
TeahcerAnon - NN - 08

Jul 7th, 2013
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  1. >You are TeacherAnon
  2. >And its 6:15pm.
  3. >The 'mysterious' message in your desk from the beginning of the day told you to go to the Auditorium after school.
  4. >It didn't help that Chrysalis 'persuaded' you to abide the message, which only made you consider her to be responsible for it.
  5. >Haters gonna hate...
  6. >Personally you weren't really angry about it, sure you've been told twice that she's someone to be wary of, but who the fuck cares.
  7. >If she really gets in your space, you wouldn't hesitate to sock her, problem is, she'd file a law-suit, and you'd be out of a job.
  8. >If she did try and get in your pants, you'd have nothing of it, at least letting her 'play' around would be fine.
  9. >You were a gentleman, you weren't willing to just go nookie on the job, even if its closing hours.
  10. >She did do drama after all, should be a riot to see what she's planning.
  11. >The only real concern however is if she had 'back-up', and if she really was a manuplative type, chances are she has one or two cronies who follow her beck and call.
  12. >If it came to blows, you'd be in trouble if they were tough guys like Iron Will, but who else haven't you met yet that actually finds your company enjoyable?
  14. >Making your way to the large double doors of the Auditorium, you check your watch
  15. >18:25 (6:25 pm)
  16. >Good, some time to survey the place as you slowly open the door and ease inside.
  18. >The auditroium was larger than you expected, for a school in the middle-of-nowere, it certianly was willing to shovel the cost of an expansive auditorium.
  19. >You could figure the space rivaled the gym, and if they ever had big productions here, you'd be certain they had the space for it.
  20. >As you walk past the doors, letting them close behind you, you come in underneath the second floor balcony. It strecthed probably a quarter in towards the main auditorium, exposing the grand ceiling above all the way to the stage.
  21. >Impressive... but no sign of your 'requestor.'
  22. >Its close to 6:30 by now, so you take a moment to scan the interior of the room.
  23. >Aside from the exit behind you, there was another entrance further to your left that opened to the hallway you just came from.
  24. >Flanking you were two stairways to the upper levels, and considering the design, probably two more exits' to the upper hallways.
  25. >Further down into the auditorium, around half way from the doors you stood at were two more exits, and probably a few more behind the stage itself.
  26. >You couldn't be sure if they were unlocked or if any were 'fire-alarmed', but if you had to get out of dodge, it would be best to make your way to these exits.
  27. >Walking forard, you can see the stage clearly, nothing odd about it, the fore curtains pulled aside to show a much larger 'rear' curtian,and a single poium on the far left side of the stage,
  28. >Swanky...
  29. >Easing up to the stage, you can turn about to see the place clearly, and indeed, the second floor had two exist at the far end.
  30. >Perfect, but you'd still be in a pickle if Chrysalis had goons up there too.
  31. >With a sigh, you take a seat at the edge of the stage, checking your watch to find the time to be 630 on the dot.
  32. >And then the lights dimmed.
  34. >Operator mode activated.
  35. >Swining around, you look to see the aft curtain rising, and there, sitting in a chair looking quite gleeful, was Chrysalils herself.
  36. "Well, I'm quite glad you could make it out here Mister Anon... I was wondering if you'd even consider the message as important." the witch said, her eyes alight as she sat there, legs crossed, hands linked as she watched you like some villain from an action movie.
  37. 'You gave me little choice to deny it Miss Chrisyalis.'
  38. "Oh....please subdue your formalities Mr. Anon, I have said to call me Crissy, didn't I?"
  39. >You swallow a bit, finding a distaste in the name.
  40. 'Fine... Crissy...'
  41. >She seemes unphased as she sits there, eyeing you.
  42. "I have never expected Principal SunButt to bring forward such an elegant gem of a teacher to our establishment, I must say, she knows how to pick the handsome ones."
  43. >You recoil a bit, 'SnButt?' you reiterate.
