
Ivory - Act One

Sep 13th, 2015
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  1. 11:35 *** Ivory joined #covenger_rp
  2. 11:36 *** TheLantern joined #covenger_rp
  3. 11:48 Ivory -- It's a rather uneventful night in Neon City, but that's about to change. Ivory, standing in an empty lot, is waiting for someone to join her. She have the exact coordinates of her target, and this is her only chance to capture it or it will cause unspoken damage. But unfortunately, not until a few hours ago she realized that she won't be able to...
  4. 11:48 Ivory -- ...handle the target alone. With only a couple of fliers scattered around she knows it's going to fail but she's going to curse herself if she don't try it.
  5. 11:48 Ivory herself is feeling quite nervous about this. It's definitely not the first time she led a group to hunt something but somehow, this feels different than all the previous experiences she had.
  6. 12:01 Destinox Destinoxs ship was about 25 feet up, uncloaking its shield letting it appear in the sky. The middle opening up and letting a classic blue glow coming from it. Destinox floating down "Yo. People say that here right?"
  7. 12:02 Ivory "Y-yes. It should begin soon, as more people come in.. Hopefully."
  8. 12:08 *** Isidora is now known as Oyuun
  9. 12:13 Oyuun in the meantime of this all was driving, Lantern and Kaylee in the back as she grumbled. She had only just got her license here and it meant free rides for people!
  10. 12:14 TheLantern rets his elboe on the window, smiling, as he looks at the storefronts passing gy
  11. 12:15 *** Eridana joined #covenger_rp
  12. 12:15 *** Eridana quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  13. 12:15 Oyuun "Like, I don't even know why I need a car... I can run faster than this thing goes in traffic!"
  14. 12:16 *** Eridana joined #covenger_rp
  15. 12:17 TheLantern Yeah, but, can ya listen to sweet jams, with your best buddy if ya ran?
  16. 12:18 TheLantern drumsnon the back of Oyuun's head
  17. 12:18 Oyuun "But gas costs moneeeeey"
  18. 12:18 TheLantern Ill pay ya back, promise!
  19. 12:18 Oyuun "Better do!"
  20. 12:20 Ivory is nervously walking around the lot. She have one person in team, but she needs more people to make the plan work better. "So, uh, Destinox.. How are you since our last meeting?"
  21. 12:23 Destinox "eh not bad, meet a metal girl and someone with half his face in shadow. Apperently a Purifier came here a few nights ago so, Council is going to have my metal ass"
  22. 12:24 Ivory "Purifier? That's interesting."
  23. 12:26 Destinox "few people took care of it, all that really matters."
  24. 12:28 Ivory "I understand it, classified stuff and all. Well, good luck on that."
  25. 12:31 Destinox "Yeah, is anyone else coming?"
  26. 12:35 Ivory "...I don't know. I'd like to wait a little bit longer."
  27. 12:36 Oyuun eventually pulled over into the lot, a bit reckless in her driving but able to park at least semi-alright. Funnily enough for such a small girl she drove a big ass truck.
  28. 12:38 Ivory "Hi there!" Ivory waves her staff at the incoming truck, and one would notice that she's lacking in height. She's like, 5 feet tops.
  29. 12:39 TheLantern So, what's the deal here again, Oyuun?
  30. 12:39 TheLantern says, as he unbuckles his belts, and begins to head out
  31. 12:44 Destinox "Wow. People here are so different here."
  32. 12:45 Oyuun "I heard something, people needed help." Oyu said as she stepped out of her truck. She was hardly any taller than Ivory
  33. 12:47 Ivory "That should be me asking for your help." She took a deep breath and continued. "My name's Ivory, and I need your help to catch this creature that escaped its prison."
  34. 12:47 TheLantern Well, if people need help, we're always here to assist! Now, what kind of creature we talking about?
  35. 12:48 Destinox walks up to Lantern and Oyuun. "Destinox, nice to meet you"
  36. 12:50 TheLantern I'm called The Lantern! Mice to meet you guys too!
  37. 12:52 Oyuun "I'm Oyuun. Something about a creature, yeah?"
