
A Liberal-Crime-Squad themed Pinkemena story

Sep 7th, 2013
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  1. >It sucks to be isolated due to your asocial-ism when you need help.
  2. >Like now.
  3. >You were kidnapped while on a date about three days ago.
  4. >When you were about to get laid for the first time[spoiler], he pulled a desert eagle on you.[/spoiler]
  5. >Then he didn't even >rape you[spoiler] though you can't >rape the willing[/spoiler], he just escorted you to a business, then took you through three different "Do Not Enter" doors.
  6. >Since then, you've been kept in a small room.
  7. >It smelled vaguely of cleaning products.
  8. >You really wish you could talk to someone.
  9. >The closest things to human contact you've had since then was warm meals every time you fell asleep.
  10. >You are Pinkemena.
  11. >And you are lonely.
  12. >You just realized that you have been kidnapped by Satan.
  13. >This is the fourth day.
  14. >Today, your meal was delivered by your captor.
  15. >You immediately set into the meal, and, once done, sat in the corner and stared at the ground.
  16. >But while you were counting the mistakes that you made in your lifetime, you realized that a golden light was radiating from where He had been standing.
  17. >You had looked to Him, and realized that He had turned into an Angel of Light.
  18. >He had smiled, and spoken a greeting.
  19. >You don't remember what it was, but it made you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
  20. >And then.
  21. >He talked.
  22. >He talked well.
  23. >He talked of the Righteousness of Free Speech.
  24. >Of the Great Task of Tolerance.
  25. >And the blasphemy of Religion.
  26. >You were astonished that a holy Angel like He was would say such things.
  27. >But He was an Angel, so who were you to argue?
  28. >You were ceding to His arguments when you began to smell something aside from the cleaning products that you become used to.
  29. >Sulfur.
  30. >At the same time, you realized that the golden illumination He was emitting was actually hellish, fiery, red light.
  31. >And as you had watched in horror, instead of words, what spewed from His mouth was a vile liquid, the mere existence of which seemed to stain the fabric of reality.
  32. >Backing away, you had screamed as He turned into a writhing mass of wrongness, vermin dropping from His mockery of holy garb, and the very air around Him seeming to grow corrupt and tainted.
  33. >You turned to the corner, then, and began to weep, and pray, and sing.
  34. >Anything that drew your mind from the evil behind you.
  35. >Unable to corrupt an aware being, He turned, then, and left.
  36. >So, wet from your own tears, you slept, and dreamed of death, where He could not touch you.
  37. >You are Pinkemena.
  38. >In your fifth day of captivity.
  39. >And you don't know what happened last night.
  40. >You must have been drugged.
  41. >It was probably in the food.
  42. >Your captor was just a normal human.
  43. >Well, he probably was messed up in the head, but he wasn't Satan, at least.
  44. >He-
  45. >"Feeling better?"
  46. >Snuck into the room without your notice.
  47. >After the initial shock, you look him over.
  48. >Human.
  49. >Speaks words.
  50. >No light coming from him at all.
  51. >Wearing a classy black suit.
  52. >Very clean.
  53. >"I just wanted to talk to you about politics, but you freaked out."
  54. >wut
  55. >He sits down in front of you, seiza position.
  56. >"I'm Anonymous, you may have heard of me."
  57. >So you talk.
  58. >Him about crazy liberalism.
  59. >You about its fallacies.
  60. >When you are done, you somehow feel that he came out the better.
  61. >He is oddly kind, and accepting.
  62. >It confuses you.
  63. >And you go to bed on his comforting lies.
  64. >You are Anonymous.
  65. >Today is the sixth day of your attempt to convert Pinkemena.
  66. >Your old sweetheart.
  67. >When you first tracked her down for Liberalization, she didn't even recognize you.
  68. >It hurt.
  69. >But you managed to secure a date despite the bitterness.
  70. >And when you took her to the Lover's Point gathering place, you Liberally acquired her.
  71. >After isolation for three days, she was quite willing to talk.
  72. >About any subject.
  73. >The drugs were a mistake, though.
  74. >So next session, you just talked.
  75. >It worked well enough, she seemed to have a lot on her mind by the end of it.
  76. >And today, you talk again.
  77. >When you enter the room, she seems quite happy.
  78. >She even shoots you a quick smile as you place a chair for her, then sit in your own.
  79. >feelsgoodman.jpg
  80. >You speak of the brutality of the police.
  81. >The redundant army.
  82. >And the other, numerous failings of Conservatism.
  83. >After a time, you see that her eyes begin to harden, and so, end your chat for the day.
  84. >You leave the furniture, along with some Liberal documentaries and a chocolate cupcake.
  85. >You feel she would enjoy them.
  86. >You are Pinkemena.
  87. >You anxiously wait for Anonymous to come.
  88. >It sounds really pathetic to your mind, but you were enjoying the time he would dedicate to you daily.
  89. >B-Besides! He was the only human interaction you had.
  90. >And you were hungry.
  91. >That was it! You were hungry, and he always brought food.
  92. >That must be it.
  93. >You didn't enjoy his presence at all.
  94. >But you were still so impatient...
  95. >And then the door opened, and he entered the room.
  96. >You greeted him with a beaming smile, and began to question him in earnest.
  97. >You are Pinkemena.
  98. >And you are Enlightened.
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