  44. >She smiled "Oh, just a little nick name I think she deserves. She does have the ass to regard it, and considering that Sun tattoo on her behind..."
  45. >A bit too much info there as you nod slowly, keeping your glance to the left and right.
  46. >Still no tangos, what was her game...
  47. "Never the less, I'm glad you were willing to come, and now Mr. Anon, will you be willing to hear out my... proposition for you?"
  48. 'Depends...' you mutter, knowing this was coming 'if I don't have to do anything illigal, illicit, or violent to anyone, then maybe...'
  49. >She seems amused, but simply gives a chuckle.
  50. "Well, none of that would ever be considered, I do not wish to ruin the school, just those who do not wish to aid my own devices."
  51. 'You mean like Emmy, she certainly isn't someone you tend to enjoy the company of.'
  52. >She huffed "She is just an insect to me, not worth the time to contend with."
  53. >You quirk a brow at the remark; bitch be cold.
  54. 'Then... what would your 'devices' be?'
  55. >She eyed you gleefully "Simple... full authority of this school."
  57. >You pause, blinking for a moment.
  58. 'Full Authroity of the school? I don't think thats possible without being chosen by the board.'
  59. >Crissy nods "Perhaps not, but that doesn't mean I can still have the teachers sway in my favour; it does require the vote of the entier student body to even consider who the Head of Faculty would be, let alone the Principal. I seek both those positions you see, and though they are... occupied... I know if sway is in my favor, that could change."
  60. >So that was her plan.
  61. 'Why would you want to have full authroity of the school, isn't being a drama teacher a good gig?'
  62. >She sighed "it has its moments... don't get me wrong, I live for the art of drama and theatrics... but... its boring, and nothing as fun as being the one in charge strives me to want to take that seat of power. I had... failed... the first time, Emmy taking the Head of Staff position, but... I know I can do a far better job then that wench of a woman."
  63. 'Seems you two have a lot o heat, though Emmy doesn't show the same distatse to you, why so angsty?'
  64. >Crissy looked away, sighing "She stole my goal, my position I had sought so long for. I had done everyhting in my power to get on the graces of BOTH the board and faculty, but in the end, it was... SHE... who got the spot I so desired."
  65. >She looked cross at you "She didn't nearly have the strength I do, and her 'kindess' had made her 'well liked' by others, but being liked is only so much you can build a reputation on." she stood finally, letting her long gown flop to the floor.
  66. >"Our school has been ridiculed too much around the board. We're seen as a less-than-satisfactory establishment with nothing to show for it! Our teams are lacking, our facilities are outdated, and even some of our staff do not take anything serious!" shi hissed, taking a stampof her foot as she eyed you.
  67. >"Emmy is worthless as a Faculty Head, if it were me, this school would be running lock clock-work, and any insolence be it teacher or student, shall be punished swiftly and without mercy."
  69. 'I honestly have to disagree, the school seems fine, the teachers enjoy themselves and the students are happy and willing to learn, you want to turn this into what, a military state or something?'
  70. >Her eyes went alight "Oh but of coruse... I'm sure someone with your caliber has read 1984 by Gorge Orwell?"
  71. >You nod... you didn't mind the author, but that book was creepy as all fuck.
  72. >"He had an idea, and I must admit, I was... infatuated by his ethos of that book, to be in complete control of the entery of the population, to allow your word as law, to keep everything in line in perfect order... such is the way it SHOULD be."
  73. >She was nuts! Certainly something along this lines was ranked for insanity as you shake your head.
  74. 'You're wrong...' you mutter 'that was a distopia, nothing like what a school should be.'
  75. >She seemed offended as she aproched you.
  76. >"You think that having these little brats run around without guidance, without proper authroity is RIGHT!? Do you not see what mockery and foolary they get themselves into?"
  77. 'Thats what makes everything enjoyable ABOUT school.' you protest as she comes closer 'taking that away only makes it worse and no-one would dare bother to enlist their kid into a 'military' school. That's what West Point is for, not Equestria High.'