  38. 12:52 Ivory "All that I know is it have illusion-based power, is not as dangerous as it used to but it can and will damage this city if left loose, and it's current coordinate is not far away from here. I hope with your help I can somehow put that creature back before further damage is inflicted."
  39. 12:53 TheLantern Any telltale signs we can recognize the creature by?
  40. 12:56 Ivory "It usually takes on its former host shape. But, whatever the form it's taking it will always have white skin and two mouths on its face. Should be easy to tell."
  41. 12:59 McGoFuckYourself There's a clatter, as a young man walks into the lot. Head down, headphones in his ears as he casually walks across the lot near the group. Doesn't seem to notice the gathering. Jeans, loose t-shirt, backpack, pair of angelic wings. Pretty ordinary looking guy.
  42. 12:59 McGoFuckYourself The young man freezes, stopping in his tracks as he finally noticed the gathering of other....ordinary looking folks like him. Yes. Ordinary. Quietly, he tugs out a headphone.
  43. 12:59 McGoFuckYourself "Uhhhhhh. Hey?"
  44. 13:00 Destinox "Hi"
  45. 13:00 Ivory "I will guide you to find it. She's not far away, so I think we'll just walk." Ivory looked up to the newcomer. "Hello! I'm Ivory."
  46. 13:01 McGoFuckYourself He takes a step back. "Uhhhh, hi. Don't meant to, uh. Yeah, sorry if I'm interrupting something here. None of my business." Another step back, casting a wary eye on the seedy gathering. "Just gonna. Gonna go now." A third step back.
  47. 13:01 TheLantern Sounds good to me, let me just tell Kaylee where we'll be
  48. 13:02 TheLantern heads back to the car, telling Kaylee they would be back as soon as possible, before heading back to the group
  49. 13:03 Ivory "Oh no, you're not really interrupting this. Actually, I would be glad if you can join us!"
  50. 13:04 McGoFuckYourself "...." Both hands up, palms outward. "Listen, lady, I don't want no trouble." Oh neat, there's a scepter hanging from a loop in his belt. "I didn't see nothin'."
  51. 13:09 Ivory closes her eyes, trying to find the right words so this young man with wings won't be terrified of her or the rest of the group. "We're not going to dismember you, or making you into a stitched up doll like me. I'm gathering these people here because I'm going to capture a creature with illusory based powers."
  52. 13:09 Ivory -- "They're a part of my team and I'd like for you to.. Join us. It's that simple."
  53. 13:10 McGoFuckYourself "I don't care what kinda freaky sex thi-oh. Oh! Ohhhhh. Okay. That's better, I guess." He relaxes. "If you just need some help capturing some monster, I /guess/ I could pitch in or something.
  54. 13:10 Ivory "You can? That would be great!"
  55. 13:18 Destinox "So,you think this is enough for this?"
  56. 13:20 Ivory "Hmm. We can do it. So, shall we go now?"
  57. 13:22 Destinox "What do the others think?"
  58. 13:23 Oyuun "I think that we have a thing to catch!"
  59. 13:26 Ivory "Well, let's go then!"
  60. 13:28 *** Entropica joined #covenger_rp
  61. 13:28 McGoFuckYourself "Uh. Sure. Yeah. Let's go with that. Where we gonna start?"
  62. 13:30 Ivory "I'll lead the way. It's only a block or two away from here, I believe. We're still not going to horribly mutate you into some monster, trust me." Ivory grabs her staff and begins to walk out from the lot, to the presumed location of Entropica. It should take a few minutes to walk there.
  63. 13:32 Destinox "Right then"
  64. 13:33 McGoFuckYourself Prince sighs, and follows.
  65. 13:43 *** TheLantern quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  66. 13:44 Ivory -- After a few while navigating the back alleys of Neon, Ivory saw someone familiar. A woman, wearing black dress and what seems to be a golden thread around her waist, seeing into Ivory's eye.
  67. 13:45 Ivory "I found it."
  68. 13:46 Destinox "Huh, thats it?"
  69. 13:48 Entropica looks as if she's waiting for Ivory to come. "We have not met in a while, no? You looked more pathetic than the last time we met." She laughed, that's more of like a screech coming from the depths of hell. "And you got myself some targets! Ah, what a lovely present for me."
