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a guest
May 8th, 2011
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  1. TXT
  2. entityType "Ability"
  3. buffInstantActionType "ApplyBuffToSelf"
  4. instantActionTriggerType "AlwaysPerform"
  5. buffType "BuffEscapeTEC"
  6. effectInfo
  7. effectAttachInfo
  8. attachType "Invalid"
  9. smallEffectName ""
  10. largeEffectName ""
  11. soundID ""
  12. needsToFaceTarget FALSE
  13. canCollideWithTarget TRUE
  14. moveThruTarget FALSE
  15. isUltimateAbility FALSE
  16. maxNumLevels 1
  17. levelSourceType "FixedLevel0"
  18. aiUseTime "OnlyWhenAboutToDie"
  19. aiUseTargetCondition "Any"
  20. isAutoCastAvailable TRUE
  21. isAutoCastOnByDefault TRUE
  22. pickRandomPlanetToExploreForAutoCastTarget FALSE
  23. ignoreNonCombatShipsForAutoCastTarget TRUE
  24. onlyAutoCastWhenDamageTakenExceedsPerc 95.000000
  25. useCostType "None"
  26. cooldownTime
  27. Level:0 60.000000
  28. Level:1 0.000000
  29. Level:2 0.000000
  30. orderAcknowledgementType "ONGENERALORDERISSUED"
  31. researchPrerequisites
  32. NumResearchPrerequisites 0
  33. nameStringID ""
  34. descStringID ""
  35. hudIcon ""
  36. smallHudIcon ""
  37. infoCardIcon ""
  39. TXT
  40. entityType "Buff"
  41. onReapplyDuplicateType "PrioritizeNewBuffs"
  42. buffStackingLimitType "ForAllPlayers"
  43. stackingLimit 1
  44. allowFirstSpawnerToStack FALSE
  45. buffExclusivityForAIType "ExclusiveForAllPlayers"
  46. isInterruptable FALSE
  47. isChannelling FALSE
  48. numInstantActions 2
  49. instantAction
  50. buffInstantActionType "MakeDead"
  51. instantActionTriggerType "OnDelay"
  52. delayTime 3.000000
  53. instantAction
  54. buffInstantActionType "SpawnShipsAtPlanet"
  55. instantActionTriggerType "OnOwnerDeath"
  56. spawnShipsLevelCount 1
  57. spawnShips
  58. minFleetPoints 1.000000
  59. maxFleetPoints 1.000000
  60. requiredShipCount 1
  61. requiredShip
  62. type "FrigateTechEscapePod"
  63. minCount 1
  64. maxCount 1
  65. randomShipCount 0
  66. spawnShipsArrivalDelayTime 3.000000
  67. spawnShipsHyperspaceSpawnType "FleetBeacon"
  68. numPeriodicActions 0
  69. numOverTimeActions 0
  70. numEntityModifiers 0
  71. numEntityBoolModifiers 0
  72. numFinishConditions 0
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