
example asteroid syntax.

Feb 26th, 2018
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  1. //Example asteroid configuration syntax for Kopernicus.
  2. //written by GregroxMun
  3. //This will not work in-game because I have intentionally left some values blank.
  4. @Kopernicus:FOR[ExampleAsteroids]
  5. {
  6. !Asteroid[Stock]{}
  7. //deletes the near-Kerbin and Dresteroid belts. You don't have to do this.
  8. //You can also edit it with
  9. //@Asteroid[Stock]
  10. //{
  11. // stuff
  12. //}
  13. Asteroid
  14. {
  15. name = MyAsteroids
  16. //Give it a name to separate it from other asteroid belts.
  18. interval = 15
  19. //How often does the game try to spawn asteroids
  21. minUntrackedLifetime = 1
  22. maxUntrackedLifetime = 20
  23. //How long do asteroids last before the tracking station loses them.
  24. probability = 50
  26. spawnGroupMinLimit = 3
  27. spawnGroupMaxLimit = 8
  28. //When the game spawns asteroids, about how many does it spawn?
  30. Size
  31. {
  32. key = 0 0
  33. key = 0.3 0.45
  34. key = 0.7 0.55
  35. key = 1 1
  36. }
  37. //How are the sizes of asteroids distributed?
  38. //How many small ones versus large ones?
  39. //I'm not sure exactly how this works.
  41. Locations
  42. {
  43. //Flyby will put the asteroids on a course which will eventually
  44. //enter the sphere of influence of the planet.
  45. Flyby
  46. {
  47. Body
  48. {
  49. name = MyPlanetFlyby
  50. //name isn't strictly neccesary,
  51. //but it's always nice to name non-unique nodes.
  52. //the numbers below are the default for Kerbin's flyby asteroids.
  54. minDuration = 15
  55. maxDuration = 60
  56. //not sure what these do.
  57. //My guess it's another variation on UntrackedLifetime?
  59. probability = 66
  60. //chance that a new asteroid will be spawned here.
  62. reached = false
  63. //Do you have to actually go to the planet to detect these asteroids?
  65. body = MyPlanet
  66. //they'll fly by a planet with name = MyPlanet
  67. }
  68. Body
  69. {
  70. name = SecondBody
  71. body = MyOtherPlanet
  72. //You can define multiple body nodes.
  73. }
  74. }
  75. Around
  76. {
  77. //Around will spawn asteroids in orbit of the planet.
  78. //Use for Main Asteroid Belts and for diffuse ring systems like Dres'.
  79. Body
  80. {
  81. name = MyPlanetAsteroidRing
  82. body = MyPlanets
  84. probability = 33
  85. //probability of all body nodes between both Around and Flyby should sum to 100.
  86. //This is probably not neccesary.
  88. reached = true
  89. //You do have to actually travel to the planet to see these spawn.
  90. semiMajorAxis
  91. {
  92. minValue =
  93. maxValue =
  94. //semiMajorAxis in meters.
  95. //minValue should equal maxValue if all asteroids share the same period
  96. //for example if they are trojans or co-orbitals.
  97. }
  98. inclination
  99. {
  100. minValue =
  101. maxValue =
  102. //inclination in degrees.
  103. }
  104. eccentricity
  105. {
  106. minValue =
  107. maxValue =
  108. //eccentricity from 0 to 1.
  109. //if you have ecc > 1, you need to have a negative semimajor axis.
  110. //it's just a quirk of hyperbolic orbits.
  111. //so don't mix eccentricities less than and greater than one.
  112. //if you want hyperbolic asteroids with eccentricity > 1
  113. //(like the interstellar interloper 'Oumuamua)
  114. //define them separately from comets with eccentricity < 1.
  115. }
  116. meanAnomalyAtEpoch
  117. {
  118. minValue =
  119. maxValue =
  120. //Mean anomaly in radians from 0 to 2pi (~6.2832)
  121. }
  122. meanAnomalyAtEpochD
  123. {
  124. minValue =
  125. maxValue =
  126. //mean anomaly in degrees
  127. //use this OR meanAnomalyAtEpoch, not both.
  128. //I'm not certain you can use meanAnomalyAtEpochD for asteroids.
  129. //you can for orbits though.
  130. }
  131. longitudeOfAscendingNode
  132. {
  133. minValue =
  134. maxValue =
  135. //L.A.N. in degrees from 0 to 360.
  136. }
  137. argumentOfPeriapsis
  138. {
  139. minValue =
  140. maxValue =
  141. //argument of periapsis in degrees.
  142. }
  143. }
  144. }
  145. }
  146. }
  147. }
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