  70. 13:51 Ivory lunges at Entropica. "You demon.. Reveal yourself!"
  71. 13:51 McGoFuckYourself "That's, uh. That's not quite the monster I had in mind. You guys /sure/ this isn't some kinda sex thing?"
  72. 13:53 Entropica "Being bold, now that is a change! I recall you had your sisters. Where are they?" In mere seconds the seemingly harmless woman becomes a four legged, six armed monster that stands in about 8 feet tall. "Let's begin the dance again, then!"
  73. 13:55 Destinox "Huh, reminds me of a girl I meet once"
  74. 13:56 *** Oyuun quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  75. 13:58 Ivory "Oh, my pleasure." Orbs starts to come out from her staff, aimed at Entropica's legs. She seems to have known the creature before. "Oh, by the way, how's Chaotica? Still blank void of nothing?"
  76. 14:00 McGoFuckYourself "Uhhh. Aight. This is getting kinda weird." He grabbed at his scepter. "I'm more of a support kinda guy, you know..."
  77. 14:01 *** Oyuun joined #covenger_rp
  78. 14:03 Destinox pulls out the small purpleish gun he had, where the chamber would be is a small star contained in some sort of glass. It blasts yellow beams at the monster
  79. 14:07 Entropica hisses as the orbs hits her feet. Unknown to it, a stun beam had hit her somewhere in her back, and slowly the effect starts to become visible. "Wh.. Why cannot I move? What.. Oh. That green bastard." Entropica stops to move just inches from grabbing Ivory's staff.
  80. 14:09 Ivory "That was.. Helpful. Thank you."
  81. 14:10 Destinox "No need, affects dont last long so we should stop talking and move"
  82. 14:11 Ivory "I understand."
  83. 14:11 McGoFuckYourself "So....that it? Now what? What the hell's even going on here?" Prince is confused
  84. 14:13 Entropica -- The effects don't last long and Entropica begins to twitch and move again. "You bastard.. I'll rip you into pieces!" Still somewhat slow under the stun effect, it starts to move to Destinox, hands are reaching for him.
  85. 14:16 Ivory , meanwhile, is drawing something on the ground, a rune of some sort. "You, wing guy, try to hold her as long as you can. I'm trying to make the portal so she can go back." She definitely looks like she knows what she's dealing with.
  86. 14:17 Destinox "Oh boy"
  87. 14:21 Entropica "Now, do you want your hands, legs, or head off first? Either choice, I would be happy with ripping them off ~!" Entropica recovers from the stun effects and now is at full speed going into Destinox, with her hands and all. She have some sharp nails too, and even if you only got scrapes from it it'll most likely to bleed pretty hard.
  88. 14:22 McGoFuckYourself Prince takes a nervous step towards her, brandishing his scepter like a baseball bat. "Uhhhh, none?"
  89. 14:22 *** Eridana left #covenger_rp
  90. 14:26 Destinox ran towards her, then super robot kick to her face
  91. 14:33 Entropica is fortunately smart enough to catch one of Destinox's robot leg mid-air. "Stupid move, mortal." It proceeds to throw him away like a rag doll, then lunges at Prince. "And now you, winged guy~! I am very interested in how those wings taste like, really!"
  92. 14:35 Ivory "Oh no, not that again.." Ivory shot some orbs at Entropica's body to distract her. "Hey demon! How about you pick someone your size?"
  93. 14:36 McGoFuckYourself "FffffUCK." He swung the scepter right at her, bat connecting clear into the monster's face. Batter up, bitch
  94. 14:39 Entropica got hit pretty hard and lose its balance for a while, almost toppled over even. But it quickly regained balance. "Hohoho~! I like you really! Now, let me finish that rag doll first, then I'll be back at you!" Entropica sprints towards Ivory, clearly disturbed.
  95. 14:49 Destinox hit the wall. "Ow" He gets his stun gn and tries to shot Entropica again
  96. 14:54 *** Oyuun quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  97. 14:56 Destinox "You better do wht ever you're doing fast Ivory"
  98. 14:58 Ivory "I'm tryi-AAAH!" Ivory screamed as she felt one of her arms being pulled up and torn off. Entropica suddenly appeared right before her eye, grinning.