  78. >She was in discontent, her eyes fixated on yours as she came right up to you, almost pressing her... well endowed chest against yours.
  79. "Your mind is weak on authority Anon, do you not want to be willing to rule this school with the utmost in power, to have our students at perfect attention to their subjects and respect for their teachers?"
  80. >Her eyes began to glow green, a sickly green as something about them began to hook into your brain.
  81. >You were focusing intently on her, you couldn't move, you couldn't even speak as the whispers from her unmoving lips began to sink into your mind.
  82. 'What.... are you...' you mutter as she puts a finger to your lips.
  83. "Shhhh, let it take you."
  85. >Crissy's words were like needles pricking into your mind, each thought to counter her words was shut down before it could generate. Her own words, her own ideals began to sink in, and your eyes began to glow green in return.
  86. 'Y-you're...w-wrong... Students r-respect their teachers... when they...provide them with the knowledge then need...n-not by...a-authority.'
  87. >She humphed "You see blindly Anon, think of the possibilities with students perfectly obedient to our beck and call!"
  88. >You shudder, trying to look away, still fighting as her words continue to jam into your brain.
  89. >"We would turn the school into such a place of learning and wisdom that no one would dare think otherwise than to BOW to our might."
  90. >You had had enough, but you weren't able to refuse as you try to budge away.
  91. >She smirked, only gripping your chin.
  92. >"What do you say Anon~" she said softly "Will you... join me?"
  93. >She eased close, kissing you right on the lips.
  94. >There was her tounge too, she was going all out as it searched your mouth.
  95. >You felt almost violated by it as your hands clenched on her hips.
  96. >Crissy only let out a moan into your kiss as she pushed closer, your hands gripping firmer as she murred, parting.
  97. "You taste... wonderful..." she whispered, licking her lips "let me... feed of you." she said, going in for another kiss.
  98. >Your mind was blanking, soon enough she would have complete control as you tried with all your might to fight back.
  99. >Everything was fading... but suddenly... there was a bright light.
  100. >A brilliant blue light shawn in your eyes as you suddenly felt a strange sensation about you.
  101. >Head clearling slowly... something was fighting along side you as you feel energy rippling through your body.
  102. >Crissy notices, parting the kiss.
  103. "w-what... what is this?" she said, still somewhat aroused by the kiss as she sees the energies crackling around you before a suddenly flash caused her look away.
  104. "Show no fear..." a voice said in your head "you are not her's to be taken."
  106. >She slowly backs away as the light brightens, and you can almost hear a hissing from her as there is a sudden warmth on your right wrist.
  107. >Raising your arm, you can see your watch glowing as what was once a simple digital watch turned into a large, black looking gauntlet with a screen.
  108. >You didn't have time to look at it as the fist suddenly began to glow blue.
  109. "Push her back." the voice said as you start to regain your senses.
  110. "What is this!?" Chrissy demands, hissing as she looks at you.
  111. >Just in time to see you slam your palm into her gut, and the gauntlet you wore crackled as a blue burst of energy sent her flying backstage with a loud crash.
  112. >You blink for a second, seeing the force having sent a grown woman further than you ever thought as you stand in dismay.
  113. 'What... did I just do?' you mutter.
  114. "You defended yourself from the witch." the voice said "You used your powers admirably, there is no reason to be alarmed."
  115. 'Powers... the fuck?'
  116. "You will find out in time Anon.... for now, you must be ready for trials shall soon befall you."
  117. 'Trial's... what the hell you talking about, who the fuck are you!?'
  118. "You will know in time..." the voice said, its volume fading "for now, you must aid your students, together, they shall be your best defense at the coming storm."
  119. >You're left puzzled as the voice leaves, its whispers still linger.
