
Rainbro with no resolution

Mar 17th, 2012
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  1. >Chillin' at home, watching a movie with the Dash.
  2. >Get to a scene that's part of the obligatory love story present in EVERY damn movie.
  3. >It's a little bit could. Shiver slightly.
  4. >Dash puts her wing around you.
  5. >What a goddamn bro, keepin' you warm.
  6. >She's good too, you didn't even have to say anything. She just noticed your micro-shiver and solved the fucking problem.
  7. >You turn to thank her, but she's not looking at you. She seems nervous about something. You don't say anything.
  8. >After the movie, Dash is SUPER nervous.
  9. >For serious, she's stuttering a little.
  10. >"Hey, Anon?"
  11. >"'Sup, broski?"
  12. >"Did you... like the movie?"
  13. >"Yeah. It was pretty good."
  14. >You smile.
  15. >"Your wings are warm."
  16. >She blushes.
  17. >"Are you busy tomorrow?"
  18. >"Nope."
  19. >"That's... good. See, there's this thing tomorrow..."
  20. >"And you need my help?"
  21. >"...kinda. It's... sortof like a dance."
  22. >"I don't follow."
  23. >"I don't have a date lined up for it, and-"
  24. >You think back to all the times ponies have called her a Dyke.
  25. >If they see her with a dude, boom. Problem solved. Piece of cake.
  26. >"Say no more, Dash. You're my bro. I've got your back."
  28. >Next day you meet up with Dash.
  29. >She is really pulling out all the stops here. Putting her goddamn hoof down to destroy those rumors.
  30. >Super feminine. Hair done, fancy dress, even some makeup.
  31. >You do the gun-finger-wink thing.
  32. >"Lookin' good, Dash."
  33. >She blushes. Of course, she's just doing this to prove a point. Yeah she's straight, but she isn't all prissy and it feels weird to be dolled up.
  34. >You decide not to embarass her about it anymore.
  35. >You head into the... whatever the place is. What even IS this function? You're not in fucking school or anything, who holds scheduled dances? Maybe it's a pony thing?
  36. >Speaking of pony, the ponies here sure are noticing you and Dash.
  37. >You're catching a lot of them staring at you two and trying not to get caught.
  38. >Some of them are whispering.
  39. >Mission accomplished, you guess?
  40. >Aw shit, what if now there's a whole new rumor set started about how Dash is into bestiality? Err... reverse bestiality. Whatever.
  41. >You sidle up right next to her and lean in to whisper in her ear.
  42. >She yelps in surprise. Oops.
  43. >"Sorry about that. Hey, so I'm starting to think maybe this wasn't such a good idea."
  44. >Her ears droop and her eyes look a little misty.
  45. >"Just... look around. They're whispering an awful lot. I don't want to ruin your reputation, is all."
  46. >She looks around before returning her gaze to your eyes. She gets a really warm smile.
  47. >"Thanks, Anon. This place is pretty boring anyway. Why don't we go do something more interesting?"
  48. >"Like what, Dash?"
  49. >"I'm sure we can think of something. Let's go to your place and see where the night takes us."
  50. >You grin.
  51. >"Sure."
  53. >You close the door behind you, and Dash is already stretched out on your couch.
  54. >"Isn't that gonna like, wrinkle your dress?"
  55. >"Huh? Oh, yeah, I guess."
  56. >"So take it off."
  57. >She blushes fiercely. You're not sure why. Ponies are naturally naked.
  58. >She strips out of it as quick as she can, but it gets caught on her wings. They're sticking up for some reason.
  59. >"So, it's just you and me, Dash. Whaddaya wanna do?"
  60. >She's still blushing a little, and she stammers when she tries to talk.
  61. >"Well, I thought maybe-"
  62. >Shit you're hungry. You haven't eaten all day.
  63. >Oh yeah! You've got that kickass new pie Pinkie made the other day.
  64. >Shit's super spicy 'cause it's got rainbows in it.
  65. >Real rainbows! In a pie!
  66. >"Sorry to interrupt bro, but I think first I need to take care of something that's been a long time coming. I'm gonna dive face first into sum rainbow pie."
  67. >Dash faints.
  69. >Her eyes flutter open. She's lying with her back to your floor, looking up at you.
  70. >"You okay, Dash?"
  71. >"Oh... uh... yeah. What... what was that last thing you said?"
  72. >Oh, okay then. One of those comical cartoon misunderstandings where they heard something shocking. No big deal.
