

Mar 11th, 2012
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  1. Today I had to walk down an aisle in Target filled with MLP merch. It went painfully slow, as I didn't have the guts to reach out and grab anything. I'm disappointed in myself; I really am. It takes courage to defy norms which are already established, even if they are wrong. I guess I don't have much courage then. It feels like life is testing me; everywhere I go I see MLP stuff. I'm semi-open about it; my family knows, and I use a lot of MLP vocab and references (and mods like Pony Fortress 2), so some of my friends might know too. I'm not really in a good position to be fully open right now though; I don't have many friends, and no one is a brony at my school (that I know of). I don't think anyone knows me well enough to be able to appreciate and accept the fact that MLP is just another part of me, and that I'm still myself. I don't want people to get a bad impression of me, as I want to make friends, not lose possible ones. Then again a speaker came to my school and said that all we can do is change ourselves; we can't change what other people think of us. As long as we're happy with ourselves then that's all we can do. People who like you can only like who you truly are, thus you have to be yourself. "Be yourself; everyone else is taken." I know all this, but yet can't seem to apply it. *sigh*
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