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Aug 26th, 2013
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  1. Name: Efa Llewellyn
  2. Class: Archer Trainee
  3. Character Specific Skill: Resolve
  4. Affinity:
  5. Personal Fault: Trembling Fingers: If the character is under half HP, -2 SKL.
  6. Personal Skill: Staying Away: If no enemies are at attack range with Efa, +2 STR
  7. Preferred stats: SKL, DEF
  9. Weapon profs: Bow (E)
  11. Level: 1 (0/100)
  12. Total Level: 1
  14. Progression spent: 330%
  16. HP: 16 (20%)
  17. STR: 4 (70%)
  18. MAG: 1 (0%)
  19. SKL: 5 (10%)
  20. CON: 4
  21. AID: 3
  22. LCK: 2 (50%)
  23. DEF: 3 (10%)
  24. RES: 1 (70%)
  25. SPD: 4 (70%)
  26. MOV: 4
  28. [code]Inventory:
  29. Name Type ( ) RNG MT WT CR Hit QL
  30. Training Bow Recu (E) 2 4 3 5 90 35/35
  31. Vulnerary (3/3)[/code]
  33. Bio:
  34. Efa Llewellyn is, by all appearances, a girl of haughtiness and arrogance. She tends to make it hard to attain social contact with her if she thinks that you should be socially “beneath” her. (Ironically, she’s somewhat poor, though she keeps this secret). She’s quite free with insults- but they tend to be milder ones, they tend to be somewhat artificial, and she falters from delivering the worst insults. She is also willing to brave practically any danger- but her resolve weakens somewhat when she is badly hurt.
  35. This personality of haughtiness is a fake, a front put on to make her seem stronger (to herself or to others, no one knows). But as time has passed with it, it’s become much harder to penetrate to her real and original personality- in reality, Efa is a rather timid girl who takes criticism badly and who while still ready to challenge almost anything, worries quite constantly, also having difficulty socializing with lots of people at once. Though she doesn’t show it, she worries for her teammates.
  36. Efa (not born with that name) grew up poor in the Troian Empire, one of the many unfortunate commoners who lived there along with her family: both parents, an older brother, and a younger sister. Specifically, she belonged to a family of hunters, trading and living by the animals they killed. This was a family tradition, setting back from, allegedly, before even the Magic Wars, though that’s somewhat doubtful. One thing that was for sure is that her father was quite proficient in the art of hunting, as was her brother. Efa, on the other hand, proved somewhat more of an interesting case. She had the muscle and the quickness to fire off powerful shots, and fast- but she had a distressing tendency to fumble when firing. Nevertheless, she trained herself to an adequate point.
  37. Not only was her father a successful hunter, he was somewhat of a community leader in the area. And when the area around him became discontent, inevitably he had to act on it. ended up the leader of a small revolt. Her brother, a man in his own right, joined with his father. Efa wanted to join. But she was only 15 years old. And she was merely an average hunter, clearly not fit for military archery. Compounding it, she had a timid and shy personality. She was refused by her father, for her own good.
  38. It turned out for the better, as the revolt was swiftly and brutally crushed, as most revolts are. Thankfully, her father is not a stupid man. He had planned for this inevitability. A few of the group of rebels survived, none made it out without hiding. Those that did make it made it because of her father. Her father hid somewhere unknown, taking the name Haul Rees, and occasionally keeps in contact with them. Her brother was last seen heading to the magical wasteland. They haven’t heard from him since. Fearful for the lives of her children, her mother adopted the surname Llewellyn, meaning leader, to keep her (now named Nest Llewellyn), Efa (a name adopted just at that point) and Efa’s younger sister (now Morwen Llewellyn) from being killed, and escaped from the Troian Empire into Syra, and eventually from Syra across the water to the Free Port of Setine. Along the journey, to better brave the hardships, and to not be rejected for her own good again in case the chance for vengeance ever came, Efa developed a mask of a personality- mean and arrogant, and considering how recently she came to Setine, the only ones who know otherwise are her family. Not even the mercenary group she recently joined, looking for some income of money and chance to use her bow, will likely have seen through this yet.
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