
Painted Fluff

Jun 22nd, 2012
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  1. > Be an old man.
  2. > You own a painted fluffy cart.
  3. > Every morning, you drive it to the undertown bazaar.
  4. > Set up shop on a busy side thoroughfare.
  5. > Most of your fluffies are housed in small glass terrariums built into the side of your cart, displayed for customers.
  6. > You keep one, a small black unicorn with a red mane, seperate from the rest.
  7. > She yawns, blinking up at you from her small bed, then smiles.
  8. > "Nee-yow!" she chirps.
  9. > You smile back, patting her on the head.
  10. > Her back fluff displays an intricate design of a horned deer-like animal with the head of a dragon, surrounded by flames.
  11. > One of your better pieces.
  12. > You get settled in, letting the constant market sounds becoming a comforting background noise.
  13. > Still early in the morning, usually not much business until later in the day.
  14. > Decide to get some work done.
  15. > Walk over to the back of your cart, stacked with mesh cages.
  16. > Fluffy ponies inside start babbling at you in English.
  17. > Select the one you set aside yesterday, a purple earth-pony; no food or water for the last 24 hours.
  18. > Less chance of a mess that way.
  19. > It immediately begins crying as you pull it out.
  20. > You understand a few of the words, or at least the general intent.
  21. > You say to settle down, it will get fed soon enough.
  22. > It pauses, tears in its eyes, incomprehension written on its face.
  23. > Sigh, and walk it over to your workbench.
  24. > Pull up the metal harness, and begin locking the fluffy in.
  25. > It whines, squirming and kicking its legs.
  26. > Your unicorn fluffy says something to it, her tone scolding.
  27. > You catch the word "Pwetty."
  28. > Finally you have it strapped in, its struggles becoming ineffective.
  29. > Turn on the electric razor, and begin shearing off its back fluff.
  30. > Its whining turns to panicked squeels and begging.
  31. > You're experienced at this, and are soon finished.
  32. > The fluffy begins to shiver and sob.
  33. > You turn on a heat-lamp, and pull out your equipment.
  34. > They're broadly similar to tattoo guns, though you're told the ink isn't really ink.
  35. > You glance at the writing on the ink-which-isn't-ink cannister.
  36. > "Injected bio-marking cellular substrate purposed for alteration of synthetic follicle pigmentation"
  37. > Permanent fluffy hair dye.
  38. > You asked once if it was bad for them.
  39. > You were told no.
  40. > You were also told not to let it get on your skin.
  41. > So.
  42. > The next half-hour is ... not peaceful.
  43. > Still, you work quickly, and are mostly finished with your design when one of the straps on the harness comes loose.
  44. > The fluffy twists and kicks at you wildly.
  45. > The gun slips and falls into your lap, the needle biting into your knee.
  46. > Jump back cursing.
  47. > On the bench the fluffy is twisting and thrashing.
  48. > Your unicorn is shouting angrily at it.
  49. > You hear a snap, and the purple fluffy's cries become a keening wail.
  50. > You lunge for it, fumbling to remove it from the harness.
  51. > It bites you once or twice, before you manage to get a solid hold on it.
  52. > Its front leg is broken and twisted.
  53. > Start angrily shouting at it.
  54. > Its only response is to sob and wail even louder.
  55. > Take a deep breath, and slowly let it out.
  56. > Examine it more closely, drawing on your previous experience with fluffy injuries.
  57. > Pull out the medical utensils you keep for these situations.
  58. > Remove everything below the knee and cauterize the wound, salvaging what you can of its leg.
  59. > By this point the fluffy is a complete wreck, shivering, hiccuping, and sobbing.
  60. > You talk to it softly, walking it over to a prepared incubator.
  61. > You place it inside, along with water and a small plate of noodles with sauce.
  62. > It huddles in a corner, curled into a shivering ball.
  63. > You purse your lips, and look back at some of the other fluffies in the mesh cages.
  64. > You pull a pair out, and place them in the incubator.
  65. > The two immediately begin hugging and comforting the sobbing fluffy.
  66. > Shake your head.
  67. > Go back and clean up your workspace as best you can.
  68. > When finished, you sit down at the counter, rubbing your wounded knee.
  69. > Your fluffy unicorn tugs at your pants leg.
  70. > You lift her up, and begin scratching behind her ears.
  71. > You both sit and watch the crowds pass by outside.
  72. > Losing yourself in the neon halo of advertising screens, and the endless clamor of the streets.
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