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Essentials Permissions

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Feb 15th, 2012
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  1. Teleporting:
  2. essentials.back Allow access to the /back command.
  3. essentials.back.ondeath Give this permission to allow players to use /back to go to their death spot
  4. essentials.delwarp Allow access to the /delwarp command.
  5. essentials.home Allow access to the /home command.
  6. essentials.home.others Allows you to teleport to homes of other players
  7. essentials.jump Allow access to the /jump command.
  8. essentials.sethome Allow access to the /sethome command.
  9. essentials.sethome.others Allows you to change another users home location.
  10. essentials.sethome.multiple Allows player to have multiple homes, or create named homes. Required for 2+ homes.
  11. essentials.sethome.multiple.unlimited Removes the cap on the number of homes people are allowed (if they have multiple homes).
  12. essentials.sethome.multiple.[set] Raise the multiple home limit to a setting defined in the config file.
  13. essentials.setwarp Allow access to the /setwarp command.
  14. Allow access to the /top command.
  15. Allow access to the /tp command.
  16. essentials.tpohere Allow players to teleport another player.
  17. essentials.tpa Allow access to the /tpa command.
  18. essentials.tpaall Allow access to the /tpaall command.
  19. essentials.tpaccept Allow access to the /tpaccept command.
  20. essentials.tpahere Allow access to the /tpahere command.
  21. essentials.tpdeny Allow access to the /tpdeny command.
  22. essentials.tphere Allow access to the /tphere command.
  23. essentials.tpo Allow access to the /tpo command.
  24. essentials.teleport.hidden Allows teleporting to a hidden player
  25. essentials.tpohere Allow access to the /tpohere command.
  26. essentials.teleport.hidden Allows teleporting a hidden player
  27. essentials.tppos Allow access to the /tppos command.
  28. essentials.tptoggle Allow access to the /tptoggle command.
  29. essentials.teleport.timer.bypass Bypass the teleport delay
  30. essentials.teleport.cooldown.bypass Bypass the teleport cooldown
  31. essentials.teleport.hidden Allows the user to teleport to players who are hidden by another plugin. This permission only affects tpo and tpohere.
  32. essentials.warp Allow access to the /warp command.
  33. essentials.warp.list Specifies whether you can view warp list with /warp
  34. essentials.warp.[warpname] If you have per-warp-permission set to true in the config.yml then you can limit what warps players can use. This also controls what players would see with /warp
  35. essentials.warp.otherplayers Allows warping another player
  36. essentials.warp.* Allows access to all warps
  37. Allow access to the /world command.
  38.<worldname> Allows players access to a specific world.
  40. Various other things:
  41. essentials.protect Allows the protection of rails and signs, otherwise they are not protected.
  42. essentials.protect.admin Allows the destruction of signs and rails.
  43. essentials.protect.alerts Allows a player to recieve protect alerts.
  44. essentials.protect.pvp When prevent PVP is set to true, this allows players to still PVP. Both attacker and defender need to have this permission.
  45. essentials.protect.exemptplacement Allows a player to ignore the block placement blacklist.
  46. essentials.protect.exemptusage Allows a player to ignore the usage blacklist.
  47. essentials.protect.ownerinfo Allows a player to examine protected objects to find their owner.
  48. Player will receive contact damage
  49. essentials.protect.damage.lava Player will receive lava damage
  50. essentials.protect.damage.tnt Player will receive tnt damage
  51. essentials.protect.damage.creeper Player will receive creeper damage
  52. essentials.protect.damage.projectiles Player will receive projectile damage
  53. essentials.protect.damage.fall Player will receive fall damage
  54. essentials.protect.damage.suffocation Player will receive suffocation damage
  55. Player will receive fire damage
  56. essentials.protect.damage.drowning Player will receive drowning damage
  57. essentials.protect.damage.lightning Player will receive lightning damage
  58. essentials.protect.damage.disable Admin override to prevent admins from dying
  59. This allows you to send global messages, used if a chat-raidus is configured.
  60. This allows you to send global qeustions, used if a chat-raidus is configured.
  61. A permission designed for admins, to intercept all local messages (ignoring the chat-radius).
  62. This allows you to color your chat messages using color codes.
  63. Allows you to see the country and city of players.
  64. essentials.geoip.hide Allows you to hide your country and city from people who have permission
  65. essentials.signs.create.mail Controls who can create a mail sign.
