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Nov 13th, 2010
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  1. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC] JSON RPC response: {
  2. "id" : 790,
  3. "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
  4. "result" : {
  5. "System.CurrentControl" : "01. Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise",
  6. "System.CurrentWindow" : ""
  7. }
  8. }
  10. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC] XbmcSystem.GetInfoLabels(System.CurrentWindow, System.CurrentControl)
  11. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC] Calling JSON RPC method "System.GetInfoLabels"...
  12. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC] JSON RPC call: {
  13. "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  14. "method": "System.GetInfoLabels",
  15. "params": [
  16. "System.CurrentWindow",
  17. "System.CurrentControl"
  18. ],
  19. "id": 791
  20. }
  21. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC] JSON RPC Announcement received: {
  22. "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
  23. "method" : "Announcement",
  24. "params" : {
  25. "message" : "PlaybackStarted",
  26. "sender" : "xbmc"
  27. }
  28. }
  30. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC] XbmcPlayer.GetActivePlayers()
  31. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC] Calling JSON RPC method "Player.GetActivePlayers"...
  32. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC] JSON RPC call: {
  33. "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  34. "method": "Player.GetActivePlayers",
  35. "id": 792
  36. }
  37. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC] JSON RPC response: {
  38. "id" : 792,
  39. "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
  40. "result" : {
  41. "audio" : false,
  42. "picture" : false,
  43. "video" : true
  44. }
  45. }
  47. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC Handler] Playback started
  48. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC] XbmcVideoPlayer.GetTime()
  49. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC] Calling JSON RPC method "VideoPlayer.GetTimeMS"...
  50. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC] JSON RPC response: {
  51. "id" : 791,
  52. "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
  53. "result" : {
  54. "System.CurrentControl" : "01. Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise",
  55. "System.CurrentWindow" : ""
  56. }
  57. }
  59. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC] JSON RPC call: {
  60. "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  61. "method": "VideoPlayer.GetTimeMS",
  62. "id": 793
  63. }
  64. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC] JSON RPC response: {
  65. "id" : 793,
  66. "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
  67. "result" : {
  68. "paused" : false,
  69. "playing" : true,
  70. "time" : 1,
  71. "total" : 2662000
  72. }
  73. }
  75. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC Handler] Update
  76. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC Handler] Updating icons
  77. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon SpeakerFrontLeft to False
  78. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon SpeakerCenter to False
  79. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon SpeakerFrontRight to False
  80. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon SpeakerSideLeft to False
  81. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon SpeakerLFE to False
  82. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon SpeakerSideRight to False
  83. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon SpeakerRearLeft to False
  84. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon SpeakerSPDIF to False
  85. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon SpeakerRearRight to False
  86. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon Music to False
  87. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon Movie to False
  88. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon Tv to False
  89. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon Photo to False
  90. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon Webcast to False
  91. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon NewsWeather to False
  92. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon AudioMP3 to False
  93. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon AudioOGG to False
  94. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon AudioWAV to False
  95. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon AudioWMA to False
  96. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon VideoAC3 to False
  97. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon VideoDTS to False
  98. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon VideoMPGAudio to False
  99. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon VideoWMA to False
  100. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon VideoDivX to False
  101. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon VideoXviD to False
  102. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon VideoMPG to False
  103. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon VideoWMV to False
  104. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon AspectRatioTv to False
  105. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon AspectRatioHDTV to False
  106. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [iMON] IMON_Display_SetLcdSpeakerIcon(100000, 100000)
  107. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [iMON] IMON_Display_SetLcdSpeakerIcon(0, 0)
  108. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon SpeakerFrontLeft to True
  109. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon SpeakerFrontRight to True
  110. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [iMON] IMON_Display_SetLcdSpeakerIcon(10000000, 10000000)
  111. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [iMON] IMON_Display_SetLcdSpeakerIcon(10100000, 10100000)
  112. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC Handler] Updating currently playing file
  113. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC] XbmcVideoPlaylist.GetCurrentItem()
  114. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC] Calling JSON RPC method "VideoPlaylist.GetItems"...
