
Cherry Pie

Jun 20th, 2013
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  1. >Day Swinging in Equestria
  2. >You're Anonymous, and you're just killing time walking around town, singing outloud.
  3. >Your current song of choice,
  4. "I scream you scream
  5. We all scream for her
  6. Don't even try 'cause
  7. You can't ignore her
  8. She's my cherry pie..."
  9. >"You call my name Anon?" Cherry Pie, a pink mare with a blond mane and tail happily asks you. She was probably one of the happiest p0nies you've met, second probably only to Pinkie herself. And she sure loved dancing.
  10. "Er, no. I was just singing a song."
  11. >You feel this is going to get awkward fast. A very uncomfortable, very detailed, information exchange with Twilight about p0ny and human mating traditions taught you that sex was something meant only for procreation, and they never spoke about it outside of a classroom or a bedroom, so they didn't have innuendos or idioms for it. It was an extremely taboo topic.
  12. >"A song with my name in it? What's it about? Is it about pie?"
  13. "Well, I guess you could say that."
  14. >"It must be about cherry pie then, right? I love cherry pies. To have the first bite out of a fresh, warm pie, is there anything quite as delicious as that?"
  15. >You look around, trying to find anyway out of this conversation. You really didn't want to explain what the song was about
  16. "Yeah, that sure sounds good, well, catch you later Cherry!"
  17. >You try to walk off but she stops you. "Sing the rest of the song please? I wanna hear it."
  18. >Oh boy, here we go.
  19. >A few minutes and some horrible attempts at singing later...
  20. >"That singer sure must love cherry pie, swinging, crying, smiling over it? He might even love it more than me! But why did he he sing about some girl's dad, and why did he not want him swinging anymore? Does he not like pie?"
  21. >You could beat around the bush, lie, or just tell her the truth.
  22. >You decide on the last one.
  23. >While informing her that the whole song is a reference to sex, how much the people in it love sex, and how they have sex pretty much EVERYWHERE, her jaw slowly drops as you go into detail and hey eyes widen in what you assume to be shock.
  24. >"I-I think I need to go do somethings. Bye, Anon." She walks off slowly, dragging her hooves with her head down like you just told her her cat got run over.
  25. >The next day, as you walk passed the Mayor's office drinking some water you got from a cafe, you see Cherry Pie coming out. She looks better than she did when she left yesterday, but something feels off.
  26. "Cherry Pie, what are you-"
  27. >She looks at you with grumpy face that would make a donkey jealous.
  28. >"I changed my name, call me Cherry Berry from now on."
  29. > She's really grumpy today. Before you have time to ask what's wrong, a stallion walks up to her, all smiles and rainbows. You recognize him from Pinkie's parties as one of the p0nies who were always dancing with Cherry.
  30. >"Sweet, Cherry Pie. I was wondering if you wanted to go swinging tonight?"
  31. > She gets red in the face, and you can't tell but it looks a mix of anger and embarrassment, probably from what you told her yesterday. She yells something at him and stomps off.
  32. >You can't help yourself as you walk over to the befuddled stallion.
  33. "You ain't gonna swing with Cherry no more."
  34. >You take a drink.
  35. >Today was a cool drink of water, such a sweet surprise.
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