

Dec 20th, 2013
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  1. >Day fuck gravity in Equestria.
  2. >You are Anonymous, and its been a little over a year since your arrival here.
  3. >But its only been three months since your release from the hospital.
  4. >Your immediate arrival was, to put it simply, near fatal.
  5. >You fell out of the sky, quite literally, into what you would later learn to be the Everfree Forest, hitting pretty much every branch on your way down.
  6. >Which was a stroke of good luck in bad luck, seeing as they slowed your descent instead of the much less considerate ground.
  7. >Well, that's a matter of opinion depending on if you consider a quick and instant death over a slow and agonizing one considerate.
  8. >Finally hitting the ground with a sickening thud and the snap, crackle, pop of several bones and joints, only the immense pain you're in keeps you from screaming out in agony.
  9. >At least it does for a few moments, as your brain soon reboots and remembers how to scream.
  10. >And scream you did. Your throat was probably the only thing that didn't hurt at the time, but you wanted to go one-hundred percent and you screamed till you were hoarse.
  11. >No one ever accused a man in agony of being rational, because if you were, you would have realized screaming in pain while covered in blood in the middle of a forest was essentially the same as ringing a dinner bell.
  12. >And it didn't take long for something to hear it.
  13. >A mighty roar fills the forest just before a huge lion/scorpion hybrid thing appears from the darkness of the trees and bushes, though you barely register it. Unbearable pain tends to have that affect.
  14. >As the creature make its way towards you, your vision darkens as your consciousness fades.
  15. >Whether from pain or blood loss, your mind finally decides its a good time to shutdown, so at least you can escape the misery of being awake for a horrible death.
  16. >Just before blacking out, one last thought comes to mind in a moment of clarity:
  17. "On the whole, I'd rather be in Philadelphia."
  18. >
  19. >
  20. >You eventually come to, the sound of mechanical beeps and someone humming next to you slowly bringing you back to reality.
  21. >Your slowly open your eyes only to shut them instantly, the bright lights overhead beam what might as well be searing hot irons into your eyes, eliciting a moan mixed with annoyance and pain.
  22. >The humming stops, replaced with the sound of someone, no, sounds like two people, getting up and running off yelling for something.
  23. >Oh well, that was certainly exciting. So exciting you think you need a nap.
  24. >
  25. >
  26. >When you come to from your nap, the lights are fortunately dimmed, so things are already going better than last time.
  27. >Even with the low light, it still takes some time for your eyes to adjust and bring everything into to focus.
  28. >Looking around, at least as best you can as your neck is too stiff to turn much, it doesn't take long to come to the conclusion you're in a hospital.
  29. >It also doesn't take long to realize you're also in a body cast, with only your head free save some head bandages. Which makes sense, you're not sure how you ended up falling out of the sky, but you certainly remember the events transpiring afterwards.
  30. >Or at least mostly. You remember some lion/scorpion thing, but that was probably some hallucination set on by your overwhelming agony at the time.
  31. >Pain is a hell of a drug.
  32. >Continuing your look around the room, you spot a white pony with a light pink mane and tail.
  33. >Huh, why would someone leave a stuffed animal like that in your room? You didn't have any family or close friends who would bring you something like. Probably someone on the staff got the room number wrong or something.
  34. >Oh well, you'll point that out to them when they check up on you.
  35. >You look around some more for a call button or something to let them now you're awake, but fail to find one.
  36. >You must be in small hospital if they don't have something like that, maybe your injuries weren't so bad that you needed to be taken to some major hospital.
  37. >You try and shift your limbs to see how bad off you were.
  38. >You receive your answer in the form of "JESUS FUCK!" thundering from your mouth, which only causes the pain to further increase.
  39. >Clearly you were hurt as bad as you thought and your cheap ass insurance didn't cover anything better.
  40. >Thanks Obama!
  41. >Well, that was one way to call for a nurse you guess.
  42. >A gasp and someone jumping awake alerts you that you aren't alone in here.