  99. 14:59 McGoFuckYourself "Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck!" He twists his grip on teh scepter, and takes a leap. Alright, playtime's over, Prince. Holding the scepter like a spear, he jabs the dull iron cross at the end into the beast, driving into the holy relic with all of his admittedly meager strength.
  100. 14:59 Entropica "I loved your reaction. Screaming like the fragile child you are.. Really, it made me smile! You definitely didn't see me creeping up, no?"
  101. 15:01 Ivory can't feel pain, fortunately, but if you paid close attention to her torn arm and shoulder there's some sparks coming out from it. "Ah... Goddamn."
  102. 15:01 Destinox jumps off the wall, rnning towards Entropica again, grabbing the staff of his back "Invisibility, cheap tactic isn't it?"
  103. 15:05 Destinox "Now, how does this thing work again?" He completly ignors Entropica looking at the normal looking staff, or long walking stick, whatever it was
  104. 15:05 Entropica was too busy enjoying its victory before Prince jabbed the scepter through her back and abdomen. It cried out, waking up almost everyone in the neighborhood and alerting people around. Some gathered before the alley, recording the fight on the phone. Some opened their windows to see what happened, and decided to not get involved in it.
  105. 15:07 Entropica fell down, with a visible hole where Prince's scepter once reside. There's no apparent organs inside her body, or any normal things that someone's gut should have. It won't stay down for long though.
  106. 15:08 Ivory "Don't touch that staff! Just, don't. You don't know how it works and I'd rather not see yourself being blown up by it." Ivory said to Destinox, while she sprints to grab her arm.
  107. 15:11 Destinox "Oh yeah!" He does something to the staff making green energy blaze out of the tip, like it was a spear. "Oh you got her. She get your eye too? This one is mine"
  108. 15:14 Ivory runs back to grab her staff, which, fortunately, still floats a few inch above the spot she left it. "I thought you grabbed my staff. Sorry."
  109. 15:15 McGoFuckYourself "Are...Are we all carrying staffs here? Is this what this meeting was? The fucking Stave Club?"
  110. 15:16 Destinox "So, is that it? Kinda pathetic" He kicks the body a bit "Huh, didn't notice that."
  111. 15:19 Entropica "I AM NOT DONE YET." Suddenly, Entropica stands up, glaring at Destinox.
  112. 15:19 McGoFuckYourself He swings the scepter, straight at her One of her knees.
  113. 15:20 Destinox In reaction he aimed for her face
  114. 15:27 Entropica almost fell down, again, but it does have some excellent balance system given its six arms. "You made me angry, and I swore to myself I'll eat you raw and alive after all this!" It tried to grab Destinox and Prince/
  115. 15:29 Ivory holds the staff with the only arm she has left, aimed at Entropica. Chanting spells in a language long gone, a blue-ish orb began to form in front of her. "Take this."
  116. 15:29 Destinox sliced on of her arms off
  117. 15:33 Entropica "KRAAAAAAAGH... Bastard.. All of you.." Her screech was enough to scare away most of the spectators, but a few tough guys remains, recording it with their phones despite the real danger that they can get involved in the fight. Entropica's arm fell and disappeared into thin air, but no blood is visible from the cut.
  118. 15:34 McGoFuckYourself Prince is desperately whacking at her with the scepter, wings flailing and kicking out as he yells.
  119. 15:36 Destinox "She does not give up"
  120. 15:36 Ivory releases the orb as Entropica was distracted. The orb hits En, and the creature was covered in blue-ish layer that immidiately turns into ice. Ivory began to work on a second rune, now that the first is unusable from all the attack. She must work quick, though, because the time is ticking.
  121. 15:37 Ivory "That's why I asked your help, she's one hell of a demon!" Rushing to get the rune finished, she sounds like she's on the verge of panicking.
  122. 15:38 McGoFuckYourself "Demon? She's a fucking DEMON?" The Angel's jaw drops
  123. 15:38 Destinox "Whats that?"
