
Recolor Fanficiton Hour with J.C., vol. 1

May 29th, 2012
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  1. The sun was way too hot today. Granted, it was always ablaze during the summer, but today it was just really bad. She even had to actually take off her pink jacket that she wore all year long, revealing her pale pink t-shirt underneath. She sighed.
  2. It was hard work being a pink girl, after all. Pichuko, the master of pink, knew this better than anyone else. She took out her pink sunglasses with dark blue shades, and put them on, attempting her best "don't give a flying fuck" face.
  3. She was waiting for someone, and they were at least 10 minutes late already. Standard problem, but she never remembered to do anything about it. He was just too... interesting to talk with. 'Course, he himself never seemed very interested. She lifted her sunglasses, looking around for his unique countenance, the instantly recognizable expression on it that, despite it's intensely neutral disposition, told you every single thing you needed to know about anything - whether you said something stupid, looked funny, or were just generally disappointing.
  4. And there it was - that ever-so-stoic face she saw every night. His blood red hair rippling in the nonexistent wind, the sun glistening off of a shiny black biker jacket, the rather obvious sign of heaven on his back - Recolor-Sama, as she liked to call him. She waved as he came nearby, only to watch him walk away, none the worse for her kind gesture. She picked up a plastic bottle that was nearby, and proceeded to throw it at his head, hoping that THAT, if anything, would catch his attention.
  5. Thankfully, it did.
  6. "... Oh, there you are. Been waiting around all day, you know. Took your time getting here."
  7. She rolled her eyes, giving up on her earlier attempt at emotionless expression. She didn't want to explain that he had been the one late, if only because arguments with Recolor-Sama never got anywhere. So, sighing, she proceeded to hold her hand out in greeting, wearing as nice a smile as a pink person could.
  8. "Not even an apology?" Ah, there it was, the Recolor's face of stoic-ness showing itself. She looked down again, indicating she was sorry, and then proceeded to repeat her kind gesture.
  9. "... You need to talk more."
  10. Pichuko sighed, then pulled out a map, pointing to various locations on it. They always saved actually deciding what to do with the day for when they got together.
  11. "Well, let's just wait. Hopefully, he'll be here in due time."
  12. As if on cue, a huge billowing cloud of dust covered Pichuko and Recolor-Sama. As the dust settled, they saw the "he" that Recolor-Sama was referring to. His clothing being of a mystical fabric that granted speed of several machs, his huge hairdo being done not unlike that of a certain blue blur, the expression on his face being a simple smirk. He looked far too proud of something, and honestly it kinda perturbed Pichuko. But, it was with those curved lips of self-confidence that he greeted them every time.
  13. "'Sup guys, so today I read this one topic a-", he started, before Recolor-Sama interjected, "Look, we don't wanna hear about your one-sided match-ups, okay. Besides, we need to think of something to do today."
  14. Pichuko was slightly disappointed, since she enjoyed the stories of fools betting their lives away on the rather skewed world of match-ups, but he did have a point there.
  15. Ampooch, or Derpsmirk as they had come to call him, shrugged and replied, "Well, you guys think of something this time. I'm always the one who has to come up with our adventures."
  16. Pichuko took a quick look at the map - quick, because Recolor-Sama stole it right out of her hand. He gazed rather long at it. Pichuko secretly hoped that, for once, he would actually come up with something. He always complained about whatever the other two chose to do. Always.
  17. "... I dunno. Pichuko, you decide something."
  18. Her face became a general display of "holy shit really", her disappointed eyes finally surveying the map. Indeed, this week's issue looked like there was nothing interesting to do - but wait! A small area caught her eye, and she almost leapt up, pointing to it repeatedly.
  19. "Eh? ... Oh, not there for God's sake. You ALWAYS pick the Society of Under-appreciated Architects", Recolor-Sama sighed, then added, "And honestly, we're both kinda tired of it."
  20. She stopped bouncing up and down, then pointed once more, this time on a place right BELOW the Society of Under-appreciated Architects.
  21. Recolor-Sama had to pull of a pair of glasses, which were custom designed so that it looked like he didn't actually have glasses, to look properly at the tiny place that she was pointing to. He signaled Ampooch to come over.
  22. "Hey Derpsmirk, you ever heard of this place?"
  23. Amppoch was already there, thanks to his ability to move at triple digit mach speed. He looked at the tiny title beside the SUA building, scratching his head underneath the spikey mop of blue hair.
  24. "Huh... well, if I remember correctly, that's just a park which happens to be next to the SUA building. I don't actually think we've been there yet, so why not?"
  25. Recolor-Sama's face was as stoic as ever.
  26. "So one of her usually stupid ideas."
  27. "Yeah, pretty much", Ampooch confirmed. "Though this one has the potential to be not stupid."
  28. Recolor-Sama's expression didn't move an inch as he turned around, ready to move on out.
  29. "That's what you said last time, when we visited the nuclear power plant."
  30. Pichuko's expression saddened, and her hand went right smack to her head. It wasn't HER fault that, when the power suddenly went out mid-tour, that Ampooch had begun his discussion of supercivilizations and their infinitely superior power systems with the tour guide. It wasn't her fault that, as a result, they accidentally walked into the manager's office. And it definitely wasn't her fault that they caught the manager cheating on his wife in the process. Well, it had been worth it to go around the place, yelling to everyone about it, until they started getting pieces of radioactive metal thrown at them. And maybe the yelling had been her idea, but still. It wasn't her fault.
  31. "Well, whoever gets there last is a rotten egg!", Ampooch taunted, before promptly disappearing. Recolor-Sama was about to raise an objection involving his questionable speed, but one might say that he was too slow.
  32. "... Well c'mon, Pichuko, this WAS your idea.", He snapped at her. He then began to grumble about how being fast broke everything under his breath. Pichuko quickly tied her jacket across her waist - like an idiot, she had just thrown it onto the sidewalk without a second thought - and caught up with him.
  33. "... Oh, by the way, you can't do that face properly. Your eyebrows look like a letter three when you do that."
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