: {'plot': u'Ebony lives at home with mom and spends all her time with fianc\xe9, Josh. But now that Ebony is pregnant, everything may have to change.', 'tvdb_id': u'126011', 'rating': 0.0, 'title': 'Ebony', 'poster': '', 'writer': '', 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2009-07-02', 'episode_id': '1338761', 'director': '', 'duration': u'60', 'studio': u'MTV', 'cover_url': '', 'season': 1, 'genre': u'Documentary,Reality', 'episode': 4, 'mpaa': u'TV-14', 'imdb_id': 'tt1454730', 'trailer_url': ''}
  1374. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT backdrop_url FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1454730' AND tvdb_id = '126011'
  1375. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: {'plot': u'Ebony lives at home with mom and spends all her time with fianc\xe9, Josh. But now that Ebony is pregnant, everything may have to change.', 'tvdb_id': u'126011', 'rating': 0.0, 'title': 'Ebony', 'poster': '', 'TVShowTitle': '16 and Pregnant ', 'writer': '', 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2009-07-02', 'episode_id': '1338761', 'director': '', 'duration': u'60', 'studio': u'MTV', 'cover_url': '', 'season': 1, 'genre': u'Documentary,Reality', 'episode': 4, 'mpaa': u'TV-14', 'imdb_id': 'tt1454730', 'trailer_url': '', 'backdrop_url': u''}
  1376. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1377. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive episode meta data for: tt1454730 1 5
  1378. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: Retrieving TVDB ID
  1379. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT tvdb_id FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1454730'
  1380. 21:33:19 T:805195776 NOTICE: Looking up episode data in cache db, imdb id: tt1454730 season: 1 episode: 5
  1381. 21:33:20 T:805195776 NOTICE:
  1382. 21:33:20 T:805195776 NOTICE: Retrieving extra TV Show information from tvshow_meta
  1383. 21:33:20 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1454730'
  1384. 21:33:20 T:805195776 NOTICE: Getting episode watched status
  1385. 21:33:20 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT * FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = "tt1454730" AND season = 1 AND episode = 5
  1386. 21:33:20 T:805195776 NOTICE: Saving Episode Meta
  1387. 21:33:20 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT * FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = "tt1454730" AND season = 1 AND episode = 5
  1388. 21:33:20 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL Delete: DELETE FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = "tt1454730" AND season = 1 AND episode = 5
  1389. 21:33:20 T:805195776 NOTICE: Saving episode cache information:
  1390. 21:33:20 T:805195776 NOTICE: {'plot': 'When home gets too crowded too fast, Whitney and boyfriend, Weston, must figure out how to move out and become a family on their own.', 'tvdb_id': u'126011', 'rating': 0.0, 'title': 'Whitney', 'poster': '', 'writer': '', 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2009-07-09', 'episode_id': '1338781', 'director': '', 'duration': u'60', 'studio': u'MTV', 'cover_url': '', 'season': 1, 'genre': u'Documentary,Reality', 'episode': 5, 'mpaa': u'TV-14', 'imdb_id': 'tt1454730', 'trailer_url': ''}
  1391. 21:33:20 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT backdrop_url FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1454730' AND tvdb_id = '126011'
  1392. 21:33:20 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: {'plot': 'When home gets too crowded too fast, Whitney and boyfriend, Weston, must figure out how to move out and become a family on their own.', 'tvdb_id': u'126011', 'rating': 0.0, 'title': 'Whitney', 'poster': '', 'TVShowTitle': '16 and Pregnant ', 'writer': '', 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2009-07-09', 'episode_id': '1338781', 'director': '', 'duration': u'60', 'studio': u'MTV', 'cover_url': '', 'season': 1, 'genre': u'Documentary,Reality', 'episode': 5, 'mpaa': u'TV-14', 'imdb_id': 'tt1454730', 'trailer_url': '', 'backdrop_url': u''}
