
That Silver Tongue - Chapter Four

Mar 2nd, 2013
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  1. Chapter Four – The Life Of The Inherited
  5. A small ringing sound clatters about loudly on the side of your bed, the little pings of metal reminding you to wake up. Tapping the clock, you stretch yourself about in your fluffy bed, kicking your little legs about while you let out a small yawn. Well, you better get this day started; school awaited and you needed to be punctual as usual.
  7. Rolling the blanket off, you drop down from your bed and start preparing for the day. Getting out your braiding machine, you sit down at your desk as it weaves your hair into nice little braids.
  8. While that’s going on, you start to reminisce on yesterday’s events. That was so much fun, you think to yourself. I wonder what we’ll do with you next.
  10. With your glasses and necklace on, you head out to the dining room before taking a seat. You patiently wait for Anon to come out with your meal. He doesn’t leave you waiting too long, only a minute late. He’s definitely getting better at his schedule.
  12. Walking up to you, he places a plate down along with a glass of milk, eggs, jammy toast, and…
  14. “What’s this?” you ask.
  16. “Oh, those are hash browns. I suppose it’s a human type of food. Pretty much, they’re potatoes that are cut up into thin strips and seasoned. I can remove them if you want.”
  18. “No, it’s fine,” you say quickly. You were quite curious about the food. “You should go get your meal now.”
  20. Anon nods at you before turning around and going back to the kitchen. You look down at your plate, curious at the ‘hash browns’.
  22. From your history texts, ponies thought they were poisonous for a long period of time. It wasn’t until recent years that they were more thoroughly studied and found to be harmless. But because of the bad rep, not many ponies would touch them to this day.
  24. You see Anon coming back out with another tray, placing them down by a chair close to you. After seating himself, he looks over to you and continues staring at you
  26. …Oh, he must be waiting until you ate before he did. You slowly take a bite of your eggs, watching his reaction. He nods before eating himself.
  28. “So,” he says after swallowing his bite, “I was thinking of what we could do today.”
  30. You stop mid bite hearing that. He has something already planned?
  32. ”Maybe we could play some board games? I could probably find a few out in town while you’re at school.”
  34. That… does not sound fun at all. You have to think of something else to do. Anything but those boring board games.
  36. “Could we not go on another walk? Yesterday was fun.”
  38. “But we already did that and it’s always a good idea to try different things. Don’t you want to try something else?”
  40. You think for a moment on something to do. “Well, how about we go to the library? I wanted to pick up some books there.”
  42. “Hmm… I guess we can go to the library.”
  44. That’s a relief. Walks are so much more interesting to do so you can think to yourself or go out and do things, or even look at the scenery. So much better than those childish games.
  46. You eat what’s left on your plate, leaving the hash browns for last. They don’t last very long after you start eating them. They’re very tasty. Maybe you can get him to cook more potato dishes later on?
  48. Once you finish your meal, Anon quickly scoops up the dishes. Right before he turns to leave, he looks at you... and just stares. It’s a bit unnerving. Was there something wrong? Without warning, Anon reaches out to you and brushes his hand alongside your cheek. The interaction makes you blush. Why’d he do that?
  50. Oh, he was getting some hash browns off of your cheek. He smiles at you before turning to the kitchen.
  52. “D-darn Anon.” He keeps making you feel embarrassed. Well, he needs to stop it or else!
  54. Wait… you don’t want to make him mad. Then all your work to bond with him would have been a waste of time. You need to calm yourself down. Walking back to your room, you sit at your desk before taking out your studies and going over them.
  56. You have some time before school starts, so it’s best to make sure everything is in order. Of course, with Anon here all your work is done. You usually triple check your work to make sure it’s complete and perfect, but now, checking over it feels… pointless. Staring down at your work, you decide that maybe there’s something that you missed here… maybe.
  58. …No, nothing was missed. Anon’s very thorough with his help. Looking at your clock, you see you still have a full hour until you need to go to school… What are you supposed to do now?
  60. Getting up from your desk, you start walking in a circle, pacing around your room in thought. You’re not supposed to have this free time right now, but it’s here. With Anon here, it’ll be like this every day. What should you fill your free time with? Maybe if you ask Anon—
  62. Wait. That’s it! You can use this time to think about different ways to bond with Anon and what you could do in the future with him! And if nothing else, you can still do things with him. He wouldn’t mind spending more time with you.
  64. Looking at your clock, you see there’s another forty minutes before you needed to leave for the day. Taking your notebook, you jump on your bed and note down anything that comes to mind. As the time rolls on, you see your list of things isn’t getting any larger. It’s difficult thinking up some things for some reason. All you have is reading and talking. Maybe later you’ll have something else.
  66. Putting your notebook away, you grab your bag and exit your room for school. Walking to the front door, you stop once you find Anon standing there.
  68. “Hello again, Silver.”
  70. “Um… hello Anon.”
  72. You stand there, staring up at him in confusion. Is there something he needs or—
  74. “Are you ready for the day?”
  76. Oh. He was just seeing you off. “Yes, I have everything I need for the day. And I am also doing just fine, in case you are wondering.”
  78. Good, you have everything dealt with. Now you can—
  80. Wait, what’s he doing? Oh no, you forgot he did this yesterday! Anon walks up to you and immediately scoops you up in his arms, giving you a squeeze that makes you squeak out. Why does he do things like this?! It’s embarrassing! You can feel your face heat up from it. S-stop hugging me, it’s embarrassing!
  82. Before you can try and get away, he places you delicately back down on your hooves. You look down, not wanting him to see your flushed face.
  84. “That’s good. I hope you have a good day then.”
  86. “…R, right.”
  88. You quickly scamper out the door, trying to get away before he could do anything else. Darn Anon...
  90. …When you arrive to school, you walk inside and take your seat. You arrived early for school with a few minutes to spare. You’re usually the first one to arrive. There isn’t much else to do but wait for the class to come in.
  92. Since you have all your work done, and with nothing else to do, you let your mind drift off and think on how to secure a tighter bond with Anon. Trying to be seen as friendly is a must with him. That might be difficult, since you don’t exactly interact a lot with others. Maybe you can pick up a book on that at the library?
  94. “Hey, SIlver Spoon,” you hear from behind.
  96. Turning your head, you see Diamond Tiara walking up to you. “Hello, Diamond Tiara,” you respond. She takes a seat directly beside you, placing her bag on the ground. It glitters with jewels that sparkle about. “Nice bag you have there,” you comment.
