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Jan 19th, 2013
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  1. <!-- This file contains the mapping of keys (gamepad, remote, and keyboard) to actions within XBMC -->
  2. <!-- The <global> section is a fall through - they will only be used if the button is not -->
  3. <!-- used in the current window's section. Note that there is only handling -->
  4. <!-- for a single action per button at this stage. -->
  5. <!-- For joystick/gamepad configuration under linux/win32, see below as it differs from xbox -->
  6. <!-- gamepads. -->
  8. <!-- The format is: -->
  9. <!-- <device> -->
  10. <!-- <button>action</button> -->
  11. <!-- </device> -->
  13. <!-- To map keys from other remotes using the RCA protocol, you may add <universalremote> blocks -->
  14. <!-- In this case, the tags used are <obc#> where # is the original button code (OBC) of the key -->
  15. <!-- You set it up by adding a <universalremote> block to the window or <global> section: -->
  16. <!-- <universalremote> -->
  17. <!-- <obc45>Stop</obc45> -->
  18. <!-- </universalremote> -->
  20. <!-- Note that the action can be a built-in function. -->
  21. <!-- eg <B>XBMC.ActivateWindow(MyMusic)</B> -->
  22. <!-- would automatically go to My Music on the press of the B button. -->
  24. <!-- Joysticks / Gamepads: -->
  25. <!-- See the sample PS3 controller configuration below for the format. -->
  26. <!-- -->
  27. <!-- Joystick Name: -->
  28. <!-- Do 'cat /proc/bus/input/devices' or see your xbmc log file to find the names of -->
  29. <!-- detected joysticks. The name used in the configuration should match the detected name. -->
  30. <!-- -->
  31. <!-- Button Ids: -->
  32. <!-- 'id' is the button ID used by SDL. Joystick button ids of connected joysticks appear -->
  33. <!-- in xbmc.log when they are pressed. Use your log to map custom buttons to actions. -->
  34. <!-- -->
  35. <!-- Axis Ids / Analog Controls -->
  36. <!-- Coming soon. -->
  37. <keymap>
  38. <global>
  39. <remote>
  40. <play>Play</play>
  41. <pause>Pause</pause>
  42. <stop>Stop</stop>
  43. <forward>FastForward</forward>
  44. <reverse>Rewind</reverse>
  45. <left>Left</left>
  46. <right>Right</right>
  47. <up>Up</up>
  48. <down>Down</down>
  49. <select>Select</select>
  50. <enter>FullScreen</enter>
  51. <pageplus>PageUp</pageplus>
  52. <pageminus>PageDown</pageminus>
  53. <back>Back</back>
  54. <menu>PreviousMenu</menu>
  55. <title>ContextMenu</title>
  56. <info>Info</info>
  57. <skipplus>SkipNext</skipplus>
  58. <skipminus>SkipPrevious</skipminus>
  59. <display>FullScreen</display>
  60. <start>PreviousMenu</start>
  61. <record>Screenshot</record>
  62. <volumeplus>VolumeUp</volumeplus>
  63. <volumeminus>VolumeDown</volumeminus>
  64. <mute>Mute</mute>
  65. <power>XBMC.ShutDown()</power>
  66. <myvideo>XBMC.ActivateWindow(MyVideos)</myvideo>
  67. <mymusic>XBMC.ActivateWindow(MyMusic)</mymusic>
  68. <mypictures>XBMC.ActivateWindow(MyPictures)</mypictures>
  69. <mytv>XBMC.ActivateWindow(VideoLibrary,TvShows)</mytv>
  70. <red>VolumeDown</red>
  71. <green>VolumeUp</green>
  72. <yellow>NextSubtitle</yellow>
  73. <blue>AudioNextLanguage</blue>
  74. <zero>Number0</zero>
  75. <one>SubtitleDelayMinus</one>
  76. <two>SubtitleDelayPlus</two>
  77. <three>JumpSMS3</three>
  78. <four>JumpSMS4</four>
  79. <five>JumpSMS5</five>
  80. <six>JumpSMS6</six>
  81. <seven>JumpSMS7</seven>
  82. <eight>JumpSMS8</eight>
  83. <nine>JumpSMS9</nine>
  84. </remote>
  85. </global>
  86. <Home>
  87. <remote>