  43. >You look around for someone, anyone, not knowing how you failed to see them during your first scan of the room since it wasn't that big.
  44. >Your search only brings you face to face with that stuffed pony you saw earlier, mouthing something you fail to hear as your brain begins going into sleep mode to recover from the pain and shock as the door bursts open as several other stuffed ponies come though the door.
  45. >Clearly you hit your head harder than you thought, cause now you are either dreaming or your brain is so fucked up that your vision of people has been replaced with stuffed ponies.
  46. >Could be worse, the entire world could just be blobs of stinking, gurgling meat.
  47. >Just before you black out, your vision is filled with the white pony's face.
  48. >Damn that's cute.
  49. >
  50. >
  51. >When you return to the land of the living once again, at least you're hoping so, the lights are a bit brighter, but at least they don't hurt as much. You guess you haven't been asleep as long as the last two times you woke up.
  52. >The sound of humming draws your attention as you turn you head slightly to see the white pony from before.
  53. >The motion catches her attention, or so you assume it's a she given the tone of her humming.
  54. >She approaches you before introducing herself.
  55. >"It's nice to see you're fully awake. I'm sorry if we we scared you the last time you woke, but you're sudden screaming had us worried you were in trouble. We've never seen or dealt with someone with your anatomy and physiology before, so the staff here have been pretty on edge on how to handle you."
  56. >Never seen someone like you before? So wait, you're not just seeing crazy, and this actually is a pony talking to you?
  57. >Planet of the Apes, or Ponies in this case, up in this bitch. Them bastards blew it all up without you.
  58. >You should probably be freaking out right about now, but the painkillers must be keeping you calm.
  59. >God bless pain killers.
  60. >You start to try to ask her a question, but a stabbing pain in your chest as you take a deeper breath than you have been causes you to instead gasp in a moderate amount of pain.
  61. >The nurse, a safe assumption given you're in a hospital and that she's wearing nurse's hat, moves to your side and puts a hoof on your chest in attempt to help calm your breathing back down.
  62. >"You shouldn't try to move or speak. You've suffered numerous trauma, lacerations, and punctures throughout your body ranging from minor skin abrasions to wounds deep enough to result in tissue damage. You broke all but one rib, luckily you didn't puncture a lung. You suffered several cracks to your sternum, your collar bone was shattered, mild to moderate abdominal organ damage due to blunt force trauma resulting from a large fall, both of your arms were shattered in several places, the bones in your left femur looks closer to being a powder than a solid bone, your right leg broke in three places all of which tore through the skin, a dislocated hip, a broken jaw, some broken and missing teeth, a broken nose, countless contusions, massive internal and external hemorrhaging, and you've been in a coma for the past two months, first showing signs of regained consciousness two weeks ago. We initially didn't know where to start to treat you, not only from the extent of your injuries, but as no one in the entire medical community has ever handled someone of your kind, we didn't exactly know what was what. Luckily you're close enough to minotaurs that we're using that as a base for reference, and hopefully we'll be able to return you to as close to normal as possible."
  63. >She stops to let it all sink in, looking you straight in the eyes.
  64. >You don't know what half of that meant, but it sounded pretty bad, especially the part where your femur was powder.
  65. >You didn't need a medical degree to know that didn't sound right. Nor did you need one to know being in a coma for two months wasn't good, either.
  66. >And minotaurs? What else lives hear? Griffons?
  67. >Several minutes pass after her pause before she speaks again.
  68. >"You may not think so, sir, but you are extremely lucky to be alive. Given the extent of your injuries, the presumed height we believe you to have fallen from should've been instantly fatal, even with the trees slowing your fall. Not only that, you show no signs of spinal, mental, or nerve damage. I don't want to get your hopes too high, but for the most part we predict your should make a near full recovery after following a long term physical therapy regiment. Some ponies would say you've used up all your luck for the next five lives."
  69. >Well, shit. Looks like future yous aren't winning the lottery anytime soon, or going out and fucking the Prom Queen.
