
There was definitely more than one bed

Jul 23rd, 2022 (edited)
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On the one hand, objectively speaking, the flu was not a huge deal. Having one's life threatened on a regular basis was an excellent way to gain perspective about such things. On the other hand, it was still miserable.

Then of course there was the matter that monsters couldn't catch human diseases, which meant that in local epidemics, two of the most powerful monster wizards in the world were unfortunately left with the position of nursemaid.

Asgore knocked gently on the door to the room where Roy and Shane were both suffering - ostensibly to make taking care of them easier, but probably actually because the two brothers wanted to have each other nearby for comfort.

"It's -" Roy tried to say, before being interrupted by a coughing fit. "Unlocked."

"Howdy," Asgore said, entering. "How are you feeling?"

Shane unsuccessfully cleared his throat, and sniffled. "I haven't felt this awful in years."

Gaster was the second one in, extra hands carrying a large basket as he closed the door behind them. "We brought a few things."

Both Shane and Roy smiled weakly from the bed. "Hopefully this isn't business," Roy said, before blowing his nose in an intensely undignified manner.

"We thought you could use some tea. Do you need help sitting up?" Asgore offered his paws, and the two Goldburn brothers allowed themselves to be propped up on extra pillows, give or take some coughing, sniffling, and muttered "thank you"s from ragged throats.

Once they were sufficiently upright, Asgore passed them both large cups of tea.

Roy tasted it and made a face. "Is it supposed to be bitter?"

Gaster looked at the teapot. "I did some research. These herbs likely have medicinal effects. Probably not all of them, but there has to be something in there that will help."

Shane drank slowly but without complaint. Roy was more reluctant.

Asgore held up a small jar. "Do you want more honey in it?"

Roy tried to hand back his cup but ended up seized by another coughing fit, barely able to press it into Asgore's hands before doubling over and whimpering.

Shane mussed Roy's hair, smiling. "You sound awful."

Roy's voice was hardly a croak at this point. "Shut up."

"Here you go," Asgore said, handing Roy the cup again. This time Roy managed to actually sip from it, and leaned back on the pillows with a sigh of relief as it hit his throat.

"I also brought more handkerchiefs," Gaster said; he had been picking up the ones that were haphazardly strewn about the vicinity of the bed. "Which it appears that you sorely need."

As soon as the stack of fresh handkerchiefs was given to them, Shane immediately took one and blew his nose into it. "Thanks."

"You are still both feverish, correct?" Gaster asked.

As if to punctuate the point, Roy shivered and clutched the blanket closer. "Yes."

"Fatigue? Pain?"

"Somehow worse than that one time I ran halfway across the continent," Shane said. "Even before I consider the sore throat."

"Anything else you want to report?"

"Can't sleep. Coughing too much." Roy looked forlorn.

"Right, I'll see if I can modify the blend."

"Meanwhile, let's get you two lying back down," Asgore said. "Okay?"

After nods, Asgore carefully removed pillows and gently lowered each of the Goldburns back to the bed.

Roy curled up into a ball and squeezed his eyes shut. Shane said, "What would we do without you?"

"Suffer more, probably," Gaster said in total earnestness.

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