  88. <info>XBMC.ActivateWindow(SystemInfo)</info>
  89. <clear>XBMC.ActivateWindow(Weather)</clear>
  90. <hash>XBMC.ActivateWindow(Settings)</hash>
  91. </remote>
  92. </Home>
  93. <MyFiles>
  94. <remote>
  95. <clear>Delete</clear>
  96. <zero>Highlight</zero>
  97. <star>Move</star>
  98. <hash>Rename</hash>
  99. </remote>
  100. </MyFiles>
  101. <MyMusicPlaylist>
  102. <remote>
  103. <clear>Delete</clear>
  104. <zero>Delete</zero>
  105. </remote>
  106. </MyMusicPlaylist>
  107. <MyMusicPlaylistEditor>
  108. <remote>
  109. <zero>Queue</zero>
  110. </remote>
  111. </MyMusicPlaylistEditor>
  112. <MyMusicFiles>
  113. <remote>
  114. <zero>Queue</zero>
  115. <star>Queue</star>
  116. </remote>
  117. </MyMusicFiles>
  118. <MyMusicLibrary>
  119. <remote>
  120. <zero>Queue</zero>
  121. <star>Queue</star>
  122. </remote>
  123. </MyMusicLibrary>
  124. <FullscreenVideo>
  125. <remote>
  126. <left>StepBack</left>
  127. <right>StepForward</right>
  128. <up>BigStepForward</up>
  129. <down>BigStepBack</down>
  130. <back>SmallStepBack</back>
  131. <menu>OSD</menu>
  132. <start>OSD</start>
  133. <select>AspectRatio</select>
  134. <title>CodecInfo</title>
  135. <info>Info</info>
  136. <teletext>XBMC.ActivateWindow(Teletext)</teletext>
  137. <subtitle>NextSubtitle</subtitle>
  138. <star>NextSubtitle</star>
  139. <language>AudioNextLanguage</language>
  140. <hash>AudioNextLanguage</hash>
  141. <red>VolumeDown</red>
  142. <green>VolumeUp</green>
  143. <yellow>NextSubtitle</yellow>
  144. <blue>AudioNextLanguage</blue>
  145. <zero>Number0</zero>
  146. <one>SubtitleDelayMinus</one>
  147. <two>SubtitleDelayPlus</two>
  148. <three>JumpSMS3</three>
  149. <four>JumpSMS4</four>
  150. <five>JumpSMS5</five>
  151. <six>JumpSMS6</six>
  152. <seven>JumpSMS7</seven>
  153. <eight>JumpSMS8</eight>
  154. <nine>JumpSMS9</nine>
  155. </remote>
  156. </FullscreenVideo>
  157. <VideoTimeSeek>
  158. <remote>
  159. <select>Select</select>
  160. <enter>Select</enter>
  161. </remote>
  162. </VideoTimeSeek>
  163. <FullscreenInfo>
  164. <remote>
  165. <title>CodecInfo</title>
  166. <info>Back</info>
  167. <menu>OSD</menu>
  168. </remote>
  169. </FullscreenInfo>
  170. <PlayerControls>
  171. <remote>
  172. <menu>Back</menu>
  173. </remote>
  174. </PlayerControls>
  175. <Visualisation>
  176. <remote>
  177. <left>PreviousPreset</left>
  178. <right>NextPreset</right>
  179. <up>IncreaseRating</up>
  180. <down>DecreaseRating</down>
  181. <back>LockPreset</back>
  182. <title>CodecInfo</title>
  183. <select>XBMC.ActivateWindow(VisualisationPresetList)</select>
  184. <menu>XBMC.ActivateWindow(MusicOSD)</menu>
  185. <start>XBMC.ActivateWindow(MusicOSD)</start>
  186. <info>Info</info>
  187. </remote>
  188. </Visualisation>
  189. <MusicOSD>
  190. <remote>
  191. <menu>Back</menu>
  192. <title>Info</title>
  193. <info>CodecInfo</info>
  194. </remote>
  195. </MusicOSD>
  196. <VisualisationSettings>
  197. <remote>
  198. <menu>Back</menu>
  199. </remote>
  200. </VisualisationSettings>
  201. <VisualisationPresetList>
  202. <remote>
  203. <menu>Back</menu>
  204. </remote>
  205. </VisualisationPresetList>
  206. <SlideShow>
  207. <remote>
  208. <info>CodecInfo</info>
  209. <skipplus>NextPicture</skipplus>
  210. <skipminus>PreviousPicture</skipminus>
  211. <title>Info</title>
  212. <select>Rotate</select>
  213. </remote>
  214. </SlideShow>
  215. <ScreenCalibration>
  216. <remote>
  217. <select>NextCalibration</select>
  218. <zero>ResetCalibration</zero>
  219. <display>NextResolution</display>
  220. <xbox>NextResolution</xbox>