  66. essentials.signs.use.mail Controls who can use a mail sign.
  67. Controls who can create a protection sign.
  68. Controls who can use a protection sign. Typically given to everybody.
  69. Used to override any protections. Typically given to mods & admins
  70. Controls who can create free signs.
  71. Controls who can use free signs.
  72. essentials.signs.create.disposal Controls who can create disposal signs.
  73. essentials.signs.use.disposal Controls who can use disposal signs.
  74. essentials.signs.create.heal Controls who can create heal signs.
  75. essentials.signs.use.heal Controls who can use heal signs.
  76. essentials.signs.create.warp Controls who can create warp signs.
  77. essentials.signs.use.warp Controls who can use warp signs.
  78. Controls who can create trade signs.
  79. Controls who can use trade signs.
  80. Controls who can create buy signs.
  81. Controls who can use buy signs.
  82. essentials.signs.create.sell Controls who can create sell signs.
  83. essentials.signs.use.sell Controls who can use sell signs.
  84. essentials.signs.create.balance Controls who can create balance signs.
  85. essentials.signs.use.balance Controls who can use balance signs.
  86. essentials.signs.break.mail Controls who can break a mail sign.
  87. Controls who can break a protection sign. Typically given to everybody.
  88. Controls who can break free signs.
  89. essentials.signs.break.disposal Controls who can break disposal signs.
  90. essentials.signs.break.heal Controls who can break heal signs.
  91. essentials.signs.break.warp Controls who can break warp signs.
  92. Controls who can break trade signs.
  93. Controls who can break buy signs.
  94. essentials.signs.break.sell Controls who can break sell signs.
  95. essentials.signs.break.balance Controls who can break balance signs.
  96. essentials.signs.create.time Controls who can create time signs.
  97. essentials.signs.use.time Controls who can use time signs.
  98. essentials.signs.break.time Controls who can break time signs.
  99. essentials.nocommandcost.[command] Removes the command cost of a given command.
  100. essentials.nocommandcost.all Removes the command cost of all commands.
  101. essentials.joinfullserver Player can join when the server is full.
  102. essentials.protect.exemptbreak Allows a player to ignore the break blacklist.
  103. essentials.protect.entitytarget.bypass Allows a player to be targeted by mobs.
  104. Controls who can create weather signs.
  105. Controls who can use weather signs.
  106. Controls who can break weather signs.
  107. Used to override the creator only protection on trade signs. Typically given to mods & admins
  108. essentials.sleepingignored User isn't required to be sleeping, for time to be reset.
  109. essentials.protect.damage.fireball Player will receive fireball damage
  110. essentials.signs.color This allows you to color your signs using color codes.
  111. essentials.signs.create.spawnmob Controls who can create spawnmob signs.
  112. essentials.signs.use.spawnmob Controls who can use spawnmob signs.
  113. essentials.signs.break.spawnmob Controls who can break spawnmob signs.
  114. Allows people to build when using permission systems which don't support build toggles.
  115. essentials.protect.alerts.notrigger Users with this permission do not trigger protect alerts.
  116. essentials.signs.create.gamemode Controls who can create gamemode signs.
  117. essentials.signs.create.kit Controls who can create kit signs.
  118. essentials.signs.create.enchant Controls who can create enchant signs.
  119. essentials.signs.use.gamemode Controls who can use gamemode signs.
  120. essentials.signs.use.kit Controls who can use kit signs.
  121. essentials.signs.use.enchant Controls who can use enchant signs.
  122. essentials.signs.break.gamemode Controls who can break gamemode signs.
  123. essentials.signs.break.kit Controls who can break kit signs.
  124. essentials.signs.break.enchant Controls who can break enchant signs.
  127. Spawn:
  128. essentials.setspawn Allow access to the /setspawn command.
  129. essentials.spawn Allow access to the /spawn command.
  131. Moderator:
  133. Instructions: Places LIVE TNT near or on the block your crosshair is on.
  134. Permissions:
  135. essentials.antioch Allow access to the /antioch command.
