
Forever Binding: Rainbow Dash Pt. 2

Nov 9th, 2015
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  1. >The two of you finally find your way to the train station.
  2. >"Why are we here? We need to get to the game! "
  3. >You raise an eyebrow and glance at your watch.
  4. >12:30.
  5. >You look back at Dash; She legitimately looks panicked.
  6. "Well, for starters, the game doesn't start until 5."
  7. >"All the good seats will be taken by then! We gotta go!"
  8. >She's flying back and forth now, the winged equivalent of pacing.
  9. >You chuckle.
  10. "I don't think you'll need a seat with the way you're moving."
  11. >She jams her hooves underneath your arms.
  12. "Whoa, calm down! The train will take us!"
  13. >"No time!"
  14. "There's no way you have the str--aaaAAAAHHH!!!"
  15. >She successfully manages to lift you about 6 feet from the ground.
  16. >You kick helplessly.
  17. >"Stop or I'll drop you!"
  18. >You go limp as she takes off.
  19. >This mare must have super strength.
  20. >That or you need to gain a few pounds.
  21. >You ARE pretty scrawny.
  22. >You're quickly jolted out of your thoughts as you narrowly miss being dismembered by a tree branch.
  23. "Higher! Fly higher! "
  24. >She grunts, and you hear her wings flap a little faster.
  25. >You rise from the trees and get a beautiful view of the landscape.
  26. >As she picks up speed you begin to wonder.
  27. "Do you know where you're going?"
  28. >"Yeah! Phillydelphia, right?"
  29. >You catch sight of the train you were going to be on heading towards you.
  30. "...You DO know Phillydelphia is the OTHER way, right? "
  31. >She suddenly U-turns.
  32. "YES."
  34. Two hours later...
  36. >"Way faster than the train, huh?"
  37. >The cyan mare gently lowers you to the ground right outside the Stadium.
  38. >You spit out a mouthful of duck feathers and glare at her.
  39. >"What? I said I was sorry! How was I supposed to know he wouldn't dodge?"
  40. >Your arms have been in the same position for so long, they're numb.
  41. >You bring your arms down by your sides; you just know they'll be sore tomorrow.
  42. >As you're trying to unstiffen some ofb you muscles, you hear a sharp intake of air.
  43. >"Come on, Anon! There are ponys already here!"
  44. >You glance around and see maybe a dozen carriages in the parking lot.
  45. >She pulls you to the front door anyway.
  46. >The stallion at the door smirks at you.
  47. >"Hard day?"
  48. "You don't know the half of it, brother."
  49. >"Give him the tickets!"
  50. >Dash is hopping up and down, giddy with excitement.
  51. >Anymore excited and she'd start wagging her tail.
  52. >You dig around in your pockets one by one.
  53. "Oh, no."
  54. >Dashie freezes in place.
  55. >"Oh no? What's wrong?"
  56. "I, uh, can't find the tickets."
  57. >"WHAT!?"
  58. >Before you can say anything, she starts pulling any pocket or hole in your clothing she can get a hold of open.
  59. >"What do you mean you can't find it? You had it before you left didn't you? Why--"
  60. >She stops to see you slowly pulling the tickets out of your glove, with what she was sure was a shit-eating grin on your face.
  61. >"...I hate you."
  62. "Love you too, Dashie."
  63. >"Dont call me that!"
  64. >As you pass the tickets to the Stallion, he snickers.
  65. >"Married?"
  66. >"N--"
  67. "Of course we are!"
  68. >Dash shoots you a glare.
  69. >"Are you crazy!?"
  70. >Your grin widens.
  71. >Before she can move, you scoop her up into your arms, bridal style.
  72. "Only for you, darling."
  73. >Her magenta eyes widen as a pink tint washes over her cheeks.
  74. >"Dude!"
  75. >She goes to jump down, but you wrap you arm around her torso.
  76. >She immediately starts squirming and kicking wildly against you.
  77. >Perhaps a bit too wildly.
  78. >You're suddenly out of breath as a well placed good catches you in the gut.
  79. >Dash seizes the opportunity to flee and disappears into the stadium.
  80. >The ticket stallion looks concerned.
  81. >"Are you alright, sir?"
  82. >You let out a strained chuckle.
  83. "No, I'm fine! Trust me, you get used to it when a mare's expecting, you know!"
  84. >"Expecting?"
  85. >A puzzled look dances over his feature briefly, then revelation.
  86. >"Oh! Congratulations!"
  87. "Thanks, man."
  88. >As the pain finally fades, you stand up straight and smile.
  89. "You know what? Think you can help me out?"
  90. >He shrugs.
  91. >"I can try, but I can't really leave my post."
  92. >You gesture to the radio on his hip.
  93. "I don't think you need to."
  95. >Be Anon.
  97. >You overlook the growing crowd and grin.
  98. >RD is still visible, mostly because she's hovering over that wall that separates the crowd from the field.
  99. >For the third time, she's waved back by security.
  100. >She'd better knock it off before she gets booted.
  101. >As you wait for your food, your eyes start to water.
  102. >"Jalapeno nachos, two Colt-a-Colas and a chili dog?"
  103. "That's me."
  104. >Jesus, there's more jalapenos than chips in this thing.
  105. >Tears start to stain your mask.
  106. >The unicorn working the concessions stand gives an incredulous glance.
  107. >"Calm down, guy. It ain't that good."
  108. >Its fucking concession food
  109. "Could you give me another basket?"
  110. >He shrugs and tosses an empty container your way.
  111. >You cover the nachos, but your eyes don't stop burning.
  112. >As you start to head back down to witness the inevitable horror of Dash eating, you're stopped by a freakishly skinny unicorn.
  113. >"Hello, friend! You seem down!"
  114. >Some of the color schemes in Equestria looked weird, but this poor lad looks like someone squeezed toothpaste onto a stick of butter.
  115. "I'm not. I just need to get to my seat."
  116. >You step around him, only to be blocked once more by another, equally emaciated colt.
  117. >"Indeed he does , brother!"
  118. "No, I just need to get this fucking food out of my face."
  119. >A jaunty tune starts playing somewhere.
  120. >"How would you like a baseball cap, sonny?"
  121. "Oh, god. Don't start."
  122. >"One for you, another for your honey!"
  123. "Stop, I don't --"
  124. >"Colts or Broncos, who can decide?"
  125. >Tears are pouring from your eyes as the scent decides your sinuses may be a good place to live.
  126. >"You'll whichever hat with pride!"
  127. >"Half off for you, my saddened friend!:
  128. >"10 bits a pop, the saving never end!"
  129. >"Its guaranteed to turn your frown upside dooow--"
  131. >You practically throw the bits at them.
  132. >"A fine choice, sir!"
  133. >"Pleasure doing business with you!"
  134. >They toss a Colts cap at you and scuttle away.
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