
Fall of Cleveland: The Enemy of My Enemy

Jul 31st, 2012
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  1. >You are a soldier with 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry Regiment.
  2. >You're currently on the 14th tee at Shaker Heights Country Club, but you're not playing golf.
  3. >As with almost everywhere near Cleveland, fluffy ponies waddle through the landscape.
  4. >You have your binoculars trained on some strange looking fluffies.
  5. >They're larger than the rest, and all white, with empty blue eyes.
  6. >There's a clump of about two dozen, slowly walking around.
  7. >They only break ranks when approached by regular fluffies.
  8. >Every time this happens, they attack those fluffies and kill them.
  9. “Sergeant, you wouldn't believe what I'm looking at.”
  10. >You pass along this info to your NCO, who then sends it up to the company commander.
  11. >Your squad continues to watch the white fluffies, who are about a hundred meters away.
  12. >They reach an orange, bloated fluffy dam stuck in a sandtrap.
  13. >”New fwiends, pwease hewp mumma! No can woll! Am stuck!”
  14. >Two of the whites walk over to her.
  15. >One grabs her tail, and the other grabs the stubby horn on her head.
  16. >They start yanking in opposite directions.
  17. >”Nuuuuuuu! Why huwt mumma?! Mumma good fwuffy, pwease no huwt babehs!”
  18. >The other whites begin coming over, delivering kicks and bites to her swollen torso.
  19. >”Stop huwt! Stop huwt babehs!” the dam shrieks frantically.
  20. >With a sharp pop, she explodes out of stress.
  21. >The whites don't seem injured.
  22. >They start looking around for the foals.
  23. >Once they find all four, they begin stomping the chirping creatures.
  24. >After they fall silent, the whites regroup and begin moving again.
  25. >It's not long before they encounter a large herd of regular fluffies.
  26. >”Smawty fwiend say dese ow gwassies, big fwuffies go 'way!”
  27. >A bluish-green earth fluffy seems to be in charge of the regulars.
  28. >He stomps and puffs and generally looks like a moron.
  29. >The whites say nothing in response.
  30. >They surround the smarty and begin tearing him apart.
  31. >”Nuuuuuuuuuuu! HEWP FWUFFY!” he screams, thrashing around and flinging blood all over the whites.
  32. >Once he's dead, the whites are charged by the herd.
  33. >Despite being outnumbered five to one, they annihilate the regulars with graceful ease.
  34. >The massacre is punctuated by the rounding up of the regular fillies and colts.
  35. >They are systematically executed by having their heads bitten off.
  36. >Suddenly, one of the whites looks at you.
  37. >They all turn to face you, but just stand there and stare.
  38. >You take the squad and walk over to investigate.
  39. “Why are you killing these fluffy ponies?”
  40. >They stare up at you.
  41. >”No huwt fwuffies. Fwuffies haf acciden'.”
  42. “I just watched you kill them all.”
  43. >”Fuzzies no huwt fwuffies.”
  44. >Fuzzies, huh?
  45. “Well...don't mind us. Go kill some more fluffies.”
  46. >They stand up as one, waddling off.
  47. >However, they don't attack any other fluffies that come near them.
  48. >With a shrug, you head back up the course to your Humvee.
  49. >As soon as you get there, you can hear the screams of fluffy ponies behind you once again.
  50. >Another herd is being destroyed.
  51. >Young fluffies are torn apart as their parents beat helplessly on the bigger fuzzies.
  52. >When the little ones are dealt with, their elders are annihilated.
  53. >This continues again the next day.
  54. >You see roving packs of fuzzies slaughtering fluffy ponies.
  55. >They always stop when they realize they're being watched by humans.
  56. >Once you move away, they return to murdergasming the moment they think you've left.
  57. >Your company commander asks 1st Infantry Division what the policy is on these things.
  58. >The reply comes down from the Major General himself:
  59. >”If it's fluffy and pony-shaped, kill it.”
  60. >Very well.
  61. >Your patrol moves down Fairmount Boulevard, shooting at fluffy ponies and fuzzies alike.
  62. >The Sergeant has a little fun with some of the fuzzies.
  63. >”Hey, you.”
  64. >”Hewwo, hooman.”
  65. >”Stand here and let me shoot you.”
  66. >”Okay. Fuzzies do wha’ hooman say.”
  67. >He shoots one right in the head with his M9.
  68. >The fuzzies around it don't even flinch.
  69. >”You gotta be shittin' me.”
  70. >They obediently remain there until the last one has been killed.
  71. >A klick east, you find some more.
  72. >They're soaked with blood, enveloped by dead fluffy ponies.
  73. “Hey, let me try this time, sir.”
  74. >”Go for it.”
  75. ”Hey, fuzzies!”
  76. >A hollow chorus of 'hewwo, hooman'.
  77. “I command you to die.”
  78. >They look at each other, then up at you again.
  79. >”Okay, if hooman say so.”
  80. >They twitch a little.
  81. >A few begin falling over, their eyes bulging out.
  82. >When they've all collapsed and gone still, you reach down and feel their bodies.
  83. “Shit, they really did die!”
  84. >Everyone else in your patrol is laughing as they mount up again.
  85. >You're just creeped the fuck out.
  86. >Maybe you should be shooting the geneticists that designed these things, and not the fuzzies.
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