  120. 'Coming storm... my ass.' you mutter 'The only storm I can invision is me being fired for assault...' you mutter, observing the gauntlet as it glint in the dim light, gazing back at the stage as you sigh.
  121. 'Welp... better help her out.' you mutter, slowly easing backstage to assist the witch.
  122. >As you said, you were a gentleman, and they don't leave ladies in distress, even if they are witches.
  123. >Making your way backstage, you can find Crissy, out cold and among a bunch of fallen over props.
  124. >Seems they cushioned her landing, but man, was that a punch or what.
  125. >You eased her into your arms, hefting her form gently against you as you sigh.
  126. >She instantly embraces, keeping herself close like a lost child, her arms wrapping around your neck.
  127. >Out cold... certainly not out of the lustful game of making out with you.
  129. >As you walk with her to the infiraamy, you can hear a soft mutter in her voice.
  130. "School... will be mine... all shall listen..." she said as you sigh.
  131. "Anon... my dark knight...." she said in her slumber as you roll your eyes.
  132. 'Maybe in a thousand years.' you whisper back, easing your way into the inframry and putting Crissy on one of the beds, tucking her in for good measure as you rub the back of your head.
  133. >You certainly didn't expect that to have happened, let alone Crissy trying some mumbo jumo magic n'shit on you.
  134. >Though, to be honest, you got some magic yourself as you look at the guantlet, the large screen-like part blank as you sigh.
  135. 'Someone better splain this shit soon...' you mutter, closing the infmary door behind you.
  136. 'Coming storm... what storm, whats going to happen here... and what the hell can I do about it?' you ponder a bit, easing your way out of the school and too your car.
  137. >You never thought you'd figure yourself to admit it, but you needed a stiff drink.
  139. >Driving home now, you can't help but shoot glances at your wrist.
  140. >The Guantlet didn't leave, nor did it seem to have a way of being removed as you drive slowly home.
  141. >You hadn't figured yourself to be some sort of 'magical hero' for an adventure, you were just a teacher sent to teach students, not defend the world with them.
  142. >With a sigh, you pull into your parking space, making your way inside and up to your room before you unlock and open the door.
  143. >You're met by a blipping red light on your phone, meaning you had a message as you tap the play button.
  144. "One New Message" the phone said with a beep.
  145. >"Hello Anon."
  146. >It was dad.
  147. >"I just wanted to call to check on you, see how your were doing in your new digs and how your teaching career is going."
  148. >You sit on the bed, having taken a can of soda from the fridge, you pop it, and begin to drink.
  149. >"Your mother and I are both proud of you for taking this opportunity, and we hope that your lessons will be fun and informative, and your school atmosphere engaging and entertaining."
  150. >'Definitely both of those' you mutter as you take a swig.
  151. >"We're hoping you can get back to us about your first day, if its not too much trouble, why not send us your scheduled, we can try and find a time to come down and visit, see the area and see your campus even."
  152. >"oh it would be such fun to meet some of your fellow teachers!" your mother chirped in the background.
  153. >"Perhaps it would." your father added "but we'd be there for you Anon. Remeber, you're the man in charge of your class, don't be afraid to show your authroity and demand respect of your students."
  154. >"Keep yourself as the boss!" your mom called "otherwise your students won't pay attention."
  155. >You roll your eyes a bit as your dad chuckles.
  156. "Well, we won't keep you son, you take care, call us when you can and always be positive!"
  157. >"We love you Anon!" your mom called before the phone hung up.
  158. >"End of Message." said your answering machine as you sighed, flopping back into bed.
  160. >As you rested, your thoughts kept wavering on the events of the day.
  161. >Your students seemed to enjoy your company, you were liked with the faculty, and you stopped Crissy from what you could only guess as being 'mind controlling' your ass.
  162. >Shame you had to hit her, you dreaded what tomorrow, or even Friday for that matter would bring.
  163. >Considering you were going in for your office time tomorrow, you might just be better off avoiding her all together, but you could swear she wasn't done with you.
