
The Day Colgate Became Toothpaste.

Aug 9th, 2012
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  1. This story contains:
  3. -Eventual Vore
  4. -Some sort of Mouthplay
  5. -Copious amounts of toothpaste
  7. >Colgate opened her eyes and sat up, her head being forced down as it pushed against some sort of barrier.
  8. >It stretched onwards like a corridor, coming to an end in a circular, sealed off exit.
  9. >It was thin, yet smooth and firm, and when she reached out a hoof to touch it, it moulded itself to the pressure she used, leaving an imprint.
  10. >She felt around and felt a soft, squidgy material coating the floor of her confines, and now that she thought about it, the air seemed thick with a minty scent.
  11. >As she toyed about with the minty goop, a shrill voice called out from out from beyond Colgate’s confines.
  12. >“Well, time to brush my teeth extra hard, just like Colgate asked!”
  13. >The sudden realisation hit Colgate like a rock; she didn’t know how she hadn’t worked this out sooner.
  14. >She was inside a tube of toothpaste, and that was certainly one of the more ironic places for a dentist to be. Even more ironic was the fact that it was Pinkie’s tube of toothpaste, the pony she had given advice too, not even a day ago.
  15. >She got up, and made her way down the tube of toothpaste, moving just in time to avoid Pinkie’s hoof crashing down on the base of the tube.
  17. >Colgate scrabbled against the neck of the tube, attempting to unscrew the cap from the inside.
  18. >Thankfully for her, it popped off, but the hole through which she would have to squeeze was fairly narrow.
  19. >As Pinkie’s hoof began to scrape along the tube, amassing a wave of gooey toothpaste, sending it straight towards Colgate.
  20. >Colgate jammed herself into the neck of the tube, scrabbling and scraping, trying in vain to escape from the minty freshness.
  21. >Pinkie’s hoof brought the wave of toothpaste closer and closer, until finally it crashed over Colgate’s rear.
  22. >She yelped as a minty force rushed against her backside, sending a somewhat painful and cold sting through her body.
  23. >Pinkie’s hoof encountered resistance, as the toothpaste began to build up against the pony blockage.
  24. >Pinkie began to slide her hoof back and forth, her intentions focused on removing whatever blockage was in there.
  25. >Colgate felt toothpaste squish up against her, sometimes forcing its way into places where it really shouldn’t be, leaving her feeling somewhat aroused.
  26. >Short bursts of toothpaste squeezed past her, lubricating her somewhat and she began to crawl further into the restrictive space.
  27. >The pressure behind her began to reach critical levels. Pinkie’s hoof was pressed right up to the neck of the tube, and more spurts of toothpaste forced past her.
  29. >Then in mere seconds, Colgate was ejected from the tube landing face first into the spiny bristles of an awaiting toothbrush.
  30. >Toothpaste splattered against her back, pinning her to the bristles.
  31. >Once the head of the brush had been suitably covered in toothpaste, Pinkie lifted it to her mouth.
  32. >Colgate peered out from behind the bristles of the brush, only to be confronted by a solid wall of dull, white teeth.
  33. >She was moved closer to the teeth, before being surprised with a sudden ninety degree tilt as she was now held in the optimal brushing position.
  34. >Colgate whimpered as the toothpaste above her began to squish against her, thanks to added pressure from the teeth.
  35. >She pushed back, forcing herself into the gooey substance, a move that wasn’t exactly smart.
  36. >The gelatinous goo closed around her, sealing her into a tomb of cleanliness.
  37. >Colgate held her breath as she felt Pinkie begin to swing the toothbrush to and fro, scrubbing the gel into her teeth.
  38. >As the toothpaste was thinned out, it became frothier, allowing for Colgate to grasp at tiny pockets of air presented at random opportunities.
  39. >Her body was pulled side to side along with the relentless scrubbing, rolling her along Pinkie’s teeth.
  41. >The bristles dug into her, ruffling her fur and scraping across her skin.
  42. >She held her eyes shut as the froth began to seep into them, making them burn with a somewhat fiery intensity.
  43. >Pinkie hummed to herself, the tune being one of her own making and would probably end up being part of a full on musical number later on.
  44. >The vibrations from her humming struck against Colgate’s back and she began to slide even further with each stroke of the brush.