  1393. 21:33:20 T:805195776 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1394. 21:33:20 T:805195776 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive episode meta data for: tt1454730 1 6
  1395. 21:33:20 T:805195776 NOTICE: Retrieving TVDB ID
  1396. 21:33:20 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT tvdb_id FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1454730'
  1397. 21:33:20 T:805195776 NOTICE: Looking up episode data in cache db, imdb id: tt1454730 season: 1 episode: 6
  1398. 21:33:20 T:805195776 NOTICE:
  1399. 21:33:21 T:805195776 NOTICE: Retrieving extra TV Show information from tvshow_meta
  1400. 21:33:21 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT * FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1454730'
  1401. 21:33:21 T:805195776 NOTICE: Getting episode watched status
  1402. 21:33:21 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT * FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = "tt1454730" AND season = 1 AND episode = 6
  1403. 21:33:21 T:805195776 NOTICE: Saving Episode Meta
  1404. 21:33:21 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT * FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = "tt1454730" AND season = 1 AND episode = 6
  1405. 21:33:21 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL Delete: DELETE FROM episode_meta WHERE imdb_id = "tt1454730" AND season = 1 AND episode = 6
  1406. 21:33:21 T:805195776 NOTICE: Saving episode cache information:
  1407. 21:33:21 T:805195776 NOTICE: {'plot': "Soon-to-be teen parents, Catelynn and Tyler, think adoption is best for their baby, but question if they'll be strong enough to let go.", 'tvdb_id': u'126011', 'rating': 0.0, 'title': 'Catelynn', 'poster': '', 'writer': '', 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2009-07-16', 'episode_id': '1338861', 'director': '', 'duration': u'60', 'studio': u'MTV', 'cover_url': '', 'season': 1, 'genre': u'Documentary,Reality', 'episode': 6, 'mpaa': u'TV-14', 'imdb_id': 'tt1454730', 'trailer_url': ''}
  1408. 21:33:21 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL Select: SELECT backdrop_url FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1454730' AND tvdb_id = '126011'
  1409. 21:33:21 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: {'plot': "Soon-to-be teen parents, Catelynn and Tyler, think adoption is best for their baby, but question if they'll be strong enough to let go.", 'tvdb_id': u'126011', 'rating': 0.0, 'title': 'Catelynn', 'poster': '', 'TVShowTitle': '16 and Pregnant ', 'writer': '', 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': '2009-07-16', 'episode_id': '1338861', 'director': '', 'duration': u'60', 'studio': u'MTV', 'cover_url': '', 'season': 1, 'genre': u'Documentary,Reality', 'episode': 6, 'mpaa': u'TV-14', 'imdb_id': 'tt1454730', 'trailer_url': '', 'backdrop_url': u''}
  1410. 21:33:23 T:805195776 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1411. 21:33:28 T:805195776 NOTICE: Metahandlers - Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  1412. 21:33:28 T:805195776 NOTICE: Metacontainers - Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  1413. 21:33:28 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: MySQL not enabled or not setup correctly
  1414. 21:33:28 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  1415. 21:33:28 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: MySQL not enabled or not setup correctly
  1416. 21:33:28 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  1417. 21:33:28 T:805195776 NOTICE: Table movie_meta initialized
  1418. 21:33:28 T:805195776 NOTICE: Table tvshow_meta initialized
  1419. 21:33:28 T:805195776 NOTICE: Table season_meta initialized
  1420. 21:33:28 T:805195776 NOTICE: Table episode_meta initialized
  1421. 21:33:28 T:805195776 NOTICE: Table addons initialized
  1422. 21:33:28 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: {'url': '', 'title': '16 and Pregnant ', 'mode': 'GetSources', 'imdbnum': 'tt1454730'}