  164. >And knowing her, you hoped to god she wouldn't go tell on you, though you didn't think Crissy would, she might still want to try for you and snitching you out would just get you fired.
  165. >With a huff, you look over to your boxes of stuff, seeing a few parcels you hadn't removed as you look back at the wrist gauntlet.
  166. >perhaps Twilight could have some idea what it may be, she was in depth with all that magic stuff, maybe you could pull her aside to your office... non-sexual of course... and see if she could help you out.
  167. >It was a risk, but it would be better to get some sort of expert on it, and you weren't willing on asking Emmy or Discord just yet.
  168. >Sighing, you put the can aside as you lay back on your bed, huffing with exhaustion as you slowly close your eyes and drift off to slumber land.
  170. >You wake the following morning to your cellphone ringing.
  171. >Picking it up, you see its Discord calling you.
  172. >with a sigh, you push the green accept bar and put the phone to your ear.
  173. "Anon my boy!" came Edwards voice "how are you doing?"
  174. 'Fine enough... sorta just woke up.' it was almost 7am on the clock.
  175. "Ah, well thats wonderful then... I hope you slept well."
  176. 'Well enough, whats up?"
  177. >A slight pause "Well Anon, as your recall, we did plan to meet this Saturday for Lunch and I just wanted to remind you of your date for it, but I also wanted to know how... IT... went."
  178. 'It?'
  179. "Your meet up with your mysterious messenger." He said, chuckling a bit.
  180. >Oh god, you nearly forgot the afternoon you had with Crissy, how she tried to mind fuck you, then literally fuck you..
  181. >Gave you shivers as you exhale 'Uneventual, she was preaching her desire to be incharge and what not, I gave her the boot... metaphorically...' you lied 'and then left, pretty much that was it.'
  182. >There was another pause and a hrmm from Discord. "Well Anon, its good to know you can keep your head in the game and your primal urges settled. Knowing her, I'm sure she ran those for a loop?"
  183. 'Something like that...'
  184. >Like you wouldn't believe.
  185. >Disocrd chuckles again "Good, good, I'm glad, shows you got true guts to stand up to her, bravo Anon, you deserve a cookie!"
  186. >You laugh a bit 'If you can get me a box of chocolate chip, I'm down for it.'
  187. "Barganing eh? FIne, I'll get you a box, but you have to come to school to get it!"
  188. >You grin, he has fallen for your trap. 'Oh but Edward, I WAS planning on coming in, you know, office hours.'
  189. >There was a satisfying gasp on the other end of the phone.
  190. "Anon, you have truly impressed me, coming in on your day off for your students! Oh my I am completely flattered, well done good sir, i knew you had the goods to deliver!"
  191. 'You're welcome Edward, now about those cookies.'
  192. "Yes yes, in due time, get over to school first then we talk."
  194. >You grin 'Sure thing, cya in a few.' you say, hanging up the phone as you sigh, looking at your wrist.
  195. >Your gauntlet was gone, but in its place your watch remained.
  196. >it looked... different.
  197. >A bit squarer, but also something about its colour. It was a dark blue with a ring of glowing blue around the watch face as you look at it.
  198. >Whatever magical shenanigans it was capable of, it must have realized looking like an over sized wrist computer was a bad idea.
  199. >flicking with it a bit, you realize it might be activated in some other way, but for the moment, you had shit to do.
  200. >Washing, Dressing, grabbing a quick bite and your books, you rush towards the door but paused,.
  201. >Would you even GET your own office? You would certainly want to make it a 'home away from home' as you look at your boxes of possessions, still unpacked.
  202. >you start digging, maybe you can bring some gaming stuff, or perhaps a few books to read, maybe even some other stuff you can do when you're sitting on your ass without much to do.
  203. >Opening one, you come across a grey case and a small blue duffel bag.
  204. >Pulling out the case, you crack it open to find your old faithful... the large brick PS2.
