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Nov 19th, 2012
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  735. string(1) "1"
  736. ["min_sale_qty"]=>
  737. string(6) "1.0000"
  738. ["use_config_min_sale_qty"]=>
  739. string(1) "1"
  740. ["max_sale_qty"]=>
  741. string(6) "0.0000"
  742. ["use_config_max_sale_qty"]=>
  743. string(1) "1"
  744. ["is_in_stock"]=>
  745. string(1) "1"
  746. ["low_stock_date"]=>
  747. NULL
  748. ["notify_stock_qty"]=>
  749. NULL
  750. ["use_config_notify_stock_qty"]=>
  751. string(1) "1"
  752. ["manage_stock"]=>
  753. string(1) "0"
  754. ["use_config_manage_stock"]=>
  755. string(1) "1"
  756. ["stock_status_changed_auto"]=>
  757. string(1) "0"
  758. ["use_config_qty_increments"]=>
  759. string(1) "1"
  760. ["qty_increments"]=>
  761. string(6) "0.0000"
  762. ["use_config_enable_qty_inc"]=>
  763. string(1) "1"
  764. ["enable_qty_increments"]=>
  765. string(1) "0"
  766. ["is_decimal_divided"]=>
  767. string(1) "0"
  768. ["type_id"]=>
  769. string(6) "simple"
  770. ["stock_status_changed_automatically"]=>
  771. string(1) "0"
  772. ["use_config_enable_qty_increments"]=>
  773. string(1) "1"
  774. ["product_name"]=>
  775. string(20) "SOUFFLETS DE FOURCHE"
  776. ["store_id"]=>
  777. string(1) "1"
  778. ["product_type_id"]=>
  779. string(6) "simple"
  780. ["product_status_changed"]=>
  781. bool(true)
  782. ["product_changed_websites"]=>
  783. NULL
  784. }
  785. ["_hasDataChanges":protected]=>
  786. bool(true)
  787. ["_origData":protected]=>
  788. array(28) {
  789. ["item_id"]=>
  790. string(3) "151"
  791. ["product_id"]=>
  792. string(3) "151"
  793. ["stock_id"]=>
  794. string(1) "1"
  795. ["qty"]=>
  796. string(7) "50.0000"
  797. ["min_qty"]=>
  798. string(6) "0.0000"
  799. ["use_config_min_qty"]=>
  800. string(1) "1"
  801. ["is_qty_decimal"]=>
  802. string(1) "0"
  803. ["backorders"]=>
  804. string(1) "0"
  805. ["use_config_backorders"]=>
  806. string(1) "1"
  807. ["min_sale_qty"]=>
  808. string(6) "1.0000"
  809. ["use_config_min_sale_qty"]=>
  810. string(1) "1"
  811. ["max_sale_qty"]=>
  812. string(6) "0.0000"
  813. ["use_config_max_sale_qty"]=>
  814. string(1) "1"
  815. ["is_in_stock"]=>
  816. string(1) "1"
  817. ["low_stock_date"]=>
  818. NULL
  819. ["notify_stock_qty"]=>
  820. NULL
  821. ["use_config_notify_stock_qty"]=>
  822. string(1) "1"
  823. ["manage_stock"]=>
  824. string(1) "0"
  825. ["use_config_manage_stock"]=>
  826. string(1) "1"
  827. ["stock_status_changed_auto"]=>
  828. string(1) "0"
  829. ["use_config_qty_increments"]=>
  830. string(1) "1"
  831. ["qty_increments"]=>
  832. string(6) "0.0000"
  833. ["use_config_enable_qty_inc"]=>
  834. string(1) "1"
  835. ["enable_qty_increments"]=>
  836. string(1) "0"
  837. ["is_decimal_divided"]=>
  838. string(1) "0"
  839. ["type_id"]=>
  840. string(6) "simple"
  841. ["stock_status_changed_automatically"]=>
  842. string(1) "0"
  843. ["use_config_enable_qty_increments"]=>
  844. string(1) "1"
  845. }
  846. ["_idFieldName":protected]=>
  847. string(7) "item_id"
  848. ["_isDeleted":protected]=>
  849. bool(false)
  850. ["_oldFieldsMap":protected]=>
  851. array(2) {
  852. ["stock_status_changed_automatically"]=>
  853. string(25) "stock_status_changed_auto"
  854. ["use_config_enable_qty_increments"]=>
  855. string(25) "use_config_enable_qty_inc"
  856. }
  857. ["_syncFieldsMap":protected]=>
  858. array(4) {
  859. ["stock_status_changed_automatically"]=>
  860. string(25) "stock_status_changed_auto"
  861. ["use_config_enable_qty_increments"]=>
  862. string(25) "use_config_enable_qty_inc"
  863. ["stock_status_changed_auto"]=>
  864. string(34) "stock_status_changed_automatically"
  865. ["use_config_enable_qty_inc"]=>
  866. string(32) "use_config_enable_qty_increments"
  867. }
  868. }
  869. ["is_in_stock"]=>
  870. string(1) "1"
  871. ["is_salable"]=>
  872. string(1) "1"
  873. }
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