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aredna mayan date conversion bonus 1

a guest
Jan 17th, 2013
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  1. declare @i varchar(999) = '3 1 1 1970 20 7 1988 12 12 2012';
  3. ;with parseinput as
  4. (
  5. select n = cast(substring(@i,1,charindex(' ',@i)-1) as int)*3,
  6. i = cast(substring(@i,charindex(' ',@i)+1,999)+' ' as varchar(100)),
  7. x = 0,
  8. t = 'x'
  9. union all
  10. select n = n-1,
  11. i = cast(substring(i,charindex(' ',i)+1,999) as varchar(100)),
  12. x = cast(substring(i,1,charindex(' ',i)-1) as int),
  13. t = case n%3 when 0 then 'd' when 2 then 'm' else 'y' end
  14. from parseinput
  15. where n > 0
  16. )
  17. ,pivotdates as
  18. (
  19. select n = n/3,
  20. d = max(case when t = 'd' then x else 0 end),
  21. m = max(case when t = 'm' then x else 0 end),
  22. y = max(case when t = 'y' then x else 0 end)
  23. from parseinput
  24. where t <> 'x'
  25. group by n/3
  26. )
  27. ,leapyears as
  28. (
  29. select 1972 as yr
  30. union all
  31. select yr+case when (yr+4) % 100 = 0 and (yr+4) % 400 <> 0 then 8 else 4 end
  32. from leapyears
  33. where yr < 100000
  34. )
  35. ,datediffs as
  36. (
  37. select n,
  38. midx = 1856304
  39. + (y-1970)*365
  40. + case m when 1 then 0 when 5 then 120 when 9 then 243
  41. when 2 then 31 when 6 then 151 when 10 then 273
  42. when 3 then 59 when 7 then 181 when 11 then 304
  43. when 4 then 90 when 8 then 212 when 12 then 334
  44. end
  45. + (d)
  46. + ( select count(*) from leapyears where yr<y or (yr=y and m>2) )
  47. from pivotdates
  48. )
  49. ,convertmayan as
  50. (
  51. select n,
  52. baktun = cast(midx/20/20/18/20 as varchar(9)),
  53. katun = cast(midx/20/18/20 % 20 as varchar(9)),
  54. tun = cast(midx/20/18 % 20 as varchar(9)),
  55. winal = cast(midx/20 % 18 as varchar(9)),
  56. kin = cast(midx % 20 as varchar(9))
  57. from datediffs
  58. )
  59. select baktun+'.'+katun+'.'+tun+'.'+winal+'.'+kin
  60. from convertmayan
  61. order by n desc
  62. option (maxrecursion 32000)
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