  205. >Looking at the duffle bag, you open to find an assortment of games, the wires and controllers for the system as you grin.
  206. 'Perfect.'
  207. >You look down into the box, hoping for more loot as you find several manga books.
  208. >Double score baby!
  209. >Taking everything you can in that one box and make your way to your car, plopping it into your boot and driving off to school.
  210. >You were going to really impress your kiddies with these things.
  212. >It's been a long time since you were this excited to go to school, but to be honest, you were also dreading it.
  213. >If Crissy wasn't willing to give up on you, she would certainly double her efforts.
  214. >What worried you more was the fact she would show some force in return for your actions, and with that magic she had, you weren't suprised if she would try something else.
  215. >For pete sakes it felt like some fantasy game or some anime that had you as the lowly teacher blessed with epic powers, but you had no clue how they worked or why.
  216. >With a sigh, you pull into the parking lot, just as you see Discord drive up beside you, parking at the exact same time.
  217. >Damn him and his massive caddie, the thing was definitely fancy and your little hatchback was dwarfed to its awesomeness.
  218. "Ah, Anon, how good to see you!" Discord called, stepping out as you did from your car, waving to him as you made your wat to your trunk.
  219. 'How goes it Edward, how was tea with the Queen?'
  220. >Edward smirks "Smashing to say the least, the Queen really knows how to spice up the night."
  221. 'Having a little fancy with royalty?' You joke as he huffs.
  222. "Now now Anon, I am a man of dignity and honor, never would I dare touch someone such as her, besides, she makes a perfect friend, I'd take that over a partner any day."
  223. 'That or you just wouldn't want the publicity of wanking with the Queen.'
  224. >Discord seems somewhat distrubed by your comment, but starts chuckling "Ah Anon, you've got a long way to go before you can kid with the best." he smirked, wrapping his arm around you as he peered into your trunk.
  225. "What do you have there?" he said pointing to the box.
  226. 'Stuff...' you reply 'if I get an office or something, I wan't to make it homey for myself and my students.'
  227. "Ah, such a nice gesture of you Anon, I do hope its nothing to indemnifying, we do have an image to uphold as professionals yes?"
  229. >You chuckle 'Well, considering these young folk like their video games, I plan to bring one of my old systems for them to play with.'
  230. >Discord was unamused "Do you think me f being too old to know whats 'hip' anon?"
  231. 'Of coruse not Edward, just saying, you don't seem the type to be into that stuff.'
  232. >He huffed, taking his can "I am certainly HIP enough for those video games, do I need to administer a challenge aganst you Anon?"
  233. >You raise your hands 'Easy man, I'm just pulling your leg, I'm sure you're pretty down with it.'
  234. >He paused, showing a slight smile as he eased away.
  235. "Well, you shall have to witness how profund my skills are at your video games sometime later, right now, why don't we set you up in an office, if that's what you want."
  236. >You shrug 'sure, would be cool.'
  237. >Discord nodded "right then, follow me!" he said before walking in to the school.
  238. 'Crap... I nearly forgot to ask him for my cookies.' you mutter as you follow behind him, your box in hand.
  240. >Entering the teachers lounge, you're met by the wonderful smell of fresh breakfast.
  241. >Over top your box, you can see some familiar faces.
  242. >Emmy is there, she's just as surprised as Discord was to see you.
  243. >Red was there too, she smiled seeing you again.
  244. >A few others you hadn't met yet were there too, but the lacking of Chrysalis bothered you.
  245. >You... sort of hoped she would be here, redoubling her efforts.
  246. >If she gave up because she tried to manipulate you and failed, well, that would be a bummer.
  247. >Admitably, you didn't mind her, she certainly had a wacky sense of self-desire, but beneath that she wasn't all bad...
  248. >aside from the mind control shit... she wasn't all bad...
  249. >Wanting to fuck you WHILE mind controlling you...
  250. >Okay, she was bad, but she wasn't evil...
