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  1. Astral Projection Guide – Manual
  3. Prologue:
  5. What is Astral Projection?
  6. Astral projection (or astral travel) is an out-of-body experience achieved either awake or while lucid dreaming or undergoing deep meditation. People who say they experience astral projection often say that their spirit or astral body has left their physical body and moves in another dimension known as the mental plane of thought or astral plane. The concept of astral projection has been around and practiced for thousands of years, dating back to ancient China. Everyone can have an out-of-body experience with the correct training and the correct procedure. The mind has abilities that go beyond the five senses of the physical world.
  7. Note from Baal: In this Guide we will be doing an alternative advanced way to Astral Projection that you can do while awake.
  8. What happens when you Astral Project?
  9. When you astral project, you are literally traveling outside of your body; this is why it’s under the Out of Body Experiences. Astral Projection is a basic projection of your spiritual body and most tend to visit the Astral Plane. Some advanced Psions can use Astral Projection with Biolocation to explore the Universe including distant galaxies or somewhere as close as your backyard.
  10. I will take the time to tell you right now what you can’t do with astral projection. You cannot visit spirits that are in the spiritual realm (this requires you to project to the Etheric Plane via Etheric Projection, you cannot view events or people in real-time on Earth (this is remote viewing), you can but will not project to other beings on Earth (you would use Biolocation; using astral projection to biolocate is a waste of time you and will see like a beginner for doing so), and you cannot leave another universe and walk around another planet (as you have a cord that makes it so you can only go so far; also you can’t leave the connections of our planet). Astral Projection allows you to project to the Astral Plane and that’s it. If you can see other things outside of the astral plane you’re not astral projecting.
  12. What is the Astral Plane?
  13. The astral realm is not the spiritual plane (Etheric Plane) and is a mental plane of thought. On our planet ever person is connected to each other and to the planet itself. Our collective consciousness has created a mental plane called the Astral Plane. The Astral Plane for this reason is easier to connect and project to then other planes. In the Astral Plane those who connect and project to it can mold the astral plane; create entities and objects. In the astral plane, a Psion can think of whatever he or she wants and it will be created. For this reason the Astral Plane is for the new Projectors, learning how to project and use abilities on a plane.
  14. Note from Baal: Everyone reading this has to understand the importance of imagination. When it comes to abilities our imagination helps us create a mental blueprint on how an ability will work and function. This blueprint is used subconsciously to help guide our conscious in using the ability. So be open-minded and use your “IMAGINATION!” – Spongebob. (Lol had to add this.)
  18. Chapter 1: Out of Body Experience
  20. Withdrawal Stage:
  21. The Withdraw Stage is a stage in which you will be preparing to Astral Projection. So take a minute to forget what you heard about astral projection before. Most people think you need to sleep in order to Astral Project and that is completely not true; most advanced psions can project awake or even while in a conversation with another person. This is what I will be teaching you with this guide.
  22. In this stage, what you will accomplish is putting your body into a completely relaxed state and it will be similar to sleeping. Your body in a sense goes into an auto pilot and the person is consciously unaware of their surroundings.
  23. Process 1- Seclusion:
  24. The best place to start off is to be in your room. Make sure that you have no distractions at all. If you live along great, if not tell those around you that you will be in your room meditating or make up an excuse. You’re going to want to make your room as dark as it can be.
  25. Note from Baal: If it is day time what you can do is put dark sheets over the windows or cover your eyes with a dark blanket.
  27. Process 2- Position:
  28. After you have a private area to work in your going to want to lay in a comfortable bed or couch and then you will need to lay on your back your hands to your sides and your feet straight. Remove any jewelry. It is of the utmost importance to remove any jewelry and/or protruding objects from your body if you intend on having an astral projection. Your body may move about erratically during the experience and you do not want to risk injury to yourself or others. Close your eyes and breathe evenly. Let your mind go and see whatever it wants you to see. This will calm your mind and your body.
  30. Note from Baal: Find a quite time and place. Most people will use the time before bed, although this can present its own distractions, many people get into such a profound state of relaxation that they slip into an out of body experience without knowing it. You’re going to want to completely relax yourself. So also make sure you have no electronic devices that will make random noises. This can mess up the whole process at any time. Trust me.
  32. Cataleptic Stage:
  33. In the Cataleptic Stage your body is now in a comfortable position, the room is dark, and you’re now secluded from distractions in your house or area; and you are now ready for the Connection to the Astral Plane and Create the Astral Cord (ASIC) [In Process 4]. In the Cataleptic Stage your physical movement is disabled and your alternative extra sensory perception will now kick in.
  35. Process 3- Relaxation
  36. Flex your muscles and then loosen them. Start with your toes and work your way up your body, gradually making your way to your head. Make sure every muscle is completely relaxed when you are through. Breathe deeply and exhale completely. Don't hold tension in your chest and shoulders. Focus your mind on your breathing. Don't get carried away with thoughts of outside worries, and don't get preoccupied yet with the idea of your soul projecting from your body. Just let yourself sink into relaxation.
  37. Note from Baal: The first thing you need to understand and accept is that it this is a completely natural state of being. Although the idea of having an out of body experience may seem extraordinary or somewhat weird, astral projection has been around for thousands of years and is practiced by countless cultures. So begin by unlocking your mind. Let go of all negative beliefs and let go of all doubt and fears.