  45. >Pinkie switched to up and down motions now, still as violent as the side to side, but this one, Colgate could use to her advantage.
  46. >With each sweep of the brush, she pulled on the highest bristles she could reach and pulled herself higher.
  47. >After a few swift pulls she was able to plant her hooves firmly above the bristles, grasping at the smooth and solid plastic of the brush’s base.
  48. >A few more sweeps and she freed enough of her body to allow herself to be pulled onto the plastic base.
  49. >She lay there somewhat breathless and pondering her next move, although Pinkie wasn’t about to let her have the luxury of concentrated thinking.
  50. >Pinkie opened her mouth wide, and began to scrub the tops and bottoms of her teeth.
  51. >It was only when it came to cleaning the backs of her teeth, did Pinkie catch Colgate off-guard.
  53. >As Pinkie turned the toothbrush to scrape at the back of her teeth, the saliva and froth that had built up on the base of the brush was sufficient enough to send Colgate sliding into Pinkie’s maw.
  54. >Colgate felt a quick breeze before her body collided with Pinkie’s writing tongue.
  55. >Now, like many ponies, Pinkie had trouble keeping her tongue still as she brushed, which was unfortunate for poor Colgate.
  56. >She clung as best she could to Pinkie’s tongue as it thrashed about, pinning her against Pinkie’s mouth, or just curling over on itself.
  57. >Colgate was effectively covered in saliva, unable to stand up without slipping or sliding in some direction.
  58. >At one point she was sent hurtling over the tip of Pinkie’s tongue, crashing into Pinkie’s teeth, just as the brush was coming down on top of her.
  59. >Thankfully Pinkie’s tongue rested on top of Colgate, pinning her to the floor of Pinkie’s mouth, but at the same time protecting her from the oncoming brush.
  60. >The only problem now, was that Pinkie seemed to be done with brushing, and as a result her tongue had ceased movement.
  62. >Colgate realised she only had one option and she knew was going to regret it.
  63. >She began to wriggle and squirm underneath it, making sure her body was as slick as she could make it.
  64. >Satisfied that she was now suffuciantly lubricated, she began to push against the slimy appendage, pushing herself towards freedom.
  65. >Pinkie seemed awfully still for the moment, and Colgate was somewhat grateful, but she still couldn’t avoid the nagging feeling of something bad happening.
  66. >She pulled her upper body free and begun working on her legs, pulling them slightly to avoid any sort of injury.
  67. >The mouth began to rumble, a sound similar to a ‘hmm’ and that obviously meant that Pinkie was thinking about something, and whatever it was frightened Colgate.
  68. >The tiny dentist pulled herself free and began to attempt a climb back onto the tongue.
  69. >Part way through the climb, Pinkie threw her head back, her mouth open wide.
  70. >Unfortunately for Colgate, she was too slippery to keep a proper grip on Pinkie’s tongue and was sent hurtling to the back of her throat.
  72. >She skittered towards Pinkie’s throat, her back legs swinging out over the gap.
  73. >Due to the angle of which Pinkie held her head, Colgate was unable to pull herself up, but she held on for dear life.
  74. >Colgate looked up and gasped at what she saw. A small glass of, presumably water, and was edging closer to Pinkie’s maw.
  75. >Colgate knew this technique well; after all gargling was a common follow up to brushing ones’ teeth.
  76. >Pinkie tipped the glass back, and a torrent of cold water flooding into Pinkies’ mouth.
  77. >Colgate gasped as her body was rushed by ice cold water.
  78. >Colgate found that the flesh she had been holding onto with her slimy hooves had now moistened thanks to the water.
  79. >Her hooves began to slip, and suddenly a trip down Pinkie’s throat was looking all too real.
  80. >She flipped further and further, her cries drowned out by the sounds of Pinkie’s gargling.
  81. >A final frantic grab for a better hold, but her hooves just slipped and she fell down Pinkie’s throat.
  82. >Unbeknownst to Pinkie of course, who at feeling the lump of something travelling down her throat, figured it was probably just a bit of toothpaste.
  83. >She finished the gargling and spat the liquid out, washing it away.
  84. >All trace of Colgate had since ceased, and Pinkie was none the wiser about the fact that she’d just swallowed her dentist, so she set about her daily tasks.
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