

Jun 12th, 2017
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  1. Fairy Ring(HA)-Ally Fairy-type Pokémon are protected from status conditions and the lowering of their stats
  2. Pyrokinesis- All Fire type moves are treated as Psychic moves at the same time, and get a 20% power up boost
  3. Power Plant- All Grass type moves are treated as Electric moves at the same time, and get a 20% power up boost
  4. Liquid Metal- All water type moves are treated as Steel moves at the same time, and get a 20% power up boost
  5. Ironise - Turns Rock-type moves into Steel-type moves.
  6. Time Eater: a pokemon has the 20% chance to repeat in the same turn the move twice.
  7. Space Dominion: a pokemon has the 20% chance to avoid the opposite move.
  8. Creator Light: Mega/Primal Arceus has no weakness; all its moves receive the stab (x1.5)
  9. Shock Absorber: negates Ground type damage
  10. Omniscale: Doubles the Pokemon's Defense
  11. Repression: Mega/Primal Giratina always attacks last
  12. Foliate: Causes all Normal type moves used by the Pokémon to become Grass type and receive a 30% boost in addition to all other modifiers.
  13. Hail Driver: Causes active hail to become permanent. This doesn't set the weather condition, however.
  14. Vitality: Pokemon heals 1/8 of its health each turn.
  15. Maestro: Powers up sound-based moves used in succession.
  16. Critical Cutter: Slash moves always result in a critical-hit.
  17. Illusory Mirror: The Pokemon's illusion becomes its shield.
  18. Fortified: Pokemon raises defenses when hit with a contact move.
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