
OC Profile - Carnelian

Sep 8th, 2017
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  1. Name: Carnelian
  2. Age: Unknown
  3. Gender: Appears M
  4. Classification: Robot
  5. Occupation: Researcher, Adventurer
  6. Height: 5’5”
  7. Weight: 362 Lbs.
  8. Background:
  9. Carnelian is a child of Zed, a technogod whose form is that of a giant planet, located somewhere in the universe. Like many of Zed's children, Carnelian was given one specific goal: to collect information, as Zed aims to collect all information in the known universe. Carnelian is a model which is specifically designed to gain information on war & combat, and to amass a collection of tactics, strategies, and general stories of how battles went.
  10. Carnelian is Amber's brother, in a sense. Families of those who come from Zed don't work like how we might know them, since there are no parents; instead, Zed's children consider all others with which they were created & brought to life as their family, and they are all brothers & sisters. As Carnelian and Amber were a part of the same group, they consider each other family. He doesn't usually see her much since they each began travelling in the pursuit of information, but Amber regularly speaks to him, asking him for assistance with solving a difficult situation or asking him how to approach things. While Amber usually finds herself falling into unusual situations, Carnelian enters them boldly and strongly, taking up whatever kind of role or side he needs to in a conflict in order to improve his collection of tactical information.
  12. Personality:
  13. - Carnelian is a very serious fellow, owing to what his job usually entails. An extremely tough nut to crack, Carnelian rarely smiles or jokes, and often ends up missing them, or responding very flatly. He's a cunning individual with an extremely sharp mind, and due to the reportoire of knowledge he's collected, it can be pretty difficult to outsmart or trick him; at the same time, however, he's prone to overthinking situations or his opponents, and can end up mindgaming himself in the process trying to cover for a strategy he erroneously thinks they're going for.
  14. As far as the relationship between him & Amber goes, the two get along extremely well. His poor sense of humor combines “well” with Amber's; she'll often set up a bad joke that he completely falls for, making her laugh, and then his reaction of either confusion or just plain flat response makes her laugh even more. The rare moments of catching the man actually smile are usually related to his sister. Although both are capable of unique thought, Carnelian isn't as philosophical as his sister. He usually tells her to not worry about such unimportant things and to focus on her job, and while he himself finds her questions pricking his mind, he usually just ignores it by doing what any other of Zed's children do – finding solace in his chosen duty.
  16. Powers and Abilities:
  17. - Flawless Counter
  18. As Carnelian is designed to collect information on strategies, it should be no surprise that he's an extremely good tactician, with a wide database of knowledge to rely on. Upon recognizing a target's strategy with an attack, he can immediately learn their attack, allowing him to sense & thus perfectly counter that attack, regardless of how it's used. This makes him incredibly difficult to hurt physically, as he can combine this with his knowledge of strategies to easily predict enemies & defend himself in close quarters.
  19. There are limits to the counter, however. He has to be able to react to a move for the counter to actually take place, and thus something which is incredibly difficult to predict, such as a random attack, a highly long range attack, or an instantaneous move has a higher chance of getting through this defense.
  21. - All Red
  22. Carnelian's unique skill is referred to as him as “All Red”. This lets him take anything – whether it be a stick, a person, or another actual weapon – and then declare it to be one of several weapon types. This automatically causes his tool to be set to a preset strength, durability, and given a special set of effects associated with a weapon like that. While this allows him to turn anything into a weapon, or even change a weapon into another type entirely, it has a few weaknesses – it is indiscriminate as to what an item's origins are, so an especially powerful weapon will actually be decreased in strength when Carnelian uses it. It also means that any additional positive effects of a weapon are likely to be ignored; negative effects, like curses, usually will still work. The effects also only work for Carmine, and if he were to lose the weapon, it would immediately lose whatever effects it had prior.
  23. Carnelian can declare his weapon to become any of the following:
  24. ~ Sword – A flexible jack-of-all trades weapon, which he can combine with his sword Carmine if he wishes as a dual sword style. It's fast and can perform a wide variety of attacks, but isn't necessarily as strong. Automatically performs slashing attacks.