  115. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC] JSON RPC call: {
  116. "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  117. "method": "VideoPlaylist.GetItems",
  118. "params": {
  119. "fields": [
  120. "title",
  121. "genre",
  122. "year",
  123. "rating",
  124. "director",
  125. "file",
  126. "trailer",
  127. "tagline",
  128. "plot",
  129. "plotoutline",
  130. "originaltitle",
  131. "lastplayed",
  132. "duration",
  133. "playcount",
  134. "writer",
  135. "studio",
  136. "mpaa",
  137. "movieid"
  138. ]
  139. },
  140. "id": 794
  141. }
  142. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC] JSON RPC response: {
  143. "id" : 794,
  144. "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
  145. "result" : {
  146. "current" : 0,
  147. "end" : 1,
  148. "items" : [
  149. {
  150. "duration" : 2662,
  151. "fanart" : "special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/Video/Fanart/e11a3920.tbn",
  152. "file" : "E:\\Series\\הישרדות\\Survivor.11.Guatemala\\1\\Survivor.S11E01.pdtv.xvid.avi",
  153. "label" : "01. Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise",
  154. "playcount" : 0,
  155. "plot" : "The new castaways are stranded in the unforgiving jungles of Guatemala, left to live inside the Mayan ruins in the new season of Survivor! The tribemates are split up into two tribes automatically and are greeted with a surprise as they approach host Jeff",
  156. "rating" : 0.0,
  157. "studio" : "CBS",
  158. "thumbnail" : "special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/Video/e/auto-e11a3920.tbn",
  159. "title" : "Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise",
  160. "year" : 2005
  161. }
  162. ],
  163. "paused" : false,
  164. "playing" : true,
  165. "start" : 0,
  166. "total" : 1
  167. }
  168. }
  170. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting text to "Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise"
  171. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC] XbmcVideoPlayer.VideoCodec
  172. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] LCD.SetText: Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise
  173. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [iMON] IMON_Display_SetLcdText(Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise)
  174. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC] System.GetInfoLabels(VideoPlayer.VideoCodec)
  175. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC] Calling JSON RPC method "System.GetInfoLabels"...
  176. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC] JSON RPC call: {
  177. "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  178. "method": "System.GetInfoLabels",
  179. "params": [
  180. "VideoPlayer.VideoCodec"
  181. ],
  182. "id": 795
  183. }
  184. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC] JSON RPC response: {
  185. "id" : 795,
  186. "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
  187. "result" : {
  188. "VideoPlayer.VideoCodec" : "xvid"
  189. }
  190. }
  192. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon VideoXviD to True
  193. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [iMON] IMON_Display_SetLcdVideoCodecIcon(100000)
  194. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC] XbmcVideoPlayer.AudioCodec
  195. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC] System.GetInfoLabels(VideoPlayer.AudioCodec)
  196. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC] Calling JSON RPC method "System.GetInfoLabels"...
  197. 13/11/2010 19:58:36 [XBMC] JSON RPC call: {
  198. "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  199. "method": "System.GetInfoLabels",
  200. "params": [
  201. "VideoPlayer.AudioCodec"
  202. ],
  203. "id": 796
  204. }
  205. 13/11/2010 19:58:37 [XBMC] JSON RPC response: {
  206. "id" : 796,
  207. "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
  208. "result" : {
  209. "VideoPlayer.AudioCodec" : "mp3"
  210. }
  211. }
  213. 13/11/2010 19:58:37 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon AudioMP3 to True
  214. 13/11/2010 19:58:37 [iMON] IMON_Display_SetLcdAudioCodecIcon(10000000)
  215. 13/11/2010 19:58:37 [Display Handler] Setting LCD icon Movie to True
  216. 13/11/2010 19:58:37 [iMON] IMON_Display_SetLcdMediaTypeIcon(1000000)
  217. 13/11/2010 19:58:37 [iMON] IMON_Display_SetLcdProgress(1, 2662000)
  218. 13/11/2010 19:58:40 [iMON] Message received: LCDTextScrollDone(0)
  219. 13/11/2010 19:58:41 [Display Handler] Scrolling finished
  220. 13/11/2010 19:58:41 [Display Handler] LCD.SetText: Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise
  221. 13/11/2010 19:58:41 [iMON] IMON_Display_SetLcdText(Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise)
  222. 13/11/2010 19:58:41 [Display Handler] Scrolling finished
  223. 13/11/2010 19:58:41 [Display Handler] LCD.SetText: Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise
  224. 13/11/2010 19:58:41 [iMON] IMON_Display_SetLcdText(Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise)
  225. 13/11/2010 19:58:41 [iMON] IMON_Display_SetLcdProgress(5001, 2662000)
  226. 13/11/2010 19:58:42 [Display Handler] Scrolling finished
  227. 13/11/2010 19:58:42 [Display Handler] LCD.SetText: Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise
