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Dec 22nd, 2014
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  1. Hey. I've been having trouble in LoL recently and I wanted to ask you all for help. I know how to play all roles, with mid, jungler and adc being my best. My support usually isn't bad but recently it's fallen off. I'm not sure about my top because I haven't had to play it yet in a while. Almost all the time I'll win lane. And I usually get a lot of successful ganks on the enemy team, but I still won't win games (as both mid and jungler). I'll try to play for objectives like towers and dragons/barons but my team won't help. I'll try to take objectives myself if I think I have a chance but I usually I won't get anything. I ping a lot for objectives, when to push, when to disengage, when I'm ganking etc and I use team chat to try and tell my team to do baron or something. But they'll prefer to chance 2 people and waste 3 death timers and not get anything out of it which actually resulted in a lost game. I'm really unsure how I can close games out when I win lane. I've tried team fighting but team fights will go horribly and I'll only be able to do so much. Splitting will force a lot of them to the lane I'm in, which I'm cool with, but I still won't get objectives. My team won't also use that pressure I applied to take free objectives. I also have no idea how to build against 3 fed enemies. I'll try to priotise for the worst ability or champ etc but I'm still kinda new to it all. Just dropped to silver 5 45 LP after being silver 4 60 LP peaking silver 3 but not progressing further due to exams.
  3. Please, I try so hard to not be bad, but I think the universe wants me to be bad. I don't wanna be bad anymore.
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