
tribe/anarchist/gmolly comments

May 21st, 2013
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  1. [18:16] <+anarchist> we shouldn't give money to disaster victims because supply side jesus says that if we heal lepers for free what will be the incentive not to get leprosy
  2. [18:16] <+Patron^> anarchist: Noted
  3. [18:17] <+anarchist> Patron^: thanks. you're noted too
  4. [18:18] <+anarchist> a right wing libertarian is someone who thinks that if the gov't texts the red cross that it's bad but that if poor people text the red cross it's good
  5. [18:19] <+anarchist> (statistically poor people give more than rich people to charity)
  6. [18:20] <+tribe> back
  7. [18:20] <+tribe> anarchist says we should not give money to disaster victims. Unbelievable
  8. [18:20] <+tribe> tell me this kid is not trolling. I dare ya
  9. [18:21] <+ZShurp> well, last night anarchist was claiming govts don't need to tax.  At all.
  10. [18:21] <+anarchist> you just blatantly misinterpreted what i said to be the opposite of what i said showing you're the least subtle troll ever and then accused me of doing what you did
  11. [18:21] <+ZShurp> so... I'll let you draw your own conclusions :)
  12. [18:21] * mazybrb is now known as mazy^grace
  13. [18:21] <+tribe> I posted exactly what you said troll
  14. [18:22] <+Patron^> tribe isn't trolling
  15. [18:22] <+anarchist> [21:21] <tribe> I posted exactly what you said troll <-- no this is posting exactly what a troll says
  16. [18:22] <+anarchist> Patron^: noted
  17. [18:22] <+tribe> "[21:16] <+anarchist> we shouldn't give money to disaster victims because supply side jesus says that if we heal lepers for free what will be the incentive not to get leprosy"
  18. [18:22] <+anarchist> and then scribbled out
  19. [18:22] <+AAAman> Right Wingers destest FEMA -- prove it
  20. [18:22] <+tribe> choke on it anarchist
  21. [18:22] <+anarchist> tribe: oh so we find out that supply side jesus said it after all
  22. [18:22] <+anarchist> thanks for finally being honest
  23. [18:23] <+anarchist> you win 2 troll points
  24. [18:23] <+ZShurp> tribe, that was sarcasm -- if you've read "supply side jesus" you'd understand it
  25. [18:23] <+tribe> you are welcome. I posted exactly what you said
  26. [18:23] <+tribe> now...cry
  27. [18:23] <+tribe> are you done yet? This is not even a challenge...geez
  28. [18:23] <+anarchist> for the people having trouble keeping up, supply side jesus is a mythical creature
  29. [18:24] <+tribe> you said nothing in that sentence about supply side Jesus. Quit your suck at it, anarchist
  30. [18:24] <+tribe> never learn
  31. [18:25] <+anarchist>
  32. [18:25] <+ZShurp> ""[21:16] <+anarchist> we shouldn't give money to disaster victims because supply side jesus says "
  33. [18:25] <+ZShurp> try again tribe?
  34. [18:25] <+anarchist> lol the own thing tribe quoted
  35. [18:25] <+ZShurp> hmmm, fun, troll fight
  36. [18:25] <+anarchist> zomg too funny
  37. [18:25] <+anarchist> okay i'll bbl
  38. [18:25] <+ZShurp> good choice anarchist
  39. [18:25] <+tribe> tsake your time, anarchist...nobody will miss you anyway
  40. [18:26] <+tribe> bu-bye
  41. [18:26] <+ippy> yeah piss off
  42. [18:26] <+ippy> sorry:P
  43. [18:26] <+tribe> lol
  45.                   break
  47. [19:12] * +tribe ( Quit (Quit)
  49. [19:15] * ZShurp ( has joined #RebelYell
  50. [19:15] * renton sets mode: +v ZShurp
  51. [19:15] <+ozzzy> ippy: I'm sorry... it won't happen again
  52. [19:21] <+ozzzy> <-- if you liked the Platters you'll love the Marvelettes
  53. [19:21] * +ozzzy heads to bed
  54. [19:25] <+anarchist> Viper40: i don't see the problem
  55. [19:27] * +zapradon ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  56. [19:27] * zapster ( has joined #RebelYell
  57. [19:27] * renton sets mode: +v zapster
  58. [19:29] <@gmolly> i agreed wtih anarchist - tribe distorted his meaning completely to the opposite of his obvious intent
  59. [19:29] <@gmolly> anarchist wasn't trolling - he was being snarky - and tribe i think truly believed but wrongly he was being sincere - and stupid
  60. [19:30] <@gmolly> his 'supply side jesus' was a tip off - if you cared to field his real meaning
  61. [19:30] <+ZShurp> yes, gmolly, it's troll vs troll -- one person saying intentionally obscure things, then the other intentionally twisting it into something else
  62. [19:31] <@gmolly> zshurp i didn't think anarchist was at all obscure - he's got peculiar ideas yeah - but that was a clearly insincere comment
  63. [19:32] <+ZShurp> sure, tribe was way off there, it was pretty hilarious
  64. [19:32] <@gmolly> i also don't believe tribe was trolling - she really believes! i don't think 'trolls' are sincere - or sposed to be
  65. [19:32] <@gmolly> i don't believe in trolls at all - but from what i hear of them
  66. [19:32] <+BrettH> she should change her nick to diettribe
  67. [19:32] <+ZShurp> have you met Muttley?
  68. [19:32] <+ZShurp> muttley is defintiely a troll
  69. [19:32] <@gmolly> no i don't think i've ever met mettley
  70. [19:32] <@gmolly> by that nick
  71. [19:33] <+anarchist> [20:47] <tribe> anarchist: you really should not try to pass viruses around
  72. [19:33] <+anarchist> versus
  73. [19:33] -> -BrettH- :)
  74. [19:33] <+anarchist> [21:16] <anarchist> hey here's an idea, maybe the federal gov't prints the dollar and should just start handing out cash to people----oh wait, then they'd never learn their lesson in capitalism
  75. [19:33] <+anarchist> [21:16] <anarchist> we shouldn't give money to disaster victims because supply side jesus says that if we heal lepers for free what will be the incentive not to get leprosy
  76. [19:33] <+ZShurp> no, muttley isn't his nick... he always changes his nick... but his diatribe is always very recognizable
  77. [19:34] <+anarchist> maybe this channel isn't accustomed to my style of wit and humor about non-trollish things like disaster relief and federal budgets
  78. [19:34] <+BrettH> difference between charity and force of govt
  79. [19:34] <+anarchist> because they've been pampered with the luxurious ignorance of simple trolls like "you're spreading viruses using youtube links"
  80. [19:34] <@gmolly> (btw - i didn't realize tribe had left - but this isn't about 'her' so much as about how people get things wrong on irc allatime)
  81. [19:34] <@gmolly> (that won't save me but - i gotta try :) )
  82. [19:34] <+ZShurp> yeah, IRC is easy to misinterpret
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