  251. >Despite wanting to turn the school to 1984 distopia...
  252. >You're off in your world before Miss Mare walks over.
  253. >"Anon...Mr Anon?" She asked snapping you to reality "What brings you in today?"
  254. >Blinking, you grin.
  255. 'Just wanted to set up my office or... something... for the kids you know?'
  256. >Emmy was quite glad to hear that as her concerned expression turned to a smile.
  257. >"Well, that's wonderful to hear Anon, so responsible of you to help your students on your day off! Well, then I'll see to it you get an office... hrmm, I take it you'd want it close to your classroom."
  258. 'Anywere works, as long as its easy to get to.'
  259. >Emmy nodded "Well, let me run a check and see what offices are empty, if you don't mind waiting awhile."
  260. >Shrugging, you nod 'I got all day.'
  261. >Miss Mare nodded, easing out of the Lounge back to her office as you sigh, gently putting the box down.
  262. "What you have in there?" Red asked, stepping up to you next as Discord got the hint to leave you two alone.
  263. >He knows Red has the hots for you, so it would be fair to give you space.
  264. 'Oh, some games and books for the 'office-to-be.' I wouldn't mind having a nice set-up for the kids who take the time to see me.'
  266. >Red smiled at you, she had the smile of a million heart-melts and daws as she looked at you.
  267. >Oh god, if she was getting wet again...
  268. "That sounds wonderful, I'm sure your students will appreciate the commitment you have to them."
  269. >She eases closer... well this was unexpected.
  270. 'Yeah... well I think the students would value a teacher willing to go above and beyond for them, maybe instill the desire to do the same in return.'
  271. "I wouldn't doubt that, the teacher instills a sense of dedication in their students if they go out for them."
  272. >You nod 'Exactly, we're their friends right, we're here to help them succeed, never the opposite.'
  273. >Red was getting a bit closer to you, almost felt like Chrissy's attempts, but that wasn't right, she was sweeter than the witch as you chuckled a bit.
  274. "Well, its quite certain your students will no doubt succeed, its fortunate they have such a role-model teacher for them."
  275. 'Awe shucks red...' you mutter 'you flatter me.'
  276. "Its true, Mr. Anon, you certainly have the head for this, and I must say I'm quiet impressed, maybe we could... go for coffee sometime?"
  277. >Ding
  278. >Calm yourself junior....
  279. 'Uhm, sure... whatabout we try Friday after class?'
  280. >Red smiled "Sure, I don't have work at th Hopsital that day, so I'd be happy to."
  281. 'great!' You say almost a tad too excited as Red giggled.
  282. "I'll see you at 6 then, I know just the place we can go."
  283. >You nodded 'I think that would be great!'
  284. >Red smirked, easing a bit closer to whisper something.
  285. "besides, coffee with you would be wonderful."
  286. >With a grin she eased away, winking a bit.
  287. "Take care Anon, I have my students to tend to now."
  288. --
  289. >Dumbfounded
  290. >Damn, she could play it well.
  291. >Discord slinks up, nudging your gut "Congradulations Anon, you've landed your first catch."
  292. 'Oh hush!' You mutter, trying to hide the blush.
  293. "My Anon is growing up so fast!" Discord said "Soon he will be going on legit dates!"
  294. 'I will so end you Edward.'
  295. "Oh pshaw Anon, you should lighten up."
  297. >With a sigh, you nod 'Sorry.... you're right.' you mutter as Discrod pushes something into your gut.
  298. >It was a box of cookies.
  299. "Enjoy, you earned this Anon..." he smirked, tapping your head.
  300. "Now then, take care, I have class to teach!" he said before he bounded out of the lounge, leaving you with your box and a hard-on in your pants.
  301. --
  302. >Sitting down, you sigh, checking the clock in the room.
  303. >It was almost 0830, Chrissy hadn't shown, and you knew she was always here on time.