  136. essentials.backup Allow access to the /backup command.
  137. essentials.ban Allow access to the /ban command.
  138. essentials.ban.exempt Prevents a specified group or player from being banned
  139. essentials.ban.notify User sees a notification when a ban is set.
  140. essentials.ban.offline Allows banning of players who are offline. This may allow you to ban exempt players.
  141. essentials.banip Allow access to the /banip command.
  142. essentials.broadcast Allow access to the /broadcast command.
  143. essentials.burn Allow access to the /burn command.
  144. essentials.clearinventory Allow access to the /clearinventory command.
  145. essentials.clearinventory.others Allows you to clear other player's inventory
  146. essentials.deljail Allow access to the /deljail command.
  147. essentials.essentials Allow access to the /essentials command.
  148. essentials.ext Allow access to the /ext command.
  149. essentials.fireball Allow access to the /fireball command.
  150. essentials.gc Allow access to the /gc command.
  151. essentials.invsee Allow access to the /invsee command.
  152. essentials.jails Allow access to the /jails command.
  153. essentials.kick Allow access to the /kick command.
  154. essentials.kick.exempt Prevents a specified group or player from being kicked
  155. essentials.kick.notify User sees a notification when a user is kicked.
  156. essentials.kickall Allow access to the /kickall command.
  157. essentials.kill Allow access to the /kill command.
  158. essentials.kill.force Force player death, even if event is cancelled.
  159. essentials.killall Allows access to the /killall command.
  160. essentials.lightning Allow access to the /lightning command.
  161. essentials.mute Allow access to the /mute command.
  162. essentials.mute.exempt Prevents a specified group or player from being muted
  163. essentials.nuke Allow access to the /nuke command.
  164. Allow access to the /ping command.
  165. essentials.remove Allow access to the /remove command.
  166. essentials.setjail Allow access to the /setjail command.
  167. essentials.socialspy Allow access to the /socialspy command.
  168. essentials.spawnmob Allow access to the /spawnmob command.
  169. essentials.spawnmob.[mob] Allow access to spawn a specific mob
  170. essentials.spawnmob.* Allow the spawning of all mobs
  171. essentials.sudo Allow access to the /sudo command.
  172. essentials.tempban Allow access to the /tempban command.
  173. essentials.tempban.exempt Prevents a specified group or player from being tempbanned
  174. essentials.tempban.offline Allows temp-banning of players who are offline. This may allow you to ban exempt players.
  175. essentials.thunder Allow access to the /thunder command.
  176. essentials.togglejail Allow access to the /togglejail command.
  177. essentials.jail.exempt Prevents a specified group or player from being jailed
  178. essentials.togglejail.offline Allows jailing of players who are offline. This may allow you to jail exempt players.
  179. essentials.unban Allow access to the /unban command.
  180. essentials.unbanip Allow access to the /unbanip command.
  181. Allow access to the /weather command.
  183. GENERAL Commands:
  185. essentials.afk Allow access to the /afk command.
  186. essentials.afk.kickexempt Exempts the user from being auto kicked for AFK
  187. essentials.afk.others Allows you to AFK other players.
  188. essentials.compass Allow access to the /compass command.
  189. essentials.depth Allow access to the /depth command.
  190. essentials.getpos Allow access to the /getpos command.
  191. Allow access to the /help command.
  192.[pluginname] Manually adds the commands from a plugin to this group's /help. Name is all lowercase.
  193. essentials.helpop Allow access to the /helpop command.
  194. essentials.helpop.receive Allows you to see Helpop messages
  195. essentials.ignore Allow access to the /ignore command.
  196. Allow access to the /info command.
  197. essentials.itemdb Allows access to the /itemdb command.
  198. essentials.list Allow access to the /list command.
  199. essentials.list.hidden Show hidden users
  200. essentials.mail Allow access to the /mail command.
  201. essentials.mail.send Send mail
  202. Allow access to the /me command.
  203. essentials.motd User sees MOTD on connect, and can use the command.
  204. essentials.msg Allow access to the /msg command.
  205. essentials.msg.color Allows use of color in private messages.
  206. essentials.near Allow access to the /near command.