  1423. 21:33:28 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: Getting sources from:
  1424. 21:33:29 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: {'verified': True, 'multi-part': False, 'views': 19490, 'url': '', 'host': '', 'quality': u'DVD'}
  1425. 21:33:29 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: {'verified': True, 'multi-part': False, 'views': 4810, 'url': '', 'host': '', 'quality': u'DVD'}
  1426. 21:33:29 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: {'verified': False, 'multi-part': False, 'views': 279, 'url': '', 'host': '', 'quality': u'DVD'}
  1427. 21:33:32 T:805195776 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1428. 21:33:35 T:805195776 NOTICE: Metahandlers - Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  1429. 21:33:35 T:805195776 NOTICE: Metacontainers - Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  1430. 21:33:35 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: MySQL not enabled or not setup correctly
  1431. 21:33:35 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  1432. 21:33:35 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: MySQL not enabled or not setup correctly
  1433. 21:33:35 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
  1434. 21:33:35 T:805195776 NOTICE: Table movie_meta initialized
  1435. 21:33:35 T:805195776 NOTICE: Table tvshow_meta initialized
  1436. 21:33:35 T:805195776 NOTICE: Table season_meta initialized
  1437. 21:33:35 T:805195776 NOTICE: Table episode_meta initialized
  1438. 21:33:35 T:805195776 NOTICE: Table addons initialized
  1439. 21:33:35 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: {'episode': '1', 'imdbnum': 'tt1454730', 'url': '', 'season': '1', 'title': '16 and Pregnant ', 'video_type': 'episode', 'mode': 'PlaySource'}
  1440. 21:33:35 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: Attempting to play url:
  1441. 21:33:37 T:805195776 NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1442. 21:33:37 T:805195776 NOTICE: Attempting to retreive episode meta data for: tt1454730 1 1
  1443. 21:33:37 T:805195776 NOTICE: Retrieving TVDB ID
  1444. 21:33:37 T:805195776 NOTICE: SQL SELECT: SELECT tvdb_id FROM tvshow_meta WHERE imdb_id = 'tt1454730'
  1445. 21:33:37 T:805195776 NOTICE: Looking up episode data in cache db, imdb id: tt1454730 season: 1 episode: 1
  1446. 21:33:37 T:805195776 NOTICE: Found episode meta information in cache table:
  1447. 21:33:37 T:805195776 NOTICE: {'plot': u"When her fianc\xe9 Ryan takes no interest in helping out with the new baby, Maci has to figure out if her relationship will survive or if she's alone in facing the biggest challenge of her life.", 'rating': 0.0, 'title': u'Maci', 'mpaa': u'TV-14', 'writer': u'', 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': u'2009-06-11', 'imdb_id': u'tt1454730', 'director': u'', 'genre': u'Documentary,Reality', 'studio': u'MTV', 'cover_url': u'', 'season': 1, 'duration': u'60', 'episode': 1, 'trailer_url': u'', 'backdrop_url': u''}
  1448. 21:33:37 T:805195776 NOTICE: Episode found on db, meta={'plot': u"When her fianc\xe9 Ryan takes no interest in helping out with the new baby, Maci has to figure out if her relationship will survive or if she's alone in facing the biggest challenge of her life.", 'rating': 0.0, 'title': u'Maci', 'mpaa': u'TV-14', 'writer': u'', 'overlay': 6, 'premiered': u'2009-06-11', 'imdb_id': u'tt1454730', 'director': u'', 'genre': u'Documentary,Reality', 'studio': u'MTV', 'cover_url': u'', 'season': 1, 'duration': u'60', 'episode': 1, 'trailer_url': u'', 'backdrop_url': u''}
  1449. 21:33:37 T:805195776 ERROR: /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/addons/ DeprecationWarning: object.__init__() takes no parameters
  1450. xbmc.Player.__init__(self, xbmc.PLAYER_CORE_AUTO)
  1451. 21:33:37 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: Player created
  1452. 21:33:37 T:117960704 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: Opening:'16_and_pregnant_s01e001_maci_8c248.flv'
  1453. 21:33:37 T:117960704 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