  98. In truth, the thing looks very tacky with all the jewelry sewn in. But it certainly looks expensive.
  100. ”Oh thanks, my dad picked it up for me from Gryphonia. It was made by a very famous seamstresses over there.”
  102. Interesting, you weren’t aware that griffins made any clothing material. Diamond Tiara humphs to herself, forcing you to direct your attention at her.
  104. She’s most likely expecting you to ask what’s wrong. Better oblige her; Tiara can get pretty snappy if she doesn’t get attention.
  106. “What’s wrong?” you ask.
  108. “It’s just… so boring in school now.” You scrunch your face up hearing that. “Ever since Mr. Anon left his position here at the school, the lessons seem a bit boring, don’t you think?”
  110. Anon never left, though, he was let off. It’s too bad. School definitely was much more interesting with him around. Still, it was your gain since he’s now working for you.
  112. Wait, does she know about your plans with him? Is that what she’s hinting at? You don’t think you were that transparent in your actions.
  114. Diamond Tiara lets out another humph, slumping into her seat. “Why, if I knew where he was, I’d hire him on as a private tutor, or as something to keep me preoccupied.”
  116. That would be such a waste of potential! You definitely need to keep her away from him. There’s no telling how she’ll try to get her way. And if there was one thing you knew about Diamond Tiara, it was that if she wanted something… she’d try her hardest to get it, no matter what.
  118. “You wouldn’t happen to know where he is, would you?” she asks you.
  120. Before you can find a way to answer that, the room bursts full of chaotic sounds. Thank goodness, your rowdy classmates are actually useful for something this time around.
  122. You can see Miss Cheerilee walking in behind her students, answering any questions directed at her.
  123. Miss Cheerilee certainly looks tired to you. She has some bags under her eyes, which is covered up with some makeup matching her fur. It doesn’t escape your sharp eyes. Your teacher is probably regretting letting Anon off now, what with the extra workload placed on her.
  125. She just has to get used to the extra work again. You would never let Anon off for any reason like she did; he was far too valuable to let go now that you have him.
  127. Your school day for the day was the usual routine: roll call, turning in homework and discussing it, Miss Cheerilee teaching the class, some breaks here and there, more teaching, and passing out homework after school.
  129. You didn’t see Diamond Tiara after school ended with her immediately going home without saying a word. That’s why you were confident Diamond Tiara wouldn’t see you with Anon out in town. She’d prefer not to go out to town if she could help it and sending out her help to do anything that was needed out there.
  131. It doesn’t take you very long to get back to your home. Anon’s once again standing at the door waiting for you.
  133. “Welcome back, Silver.”
  135. “Hello, Anon,” you reply.
  137. You quickly walk to the dining room, hoping that if you get there fast enough he won’t have enough time to embarrass you. You go up to the table, where you already see some sandwiches and a drink there waiting for you.
  139. Yes, Anon was definitely getting better at his timing. Pulling out your homework, you immediately get to work on it as you took bites from your sandwich. Anon came out from the kitchen shortly after you seated yourself, serving you some crackers with… something on them…
  141. “…Is that cheese?”
  143. “Yes it is.”
  145. “…Is that me smiling on the crackers?”
  147. “It took a while to get the details right, but I managed to make them look just like you.” He picks one up and shows you a cracker with your smiling face one it. “See? It’s quite cute.”
  149. You sputter out at him, watching him smile as he takes out your books to help you. He has to be doing this on purpose! Trying to disregard him calling those crackers ‘as cute as you’, you manage to get the homework done very quickly.
  151. “Alright then,” Anon says to you with a nod and a smile. “Now that that’s all done, we can head over to the library.”
  153. You pack up your work before jumping off the seat and head straight to your room. You set the bag there before grabbing your library bag. Meeting Anon at the front door, the two of you head over to the library. The walk was fairly uneventful, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. You had a nice time walking around town, enjoying your stroll and talking to Anon along the way.
  155. Walking up to the tree that inhabited the town’s library, Anon knocks on the door and waits for an answer.
  157. Opening the door, the baby dragon that resides here looks surprised to see Anon. “Hey, it’s been a while!” Spike say, inviting the two of you in. “Do you need to see Twilight for something?”
  158. “No, we’re just here to check out some books,” you say, looking at the shelves full of them
  160. Spike looks up at Anon, waving him down to the ground and whispering something in his ear. You lift an eyebrow at that, watching them whisper to one another; Anon stands back up, waving a hand at him with a shake of his head.
  162. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he says before turning to you. “Okay then, just sign in and browse around.”
  164. Giving a nod you quickly sign yourself in before dashing off to the books. You really love to read and it’s been so long since you’ve been to the library. There’s so much to choose from! They even have that new book on Marelock Holmes you’ve been waiting on.
  166. “Hey Silver,” you hear Anon call out to you. “I need to talk to Twilight real quick, so I’ll be back down in a few minutes, okay?”
  168. “Uh-huh,” you mumble out, still looking through the books.
  170. You’re so giddy with excitement on what you should read first. You grab around six books, placing them each on the table for Spike to check out.
  172. “That’ a lot of books to read. Maybe I should be comparing you to Twilight!”
  174. You ignore his subpar joke, grabbing the last book before placing them all inside your bag. It doesn’t take long for Anon to come back down with a few books for himself.
  176. “Ready to go, Silver?”
  178. You nod your head in response, already heading outside the door.
  180. “Oh, I need to make a quick stop over by Sugarcube Corner to ask Pinkie some questions, if you don’t mind?”
  182. “That’s fine; I can wait outside and read one of these books while you do that.”
  184. Sitting down, you start reading up on the recent tales of Holmes. Thankfully, he doesn’t take long with Pinkie. You almost wish he did; you were just getting to the good part in this book. You’re in a rush now, trying to get back to your home. You don’t have a bookmark and you want to finish this chapter really badly now.
  186. Getting to your house, you immediately head off to the living room. You jump up on a couch, spilling all your books across it before grabbing your book and ripping it open.
  188. “I didn’t know you liked reading so much.”
  190. And now you’re blushing again. It IS a bit appalling, acting like this, you think. “S, sorry about that, I just didn’t want to lose my spot.”
  192. You see him wave you off before taking a seat in another couch across from you. He might have sat by you but… your books were all over the rest of the couch.
  194. “It’s fine. I like reading books myself, so I know how it feels wanting to read the next part but being held off from doing so.”
