
FoE PNP G-Platypus Session 67

Jun 17th, 2014
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  1. [19:46] <Mister_Clacky|GM> *****G-Platypus: The City of Broad Withers - Session 67*****
  2. [19:47] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Swift.
  3. [19:47] <Mister_Clacky|GM> There are times when one can plan and wait, take care to think all things through.
  4. [19:48] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Then there are moments that require swift action, immediate attention.
  5. [19:48] <Mister_Clacky|GM> It's not always obvious which is which until the ashes of what you wanted to save are blowing in the wind.
  6. [19:48] <Mister_Clacky|GM> *****Session Start*****
  7. [19:49] * Canary phases back into existance after being in flux for a little bit
  8. [19:50] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The leatherclad stallion leans his gem-powered dual-cycle slightly to stand, looking over the group. The offer to take one up to the top of the fire station hanging in the air.
  9. [19:50] * Canary whispers to Scrap, "What's the plan?"
  10. [19:52] * Blackberry_Jam looks to North. "Take him up. We'll get as close as we can, and we'll signal you when we want to start."
  11. [19:53] * Scrap blinks at Canary from Thunder_Strike. "Uh, I don't know."
  12. [19:54] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The stallion nods. "Bitch seat's all yours, Chief." North frowns but climbs on. With a subdued roar, the gem-cycle leaps out the door. He bounces up a rubble pile and makes a roof across the way at a madcap pace. North looks a little paler than usual as they disappear out of sight.
  13. [19:57] * Blackberry_Jam isn't even sure why a vehicle like that is necessary, or stealthy. She looks to the stallion's wife. "You mind laying low until the fight's over?"
  14. [19:58] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The mare nods. "Yeah, I'll hold things down here." She pauses and looks to Snack_Cake. "Do you want me to watch him?"
  15. [20:00] * Snack_Cake looks between the mare and the colt. She asks him, "What do you think... do you want to stay here for a while, just until we come back?"
  16. [20:01] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The colt looks between the two and gives Snack_Cake's neck a squeeze. He doesn't say anything.
  17. [20:02] * Canary slips his Brush gun away and pulls out his silenced .45, figuring it would be better for not attracting undue attention
  18. [20:04] * Snack_Cake smiles and gives him a nuzzle. "I think he doesn't want me to leave him here... I won't be bringing him into danger if I can help it. I've got something else I need to look into anyway." She looks to Blackberry_Jam and says, "I think I'll look for the filly, and see if I can get her out without any trouble. I should be able to find her..."
  19. [20:05] * Thunder_Strike sits beside scrap. listening to everyone.
  20. [20:05] <Mister_Clacky|GM> A scorpion tail catches Snack_Cake's eye, sticking out of Thunder_Strike's saddlebag. Looks like he's napping. The satchel shifts a bit periodically.
  21. [20:07] * Snack_Cake trots over to Thunder_Strike's side and noses at the tail. "Hey. Wake up, little Blue. I want you to come with me." She looks up at Thunder_Strike. "You don't mind, do you? I think it'd be a good idea... just in case."
  22. [20:09] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The tail disappears into the bag. A splitsecond later his head pops out and he gives Snack_Cake's nose a lick. It's rough like a cat's tongue and numbs her nose a bit. He gives a hop out of the bag and unfurls his wings, circling and landing on Snack_Cake's rump. The colt's eyes go wide like saucers.
  23. [20:09] * Thunder_Strike looks at her. of coarse, he is your pet after all remember?
  24. [20:10] * Snack_Cake smiles. "He does like you a lot, though." She turns back to look at the colt. "Don't worry, he's friendly. And he loves sweets." She smiles wide. "Go ahead, reach into my back and get him a treat, if you like. He really likes the sweetrolls."
  25. [20:12] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The colt, if anything, seems to be good at following orders. He reaches in and gets a sweetroll out for Blue. Blue crosses the little distance and grabs the sweetroll from him. He starts nibbling as the colt loses the smallist little giggle.
  26. [20:15] * Thunder_Strike giggles. that's adorable." she says smiling. then leans on scrap not really paying attention to what she's doing.
  27. [20:16] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Snack_Cake can see on her PipMap that there are two building close by the north to check. The other's have some plan in mind for assaulting the barricade. The sound of the engine has faded away.
  28. [20:19] * Scrap doesn't mind Thunder_Strike's leaning on him. He's not used to all the touching, but it is kinda nice.
  29. [20:20] * Snack_Cake keeps smiling. "See! He's really a big sweetheart." After taking a moment to make sure everything's ready (Turning on her EFS, checking her map, making sure all her belongings are accounted for!), she says, "Alright. This is really important. If I tell you you need to hide for me, or stay quiet, then it's really important that you do as I ask, okay? I'm not sure if there's going to be anything dangerous, but I want you to stay safe. Do you understand?"
  30. [20:22] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The colt nods. "I /always/ follow directions. I'm good merchandise."
  31. [20:23] * Snack_Cake frowns a bit. "You shouldn't say that about yourself... from now on, you're not a slave anymore."
  32. [20:24] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The colt nods, though agreement seems to be his go-to move.
  33. [20:29] * Snack_Cake gives the colt a little nuzzle. "Just remember that." She looks over and says to the others, "Alright. If I find the filly, I'll bring her back here."
  34. [20:30] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Blue walks up along Snack_Cake's spine and gives the colt a lick... it's completely coincidental that the colt had a bit icing from his prior snack there.
  35. [20:39] * Blackberry_Jam makes her way to the door, once she sees that everything is accounted for with the expectant mother and colt. Weapon ready, she heads outside.
  36. [20:41] <Mister_Clacky|GM> The alley is as they left it, no sign of the stallion or of any of the baddies
  37. [20:45] * Blackberry_Jam starts moving in a direction that takes her into position for the shooting. After her bit of sharpshooting earlier, she was feeling pretty confident!
  38. [20:45] * Blackberry_Jam Not that she wasn't ever confident in her abilities, that is.
  39. [20:47] <Mister_Clacky|GM> Snack_Cake sets off on her own, -ish, to look for the filly. North_Star is taking a wild ride to an elevated sniping platform. Blackberry_Jam leads the others toward confrontation with Butcher's Boys.
  40. [20:47] <Mister_Clacky|GM> *****Session End*****
  41. [20:47] <Mister_Clacky|GM> 500xp, Snack_Cake gets +1 Karma for general food-related generosity and heading into danger after a scared filly.
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