  1454. 21:33:37 T:174903296 NOTICE: Creating InputStream
  1455. 21:33:37 T:174903296 NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
  1456. 21:33:38 T:117960704 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: Opening:'16_and_pregnant_s01e001_maci_8c248.flv'
  1457. 21:33:38 T:117960704 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
  1458. 21:33:38 T:117960704 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
  1459. 21:33:38 T:174903296 NOTICE: Opening video stream: 0 source: 256
  1460. 21:33:38 T:174903296 NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 28
  1461. 21:33:38 T:174903296 NOTICE: Open - using avcC atom of size(41), ref_frames(4)
  1462. 21:33:39 T:174903296 NOTICE: Creating video thread
  1463. 21:33:39 T:178827264 NOTICE: running thread: video_thread
  1464. 21:33:39 T:174903296 NOTICE: Opening audio stream: 1 source: 256
  1465. 21:33:39 T:174903296 NOTICE: Finding audio codec for: 86018
  1466. 21:33:39 T:174903296 NOTICE: Creating audio thread
  1467. 21:33:39 T:174903296 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit()
  1468. 21:33:39 T:174903296 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: closing audio stream
  1469. 21:33:39 T:174903296 NOTICE: Closing audio stream
  1470. 21:33:39 T:174903296 NOTICE: Waiting for audio thread to exit
  1471. 21:33:39 T:179359744 NOTICE: running thread: CDVDPlayerAudio::Process()
  1472. 21:33:39 T:179359744 NOTICE: thread end: CDVDPlayerAudio::OnExit()
  1473. 21:33:39 T:174903296 NOTICE: Closing audio device
  1474. 21:33:39 T:174903296 NOTICE: Deleting audio codec
  1475. 21:33:39 T:174903296 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: closing video stream
  1476. 21:33:39 T:174903296 NOTICE: Closing video stream
  1477. 21:33:39 T:174903296 NOTICE: waiting for video thread to exit
  1478. 21:33:39 T:178827264 ERROR: Got MSGQ_ABORT or MSGO_IS_ERROR return true
  1479. 21:33:39 T:178827264 NOTICE: thread end: video_thread
  1480. 21:33:39 T:174903296 NOTICE: deleting video codec
  1481. 21:33:39 T:174903296 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting demuxer
  1482. 21:33:39 T:174903296 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting input stream
  1483. 21:33:39 T:117960704 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
  1484. 21:33:39 T:117960704 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
  1485. 21:33:39 T:174903296 NOTICE: Creating InputStream
  1486. 21:33:39 T:174903296 NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
  1487. 21:33:40 T:174903296 NOTICE: Opening video stream: 0 source: 256
  1488. 21:33:40 T:174903296 NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 28
  1489. 21:33:40 T:174903296 NOTICE: Open - using avcC atom of size(41), ref_frames(4)
  1490. 21:33:40 T:174903296 NOTICE: Creating video thread
  1491. 21:33:40 T:157470720 NOTICE: running thread: video_thread
  1492. 21:33:40 T:174903296 NOTICE: Opening audio stream: 1 source: 256
  1493. 21:33:40 T:174903296 NOTICE: Finding audio codec for: 86018
  1494. 21:33:40 T:174903296 NOTICE: Creating audio thread
  1495. 21:33:40 T:178827264 NOTICE: running thread: CDVDPlayerAudio::Process()
  1496. 21:33:40 T:178827264 NOTICE: Creating audio device with codec id: 86018, channels: 2, sample rate: 44100, no pass-through
  1497. 21:33:40 T:157470720 NOTICE: fps: 29.000000, pwidth: 512, pheight: 384, dwidth: 512, dheight: 384
  1498. 21:33:40 T:157470720 NOTICE: Display resolution DESKTOP : 1280x720 (12)
  1499. 21:33:40 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: Beginning Playback
  1500. 21:33:40 T:805195776 ERROR: Exception in python script callback execution
  1501. 21:33:40 T:805195776 ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
  1502. 21:33:40 T:805195776 ERROR: File "/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/addons/", line 83, in onPlayBackStarted
  1503. 21:33:40 T:805195776 ERROR: db = database.connect(DB)
  1504. 21:33:40 T:805195776 ERROR: sqlite3
  1505. 21:33:40 T:805195776 ERROR: .