  196. Smiling at him, you quickly stick your face back into your book. You just want to read right now. A huge amount of time passes by as you read chapter after chapter of the book. You’re so absorbed in the book that you miss whatever Anon just asked you.
  198. “I’m sorry, what?” you ask.
  200. “I asked what book you’re reading.”
  202. “Oh. I’m reading about a spy taking on a mission sent by the princess in a foreign land.”
  204. “…Huh. That sounds interesting, though not what I’d expect from you.”
  206. He probably expected you to get some books for studying.
  208. “What are you reading?” you ask.
  210. His hands completely cover the book so you can’t see the front of it. “This? It’s a book on… interacting with others…”
  212. Anon didn’t sound so sure of that. “…You’re reading one of those adult books, aren’t you?”
  214. “W-what?! No, I am not Silver!”
  216. “You know, you should read those types of things when nopony else is in the room.”
  218. Anon’s face looks very flustered as he hides the rest of his face with the book, shuffling in his seat on the couch. You let out a smirk, getting back to your own book. You finally got him to feel embarrassed like he was doing to you. It was only fair, right?
  220. The ringing of your grandfather clock had you immediately looking at the time. Wow, you’ve been reading for a good while.
  222. “Look at the time! I better get that started for you,” Anon says, placing his book down before standing up… then picks his book back up, taking it with him. “I’ll be right back.”
  224. Anon quickly walks down the hall as you ponder on what he said. He has something to get ready for me?
  226. …Oh no! You forgot about the bath! Stupid, stupid mom! Why’d she have to tell Anon to do this!
  227. Maybe if you run to your bedroom, you can wait it out until he leaves you alone? Ugh, but you don’t want to stink!
  229. Anon comes walking back in, seeing you looking at him warily. “Ready for your bath?”
  231. X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X
  233. Sitting at the dining room table, you’re now eating, or finishing up, a very large salad. You’re picking at the last bite, sitting at the table with Anon. You really would rather take your own bath, even if his hands feel really nice scratching your ears, or how he rubs your belly in just the right way.
  235. Stupid Anon, you think before eating your last bite.
  237. “So, Silver,” Anon calls out to you before taking a bite of his salad. “I was thinking on what we could do for tomorrow, and I think I’ve got something good for you to do.”
  239. “…Me? You make it sound like you don’t want to do something with me.”
  241. “It’s not like that, Silver. I figure I’ll go ahead and prepare a nice little sleepover for you to have tomorrow night.”
  243. You immediately stop from taking a bite, pausing at his words. Did he say… sleepover?
  245. “A-Anon,” you stutter out. “W-why would you think I’d like that?”
  247. “Well, why not?” he says. “All children your age love having sleepovers, so I figure it would be nice to set you up with one for some fun!”
  249. “And why would you think all children like this? Also, I’m older than most of them anyways so I’m not really a child like them.”
  251. “I know that you’re older, you’ve told me that before, but age shouldn’t matter. And I asked around town when you were at school, trying to see how to set one up for you. I even made up little cards for you to give to your friends.”
  253. Anon passes you a stack of cards with your cutie mark on it. You were wondering what that stack of papers was by him. Opening them up, they’re invitations to a sleepover for… friends.
  255. “W-wait, what if they can’t come over because their parents won’t allow it?”
  257. “I’m certain there’s a few of your friends that would allow it. Also, I already talked to Twilight about this and she said that it’s normal for sleepovers to be set up like this for you ponies… I’ll just have to make sure you don’t bring any unwanted trees here.”
  259. …Ignoring that last part, it now explains why he wanted to talk to Twilight. But you really don’t want to do this. Think of something!
  261. “Why are you doing this? I was hoping that we could do things together and a sleepover wouldn’t do that.”
  263. “True, but you should really have more time with your friends. Not that I’m not a friend, but someone that you could better relate to.”
  265. But I relate better to you than any of my darn classmates! you think to yourself.
  267. “I can see you’re a bit embarrassed here. If you want, I could pass those cards out at school so y—”
  269. “N-NO!” you say, grabbing the cards. “I’d rather do it than you!”
  271. “I can do it if you feel too embarrassed to do it."
  273. “No! I-I'll do it, okay?! S-so there!"
  275. “...Alright, I got you,” he says, standing up. He quickly takes the empty dishes before walking towards the kitchen. “I’ll set everything up for tomorrow, okay?”
  277. …Why do you get so easily flustered around him?!
  279. Wait…
  281. Why did you agree to this?! It was because you were flustered around him! Y-you could have tried to do something else, b-b-b-b-
  283. …Looking down at the invitations on the table, you grimace at their very existence. Why does Anon keep doing things that you don’t know how to react to?
  285. You’ve been to some, but they’re usually set up by Diamond Tiara. You’ve never personally had a sleepover… Darn Anon, how do you fix this?
  287. Wait… you’re not thinking straight. Just invite Diamond Tiara over, plain and simple. But… isn’t she after Anon?
  289. You shake your head at that. You’re definitely being silly, thinking that she’d want Anon to herself. How would she get him in the first place? He already works for you. No, you just need to make sure she’s not rude to him. That would be bad. And… the sleepover might not be all bad. You’ve never done something like this, so it might be fun to do; Anon will also be there, so he can help you out with this.
  291. Getting up, you grab the invites before making your way to your room. You place them on top of your desk before grabbing your diary, ink, and quill.
  293. ~Entry Number 137~
  295. There isn’t much to say today.
  297. Anon took me to the library where we got some books before returning and reading them for several hours. Afterwards, another embarrassing bath, and then dinner.
  299. That’s when he gave me those invitations for a sleepover. A major shock to see for me.
  301. Anon keeps throwing different things at me all the time, things I’m not used to doing.
  303. I’m certain I can get Diamond Tiara to come over and get this thing over with, and maybe I can get some help from her to invite others.
  305. There’s nothing else to write. I’m going to sleep now.
  307. ~End Entry~
  310. X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X
  312. Another day, another scheduled routine of making sure everything goes right. You quickly jump up and out of your bed, walking over to the desk. You start braiding your hair, trying to enjoy another day of…
  314. Staring at the desk, you see the invites sitting there. And just like that, your day got a whole lot worse. You really don’t want to do this. A sleepover really doesn’t sound like something you’ll like doing at your place.
  316. But, you did agree to do this, so you’ll hold your tongue for now. He’s definitely going to do much more with you later on for this; maybe you’ll get him to tell you more about himself and take you get you some more treats.
  318. …And walks. Walks are always fun to do, especially with others.
