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Aug 4th, 2015
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  1. Look this has to end. TGS is not "berating" anyone. The smash scene is huge here and when you were complaining about the turnout with out having any access to any #'s of registered players I simply asked what did you do to help? and I also asked that of the ones that were also complaining about the numbers. I posted up in smash boards had a few other guys also do the same and actually go to other big streamers and talk it up in their chat. Those guys will forever have my gratitude; but you come in here and start spitting "Facts" that you have no access to. EX "$4,000 in MKX, 60 people preregistered" where did you get that #? With all of this said I blame you for they way this turned out. Do not know if you wanted it to be that way cause you just like to stir up trouble or just cause you are an idiot. And if melee does have a small turn out then lets look at this from the outside. Melee player thinking of coming to any fighting game event, let me check the FB event page. Oh they mentioned Melee.....WTF did I just read I am not going there. So again what did you do to help? I know you are going to say "Its not my job or responsibility" This is true; but if you are unhappy with how things are going then you reach out and offer help. Cause maybe there is an explanation as to why.
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