  1506. 21:33:40 T:805195776 ERROR: OperationalError
  1507. 21:33:40 T:805195776 ERROR: :
  1508. 21:33:40 T:805195776 ERROR: unable to open database file
  1509. 21:33:40 T:117960704 NOTICE: Using GL_TEXTURE_2D
  1510. 21:33:40 T:117960704 NOTICE: GL: Using CoreVideoRef RGBA render method
  1511. 21:33:40 T:117960704 NOTICE: GL: NPOT texture support detected
  1512. 21:33:41 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: Beginning Playback
  1513. 21:33:41 T:805195776 ERROR: Exception in python script callback execution
  1514. 21:33:41 T:805195776 ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
  1515. 21:33:41 T:805195776 ERROR: File "/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/addons/", line 83, in onPlayBackStarted
  1516. 21:33:41 T:805195776 ERROR: db = database.connect(DB)
  1517. 21:33:41 T:805195776 ERROR: sqlite3
  1518. 21:33:41 T:805195776 ERROR: .
  1519. 21:33:41 T:805195776 ERROR: OperationalError
  1520. 21:33:41 T:805195776 ERROR: :
  1521. 21:33:41 T:805195776 ERROR: unable to open database file
  1522. 21:34:03 T:117960704 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
  1523. 21:34:03 T:117960704 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
  1524. 21:34:03 T:174903296 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit()
  1525. 21:34:03 T:174903296 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: closing audio stream
  1526. 21:34:03 T:174903296 NOTICE: Closing audio stream
  1527. 21:34:03 T:174903296 NOTICE: Waiting for audio thread to exit
  1528. 21:34:03 T:178827264 NOTICE: thread end: CDVDPlayerAudio::OnExit()
  1529. 21:34:03 T:174903296 NOTICE: Closing audio device
  1530. 21:34:03 T:174903296 NOTICE: Deleting audio codec
  1531. 21:34:03 T:174903296 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: closing video stream
  1532. 21:34:03 T:174903296 NOTICE: Closing video stream
  1533. 21:34:03 T:174903296 NOTICE: waiting for video thread to exit
  1534. 21:34:03 T:157470720 NOTICE: thread end: video_thread
  1535. 21:34:03 T:174903296 NOTICE: deleting video codec
  1536. 21:34:03 T:174903296 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting demuxer
  1537. 21:34:03 T:174903296 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting input stream
  1538. 21:34:03 T:117960704 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
  1539. 21:34:04 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: onPlayBackStopped
  1540. 21:34:04 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: playedTime / totalTime : 22 / 2772.0 = 0.00793650793651
  1541. 21:34:04 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel: Threshold not met. Saving bookmark
  1542. 21:34:04 T:242774016 NOTICE: 1Channel: Position tracker ending with lastPos = 22.4950008392
  1543. 21:34:04 T:805195776 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  1544. 21:34:04 T:805195776 NOTICE: 1Channel:
  1548. GC'ing player
  1549. 21:34:04 T:117960704 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
  1550. 21:34:04 T:117960704 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
  1551. 21:34:04 T:117960704 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
  1552. 21:34:04 T:117960704 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
  1553. 21:34:11 T:117960704 ERROR: Control 450 in window 10134 has been asked to focus, but it can't
  1554. 21:39:34 T:117960704 ERROR: Previous line repeats 4 times.
  1555. 21:39:34 T:117960704 ERROR: Texture manager unable to load file: /var/mobile/
  1556. 21:41:09 T:117960704 ERROR: Texture manager unable to load file: /var/mobile/
  1557. 21:41:58 T:168837120 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1558. 21:42:10 T:167788544 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1559. 21:42:19 T:167788544 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1560. 21:43:10 T:155140096 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1561. 21:43:18 T:155140096 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1562. 21:43:25 T:157425664 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1563. 21:43:30 T:157425664 ERROR: urlresolver: no playable streams found
  1564. 21:43:31 T:157425664 ERROR: Previous line repeats 4 times.