  228. 13/11/2010 19:58:42 [iMON] IMON_Display_SetLcdText(Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise)
  229. 13/11/2010 19:58:42 [Display Handler] Scrolling finished
  230. 13/11/2010 19:58:42 [Display Handler] LCD.SetText: Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise
  231. 13/11/2010 19:58:42 [iMON] IMON_Display_SetLcdText(Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise)
  232. 13/11/2010 19:58:43 [Display Handler] Scrolling finished
  233. 13/11/2010 19:58:43 [Display Handler] LCD.SetText: Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise
  234. 13/11/2010 19:58:43 [iMON] IMON_Display_SetLcdText(Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise)
  235. 13/11/2010 19:58:46 [iMON] IMON_Display_SetLcdProgress(10001, 2662000)
  236. 13/11/2010 19:58:46 [iMON] Message received: LCDTextScrollDone(0)
  237. 13/11/2010 19:58:47 [Display Handler] Scrolling finished
  238. 13/11/2010 19:58:47 [Display Handler] LCD.SetText: Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise
  239. 13/11/2010 19:58:47 [iMON] IMON_Display_SetLcdText(Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise)
  240. 13/11/2010 19:58:47 [Display Handler] Scrolling finished
  241. 13/11/2010 19:58:47 [Display Handler] LCD.SetText: Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise
  242. 13/11/2010 19:58:47 [iMON] IMON_Display_SetLcdText(Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise)
  243. 13/11/2010 19:58:48 [Display Handler] Scrolling finished
  244. 13/11/2010 19:58:48 [Display Handler] LCD.SetText: Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise
  245. 13/11/2010 19:58:48 [iMON] IMON_Display_SetLcdText(Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise)
  246. 13/11/2010 19:58:48 [Display Handler] Scrolling finished
  247. 13/11/2010 19:58:48 [Display Handler] LCD.SetText: Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise
  248. 13/11/2010 19:58:48 [iMON] IMON_Display_SetLcdText(Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise)
  249. 13/11/2010 19:58:49 [Display Handler] Scrolling finished
  250. 13/11/2010 19:58:49 [Display Handler] LCD.SetText: Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise
  251. 13/11/2010 19:58:49 [iMON] IMON_Display_SetLcdText(Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise)
  252. 13/11/2010 19:58:50 [XBMC] JSON RPC Announcement received: {
  253. "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
  254. "method" : "Announcement",
  255. "params" : {
  256. "message" : "PlaybackPaused",
  257. "sender" : "xbmc"
  258. }
  259. }
  261. 13/11/2010 19:58:50 [XBMC] XbmcPlayer.GetActivePlayers()
  262. 13/11/2010 19:58:50 [XBMC] Calling JSON RPC method "Player.GetActivePlayers"...
  263. 13/11/2010 19:58:50 [XBMC] JSON RPC call: {
  264. "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  265. "method": "Player.GetActivePlayers",
  266. "id": 797
  267. }
  268. 13/11/2010 19:58:50 [XBMC] JSON RPC response: {
  269. "id" : 797,
  270. "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
  271. "result" : {
  272. "audio" : false,
  273. "picture" : false,
  274. "video" : true
  275. }
  276. }
  278. 13/11/2010 19:58:50 [XBMC] XbmcVideoPlayer.GetTime()
  279. 13/11/2010 19:58:50 [XBMC] Calling JSON RPC method "VideoPlayer.GetTimeMS"...
  280. 13/11/2010 19:58:50 [XBMC] JSON RPC call: {
  281. "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  282. "method": "VideoPlayer.GetTimeMS",
  283. "id": 798
  284. }
  285. 13/11/2010 19:58:50 [XBMC] JSON RPC response: {
  286. "id" : 798,
  287. "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
  288. "result" : {
  289. "paused" : true,
  290. "playing" : true,
  291. "time" : 13121,
  292. "total" : 2662000
  293. }
  294. }
  296. 13/11/2010 19:58:50 [XBMC Handler] Playback paused
  297. 13/11/2010 19:58:50 [iMON] IMON_Display_SetLcdProgress(13121, 2662000)
  298. 13/11/2010 19:58:50 [Display Handler] Setting text to "Pause"
  299. 13/11/2010 19:58:50 [Display Handler] LCD.SetText: Pause
  300. 13/11/2010 19:58:50 [iMON] IMON_Display_SetLcdText(Pause)
  301. 13/11/2010 19:58:51 [XBMC] JSON RPC Announcement received: {
  302. "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
  303. "method" : "Announcement",
  304. "params" : {
  305. "message" : "PlaybackResumed",
  306. "sender" : "xbmc"
  307. }
  308. }
  310. 13/11/2010 19:58:51 [XBMC] XbmcPlayer.GetActivePlayers()
  311. 13/11/2010 19:58:51 [XBMC] Calling JSON RPC method "Player.GetActivePlayers"...
  312. 13/11/2010 19:58:51 [XBMC] JSON RPC call: {
  313. "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  314. "method": "Player.GetActivePlayers",
  315. "id": 799
  316. }
  317. 13/11/2010 19:58:51 [XBMC] JSON RPC response: {
  318. "id" : 799,
  319. "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
  320. "result" : {
  321. "audio" : false,
  322. "picture" : false,
  323. "video" : true
  324. }
  325. }
  327. 13/11/2010 19:58:51 [XBMC] XbmcVideoPlayer.GetTime()
  328. 13/11/2010 19:58:51 [XBMC] Calling JSON RPC method "VideoPlayer.GetTimeMS"...
  329. 13/11/2010 19:58:51 [XBMC] JSON RPC call: {
  330. "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  331. "method": "VideoPlayer.GetTimeMS",
  332. "id": 800
  333. }
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