  70. >But one thing she said at the end caught your attention, she said 'ponies'. You kinda figured she was something like that, and her referring to them in the plural means there's more of them. As much as it hurts to talk, you try and ask her in your finest attempt at elocution.
  71. "Ponies?"
  72. >The word comes of as a mumble somewhere between a mix of groans and moans more so from your throat than your lips, since your jaw doesn't want to open.
  73. >Nailed it.
  74. >Probably skilled in the language of "I'm in too much pain to speak well", the white pony takes a moment to think over your master craft of a word.
  75. >"Considering no one has ever seen or heard of someone like you, I'm going to take a guess and say you aren't from here. Currently, you are in a hospital in Ponyville, located in Equestria."
  76. >Ponyville? Equestria? You can't help but imagine humans calling their cities Humanland or Homo Sapia.
  77. >"And I am Nurse Redheart. I'll be in charge of your care. I would say don't hesitate to ask if you need anything, but you might wanna keep it short till your wounds heal better, namely your jaw and chest. And if it doesn't hurt too much, can you tell me your name?"
  78. >It does hurt quite a bit, but it's probably worth it to not be referred to as "Hey you" and the like till you get better, which is apparently going to be a while.
  79. With the same skill and articulation as before, you tell her your name, "Anonymous"
  80. >The name comes out like poetry recited by a deaf kid.
  81. >The smile she gives you is warm enough make your heart melt. Or maybe it really is melting. After all you've been through, you'd believe it.
  82. >"Anonymous? Interesting name. Well, while your arrival here might not have been the best, allow me to welcome you to Ponyville."
  84. >For the next month, the majority of your time is spent sleeping, cause nothing makes you more tired than sleeping all the time. Who'd have thunk it, right?
  85. >And for most of those times when you actually were awake, Nurse Redheart was there to talk to you. It was mostly just her telling you about your condition and operations they had planned for your numerous injuries when they felt you might be in good enough condition to safely operate, since its kinda hard to hold a conversation when every word you speak came with the price tag of Bruce Lee kicking you in the chest.
  86. >Given your condition, all your food is given to you via a feeding tube, and it seems its gonna be a while before you can go back to bacon and steak.
  87. >And then there were the sponge baths, which was pretty much just her wiping your face off since that was the only part of you not sealed up in plaster cast.
  88. >But it was better than nothing, at least your face didn't feel and look like shit.
  89. >That's your money maker.
  90. >She did talk about Equestria and ponies in general as well, helping you get a better understanding of where you were and the situation you in.
  91. >You're pretty sure things like magic and talking ponies didn't exist back home, so you can safely guess your not in Kansas anymore.
  92. >Not that you've ever been to Kansas.
  93. >Of course you didn't always have the company of Redheart when you woke up. After all, she's gotta sleep, too. Usually it was just some of the other hospital staff. But there was this one pony.
  94. >She spoke so fast that aside from what you think her name was, the only words you could make out were 'partypartypartyparty'.
  95. >She was bouncing off the walls, quite literally, and talking faster than you thought was physically possible, with streamers and balloons appearing out of nowhere
  96. >If someone told you she was pulling them from her ass, you wouldn't doubt them for a second.
  97. >All that hyperactivity has you convinced she's on drugs or something, so she's probably used to things up her butt.
  98. >Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
  99. >It didn't take long before several of the nurses, Redheart included, came and had to drag her out.
  100. >She was demanding to know who let the pink menace in by herself.
  101. >They just shrugged, "It's Pinkie Pie"
  102. >After that incident the staff cracked down on noisy visitors, and for patients with severe injuries, such as yourself, all visits were to be supervised.
  103. >New to the world and you're already changing hospital policy.
  104. >You did receive one other, somewhat more quiet visitor as well.
  105. >She was a purple unicorn named Twilight Sparkle. She wanted to ask you all sorts of questions about what you were, where you were from, how you got here, etc.
  106. >"Miss Twilight, I'm sure Anonymous is glad to have visitors, but as I already informed you he is in no condition to talk, and I must strongly urge that he be allowed to rest."
