
Dinner Dress [Science!]

Mar 4th, 2015
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  1. [19:24] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Hello?)
  2. [19:24] * Muss is now known as waterloggedDrifter
  3. [19:24] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Ah, hell<> Afiqah! H<>w are y<>u t<>night?)
  4. [19:25] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Good! And you?)
  5. [19:26] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (I feel g<><>d, I'm w<>rking <>n s<>me quests. A few interesting things)
  6. [19:27] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Interesting things?)
  7. [19:28] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Mmm, a few <>f them seem t<> be glitching <>ut <>ddly en<>ugh)
  8. [19:29] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (What are you talking about exactly? I need details!)
  9. [19:30] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Well, sometimes I'll just see locations that look like they have very weird pixilation effects, other times I'll just see game constructs act oddly)
  10. [19:30] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (The consorts were attacking me at one point and the imps were trying to get me to do quests)
  11. [19:30] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (.....thats weird)
  12. [19:31] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Seeing a slightly larger rati<> <>f <>hg<>dwhats as well, <>ne gave me several quests at <>nce)
  13. [19:31] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (That)
  14. [19:32] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Stay safe, okay?)
  15. [19:32] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (I am, I'm trying t<> try t<> figure <>ut if it's danger<>us <>r harmless half the time)
  16. [19:33] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Alright)
  17. [19:33] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (/me hugs)
  18. [19:35] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (/me hugs)
  19. [19:35] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (And y<>u?)
  20. [19:37] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (I'm good. I talked to Bash and he, uhm, still wanted to try so)
  21. [19:37] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (I guess I'm going out with both of you now? It's still a little weird from my end)
  22. [19:38] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (/me hugs)
  23. [19:39] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (/me hugs)
  24. [19:41] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (So yeah, thats a thing now)
  25. [19:42] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (I pr<>mise there will be n<> impr<>mptu duels <>ver wh<> y<>u might like m<>re. Plus I think Bash c<>uldn't h<>ld a fencing sw<>rd f<>r his life it w<>uld really just be a mess)
  26. [19:43] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Oh, uhm, good)
  27. [19:43] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (If you two started fighting I wouldn't be happy :( )
  28. [19:44] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (I d<>n't believe we'd have anything t<> fight ab<>ut)
  29. [19:44] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Besides wh<>se str<>nger)
  30. [19:44] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : ( (it's me) )
  31. [19:44] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : ( (I don't know. Bash is apparently pretty strong) )
  32. [19:44] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : ( (He broke some equipment by putting too much weight on it) )
  33. [19:45] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : ( (It seems we will have t<> have a lift <>ff)
  34. [19:46] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : ( (That would be something to see) )
  35. [19:47] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : ( (Either way you're both way stronger than me) )
  36. [19:47] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Yes well y<>u can make actual lift <>ffs happen with very large things)
  37. [19:48] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Unless y<>u're g<>ing t<> be having Bash pick them up and make s<>und effects while he thr<>ws them)
  38. [19:48] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Well, no)
  39. [19:48] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Not going to stop making rockets anytime soon, but it's not the same!)
  40. [19:49] * Keleviel ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  41. [19:50] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (I think y<>u c<>uld beat him in lifting with the right equipment)
  42. [19:50] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Maybe, but it's still not the same. Silly)
  43. [19:51] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (/me hugs)
  44. [19:52] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (/me hugs)
  45. [19:55] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Well it's n<>t like Bash just naturally can lift that much either t<><>)
  46. [19:55] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (I suppose so)
  47. [19:56] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Strength is in finding <>ut all the ways t<> make strength)
  48. [19:57] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (A girl can dream, can't she?)
  49. [19:57] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Dream <>f punching all the things in y<>ur way t<> vict<>ry)
  50. [19:58] * Equinox ( has joined #ultimatereward
  51. [19:59] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Thats pretty much it, yes)
  52. [19:59] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Be nice not to have to worry as much about strifing with underlings)
  53. [19:59] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Not that I've done that recently cause of the pre-session)
  54. [20:00] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Mmm, I can dress up mind in fancy cl<>thes t<> send y<>u pictures if it'll help?)
  55. [20:00] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (It might distract me, yes)
  56. [20:01] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Perfect, give me a few minutes)
  57. [20:02] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Alright)
  58. [20:05] <emeraldEclipse> [Settle in to the couch and wait. This'll be nice. Probably.]
  59. add Skaianet?#ultimatereward
  60. [20:06] * Rave ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  61. [20:07] * waterloggedDrifter 6sends file "fancy" to emeraldEclipse ((A bunch of imps, in fancy clothing who seem to beholding tea cups and laughing))
  62. [20:07] <waterloggedDrifter> 6((Dosima added speech bubbles to add in fancy people jokes))
  63. [20:08] <emeraldEclipse> 03((pff))
  64. [20:08] * emeraldEclipse 3has downloaded the file!
