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Mar 22nd, 2016
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  1. 1.I haven't played football since I broke my leg
  2. 2.Tom has played football when he were at school
  3. 3.We haven't seen them for ages ! Where they were ?
  4. 4.I just heard that Emily is in spain. Oh, don't you know she left our town at the end of July ? I have received a letter from her the other day.
  5. 5.My brother hasn't started work yet. He's still at the University. How long he was at the University? He has been there for threeyears ; before that he spent four years at the high school.
  6. 6.You ever ate snails ? No, I never have eaten snails and, if I were you, I should not eat them either.
  7. 7.When George came into the room, Lucy has sat in an armchair in a corner of the room. George haven't seen Lucy and he went to the bookcase and chose a book. Then, Lucy coughed and George turned round and said: Excuse me, I haven't seen you.
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