  304. >Guilt began to rise again, maybe she quit, maybe she wasn't willing to work with such a 'brutish' teacher such as yourself.
  305. >You did act in self-defense though, that much made sense to you, had you not, you might have been some mind slave to her.
  306. >You aint a slave to no bitch, especially ones who know magic.
  307. >Ugh... it really bothered you that she did that, not only that, but how YOU possess some too from some omnipresent being or some shit.
  308. >Sighing, you slouch lower into the comfy chair, picking at the French toast and banana on your plate, taking a si of your juice as you see Emmy walk in.
  309. >She looks at you, smiling.
  310. "Ah Anon, wonderful news!" she said, easing over "There just so happens to be an office not too far from your class."
  311. 'Awesome Emmy, thats perfect!'
  312. >Miss Mare smiled "Alright then, why don't I take you the-"
  313. >She was interrupted by a loud slam as the door to the teachers lounge was open rather abruptly by one Miss Chrysalis.
  314. >She looked like a mess, definitly having seen better days as she looked around the room, her eyes fixated on you.
  315. "Chrissy..." Emmy began "What happened to you?"
  316. >She stared at you for a moment, her expression emotionless before looking at Emmy.
  317. "I had a bit of a spill last night Emmy when I spoke with Mr. Anonymous, he was so...kind... enough to help me afterwards."
  318. "oh...?" Emmy said looking at you with confusion as you sigh.
  319. "She had asked me to see her after school adjured, so I did.'
  321. >Emmy looked between you, oblivious to the occassional angst stares by Crissy to you as you sigh.
  322. "Well, that's good to hear, I am glad you're doing your best to make good connections Anon, but Crissy, you're rarely this late, and you look an absolute mess."
  323. >She huffed, glaring at you "I had a rough night afterwards, nothing a little breakfast won't cure."
  324. >Stepping into the lounge, she walks over to you to.
  325. >You can't see any sort of injury to her, she looked rather well to be honest, but her hair was a mess and she looked tired as fuck.
  326. >Her expression was fixated on you as Emmy smiled.
  327. "Well, I was just taking Anon to his office, perhaps late you can drop by and see him?"
  328. >Chrysalils turned to emmy with a rather uneasy mile.
  329. "I think I might just do that."
  330. >She gave you a look with a coy grin "perhaps we can continue were we left off then... yes?"
  331. >You just stare at her blankly before she eased away, giving you a "I'm watching you" look before you turn to Emmy who just smiles.
  332. >Despite her sweetness, she didn't get the whole angst between you, and Crissy could hide it exceptionally well.
  333. "Alright then Anon, lets take you to your office.
  334. --
  335. >You weren't sure what Emmy meant by 'close', but the fact you had to climb stairs to get to your office on the second floor seemed almost inconvenient as she led you to your work room.
  336. >It was a floor above your class, with a stairwell just outside the door.
  337. >it worked, but damn, you hated stairs.
  338. "This is as close as I could find anon." She said, opening the door to the one desk office.
  339. >It had a nice view of the school yard as you look at the small space.
  340. "If you need anything, just ask."
  341. 'Can I get a TV?'
  342. >Emmy stared blankly at you.
  343. "A TV?"
  344. 'Yes... for uh... a team building exercise.'
  345. >She eyed your box for a moment and then sighed.
  346. "I'll go see if the recording room has a spare..."
  347. >Emmy stepped out as you began to unpack your box.
  348. >Aside from the obvious, you brought a few writing untelnisl and a sketch book >Better place than ever to actually try something creative as you check the desks drawers.
  349. >like before, they were empty, but you weren't willing to have another surprise letter as you unpack the gray case and duffel bag of games, putting them to the side as you start lining the shelves with the manga series you brought.
  350. >you hear the stepping of heels as you feel a presence at the door.
  351. 'Back so soon em-' you pause, turning to see Chrysalis at the door, standing rather...alluringly before you.
  352. "Well Hello again... Mister Anonymous..."
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