  320. You hear a knocking on your door, making you jump. And now your hair’s all knotted up. Letting out a sigh, you quickly untangle your hair, letting it down while you reset your braiding machine. It doesn’t take you long to get this all figured out; this has happened before.
  322. “Come in!”
  324. Anon opens the door, looking over at you. “Sorry to interrupt whatever it is you’re doing, but I noticed you were late for breakfast so I came over to see if you needed any help.”
  326. “What?”
  328. Looking over at your clock, you notice you are, in fact, a full fifteen minutes late. You must’ve forgotten the time when you were thinking while braiding your hair.
  330. “Sorry about that,” you say, grabbing some of your hair for the machine. “I’ll come right out after I’m finished.”
  332. “Okay then. Oh, and just so you know, I’ll have everything set up for when you get back after school.”
  334. You don’t want to know what he has planned. You give him a nod before he closes the door. Okay, just braid your hair and then eat. Then you can think on what to do with Anon for your spare time, and then leave for school. Simple enough.
  336. X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X
  338. Not simple enough, as it seems.
  340. You’re standing outside the schoolhouse right now feeling very nervous. You’ve never done one of these before. Is there a special way to go about it? How should you ask? Do you go up to her and give the invitation? Should you try and get her to join somehow or be upfront on the subject?
  342. Just talk to her about coming over and then give her the invitation, simple enough, you think, walking towards the school. You’re just overthinking things again.
  344. This time around, you’re not the first one to school. It didn’t help that you were standing outside until the last minute. You take your usual seat over by Diamond Tiara, who’s giving you a curious look.
  346. “You’re not early for once… that’s weird.”
  348. “I had something I needed to do…” Like thinking about this darn sleepover.
  350. Before you can get an invitation out and ask her, the teacher enters the room along with the rest of your classmates, making a ruckus as usual. You let out a sigh at this. The day goes along as usual with teacher having you do math problems at the moment, keeping you from giving Tiara the invitation.
  352. Thankfully lunch comes quickly for you as everyone hurdles out into the schoolyard. Walking out with your pack, you see she’s sitting over by a bench by herself without a lunch today, which you find odd. Tiara usually has a lunch prepared to ‘make the other fillies jealous, as she’d say.
  354. Walking over to her, you sit down and pull out the stupid card before sliding it to her. She frowns, grabbing the card.
  356. “What’s this?” she asks, opening it up. “A sleepover?”
  358. “…Yes, it’s a sleepover for tonight. I w—“
  360. “I really hope you don’t expect me to go to this… thing.”
  362. “…What?” you reply.
  364. “I have better things to do than go on a silly little sleepover. I’m supposed to be picked up soon anyways so I can go on a trip to Manhatten for some shopping for a week.” She slides the invitation back over to you before letting out a laugh. “Seriously, Silver. Maybe we can do something else but I just don’t have time f—”
  366. Before she can continue, she looks at a pony dressed up in fashionable clothing walking up tp the two of you. “There’s my escort back home.” She looks back down at your invite once more before snorting out. “Why would go to a sleepover when I can do something that’s better with my time? Try talking to me if you want to go shopping or whatever.”
  368. She quickly leaves you sitting there with your invitation. Looking down, you stare at the card with your cutie mark on it. That… hurt a little more than you expected. Grabbing the invite, you read it over once more. It was addressed for a friend to come over to your house tonight.
  370. You reread the invite a few times, shoving back your emotions so you can think about what to do. You need to bring somepony over for the sleepover... but who is there left to bring? Looking around the playground, you stare at your classmates talking to one another. Would any of them be willing to come over to your house tonight?
  372. …Probably not. You remember going along with Tiara, making fun of them. They only went to parties with the two of you because Tiara has the money to make them worthwhile. You can probably just tell Anon that nopony was available to come. That can work. You don’t want him asking about why you can’t bring anypony over because… you didn’t have any friends…
  374. …Grabbing your card, you place it back in your bag. You’re not feeling very hungry right now all of a sudden.
  376. X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X
  378. After school, you head back to your home, walking at a slow pace. Entering your home, you notice that Anon isn’t there to greet you this time. Looking at the clock, you see that you’re about ten minutes late.
  379. He probably couldn’t wait for you and had to do something else. Closing the door, you walk inside and head towards the living room.
  381. You halt your steps when start passing the dining room, looking up at the table. You can see an assortment of drinks and food placed all over it. Slowly walking to where you usually eat, you sit yourself down, looking at the table. You can see snack trays, a punch bowl, and a cake with your cutie mark on it.
  383. Did Anon pay for all of this…. for you? Maybe that was why he needed to talk to Pinkie yesterday…
  384. There’s also upright cards placed at each chair at the table. Grabbing one right by, you read what was placed on the cards.
  386. “Welcome to my sleepover! I hope you enjoy your night, friend!”
  388. You stare blankly at the card, feeling something in you that you don’t like.
  390. …You crumble the paper before throwing it across the table in anger. You didn’t want this STUPID sleepover ANYWAYS! Everything here was stupid! This food, those invites, the ponies at school! EVERYTHING!
  392. “S-s-stupid A-Anon!”
  394. He shouldn’t have gotten all of this! Why’s he doing this! You just wanted this day to go away RIGHT NOW! You’re going to… you’re going to throw all this stuff away an—
  396. “Did you call me?”
  398. You jump when you hear his voice. Quickly wiping away your eyes, you look over and see Anon standing by the entrance.
  400. “N-no, I didn’t,” you answer angrily.
  402. “Are you okay?” Anon asks, walking over to you.
  404. “Yes, I’m doing just fine,” you answer.
  406. Just tell him that nopony could come over and get this over with so you can forget this ever happened. Reaching for your bag, you grab your books for homework so you can get started on that instead.
  408. You regret this immediately. The invites you were supposed to pass out slip out of the bag and all over the floor. Anon walks over to them and picks them up, looking at you.
  410. “…I thought you were going to give these out?”
  412. “N, no one could make it tonight so I kept the invites. Now c-can you just help me with my homework so we can do something else?”
  414. “That doesn’t make sense. When I was over at Pinkie’s yesterday, I talked to Truffle Shuffle’s mom and Sweetie Belle’s sister and they said they could come.” Anon grabs the rest of the invites before you could stop him. “I could go out and ask them for you if you’re too embarrassed to do it, Silver.”
  416. “N-NO!” you yell out, slapping the invites out of his hands.
