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a guest
Jul 24th, 2012
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  1. >>> orbital ~/repos/git-working-copy $ git show
  2. commit 008329b84aac09acc87a7be19d648c4aa955f29d
  3. Author: epriestley <>
  4. Date: Tue Jul 24 11:03:03 2012 -0700
  6. Auditors: turtle
  8. diff --git a/README b/README
  9. index 3d1fe69..8f44286 100644
  10. --- a/README
  11. +++ b/README
  12. @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
  13. quack
  14. quack
  15. +quack
  16. >>> orbital ~/repos/git-working-copy $ git push
  17. Counting objects: 5, done.
  18. Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
  19. Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
  20. Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 263 bytes, done.
  21. Total 3 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
  22. Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done.
  23. To file:///INSECURE/repos/git-root
  24. b777173..008329b master -> master
  25. >>> orbital ~/repos/git-working-copy $ ~/devtools/phabricator/bin/repository pull GTEST
  26. Pulling 'GTEST'...
  27. Done.
  28. >>> orbital ~/repos/git-working-copy $ ~/devtools/phabricator/bin/repository discover GTEST
  29. Discovering 'GTEST'...
  30. Done.
  31. >>> orbital ~/repos/git-working-copy $ ~/devtools/phabricator/scripts/
  32. aphront/ celerity_mapper.php daemon/ drydock/ install/ repository/ setup/ symbols/ util/
  33. calendar/ conduit/ differential/ fpm/ mail/ search/ sql/ user/
  34. >>> orbital ~/repos/git-working-copy $ ~/devtools/phabricator/scripts/repository/reparse.php --message rGTEST008329b84aac09acc87a7be19d648c4aa955f29d
  35. Running 'PhabricatorRepositoryGitCommitMessageParserWorker'...
  37. Done.
  38. >>> orbital ~/repos/git-working-copy $ ~/devtools/phabricator/scripts/repository/reparse.php --herald rGTEST008329b84aac09acc87a7be19d648c4aa955f29d --trace
  39. >>> [0] <connect>
  40. <<< [0] <connect> 1,320 us
  41. >>> [1] <query> SELECT * FROM `repository` WHERE callsign = 'GTEST'
  42. <<< [1] <query> 364 us
  43. >>> [2] <query> SELECT * FROM `repository_commit` WHERE repositoryID = 7 AND commitIdentifier = '008329b84aac09acc87a7be19d648c4aa955f29d'
  44. <<< [2] <query> 246 us
  45. Running 'PhabricatorRepositoryCommitHeraldWorker'...
  46. >>> [3] <query> SELECT * FROM `repository_commit` WHERE `id` = 21884
  47. <<< [3] <query> 358 us
  48. >>> [4] <query> SELECT * FROM `repository` WHERE `id` = 7
  49. <<< [4] <query> 193 us
  50. >>> [5] <query> SELECT * FROM `repository_commitdata` WHERE commitID = 21884
  51. <<< [5] <query> 349 us
  52. >>> [6] <connect>
  53. <<< [6] <connect> 938 us
  54. >>> [7] <query> SELECT * FROM `herald_rule` WHERE contentType = 'commit'
  55. <<< [7] <query> 4,511 us
  56. >>> [8] <query> SELECT * FROM `herald_condition` WHERE ruleID in (1)
  57. <<< [8] <query> 833 us
  58. >>> [9] <query> SELECT * FROM `herald_action` WHERE ruleID in (1)
  59. <<< [9] <query> 1,478 us
  60. >>> [10] <query> SELECT * FROM `herald_ruleapplied` WHERE phid = 'PHID-CMIT-weohuyhaeomjsvxwkf2n'
  61. <<< [10] <query> 245 us
  62. >>> [11] <connect>
  63. <<< [11] <connect> 716 us
  64. >>> [12] <query> SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE (username IN ('turtle'))
  65. <<< [12] <query> 506 us