  38. Tip from Baal: You will notice in this stage your eyes will flutter and move feel weird. This is a good sign.
  40. Separation Stage:
  41. In the Separation Stage your body and mind are relaxed and you’re ready to start the real work of Astral Projection. In this stage you will be separating your astral body from your physical body; you are going to want to know Constructs and Connects to do this. There are multiple steps in the Separation Stage.
  42. Process 4- Creating your Tether (ASIC)
  43. The first step in the separation stage is to create the ASIC (alternative sensory information cord), simply also known as the “Silver Cord”. This ASIC will be the life-giving linkage from your astral body to your physical body. This cord helps you stay connected to the astral realm and helps maintain a steady flow of extra sensory information.
  44. Step 1: Use energy to create a simple construct at the center of your chest or head; it doesn’t matter which spot just choose one.
  45. Step 2: With a simple script program this construct to receive a connection from the astral plane.
  46. Step 3: Expand the constructs power with a generator and turn it on.
  47. Step 4: With your connections workings, make a two way connection to the construct. This way you’re able to receive and send through the construct.
  48. Tip from Baa: You will not hear this way from any other Psion. The ASIC method uses a construct to build the cord. Which means it will have a great power to hold onto a connection longer. Most Psions fail at this stage of creating a Silver Cord because they do not use a Construct.
  50. Process 5- Hypnotic State
  51. In this step you’re now ready to move and separate your astral projection body out of your physical body. In the previous step we created an ASIC to help connect you to the Astral Plane and receive extra sensory information for your physical body to perceive.
  52. So let your body and mind approach sleep, but don't completely lose consciousness. Being at the edge of wakefulness and sleep, a hypnotic state, is necessary for astral projection to occur. Hypnotize yourself using the following method:
  53. Step 1: Keep your eyes closed and feel the fluttering, let your mind wander to a part of your body, such as your foot, a single toe, or hand. Focus on the body part until you can visualize it perfect, even with your eyes closed. Continue focusing until all other thoughts fall away.
  54. Step 2: Use your mind to flex your body part, but do not physically move it. Visualize your toes curling and uncurling, or your fingers clenching and unclenching, until it seems as though they are physically moving.
  55. Step 3: Broaden your focus to the rest of your body. Move your legs, your arms, and your head using only your mind. Keep your focus steady until you're able to move your whole body in your mind alone.
  56. Tip from Baal: Astral projection is closely associated with lucid dreaming. If you want to enhance or improve your astral projection experiences, you should practice lucid dreaming. So in this stage you should see a very vivid day dream which you can see your body and what’s going on around you. Only focus on yourself on this and continue moving your body without moving your body.
  57. Process 6- Vibration State
  58. Many report feeling vibrations, which come in waves at different frequencies, as the astral body prepares to leave the body. Don't be afraid of the vibrations, since the presence of fear might cause you to leave your meditative state; instead, succumb to the vibrations as your soul prepares to leave your body.
  59. Tip from Baal: A great sign that the vibrations are coming is that your eyes beginning to flutter and move around a lot. Your eyes are the gate way to your soul; your astral body which is a projection of your soul will come out from your eyes first. This is why there is a fluttering type feeling. These vibrations are your soul trying to come out.
  60. Process 7- Actual Separation
  61. In this process you’re going to use your mind to remove your astral body from your physical body. Imagine in your mind the room in which you are lying. Move your body in your mind to stand up. Look around yourself. Get up off the bed and walk across the room, then turn around and look at your body on the bed. Your Biolocation is successful if you feel as though you are gazing upon your body from across the room, and that your conscious self is now separate from your body.
  62. Tip from Baal: It takes a lot of practice to get to this point. If you have trouble completely lifting your astral body from your body, try lifting just a hand or a leg at first. Keep practicing until you're able to move across the room.
  63. Process 8- Connection to the Astral Plane
  64. At this point you have actually biolocated and are ready to astral project. Another guide will go into Biolocation so we will continue to the astral plane with this Astral Projection Guide. Now that you are Biolocating, your construct should be visible to you now and you should see it on your chest as if it was a real construct. Your mind will receive the information of that construct and transmit it to your physical mind via the ASIC cord. Your mind will see this construct the best way it can image it to you.
  65. Step 1: You’re going to want to move to the construct and turn it on. When doing this your perception of the projection should change and you should now be in the Astral Realm.
  66. The world you have entered is the Astral Realm and you can do whatever you want. During subsequent astral projection sessions, go to locations that are less and less familiar to you. Each time, note details that you had never noticed before. After each session, physically verify the details with other Astral Projectors. After a few trips, you will be experienced enough to travel to locations that are completely unfamiliar with the confidence that you have actually performed astral projection.
  70. Re-Entry Stage:
  71. Eventually the need to return to physical body increases. This happens because of your energy level and how much energy the construct consumed. So returning to your body can be voluntary or involuntary, slow or fast. Either way you will be pulled back to your body and wake up fully.
  72. The emotional content of the re-entry phase is ‘extremely' important as it strengthens OBE memories. If the mind split is responsible, and it probably is, for failed OBE attempts, this means your memories of existing in your physical body are not allowing your OBE memories to 'overwrite' them after re-entry. The nature of the physical brain is to record only a single memory for any single time period. During an OBE, two completely separate sets of memory are present - those of the physical body and those of its projected double. The 'strongest' memory set will be the set retained, as a recallable memory, after an OBE. The memories of the physical body have more of an immediate impact on the physical brain, as these memories are automatically recorded, as per normal physical memory recording.
  73. Note from Baal: If you have any questions just leave a comment below and I will get back to you when I can.
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