  418. He takes a step back at your unexpected outburst. You’re quite appalled at it yourself… where did that come from?
  420. “Silver… are you okay?” Anon asks walking up to you. He places a hand on your shoulder, only making you feel more uncomfortable right now. “Is there something you need to talk about?”
  422. You’re not sure why, but you immediately started crying, looking at the ground. Anon walks up to you, trying to say something you can’t hear. He picks you up before taking you to the couch, trying to calm you down.
  424. Sitting at the couch, you told Anon why you didn’t think anypony would come if you asked. It all just came out, and you’re uncertain why that is. You felt bad, admitting you’ve been a bad pony with the others at school.
  426. Anon continues to rub your shoulders, helping you stay calm while you told him this. It felt really good telling him this, even if you were crying.
  428. “Are you going to be okay?” Anon asks.
  430. It still really hurt, but you feel fine for the moment. You give him a nod, looking down as you wipe your eyes.
  432. “Can you stay here for a moment, Silver?”
  434. Nodding once again, Anon leaves you on the couch before going someplace. You can hear clinking and shuffling in one of the rooms. Taking your glasses, you wipe them away so you can see out them once more. Anon comes back after ten minutes with your bag.
  436. “Silver… I hope you know that I just wanted to do these things for you so you could have more fun and experience more things.”
  438. “I was fine before you did these things, though…” you mutter.
  440. Anon sighs, taking a seat next to you again before rubbing your shoulder once more. “That’s what I thought when I was younger too. But growing up without friends really sucks. You end up finding yourself alone.”
  442. “I-I’m not that young, Anon. Ponies mature faster than—”
  444. ”I know, Silver. We’ve already talked about this before.” You have a feeling he still doesn’t really get it. You hear him sigh while he continues rubbing your shoulder. “I can also see this sleepover was a mistake.”
  446. No kidding…
  448. “Look, I think I have an idea to help you out tomorrow and I’m certain it’ll work. I just need you to go along with it, okay? We should probably get your homework done and get you a bath before I start on dinner.”
  450. “O-okay.”
  452. “And don’t forget, I’m also your friend, Silver, so you’ve got me to add to your list of friends.” Anon leans over before grabbing you in a hug. Moving your front legs slowly out, you also wrap yourself around him and hug back.
  454. It feels really good talking to somepony like this… and having them around. You’re not sure what he has planned for tomorrow, but you’re hoping it won’t be too embarrassing. Anon said he can help you get some friends. You’re not so sure about this... but you’re willing to give it a try.
  456. The rest of the day was the same as the others: He helped you with your homework while talking to you. The bath was still embarrassing, but it doesn’t feel as awkward as before for some reason. Dinner was a quick meal of pasta and bread with Anon talking to you. It still felt weird that he was helping so much, probably more than he needed to. But it was welcome all the same.
  458. Finishing your meal, you see Anon getting up to take the dishes away. “Anon,” you say, stopping him from leaving. “When we were talking… you said if I tried hard enough, I could make some friends. Is that really true?”
  460. He gives you a nod. “I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t believe it myself. Anyone would be lucky to have you as their friend.”
  462. Smiling at his words, you get off your chair and head off to your room for some sleep. You aren’t sure what Anon had planned for tomorrow… But you’re hoping for the best.
  464. X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X
  466. The next day moved by so fast for you, from the moment you woke up all the way through school, it almost felt like a dream to you. You’re not so sure if you like that. Of course, Diamond Tiara wasn’t there what with her trip. At the moment, you really don’t want to see her.
  468. After coming back from school, Anon helps you finish your homework before quickly getting the two of you out the door. You walk past the food stands, Sugarcube Corner, the park, and even the schoolhouse. He said he has something planned but was unwilling to tell you what it is. Just where is he taking you?
  470. Walking further down the road, you can see just where Anon is now heading towards. No-no-no-no-no-no-no! Why did it have to be here of all places?!
  472. “Howdy there, Sugarcube!”
  474. Why did Anon take you to Sweet Apple Acres! You really don’t want to be here!
  476. “Hey, Applejack. I brought Silver here, like I said.”
  478. “The girls should be out back ‘round the place somewhere. Just let Silver Spoon find them while you follow me. The gals should be left alone to talk.”
  480. “Alright then,” Anon says. He turns to you real quick, bending down and pats you on the head. “Now Silver, I’m hoping that you can talk to them and make up. If anyone here is willing to help out and forgive you for your actions, it’s these girls here.”
  482. “…Really?”
  484. “Sure!” he says before patting your head once more. “Now go find them and make some friends. I’ll be over here with Applejack if you need anything.”
  486. Watching him walk away, you try to calm your nerves down before heading out towards the farm.
  487. You rarely come here, only really remembering one time, and that was for the zapapple harvest. It wasn't exactly the most fun thing in the world, but it was interesting nonetheless.
  489. You never did get to see the rest of the farm. There was so much to walk around; it’s very hard thinking of where those three ponies are. You did get to see some interesting things. The pigs are really large and fun to watch roll around in the mud. You even got to see some of them collecting those truffle things.
  491. There are some chickens running loose, clucking about some weird things you don’t understand. You’re not sure why the Apple family has them on their farm since their main source of income was apples. It might be interesting looking up the history of this farm; that could explain why they do these side things with the other beings on the farm.
  493. Maybe they’re over by the apple trees playing some odd game of theirs. Before you head over there, you hear some giggling coming from the opposite direction. It’s hard to hear, but you can make it coming out from the barn.
  495. Sighing to yourself, you trudge over to the doors, peering inside. You can see the three ponies running about with ropes, trying to tie one another up for some reason. You watch them for a few minutes as they exhaust themselves out. Scootaloo throws her rope down on the ground in anger.
  497. “This isn’t working! I don’t see how we can get our cutie marks running around and throwing ropes at one another.”
  499. “But Ah figure that maybe we could get us some wranglin’ cutie marks if we tried hard ‘nough!” Apple Bloom exclaims.
  501. “Well it’s not working…” Scootaloo replies, kicking the rope in anger.
  503. You know they were trying to get their cutie marks for a good while now. Maybe you can use that to your advantage?
  505. “Um… hello there?”
  507. The three fillies immediately squeal from being surprised as they turn to you. Their stares turn into grimaces as they slowly wander over to you.
  509. “What do you want?” Scootaloo asks grumpily.
  511. Trying to calm yourself once more, you give your most convincing smile before looking back at them. “I thought I’d come here and try to… talk to you three? I also believe I can help you get your cutie marks if you want.”