  25. ~ Club – An especially strong weapon with a lot of momentum behind it, though it's best used for wide swings and can be a bit slow. Automatically performs blunt force attacks.
  26. ~ Spear – This is actually the middle-of-the-road option for Carnelian, as he gives the weapon both decent power and decent speed, with the added capability of hitting further with pokes & swings. However, it's not as effective in some situations as his other tools. Can perform either blunt or puncturing attacks.
  27. ~ Gun – Carnelian can use the weapon to launch very fast air bullets at the opponent, puncturing foes. However, it's nigh useless in close quarters.
  28. ~ Shield – Carnelian removes a lot of the weapon's offensive capabilities, but it becomes capable of protecting from any attack.
  30. - Mechanical Physiology
  31. Carnelian is a hyper-advanced robot, born of a mechanical world. Because of this, he has physiology which protects him from both physical & mental status conditions, making them ineffective on him. Naturally capable of flight, Carnelian also possesses a mind, and though due to its mechanical nature he can’t fall for mental status changes, he is vulnerable to psychic attacks.
  33. Stats:
  34. -Strength: *****
  35. -Projection: *
  36. -Toughness: **
  37. -Attack Type: Slash, Impact, Puncture
  38. -Resistances: Toxin (+1), Fire, Impact, Earth, Spirit (-2)
  39. -Endurance: ***
  40. -Stamina: ***
  41. -Speed: ****
  43. Standard Equipment:
  44. ~ Carmine
  45. A simple hilt normally, which is coloured a deep red. when held by Carnelian and Carnelian alone, transforms into a broadsword made of white energy. This sword is fast, strong, and has good range, but cannot be used with All Red for some reason. Carnelian usually relies on this alongside an All Red weapon for combat.
  47. ~ Burgundy
  48. A darkish purple red scabbard which holds Carmine. Though it's just a scabbard, unlike Carmine, it CAN be affected by All Red; thus, even if Carnelian is lacking in anything to actually use in a fight, he can just take the scabbard and declare it into whatever he would like it to do.
  50. ~ Kermes
  51. A set of ten bug-like drones which Carnelian can summon, which hover around him. He can have them hover around a target or just himself, and they simply barrage enemies, either by ramming into them as bombs, or by pestering from afar with lasers. The drones can also be rested on his body, and used more like conventional firearms in this manner.
  53. Appearance:
  54. ~ Carnelian has the frame of a sturdily built, well-toned young man, with a darker skin tone. His hair is scarlet red, and is grown long and straight, going down to about halfway down his back. Like a hime cut, his bangs are cut perfectly straight. He has purple eyes which are piercing and steady, although they're much more expressive than he himself is. A long scar straight across his face can be seen above the bridge of his nose. Across the top of his head is something resembling a pair of headphones, with white metal in the shape of trapezoidal“wings” covering where his ears would be; these have a glowing red mark resembling rays of light spreading outwards, the middle one extending across the band on top of his head & connecting to the other side.
  55. ~ Like Amber, his main body is made of a dark red-grey metal, with a red light visible underneath some of the metal plates & in lines running along his body, representing the Life Force flowing within him. Blade-like wings are also located on his back, which seem blade-like normally but when properly extended resemble a cape made of bright purple light. Like on the sides of his head, his wings have red lines which resemble rays stretching outward.
  57. NOTES:
  58. ~ As one can probably guess, Carnelian's not particularly set up well for disguising himself as someone native to the planet. Usually, his solution to this is to simply do his best with other solutions, which can include:
  59. * Fairly old-fashioned disguises, like hiding his head pieces behind his hair & wearing full body uniforms that don't reveal his metallic form
  60. * Intentionally going to places where he might be seen as a god, and thus his odd appearance is forgiven & excused
  61. * Simply remaining hidden & stealthing his way to gain the information he wants
  62. * Sometimes he just gets lucky, and he aesthetically matches a place – hey, it can happen
  63. * If it doesn't seem like any of these will work very well, Carnelian usually ends up relying on other children of Zed to assist him in some manner.
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