  1565. 21:43:31 T:157425664 NOTICE: ovfile: in get_url ovfile ABC123XYZ
  1566. 21:43:31 T:157425664 ERROR: urlresolver: no playable streams found
  1567. 21:43:33 T:155140096 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1568. 21:43:38 T:155140096 ERROR: urlresolver: no playable streams found
  1569. 21:43:40 T:155140096 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1570. 21:43:45 T:155140096 NOTICE: [PLUGIN] xStream: call play:
  1571. 21:43:46 T:155140096 ERROR: urlresolver: putlocker: session hash not found
  1572. 21:43:50 T:146763776 WARNING: JpegIO: Error 55: Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x%02x 0x%02x
  1573. 21:43:51 T:155140096 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1574. 21:44:11 T:155140096 ERROR: urlresolver: no playable streams found
  1575. 21:44:13 T:155140096 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1576. 21:44:18 T:155140096 NOTICE: [PLUGIN] xStream: call play:
  1577. 21:44:28 T:155140096 ERROR: urlresolver: vidxden: got http error 404 fetching
  1578. 21:44:32 T:146763776 WARNING: JpegIO: Error 55: Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x%02x 0x%02x
  1579. 21:44:33 T:157425664 WARNING: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  1580. 21:44:33 T:157425664 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1581. 21:44:39 T:157425664 NOTICE: initiating recaptcha passthrough
  1582. 21:45:38 T:157425664 NOTICE: challenge token: 03AHJ_VusL6tGbzOtZ82gfcqVuXZ9jj0tV1kx7_9i2eFVTlrgci6uiaS_p9P3WomZJomDtOCluB2aN8b1Hctb4KZHmpfrTVHq1Md7JZ2_bmWZGM2mXfJCeCTJRG4gbkUpj4MIF_RRgDTwpIuYQ7-is_nSTK8pECmQdRIzW2Am0z_PlhKB2qyRO2O2N1lgNrbPkrtWRv0_RcUSE
  1583. 21:45:39 T:157425664 NOTICE: initiating recaptcha passthrough
  1584. 21:46:39 T:157425664 NOTICE: challenge token: 03AHJ_VusjHkkeSoPbR5-63rnTToK1lhlriPpk36FvvlJ-XJyrDJQtKwFj9UAxL2DmFABUaxg1c4bUXGuuitj2mUm_2FHYm8Smjt3Fr8ZPzNv49Zfi-xXl_QMo37PQD-xd2qagyPfkEfEnvttew-7YGJaF75jJ4E6coBKBGL6BkbCD7QAYwNZID-E
  1585. 21:46:39 T:157425664 NOTICE: initiating recaptcha passthrough
  1586. 21:47:42 T:157425664 NOTICE: challenge token: 03AHJ_Vustk-AuNmB3imwpIpMll1Q80rYhsQFhydsIkBX2cuI4sMId-FpjJGePV2Cd6tn-k5OMSWfXr6C6NaYr8UXb4468xb5xX6pjD__Jyh8n8f-PqDce9XnNbMHRG9gxvhpt96XtmL9E5NOQ09K53BJfEOM8oWXOor0utV9FH9NS8Kjh0oLnu5M
  1587. 21:47:42 T:157425664 NOTICE: initiating recaptcha passthrough
  1588. 21:47:46 T:157425664 ERROR: urlresolver: no playable streams found
  1589. 21:47:46 T:157425664 NOTICE: ovfile: in get_url ovfile ABC123XYZ
  1590. 21:47:50 T:155140096 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1591. 21:47:55 T:155140096 NOTICE: initiating recaptcha passthrough
  1592. 21:48:03 T:155140096 ERROR: urlresolver: no playable streams found
  1593. 21:48:08 T:805195776 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1594. 21:48:13 T:805195776 ERROR: urlresolver: no playable streams found
  1595. 21:48:15 T:805195776 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times.