  513. Sweetie Belle seems ecstatic at that. “Really?! That’d be—“
  515. “Wait a second there Sweetie Belle,” Scootaloo interrupts while glaring at you. “How do we know you’re not just setting us up for something embarrassing?”
  517. “She could be doing that,” Apple Bloom joins in. “She might be trying to do something mean to us.”
  519. “Are you sure girls?” Sweetie Belle asks.
  521. “I, I’m not here to do anything of the sort!”
  523. “I don’t believe you,” Scootaloo replies. “Why would you want to talk to us now for no reason at all? I bet Diamond Tiara has something set up for us to look stupid and she sent you here to... Um... What’s that word I’m looking for, Apple Bloom?”
  525. “I think you mean lure?”
  528. “Yeah, lure us into it!”
  530. The three of them start walking towards you, forcing you to step back yourself.
  532. “I swear I’m not here to do anything! Diamond Tiara isn’t here anyways; she’s on a trip to Manehatten!”
  534. “Girls, I remember hearing Diamond Tiara saying that at school a while back,” Sweetie Belle says.
  536. “See?! I’m not here to do anything mean to you three!”
  538. The three of them stand outside the barn now with you only a few feet away.
  540. “Then why are you here, Silver?” Scootaloo asks.
  542. Apple Bloom seems to have Scootaloo’s back while Sweetie Belle looks indifferent to this. She seems more willing to listen to reason. You scrunch up your nose, feeling extremely awkward. This is SO embarrassing for you to say this…
  544. “I thought… we could try and… be friends?”
  546. The three of them blink at that, unsure of what to say.
  548. “You want to be friends… with us?” Apple Bloom asks unsurely.
  550. Maybe you’re finally getting to them. Stow away that nervousness and talk to them.
  552. “Yes. I was hoping for that.”
  554. The three of them look to one another, before turning back to you.
  556. “I think that we could try a—”
  558. “I don’t believe you,” Scootaloo interrupts Sweetie Belle. “Why NOW of all times would you want to be friends with us!”
  560. “Um…”
  562. “You go around making fun of us three all the time, calling us names and making us feel bad, and NOW you want to make up for it?!”
  564. “…Y-yes?” you say.
  566. Scootaloo seems very angry now. You can see her glaring at you while gritting her teeth with her ears flattened against her head.
  568. “You’re lying. YOU’RE LYING!” Scootaloo walks up to you slowly as you step back once more. “You make fun of us, treat us badly, and NOW you want to make friends with us out of the blue?! You’re always making fun of use since we don’t have cutie marks, or fun of ME since I CAN’T FLY!!!”
  570. She stands in front of your face now, breathing hard in anger. “I DON’T WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH YOU!” she yells, making you flinch. “You’re nothing but a mean,” she lifts her hoof up into the air, “STUPID,” rearing it back, “JERK!” and slams it into your face.
  572. You slam into the ground, feeling a lot of pain in your face all of a sudden.
  573. She hit you… She just hit you Why did she do that?
  575. “Scootaloo!” the two ponies yell at her.
  577. She flinches back, realizing what she just did. Her stammering makes it hard to hear what she’s trying to say.
  579. You rub your face, feeling your eye swell up almost instantly. You grab your glasses from the ground where they fell, seeing that one of the lenses broken. Looking at the reflection in them, you see a dozen copies of you staring back with a swollen eye as tears streamed down from them.
  581. Standing back up, you put your glasses back on before blearily staring at the three of them. It’s hard to breathe right now without going into a crying fit. This was a bad idea coming here. Anon was wrong. You can’t make friends here.
  583. You turn around, running away from them. You ignore their screams to come back. You just want to get home right now.
  585. X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X
  586. Anon’s POV
  587. X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X
  589. Why can’t things ever go right for you?
  591. The day started out just fine. You talked to Applejack when Silver was at school about bringing her over to the farm so she could try and make up with her schoolmates. You thought out of all the ponies that could befriend Silver and help her out, it’d be those Cutie Mark Crusaders. You’re regretting your actions right now. You should’ve gone with Silver Spoon when she did this.
  593. Applejack had you standing over with her drinking some apple juice they just made while talking about what’s been happening around town. It was pretty relaxing until you heard some screaming.
  595. “What was that?” you ask, standing up.
  597. “I think that was the girls. Don’t worry Anon; they can get pretty loud at times ‘round here.”
  599. Looking around, you see the screaming was coming from the barn where you can see the four fillies through the entrance. Applejack looks over with a chuckle.
  600. “See? Nothing to worry ‘bout over—“
  602. She’s interrupted when the two of you see Scootaloo punch Silver Spoon, dropping her straight to the ground. You immediately drop your drink and run straight for them… before falling flat on your face, knocking the wind out of you. You forgot you were on a porch.
  604. “I’ll check to see what happened, you go find Silver Spoon,” Applejack yells before running to them.
  606. Wait, Silver Spoon ran off?! Getting to your feet, you immediately look around in circles to see where she could’ve run off to. Looking down the road, you see a dust trail along with the small form of Silver Spoon in the distance. You immediately start running off for her.
  608. Running has been a very difficult task for you ever since you came here to Equestria. When your leg was broken, the doctor’s did heal it, but since you weren’t a pony they couldn’t do it as proficiently.
  610. Ever since then, your leg’s left with an aching pain whenever you do any extensive amount of manual labor. The painkillers the doctors gave you were to help with that… but you didn’t think to bring them. You didn’t have any reason to take them at all up till now.
  612. Right now, your leg is throbbing with a constant pain as you ran down the road. It’s difficult keeping up with her. She seems to be heading back home, so at least you don’t have to worry about losing her.
  613. You watch as Silver reaches her house before getting inside and slamming it shut. By now your leg is thumping like mad with heat. You should have brought your pills with you.
  615. Getting to the house, you quickly rush in and head straight to your room. You need to get those pills before you can help Silver Spoon out. It would be difficult to help her if you’re in pain. Grabbing your bag, you throw all your stuff onto the bed before looking into it.
  617. Finding your pills, you open the bottle up and crunch two pills in your mouth. The taste is horrendous, making you gag, but it works immediately with the pain in your leg. Magic pills; they work wonders. The pain immediately dulls down to a mere thumping. It’s unpleasant but easily manageable.
  619. With that settled, you head to where Silver would most likely be; her room. Walking to it, you can hear crying. You give three sharp knocks, hearing the cries being muffled now.
  621. “Silver Spoon?”