  107. >"Oh, yes, sorry. It's just so exciting meeting a new species for the first time! If it's ok can I stay and observe for a while? I won't be in the way or anything."
  108. >"Well, I suppose, but you do realize he's in a body cast, and aside from blinking, there isn't much to observe."
  109. >"That's ok, this is just so exciting in and of itself!"
  110. >The purple unicorn hops into the air with squees of joy, making audible clops as she comes back down to the tile floor.
  111. >Redheart scrunches her face and let's out a low growl as she levels a glare right into Twilight's eyes, not amused by the racket she's making by this 'exciting' discovery.
  112. >The unicorn, who looks about as small as a child being scolded by a parent, lowers her head as she laughs nervously, "Hehe, oops, sorry."
  113. >"That's your only warning Miss Sparkle. Keep in mind I'm only allowing this visit because Princess Celestia herself asked if you could come, even against my wishes, but don't think I won't ask you to leave should I feel you are a hindrance to the patient's well being and recovery."
  114. >Twilight merely nods meekly and takes a seat, a piece of paper and a quill floating to her from a bag.
  115. >You raise eyebrow almost imperceptibly, probably the only thing you can do besides blinking that doesn't hurt. Redheart had mentioned about magic, but this is the first time you've seen it. She said some of the doctors used it, but you must've always been out of it when or if they came.
  116. >Twilight must be the really observant type because she catches even that small motion.
  117. >"Hm? This?" She points her arm/leg/hoof whatever at the quill and paper. "This is called a 'scroll' and this is a 'quill', we use this to write on to store information or send messages."
  118. >Ok, perhaps not as perceptive as you thought, or she thinks you're fucking retarded. You squint your eyes at her, trying your best to convey 'Are fucking kidding me?'.
  119. >It seems to go over her head as she just keeps looking at you with that ridiculously cute smile as Redheart brings a hoof to her face, embarrassed enough for the both of them.
  120. >Seriously, that smile is too damn cute, at this rate you're gonna need insulin shots.
  121. >"Twilight, I think he was more curious about your magic. He's shown at least as much intelligence as the average pony as well, so you don't need to 'talk down' to him."
  122. >"Oh, that makes more sense. Its just nopony's ever seen a creature like this, so I didn't know what to expect."
  123. >Creature? That's a bit rude. You'd like to correct her, or at least throw an insult back at her, but it seems the good nurse has you covered.
  124. >"Twilight, please don't refer to our patients as 'creatures', I must insist you not refer to him in that manner as I've already told you his name is Anonymous."
  125. >Her tone is biting, as she rapidly begins losing her patience at this Twilight's observation of you. The fact that she's the only nurse you've really spent any length of time with not withstanding, she's definitely your favorite nurse here.
  126. >Woman, or mare you guess, doesn't take other people's shit. One step over that line and she'll fuck you up.
  127. >You're kind of lady, if she weren't a pony.
  128. >Though you'll admit you don't think Twilight is doing this to be mean intentionally, it just seems she's seeing you more as an object of interest rather than a living individual, and that kind of annoys you a bit even though you can understand the scientific interest of meeting something alien for the first time.
  129. >Realizing how rude she's been, she walks up to you, getting her face a little too close to yours as her eyes begin to water as she says she's sorry and apologizes.
  130. >God that's too adorable, you can almost feel yourself hnnnnng.
  131. >No, wait, you can.
  132. >Monitors connected to you start beeping as a your heart stops pumping.
  133. >As you begin losing consciousness, something that seems to be a recurring them in your life recently, you see Redheart pretty much shove Twilight into a corner and out of the way as she comes to your side, shortly followed by several ponies pushing though the door with what enough episodes of ER have taught you to be a crash cart.
  134. >Just before the last glimmer fades, your fading vision is field with Redheart's face as she says something to you, most likely telling you to hold on and that you'll be alright.
  135. >Yeah, you're in a hospital. Everything's going to be just fine.
  136. >Right?
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