  1596. 21:48:15 T:805195776 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1597. 21:48:20 T:805195776 NOTICE: initiating recaptcha passthrough
  1598. 21:48:30 T:805195776 ERROR: urlresolver: no playable streams found
  1599. 21:48:33 T:805195776 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1600. 21:48:37 T:805195776 NOTICE: [PLUGIN] xStream: call play:
  1601. 21:48:54 T:157425664 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1602. 21:49:00 T:157425664 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1603. 21:49:07 T:155140096 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1604. 21:50:15 T:146763776 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1605. 21:50:21 T:146763776 ERROR: urlresolver: no playable streams found
  1606. 21:50:25 T:157425664 ERROR: Previous line repeats 36 times.
  1607. 21:50:25 T:157425664 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1608. 21:50:31 T:157425664 ERROR: urlresolver: no playable streams found
  1609. 21:50:38 T:157425664 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1610. 21:50:44 T:157425664 ERROR: urlresolver: no playable streams found
  1611. 21:50:47 T:157425664 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1612. 21:50:51 T:157425664 NOTICE: [PLUGIN] xStream: call play:
  1613. 21:50:58 T:157425664 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1614. 21:51:04 T:157425664 ERROR: urlresolver: no playable streams found
  1615. 21:51:07 T:169115648 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1616. 21:51:12 T:169115648 NOTICE: [PLUGIN] xStream: call play:
  1617. 21:51:14 T:169115648 NOTICE: [PLUGIN] xStream: start player
  1618. 21:51:14 T:169115648 NOTICE: [PLUGIN] xStream: playertype from config: dvdplayer
  1619. 21:51:14 T:117960704 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: Opening:
  1620. 21:51:14 T:117960704 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
  1621. 21:51:14 T:157425664 NOTICE: Creating InputStream
  1622. 21:51:14 T:157425664 NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
  1623. 21:51:45 T:157425664 WARNING: could not find codec parameters for
  1624. 21:51:45 T:157425664 ERROR: OpenDemuxStream - Error creating demuxer
  1625. 21:51:45 T:157425664 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit()
  1626. 21:51:45 T:157425664 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting input stream
  1627. 21:51:45 T:117960704 ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path []
  1628. 21:51:45 T:117960704 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
  1629. 21:51:45 T:117960704 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
  1630. 21:51:45 T:117960704 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
  1631. 21:51:45 T:117960704 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
  1632. 21:51:49 T:117960704 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://
  1633. 21:51:49 T:117960704 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin:// failed
  1634. 21:52:15 T:157425664 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1635. 21:52:20 T:157425664 NOTICE: [PLUGIN] xStream: Load
  1636. 21:52:24 T:146763776 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1637. 21:52:32 T:146763776 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1638. 21:52:41 T:157425664 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1639. 21:52:46 T:157425664 ERROR: urlresolver: no playable streams found
  1640. 21:52:47 T:157425664 ERROR: Previous line repeats 11 times.
  1641. 21:52:47 T:157425664 ERROR: SetProperty called with an invalid handle.
  1642. 21:52:47 T:157425664 ERROR: AddSortMethod - called with an invalid handle.
  1643. 21:52:47 T:157425664 ERROR: EndOfDirectory - called with an invalid handle.
  1644. 21:52:50 T:157425664 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1645. 21:52:58 T:157425664 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1646. 21:53:03 T:157425664 NOTICE: [PLUGIN] xStream: call play:
  1647. 21:53:04 T:157425664 ERROR: urlresolver: putlocker: playlist code not found
  1648. 21:53:09 T:157425664 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1649. 21:53:14 T:157425664 ERROR: urlresolver: no playable streams found
  1650. 21:53:17 T:157425664 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
  1651. 21:53:21 T:157425664 NOTICE: [PLUGIN] xStream: call play:
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