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a guest
Dec 22nd, 2014
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  1. Ingredients:
  2. 1 x 500g tin of tomatoes
  3. 1 x onion
  4. Handful of garlic cloves
  5. Black pepper
  6. Salt
  7. Something spicy like siracha
  8. Feta, strong cheddar, mozzarella or whatever. A decent cheese.
  9. 1 x aubergine/egg plant
  10. 1 x red bell pepper
  12. Method:
  13. Scoop out the eggplant leaving a half inch of flesh around the skin. Grease it with your hands covered in olive oil, season with salt and pepper on the exposed side. Cook flesh side down for 20/30 minutes in a 200 degree C oven.
  14. Re-hydrate the TVP by pouring boiling water over it and leaving it to stand.
  15. Whilst that's cooking prepare the sauce and filling. Sautee the onion and garlic until they're fragrant, add the diced pepper, chop up the eggplant flesh you have from the preparation process and then mix in, season it to taste then pour in the chopped tomatoes and get it up to boil.
  16. Strain the TVP and rinse in hot water.
  17. Add the TVP to the sauce mix and let it cook for 5 to 10 minutes until thickened. Add the hot sauce.
  18. When the eggplant is cooked pull the halves out, turn them over, fill them with your TVP sauce, cover with your cheese of choice and then return to the oven for abother 10 or so minutes until the cheese is melted and browned.
  19. Enjoy!
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