  66. >>> [13] <query> SELECT * FROM `repository_auditrequest` WHERE commitPHID = 'PHID-CMIT-weohuyhaeomjsvxwkf2n'
  67. <<< [13] <query> 380 us
  68. >>> [14] <connect>
  69. <<< [14] <connect> 678 us
  70. >>> [15] <query> INSERT INTO `repository_auditrequest` (`auditorPHID`, `commitPHID`, `auditReasons`, `auditStatus`) VALUES ('PHID-USER-ly3pvrtdkw7lbgs72jvr', 'PHID-CMIT-weohuyhaeomjsvxwkf2n', '[\"Requested by Author\"]', 'requested')
  71. <<< [15] <query> 597 us
  72. >>> [16] <query> UPDATE `repository_commit` SET `repositoryID` = '7', `phid` = 'PHID-CMIT-weohuyhaeomjsvxwkf2n', `commitIdentifier` = '008329b84aac09acc87a7be19d648c4aa955f29d', `epoch` = '1343152983', `mailKey` = 'jydey57uh2sg4coyger6', `authorPHID` = NULL, `auditStatus` = '0', `id` = '21884' WHERE `id` = '21884'
  73. <<< [16] <query> 615 us
  74. >>> [17] <connect>
  75. <<< [17] <connect> 885 us
  76. >>> [18] <query> INSERT INTO `feed_storydata` (`phid`, `storyType`, `storyData`, `authorPHID`, `chronologicalKey`, `dateCreated`, `dateModified`) VALUES ('PHID-STRY-b3udfii5ft67nlc2f5sd', 'PhabricatorFeedStoryCommit', '{\"commitPHID\":\"PHID-CMIT-weohuyhaeomjsvxwkf2n\",\"summary\":\"Auditors: turtle\",\"authorName\":\"epriestley <>\",\"authorPHID\":null,\"committerName\":null,\"committerPHID\":null}', '', '5768798137212768991', '1343153043', '1343153043')
  77. <<< [18] <query> 1,052 us
  78. >>> [19] <http>
  79. <<< [19] <http> 2,400 us
  80. >>> [20] <connect>
  81. <<< [20] <connect> 797 us
  82. >>> [21] <query> INSERT INTO `herald_transcript` (`phid`, `objectTranscript`, `ruleTranscripts`, `conditionTranscripts`, `applyTranscripts`, `time`, `host`, `duration`, `objectPHID`, `dryRun`) VALUES ('PHID-HLXS-ykwnldgxfwovdgh3x3rz', 'O:22:\"HeraldObjectTranscript\":4:{s:7:\"\0*\0phid\";s:30:\"PHID-CMIT-weohuyhaeomjsvxwkf2n\";s:7:\"\0*\0type\";s:6:\"commit\";s:7:\"\0*\0name\";s:46:\"rGTEST008329b84aac09acc87a7be19d648c4aa955f29d\";s:9:\"\0*\0fields\";a:1:{s:4:\"body\";s:19:\"Auditors: turtle\n\n\n\";}}', 'a:1:{i:1;O:20:\"H
  83. <<< [21] <query> 2,347 us
  84. >>> [22] <query> SELECT * FROM `repository_commit` WHERE phid in ('PHID-CMIT-weohuyhaeomjsvxwkf2n')
  85. <<< [22] <query> 335 us
  86. >>> [23] <query> SELECT * FROM `repository` WHERE id in (7)
  87. <<< [23] <query> 267 us
  88. >>> [24] <exec> $ (cd '/INSECURE/repos/daemon2-GTEST-2' && git cat-file --batch)
  89. <<< [24] <exec> 5,681 us
  90. >>> [25] <query> SELECT * FROM `repository_commit` WHERE repositoryID = 7 AND commitIdentifier = '008329b84aac09acc87a7be19d648c4aa955f29d'
  91. <<< [25] <query> 889 us
  92. >>> [26] <query> SELECT c.*, p.path pathName, t.path targetPathName,
  93. i.commitIdentifier targetCommitIdentifier
  94. FROM `repository_pathchange` c
  95. LEFT JOIN `repository_path` p ON c.pathID =
  96. LEFT JOIN `repository_path` t ON c.targetPathID =
  97. LEFT JOIN `repository_commit` i ON c.targetCommitID =
  98. WHERE c.commitID = 21884 AND isDirect = 1
  99. <<< [26] <query> 535 us
  100. >>> [27] <exec> $ (cd '/INSECURE/repos/daemon2-GTEST-2' && git cat-file --batch)
  101. <<< [27] <exec> 4,900 us
  102. >>> [28] <exec> $ (cd '/INSECURE/repos/daemon2-GTEST-2' && git diff -M -C --no-ext-diff --no-color --src-prefix=a/ --dst-prefix=b/ -U3 '008329b84aac09acc87a7be19d648c4aa955f29d'^ '008329b84aac09acc87a7be19d648c4aa955f29d' -- '.')