  623. Opening the door, you slowly hobble your way in. You can see her lying on her side on top of her bed with her back turned to you. She has a pillow covering her head, muffling her cries out. Walking over, you sit beside Silver. She can feel the movement in the bed as she curls more into herself. You place your hand on her back, hoping to calm her.
  625. “L-leave me a, a, alone!” she cries out.
  627. “Silver Spoon, what happened?”
  629. You keep your hand placed on her back, rubbing it to calm her down. Looking beside her, you can see her glasses with one of the lenses broken. You move towards her, placing yourself right beside her. You continue to rub her back as she shudders into her pillow.
  631. “Silver, can you please tell me what’s wrong? What happened?”
  633. She sniffs, wiping away at her nose. “Y-you were wrong. Th-they didn’t want to be friends with me.” She started to cry again, hiccupping in between breaths. “W-why would they want to be my friend?” she asks, curling more into herself. “I-I’m just a b-b-bad pony…”
  635. “Silver, that’s not true.”
  637. “Th-then why did S-Scootaloo hit me?”
  639. You don’t have an answer to that. “Silver, come here,” you tell her, pulling at her pillow.
  641. She struggles at first, not wanting to let go of it. Her struggling starts to go away, letting you remove the pillow and look at her face. Her left eye is pretty swollen up. Crap… it looks pretty bad. You’ll need to get some ice for that later. Hopefully that will help the swelling down.
  643. Grabbing Silver by the sides, you pull her into your lap. You hold her up to you while you rub her back trying to comfort her. You let out a sigh as she slowly starts crying into your chest. What are you supposed to do now?
  645. X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X
  647. Silver Spoon stayed in her room for the rest of the night, not wanting to come out. You served her dinner in bed along with spending some time talking to her. You skipped her usual bath even though she really needed one. She kept refusing to leave the room and you didn’t want her upset anymore right now.
  649. Wrapping some ice inside a rag, you had Silver Spoon place that over her swollen eye. You stayed with her until she fell asleep. Leaving the room, you walk into your bedroom for a quick change of clothing before going to the bathroom.
  651. You feel much cleaner after a shower, and the heat of the water helps your leg feel better. Walking back to your room, you take two more pills before getting some sleep. Rest is not easy for you throughout the night.
  653. Waking up tired from the alarm, you quickly go about making up some waffles with whip cream and lots of berries and fruits along with some syrup. Placing it on the table, you walk over to Silver’s room. You knock on the door before opening it up. She was still lying in her bed.
  655. “Silver Spoon, it’s time to wake up.”
  657. “…I’m awake.”
  659. “Why aren’t you ready for the day?”
  661. “…Can I not go to school today? P-please?”
  663. This feels like a bad decision on your part… “Sure. I’ll head over there and tell Miss Cheerilee that you’re sick.”
  665. “…Thanks.”
  667. “Would you like to eat in here?”
  669. “…Okay.”
  671. You quickly take her plate of food to her from the dining room to her bedroom. Sitting her up, you help keep the plate steady as you talk to her. As soon as she’s finished she lies back down. You take the dishes back into the kitchen before wrapping up more ice and giving it to Silver Spoon. At least her eye looks better. You start cleaning up around the place since it’s still too early to talk to Cheerilee. Finishing that up, you tell Silver you’re leaving for the school.
  673. Grabbing your pills this time around, you quickly head off. You’re just going to head straight there and back so you can keep an eye on Silver. Arriving at the school, you see the classmates still coming into the school along with Cheerilee in the middle of them.
  675. Walking up to her, you hear the children saying hello to you before going into the schoolhouse.
  677. “Hello, Anon,” Cheerilee says cheerfully.
  679. “Hello, Miss Cheerilee. I’m just here to tell you that Silver Spoon won’t be in class for today.”
  681. “Why’s that?”
  683. “…She’s sick for the day and can’t come in. She might… also be sick tomorrow, I’m not sure yet.”
  685. “Tomorrow’s the weekend so she’s good for that. I do hope you get a doctor over there to check up on her and that she’s feeling better soon. Also… why are you telling me this? Shouldn’t it be her mom telling me that?”
  687. “Her mom’s out on a business trip and I’m more or less foalsitting her while she’s off.”
  689. “Oh. Well, it’s good to hear you have a job finally.”
  691. “Same here.”
  693. “Is there anything planned in her schoolwork I should take back?”
  695. Cheerilee shakes her head. “It’s nothing she can’t do when she gets back to school, she’s really ahead of most everypony here as you’re aware of.”
  697. “True. I’ve always thought she should be jumped ahead in grades.”
  699. “And we’ve brought up reasons why she shouldn’t. Even though she’s old enough to do so, her mom wants her to try and—” The school bell rings, alerting her to her duties. “I better head inside and start the day.”
  701. “Right. You take care.”
  703. She gives you a nod before leaving inside the schoolhouse, quickly going in inside. Turning around to leave yourself, you stop at what’s in front of you. It’s the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They stand there, shuffling their hooves into the earth while looking down at the ground.
  705. “So… Silver Spoon won’t be here today?” Apple Bloom asks.
  707. “No, she won’t.”
  709. “She’s not sick… is she?” asks Sweetie Belle.
  711. “…No, she isn’t.”
  713. There’s no point in lying to them if they already know the reason she’s not at school today.
  715. “I don’t know why you brought her to the farm,” Scootaloo grumbles as her friends tell her to shut up.
  717. You stare down at her, watching Scootaloo shrink into herself and flatten her ears. “You want to know why I brought her there?” you ask. “She talked to me about how she was being mean to everyone and how she wanted to change that. Silver Spoon doesn’t have a whole lot of friends, so I thought if there was some… pony that could help with that, it’d be you three.” You place up a hand as one of them tries talking. “She wanted to try and make friends, to apologize for her actions. You never gave her that chance.”
  719. “…We’re really sorry about what happened yesterday,” Sweetie Belle says before looking down and sniffling to herself.
  721. You turn your direction to Scootaloo who quickly looks away from you. “…I’m not the one you should be apologizing to.” With nothing more to say, you leave the three ponies there to think on their actions.
  723. Arriving back, you check up on Silver to see how she’s doing. She’s still lying in her bed, sleeping the day away. You grab the wet rag that used to have ice in it before leaving. You sit around for most of the day, checking up on her every hour.
  725. You woke her up for lunch, giving her a simple sandwich before she goes back to sleep after eating. You notice her eye has swollen down a little more, so that’s something.