  221. </remote>
  222. </ScreenCalibration>
  223. <GUICalibration>
  224. <remote>
  225. <select>NextCalibration</select>
  226. <zero>ResetCalibration</zero>
  227. </remote>
  228. </GUICalibration>
  229. <VideoOSD>
  230. <remote>
  231. <menu>Back</menu>
  232. <start>Back</start>
  233. </remote>
  234. </VideoOSD>
  235. <VideoMenu>
  236. <remote>
  237. <menu>OSD</menu>
  238. <info>Info</info>
  239. <title>CodecInfo</title>
  240. <play>Select</play>
  241. </remote>
  242. </VideoMenu>
  243. <OSDVideoSettings>
  244. <remote>
  245. <menu>Back</menu>
  246. <start>Back</start>
  247. </remote>
  248. </OSDVideoSettings>
  249. <OSDAudioSettings>
  250. <remote>
  251. <menu>Back</menu>
  252. <start>Back</start>
  253. </remote>
  254. </OSDAudioSettings>
  255. <VideoBookmarks>
  256. <remote>
  257. <menu>Back</menu>
  258. <start>Back</start>
  259. <zero>Delete</zero>
  260. </remote>
  261. </VideoBookmarks>
  262. <MyVideoLibrary>
  263. <remote>
  264. <zero>Queue</zero>
  265. <clear>Delete</clear>
  266. </remote>
  267. </MyVideoLibrary>
  268. <MyVideoFiles>
  269. <remote>
  270. <zero>Queue</zero>
  271. <star>Queue</star>
  272. </remote>
  273. </MyVideoFiles>
  274. <MyVideoPlaylist>
  275. <remote>
  276. <clear>Delete</clear>
  277. <zero>Delete</zero>
  278. </remote>
  279. </MyVideoPlaylist>
  280. <VirtualKeyboard>
  281. <remote>
  282. <back>BackSpace</back>
  283. <star>Shift</star>
  284. <hash>Symbols</hash>
  285. <zero>Number0</zero>
  286. <one>Number1</one>
  287. <two>Number2</two>
  288. <three>Number3</three>
  289. <four>Number4</four>
  290. <five>Number5</five>
  291. <six>Number6</six>
  292. <seven>Number7</seven>
  293. <eight>Number8</eight>
  294. <nine>Number9</nine>
  295. <enter>Enter</enter>
  296. <pageminus>CursorLeft</pageminus>
  297. <pageplus>CursorRight</pageplus>
  298. </remote>
  299. </VirtualKeyboard>
  300. <ContextMenu>
  301. <remote>
  302. <title>Back</title>
  303. </remote>
  304. </ContextMenu>
  305. <Scripts>
  306. <remote>
  307. <info>info</info>
  308. </remote>
  309. </Scripts>
  310. <NumericInput>
  311. <remote>
  312. <zero>Number0</zero>
  313. <one>Number1</one>
  314. <two>Number2</two>
  315. <three>Number3</three>
  316. <four>Number4</four>
  317. <five>Number5</five>
  318. <six>Number6</six>
  319. <seven>Number7</seven>
  320. <eight>Number8</eight>
  321. <nine>Number9</nine>
  322. <enter>Enter</enter>
  323. <back>BackSpace</back>
  324. </remote>
  325. </NumericInput>
  326. <MusicInformation>
  327. <remote>
  328. <info>Back</info>
  329. </remote>
  330. </MusicInformation>
  331. <MovieInformation>
  332. <remote>
  333. <info>Back</info>
  334. </remote>
  335. </MovieInformation>
  336. <LockSettings>
  337. <remote>
  338. <menu>Back</menu>
  339. </remote>
  340. </LockSettings>
  341. <ProfileSettings>
  342. <remote>
  343. <menu>Back</menu>
  344. </remote>
  345. </ProfileSettings>
  346. <PictureInfo>
  347. <remote>
  348. <skipplus>NextPicture</skipplus>
  349. <skipminus>PreviousPicture</skipminus>
  350. <info>Back</info>
  351. </remote>
  352. </PictureInfo>
  353. <Teletext>
  354. <remote>
  355. <red>Red</red>
  356. <green>Green</green>
  357. <yellow>Yellow</yellow>
  358. <blue>Blue</blue>
  359. <info>Info</info>
  360. <menu>Back</menu>
  361. <start>Back</start>
  362. <teletext>Back</teletext>
  363. </remote>
  364. </Teletext>
  365. <AddonSettings>
  366. <remote>
  367. <clear>Delete</clear>
  368. </remote>
  369. </AddonSettings>
  370. </keymap>
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