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Aug 28th, 2014
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  1. Hey Doug, this is Josh Oertel. I'm emailing you to see if there is anything I can do to bump my 89 up to a 90. I've included an attachment to this email of pictures of Michael and mine springs project because I remember reading that a picture of our spring set-up was to be included when we turned in the whole project. So I thought maybe that could increase my project 2 grade from a 14 to a 15, however, I ran the math and that would only bring my overall grade up just slightly but not enough to secure a 90 in the class. I would need a 15 on all three projects to ensure an A in which case my overall grade would be an 89.5 which could potentially round up. Without sounding too pleading or displeased, I was also expecting a little bit of extra credit on the catenary project for deriving the equation in a different manner. I am also willing to readdress the first project seeing as I made a 12/15 on that one. Perhaps the rabbit trail I went down concerning the catenary project could be put towards that first project and improve that grade. I have a feeling that doing so would be enough to boost the 89 to a 90. All that being said, and taking both these matters into consideration, is there any way I can achieve an A in the class? Please let me know soon. I figured there would be no harm in asking.
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