  727. With nothing else to do, you go around the house and look for things to clean or do. After checking twice over, you decide to grab a book and read it. Before you can do any reading, you hear a knocking coming from the front door confusing you. Looking at the time, you notice that it’s a little after four right now. Just who could that be?
  729. Closing your book, you head to the door. Opening it up, you look down and see three very familiar ponies at your feet.
  731. “Is there something I can help you with?”
  733. “…Can we talk to Silver Spoon, please? We want to apologize to her.”
  735. You stare down at them for a moment, examining their matching frowns as they stare at the ground. Stepping aside, you let the three fillies in.
  737. “So why did you decide to come over and apologize?” you ask. You watch them look to one another before they turn back to you.
  739. “When we saw her at the farm, we thought she came over to act like a jerk to us. After what you and Applejack told us, we finally understood that she came over to try and be our friend but we… well…”
  741. “We acted like jerks ourselves,” Apple Bloom finishes Sweetie Belles words.
  743. “And I may have overreacted when I punched her.” The two fillies push her to the side, making her stumble. “Okay, I did overreact, but I thought she was making fun of our friendship and it just made me really angry hearing that!” She started hovering when she says that, immediately dropping back to the ground when she’s finished. “But yeah, I’m here to apologize and to make it up to her.”
  746. “And how exactly do you plan to ‘make it up to her’?”
  748. You see her grin. “Don’t worry; I got something planned for that.”
  750. She knows better than to start trouble, so it’s likely not anything bad, you think looking down at her. Leading them to Silver Spoon’s room, you knock on the door before opening.
  752. “Stay here,” you tell them before going in. “Silver, are you up?”
  755. You see her stir underneath her blankets. She pops her head out at you. Her eye looks much better, though it’s going to be bruised for a while.
  757. “…Yes?”
  760. “I have someone here that needs to talk to you.”
  762. She looks confused hearing that. You walk back out before looking at Scootaloo, giving her the go-ahead with talking to Silver. You wait outside the door with the other two as Scootaloo walks in.
  764. “W-w-what are YOU doing here?! No, get out! Leave!”
  766. “Wait, I need to talk to you and say I’m sorry about yesterday!”
  769. “You just did, now LEAVE!”
  771. “That’s not properly apologizing though!”
  774. “And what would YOU think is proper for this!”
  776. “…I’m going to let you hit me!”
  778. The three of you outside the door immediately face palm hearing that. Only Scootaloo would think that’s appropriate. You won’t step in though; she needs to make up with her.
  780. “That’s… what? NO! I’m not going to hit you! That’d be immature for someone my age to do!”
  782. “Please, I doubt you’re barely older than me. I’m older than anyone at the school anyways!”
  784. “No, you’re not.”
  787. “Yes, I am!”
  789. Scootaloo walks over to her before whispering something into her ear. Silver turns her head to her before whispering something back.
  791. …Why would they whisper that? It’s a real pain none of these ponies will tell you their ages, and even times like this you can’t find out; likely another odd quirk of the ponies without them realizing it.
  793. “Wow,” you hear Scootaloo say,” you’re that old? W-why are you still in our classes then? And… why are you so small for your age?”
  795. “I-I’m just taking longer to develop than others. And my mom travelled a lot so I couldn’t go to a proper school until recently, so I have to go through the curriculum before I can properly advance...”
  797. “I thought the mayor was supposed to stay… well, being the mayor where she works.”
  799. “She only came here when there was anything important to do but otherwise her work kept her moving around the place for some reason. And no, I don’t know what it is.”
  802. “Oh, okay then.”
  804. Scootaloo stares at Silver for a few seconds. “Are you sure you don’t want to punch me?”
  806. “…No, Scootaloo. I do not want to punch you.”
  808. “I really am very sorry for what I did yesterday. I thought you were making fun of my friends again and I got really angry because, well… it looked to me like you were poking fun at our friendship.”
  810. “I can see where you might think that what with my bad behavior in the past.”
  812. “Well, if you wouldn’t mind I could try and… you know…” You can hear Scootaloo sigh before a thumping sound was made. “I uh, could try and... be your friend? The other girls wouldn’t mind that either.”
  814. “How would you know that?”
  816. “Oh, they’re here with me too. I just wanted to apologize for hitting you and to let you hit me in return.”
  818. “No, I… suppose I accept your apology. I guess you hitting me could make up for all that I did to you three.”
  820. “But you never hit us, and that wouldn’t be fair!”
  822. “No… but the way you went off on me yesterday, it may as well have been like I was hitting you from the looks of it.”
  824. Everything seems to be going better than you expected. Nudging the other two with your feet, you get their attention. You wave them in before opening the door. They quickly enter the room, talking to Silver about how they were sorry too like Scootaloo did… just without them asking Silver to hit them.
  826. From the sounds of things, it looks like you’ll be taking Silver back to the farm tomorrow to ‘play’ with the three others. Smiling to yourself, you close the door before making your way to the kitchen to make Silver up some dinner. You’re happy that everything got resolved in the end
  828. X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X
  830. They were talking for a good while, trying to plan different things they could do with her during the weekend. Silver kept refuting most of what they brought up, saying they should get to know one another first. It doesn’t sound like Silver won this round though.
  832. After they left, you walk into Silver’s room, seeing a small smile on her face. At least she seems happier, you think while taking a seat by her. You grab her glasses that were still sitting on the bed, looking them over in your hands.
  834. “I hope these weren’t too expensive.”
  836. “I’ve got plenty of extra glasses in my drawer. My mom always says to be prepared for anything... right?”
  838. You roll the glasses in your hand. Folding them, you pocket it before looking at Silver Spoon who’s looking off to the side.
  840. “Are you feeling better now?” you ask.
  842. “…Yes. I’m feeling a little better…”
  844. That’s good to hear. Scooting over to her, you reach out and start petting her mane. Silver turns her head at you with confusion.
  846. “…What are you doing?” she asks, making you stop. “Where you… petting me like a dog?”
  848. And you now have your hand pulled back. “Sorry, force of habit from back home…”
  850. Yeah, good excuse you idiot. So maybe it was a stupid idea to try and pet her thinking it would help. Silver Spoon blinks at you before turning a slight shade of red for some reason. Watching her, you see she scoots closer to you, turning redder in the face. She gets up on your lap before leaning against you.
  852. “…I m-much prefer hugs…”
  854. You wrap your arms around her and give a light squeeze, making her squeal softly. Tomorrow should definitely be a better day.
  857. ~End Chapter Four~
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