  124. 15:40 Ivory "SHE /IS/ A DEMON. Now stop asking me questions!" She yelled at the angel and continued to focus on the rune. Meanwhile, Entropica is slowly getting free from the ice, releasing noises that can be straight from hell itself.
  125. 15:43 Entropica is starting to break free, arms flailing around Destinox and Prince. Although it's still pretty frozen its claws are nasty sharp and can deal a good damage on them.
  126. 15:47 Destinox "Aw Cmon" He tries t stab her again with his plasma staff
  127. 15:49 Ivory "Be careful guys, it's not gonna give up until it managed to kill you. Give me more time, just a little more.." Ivory is almost finished with her rune, the interdimensional rune that will fix whatever damage there is and takes En back into her proper place.
  128. 15:50 McGoFuckYourself Prince gives a hiss as the claws wipe at him, slashing with a hot fire that drew blood
  129. 15:50 McGoFuckYourself He raises the staff again, and yells out the first thing that comes to his mind.
  130. 15:50 McGoFuckYourself "DEUS VULT"
  131. 15:51 McGoFuckYourself He smashes the scepter down on Entropica, and with a brilliant hiss the holy relic /burns/
  132. 15:52 Entropica seems unfazed by the staff. It only wants to kill all three of them. The relic, though, managed to burn a good few of its arms and legs.
  133. 15:56 Destinox forgets the staff and pulls out the Stun Gun, blasting her a few good times to give Ivory and Prince openings
  134. 15:59 Ivory "Guys, I need you to take that demon over here. I'll put it where it belongs." Ivory shouted at Destinox and Prince, signalling that she finished the rune.
  135. 16:04 Destinox runs over to a foot behind the Rune. Blasting her back with low level shots, not fully stunning her but it sure hurts, hopefully
  136. 16:04 McGoFuckYourself Prince just kicks at her. He ain't good at dragging and pushing.
  137. 16:06 Entropica sprints to Ivory with all her power, determined to cut her into pieces and finish off the rest.
  138. 16:07 Ivory starts to chant spells in a long gone language, and the rune start to glow white. "Goodbye, demon."
  139. 16:10 Ivory -- From the rune a bright white light shoots up into the sky, and inside it a blurred view of another dimension can be seen. "Lure her here, quick! I can't hold this portal for too long."
  140. 16:10 McGoFuckYourself Prince kicks a bit harder
  141. 16:16 Entropica is ready, all arms aimed at Ivory who's standing in front of the portal.
  142. 16:17 Ivory "You want me? Take me with you, I'm not afraid at all."
  143. 16:19 Ivory was just about to be grabbed with En's many arms when she sprints to the side, letting Entropica running into the light. "Fool."
  144. 16:24 Ivory "ar finixia." The light stopped and the deed was done. Ivory collapsed to the ground, somewhat unconscious.
  145. 16:25 Destinox helpped her up. "That wasn't as bad as it could of been"
  146. 16:27 McGoFuckYourself doubles over, panting to himself.
  147. 16:27 McGoFuckYourself "Jesus."
  148. 16:33 Destinox "So, that it? She dead?"
  149. 16:36 Ivory wakes up. "I'm not.. dead."
  150. 16:37 Ivory "Sorry for that. I, uh.. was exhausted.
  151. 16:37 *** Entropica left #covenger_rp
  152. 16:41 Destinox "Just be glad you're still alive"
  153. 16:43 Ivory props herself up using her staff. "Thanks Destinox, and you, angelic guy whoever you are. I'm sorry if I caused too much trouble, but at least the problem is over."
  154. 16:43 McGoFuckYourself "Prince. You can call me Prince, I guess."
  155. 16:44 Destinox "Destinox"
  156. 16:45 Ivory "Prince, thanks for your help. I guess we must return to our homes now. Again, thank you and I hope I can see you again soon."
  157. 16:49 Destinox goes back to the first meeting area, his ship once more uncloaking and bringing him up
  158. 16:50 Ivory grabs her arm that was cut off somewhere in the alley, and walks away, not caring about the humans around her. She wants to get back in her hiding spot and fix herself up, again.
  159. 16:52 McGoFuckYourself Prince wanders off
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