  65. [20:09] <emeraldEclipse> 03[Start giggling.]
  66. [20:10] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (You're very silly Dosima.)
  67. [20:10] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (/me hugs)
  68. [20:10] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (/me hugs)
  69. [20:10] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Thank you.)
  70. [20:11] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (I am happy t<> d<> s<>, and will see if I can get s<>me <>rges t<> help <>ut later)
  71. [20:11] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (As long as you stay safe, okay?)
  72. [20:11] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (/me cuddles)
  73. [20:12] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (I hardly think <>ne <>f th<>se will be the end <>f me)
  74. [20:13] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : ( I suppose not.)
  75. [20:13] <emeraldEclipse> 03[You know one of them would be problem for you without aspect abilities.]
  76. [20:15] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (/me lays on and sighs)
  77. [20:15] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (/me snuggles)
  78. [20:15] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (What's up?)
  79. [20:18] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (It just sort of feels)
  80. [20:19] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (unfair to you, that we've been going out for over two years from my perspective, and then I end up in session with a friend and I start going out with him and I'm going to have almost two years with him. All without seeing you)
  81. [20:19] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (I know I'm being silly, but it still bugs me)
  82. [20:22] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Ahhh, well I w<>n't lie and say that I wish I c<>uld have been there instead. But we need t<> take <>ur happiness where it c<>mes)
  83. [20:23] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (F<>r me it inv<>lves making bad ph<>t<>sh<>ps <>f imps in fancy cl<>thes t<> give them funny j<>kes)
  84. [20:24] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Wish you were here too.)
  85. [20:24] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (I can send you some pictures of some clothes I've found if you want?)
  86. [20:25] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Unless y<>u c<>uld make a s<>lid h<>l<>gram...and if y<>u d<> I'd ask y<>u t<> like, make me l<><>k really c<><>)
  87. [20:25] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Sunglasses and spiky hair and stuff)
  88. [20:25] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (I'd l<>ve t<> see!)
  89. [20:27] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (I found one that was really good for the beach and super pretty. One second!)
  90. [20:27] * emeraldEclipse links the file "Beachwear.png" to waterloggedDrifter (( ))
  91. [20:27] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (<>h w<>w y<>u l<><>k)
  92. [20:28] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (I never knew y<>u'd l<><>k s<> well in s<>mething s<> g<>thic)
  93. [20:28] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Gothic?)
  94. [20:28] <emeraldEclipse> 03[Double check the link to make sure you sent the right one.]
  95. [20:29] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (<>h right, basically think <>f the the <>pp<>site <>f g<>thic f<>r y<>u, that's tr<>ll g<>thic)
  96. [20:29] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Oh)
  97. [20:29] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Okay)
  98. [20:30] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (But yeah, normally I prefer more saturated colours, but I tried it on and it looked so good!)
  99. [20:30] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (*nods* it d<>es l<><>k g<><>d!)
  100. [20:31] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (It's really light too. Like in, uhm, weight? Which has been nice.)
  101. [20:31] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Been so humid here lately)
  102. [20:31] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (You should come over so I can hug you and cool down)
  103. [20:35] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Hehe, I'm pretty sure I w<>uld start melting)
  104. [20:35] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Thats what it feels like for me)
  105. [20:35] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (I wake up in the morning and I'm stuck to things)
  106. [20:36] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (:c)
  107. [20:36] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (I mean, those things are mostly Bash, but, yeah)
  108. [20:37] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (The air conditioning helps keep it cool, but it's still super humid)
  109. [20:37] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Is there a dehumidifier y<>u c<>uld make <>r <>btain?)
  110. [20:39] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Maybe)
  111. [20:39] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (I don't know how much it would do, but I'll take a look?)
  112. [20:40] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Well, it may help a bit at least? N<>thing t<> be harmed in trying)
  113. [20:40] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (No I suppose not)
  114. [20:41] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Unless it expl<>des <>r the like, but that's unlikely unless <>ne <>f y<>u try t<> amplify it <>r the like)
  115. [20:41] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Well I don't think I'll let Bash near it for that reason)
  116. [20:44] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (He's apparently taking me out on a date tonight)
  117. [20:44] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (I've never been on a date before)
  118. [20:44] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (<><><><>, it s<>unds like fun)
  119. [20:45] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Well if it's a fancy place dress nice and c<>mplement each <>ther a l<>t is what I've seen in m<>vies)
  120. [20:45] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (<>h als<> av<>id y<>ur l<>ng l<>st br<>ther that'll apparently ruin the entire thing)
  121. [20:45] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (I'm, uhm)
  122. [20:46] <emeraldEclipse> 03[You delete the 'I'm pretty sure my brother is dead' you had typed up.]