  73. >"Huh? Oh, I was hungry, and Pinkie made this awesome new pie! You want some?"
  74. >I hold up the pie tin, a little less than half remains.
  75. >She sighs wistfully.
  76. >"Nah, I'm not hungry."
  77. >"Alright. Just lemme know if you need anything. Remember, I've got your back."
  78. >Dash frowns.
  79. >"You sure you're alright?"
  80. >"Well, Anon... there is um..."
  81. >She swallows a lump in her throat. Her wings are on end again.
  82. >"There is something you could do for me."
  83. >"Eh? Anything you need, I'll do what I can. I'm your bro."
  84. >"That's... part of the problem. See, I know there's all sorts of rules about bros. Things that bros should and shouldn't do... and there's a little problem."
  85. >"Okay. Maybe we can make an exception to the rules. I hate to see my bro miss out on something if I can help."
  86. >Man, she's blushing a lot today. What's up with that?
  87. >"I guess there's no point in being delicate about it. There's a hot piece of man, and I want his meat inside me."
  88. >"Hehe, gross. Well y'know, it hasn't been a problem with you before, and we can wiggle you through on a technicality."
  89. >"Really?"
  90. >"Yeah. It was meant to apply to bros chasing hoes and the need for them to consider their bros first. You're man's not a hoe, is he?"
  91. >More blushing. Of course, this is what it's all been about. She doesn't like talking about feelings and junk. True bro.
  92. >"No. He's a total bro."
  94. >"Alright, that's great, but what can I do to help?"
  95. >Dash gets a confused look on her face. Like she has no idea how to answer that. Why would she be asking for your help if she doesn't know what she needs you to do?
  96. >Whatever. A bro asks you to help out, you do what you can to help out.
  97. >"Meet me over on that one hill where we played paintball tomorrow at noon. I'll... try to make this as comfy as possible for you."
  98. >You say your goodnights and Dash walks out your door. She doesn't fly off, instead sticking to the ground.
  99. >What the hell did she do to her wings?
  101. >Next day...
  102. >You wake up pretty early and decide to go for a little walk.
  103. >It proves to be VERY eventful.
  104. >You kept swearing it was never gonna happen. You weren't a goddamn furry.
  105. >But people get lonely, and you've been here a long time...
  106. >One of the mares in town asked you out on a date.
  107. >Fuck it, you only live once. You said yes.
  108. >Now you're on your way to meet Dash, excited to help her get romantically involved as well.
  109. >Shit man, she's such a bro, she totally deserves it.
  110. >Now that your brain has shifted gears, you're actually evaluating the attractiveness of ponies.
  111. >Feelsweirdman.jpg
  112. >Dash is kinda hot. Cool? That probably improves her chances of getting some action.
  113. >"Hey bro, 'sup?"
  114. >She looks up at you.
  115. >"Hey Anon. So... why are you looking at me like that?"
  116. >"Huh? Oh... it's kinda stupid, but just today I um... alright, I'm gonna admit something and I need you to shut up and not laugh at me."
  117. >"Why would I laugh at you?"
  118. >Awkwardly stumble through an explanation of accepting ponies in a whole new way.
  119. >She blushes. Again.
  120. >What is UP with her damn wings?
  122. >"So anyway, what'd you need me to do, Dash?"
  123. >Blush returns in full force, albeit this time with a contented smile underneath.
  124. >"You mean you think I look good?"
  125. >"Well, yeah I guess. What, you lacking in confidence or something?"
  126. >"No... I just... your opinion means a lot to me."
  127. >You smile.
  128. >"Thanks, bro."
  129. >She frowns.
  130. >"Have you ever considered thinking of me as something other than a bro?"
  131. >"What? Don't tell me you're go crazy with political correctness on me. Chicks can be bros. There's no rule against that."
  132. >"That isn't what I-"
  133. >She's interrupted by the arrival of your new love interest. Snuggling up against you.
  134. >"Oh, Dash, this is the pony who finally convinced me to be a furry. I'm sure you two have met?"
  135. >Hitching sobs.
  136. >"I'm-I'm really happy for you, Anon..."
  137. >"Now, who's the lucky stallion we're gonna set you up with?"
  138. >Dash is fighting back tears now. You built her up and knocked her down. Told her you were willing to consider relationships with ponies and totally ignored her. And you didn't even have the decency to realize what you'd done or to apologize to her.
  139. >But she's a bro, and bros don't cry about their problems.
  140. >"I... I gotta go. We'll talk about this some other time."
  141. >She flies off.
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