  207. essentials.nick Allow access to the /nick command.
  208. essentials.nick.others Gives you permission to give other players a nick name
  209. essentials.nick.color Allows use of color in nick names.
  210. essentials.powertool Allow access to the /powertool command.
  211. essentials.powertool.append Allows adding multiple commands to a single powertool.
  212. essentials.powertooltoggle Allow access to the /powertooltoggle command.
  213. essentials.msg Allow access to the /msg command.
  214. essentials.msg.color Allows use of color in private messages.
  215. essentials.realname Allow access to the /realname command.
  216. essentials.rules Allow access to the /rules command.
  217. essentials.seen Allow access to the /seen command.
  218. essentials.spawner Allow access to the /spawner command.
  219. essentials.spawner.[mob] Allows access to spawn a specific mob
  220. essentials.spawner.* Allows the spawning of all mobs
  221. essentials.suicide Allow access to the /suicide command.
  222. essentials.whois Allow access to the /whois command.
  223. essentials.list.hidden Show hidden users
  226. CHEAT (Admin/Mod):
  228. essentials.bigtree Allow access to the /bigtree command.
  229. essentials.break Allows access to the /break command.
  230. essentials.break.bedrock Allows the breaking of bedrock.
  231. essentials.enchant Allows access to the /enchant command.
  232. essentials.enchant.[enchantmentname] Allows access to each enchantment type.
  233. essentials.feed Allows access to the /feed command.
  234. essentials.feed.others Allows a player to feed another player.
  235. essentials.gamemode Allow access to the /gamemode command.
  236. essentials.gamemode.others Allows you to change the gamemode of other players.
  237. essentials.give Allow access to the /give command.
  238. essentials.itemspawn.exempt Allows spawning of items on the spawn blacklist.
  239. essentials.give.item-all If permission-based-item-spawn: Spawn all items
  240. essentials.give.item-<itemname> If permission-based-item-spawn: Spawn <itemname>
  241. essentials.give.item-[itemid] If permission-based-item-spawn: Spawn [itemid]
  242. essentials.oversizedstacks Allows spawning of stacks above normal max stack size
  243. essentials.god Allow access to the /god command.
  244. essentials.god.others Allows you to god other players
  245. essentials.heal Allow access to the /heal command.
  246. essentials.heal.cooldown.bypass Bypass the heal cooldown
  247. essentials.heal.others Allows healing another player
  248. essentials.item Allow access to the /item command.
  249. essentials.itemspawn.exempt Allows spawning of items on the spawn blacklist.
  250. essentials.itemspawn.item-all If permission-based-item-spawn: Spawn all items.
  251. essentials.itemspawn.item-[itemname] If permission-based-item-spawn: Spawn [itemname]
  252. essentials.itemspawn.item-[itemid] If permission-based-item-spawn: Spawn [itemid]
  253. essentials.oversizedstacks Allows spawning of stacks above normal max stack size
  254. essentials.kit Allow access to the /kit command.
  255. essentials.kit.[kitname] Where [kitname] is the name of an existing kit
  256. essentials.kit.* Allows access to all created kits
  257. essentials.more Allows access to the /more command.
  258. essentials.oversizedstacks Allows spawning of oversized stacks.
  259. essentials.ptime Allow access to the /ptime command.
  260. essentials.ptime.others Allows you to change the time of another online player.
  261. Allow access to the /repair command.
  262. Repair all also repairs equipped armor.
  263. Repairing of enchanted items.
  264. essentials.time Allow access to the /time command.
  265. essentials.time.set User is allowed to change the time of the world.
  266. essentials.tree Allow access to the /tree command.
  267. essentials.unlimited Allow access to the /unlimited command.
  268. essentials.unlimited.item-all Allows the player to recieve an unlimited stack of any item.
  269. essentials.unlimited.item-[itemname] Allows the player to recieve an unlimited stack of [itemname]
  270. essentials.unlimited.item-[itemid] Allows the player to recieve an unlimited stack of [itemid]
  271. essentials.unlimited.item-bucket Allows the player to recieve an unlimited use of empty/lava/water buckets.
  272. essentials.unlimited.others Allows the player to gift/remove another player with an unlimited stack.
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