  103. <<< [28] <exec> 5,525 us
  104. >>> [29] <query> SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE phid IN ('PHID-USER-ly3pvrtdkw7lbgs72jvr')
  105. <<< [29] <query> 495 us
  106. >>> [30] <query> SELECT * FROM `user_status` WHERE userPHID IN ('PHID-USER-ly3pvrtdkw7lbgs72jvr') AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP() BETWEEN dateFrom AND dateTo
  107. <<< [30] <query> 455 us
  108. >>> [31] <query> SELECT * FROM `user_email` WHERE userPHID IN ('PHID-USER-ly3pvrtdkw7lbgs72jvr') AND isPrimary = 1
  109. <<< [31] <query> 567 us
  110. >>> [32] <query> SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE phid IN ('PHID-USER-ly3pvrtdkw7lbgs72jvr')
  111. <<< [32] <query> 288 us
  112. >>> [33] <query> SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE phid = 'PHID-USER-ly3pvrtdkw7lbgs72jvr'
  113. <<< [33] <query> 308 us
  114. >>> [34] <query> SELECT * FROM `user_preferences` WHERE userPHID = 'PHID-USER-ly3pvrtdkw7lbgs72jvr'
  115. <<< [34] <query> 195 us
  116. >>> [35] <http>
  117. <<< [35] <http> 481,879 us
  118. >>> [36] <connect>
  119. <<< [36] <connect> 1,023 us
  120. >>> [37] <query> INSERT INTO `metamta_mail` (`parameters`, `status`, `message`, `retryCount`, `nextRetry`, `relatedPHID`, `dateCreated`, `dateModified`) VALUES ('{\"attachments\":[{}],\"subject\":\"rGTEST008329b84aac: Auditors: turtle\",\"subject-prefix\":\"[local\\/Diffusion]\",\"vary-subject-prefix\":\"[Commit]\",\"body\":\"Auditors: turtle\\n\\nDETAILS\\n http:\\/\\/\\/rGTEST008329b84aac09acc87a7be19d648c4aa955f29d\\n\\nDIFFERENTIAL REVISION\\n No revision.\\n\\nAFFECTED FILES\\n\\n\\nPATCH\\n\\nd
  121. <<< [37] <query> 3,962 us
  122. >>> [38] <connect>
  123. <<< [38] <connect> 914 us
  124. >>> [39] <query> INSERT INTO `worker_taskdata` (`data`) VALUES ('189')
  125. <<< [39] <query> 501 us
  126. >>> [40] <query> INSERT INTO `worker_task` (`taskClass`, `leaseOwner`, `leaseExpires`, `failureCount`, `dataID`) VALUES ('PhabricatorMetaMTAWorker', NULL, NULL, '0', '478')
  127. <<< [40] <query> 753 us
  128. >>> [41] <query> UPDATE `metamta_mail` SET `parameters` = '{\"attachments\":[{}],\"subject\":\"rGTEST008329b84aac: Auditors: turtle\",\"subject-prefix\":\"[local\\/Diffusion]\",\"vary-subject-prefix\":\"[Commit]\",\"body\":\"Auditors: turtle\\n\\nDETAILS\\n http:\\/\\/\\/rGTEST008329b84aac09acc87a7be19d648c4aa955f29d\\n\\nDIFFERENTIAL REVISION\\n No revision.\\n\\nAFFECTED FILES\\n\\n\\nPATCH\\n\\ndiff --git a\\/README b\\/README\\nindex 3d1fe69..8f44286 100644\\n--- a\\/README\\n+++ b\\/README\\n@@
  129. <<< [41] <query> 1,363 us
  131. Done.
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