  123. [20:47] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (I'm sure I'll keep it in mind.)
  124. [20:48] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (I think it's going to be fancy. I'm going to wear something new I got on my week away)
  125. [20:50] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (<>h nice! If y<>u ever need any help just give me a ping)
  126. [20:52] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (hmmm)
  127. [20:53] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Maybe help me decide? I'm unsure between two outfits)
  128. [20:53] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (I think I know which one, but a second opinion would be nice!)
  129. [20:54] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (<>h, I'd l<>ve t<> see! First <>ne questi<>n what type <>f place are y<>u g<>ing t<>?)
  130. [20:55] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (He hasn't really told me. I'm pretty sure it's some place fancy and elegant, so)
  131. [20:55] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Alright, lets see)
  132. [20:56] * emeraldEclipse 3links the file "Black and Blue.png" to waterloggedDrifter (( ))
  133. [20:56] * emeraldEclipse 3links the file "Fancy Black.png" to waterloggedDrifter (( ))
  134. [20:56] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (I think I prefer the first one, cause I know he likes blue. But)
  135. [20:56] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (<>h, I'd say the first!)
  136. [20:57] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (The sec<>nd seems m<>re business wear)
  137. [20:57] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Alright!)
  138. [20:57] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (/me hugs)
  139. [20:58] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (/me hgs)
  140. [20:58] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (I h<>pe y<>u have a great time)
  141. [20:58] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Thank you!)
  142. [20:58] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (I hope so too)
  143. [20:58] * Equinox ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  144. [20:59] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (/me hugs tight)
  145. [20:59] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (I hope I've got a long enough pre-session to do all this with you when we session together)
  146. [21:00] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (/me snuggles)
  147. [21:00] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (I h<>pe s<> t<><>, it s<>unds relaxing)
  148. [21:02] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (It is)
  149. [21:03] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (/me snuggles)
  150. [21:05] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Love you :) )
  151. [21:05] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (L<>ve y<>u as well <3)
  152. [21:05] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : ( <3 )
  153. [21:06] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (/me r<>lls int<> y<>ur lap and purrs)
  154. [21:07] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (oof)
  155. [21:08] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (/me nuzzles the cutest troll and head scritches)
  156. [21:09] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Murrrrrr~)
  157. [21:09] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Thank y<>u~)
  158. [21:09] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (ehehe)
  159. [21:10] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (/me kisses one of your horns)
  160. [21:10] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (eep)
  161. [21:10] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Oh, er, was that a mistake?)
  162. [21:11] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Well uh)
  163. [21:11] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Um equivalent equivalent)
  164. [21:11] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (It's like y<>u just kissed me <>n a nipple)
  165. [21:11] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Oh, erm)
  166. [21:12] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (whoops, sorry)
  167. [21:12] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (I was, uh, thinking it was something else)
  168. [21:12] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (It um, h<>rn t<>ugh feels nice and the sensati<>n is nice but actually th<>uching them well, they're sensitive)
  169. [21:13] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Sorry :( )
  170. [21:13] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (N<>thing t<> be s<>rry f<>r, just cultural stuff)
  171. [21:14] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (/me kisses your nose instead)
  172. [21:14] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Ehehe)
  173. [21:14] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (/me b<><>bs yours)
  174. [21:15] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (B<><>ps*)
  175. [21:15] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (ehehehe)
  176. [21:15] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Thats an amusing mental image)
  177. [21:16] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (...<>h shells help I'm laughing at that)
  178. [21:16] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Just squish your chest in to my face why don't you)
  179. [21:18] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (...that doesn't sound horrible if you're as cold as I think you are)
  180. [21:18] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (/me wraps her arms around and steals your coldness)
  181. [21:19] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Pfff)
  182. [21:19] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (/me does the chest squash?)
  183. [21:19] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (/me is already stealing your coldness)
  184. [21:20] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (/me steals your heat?)
  185. [21:20] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (/me wraps her arms and legs around you)
  186. [21:20] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Yes, please)
  187. [21:20] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Take all of it)
  188. [21:21] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Or, well, most of it)
  189. [21:22] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (T<><> late became a heat rainb<>w drinker)
  190. [21:23] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : ( :o )
  191. [21:24] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Does that mean I'm going to become a rainbow drinker?!)
  192. [21:27] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Maybeeee)
  193. [21:27] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : ( :O )
  194. [21:29] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (:0)
  195. [21:30] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : ( O: )
  196. [21:30] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : ( (I don't atually know what a rainbow drinker is beyond the troll equivilent of a vampire) )
  197. [21:32] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : ( (Basically a wh<>le l<>t c<><>ler, plus y<>u gl<>w, als<> bl<><>d gains flav<>r depending <>n what tr<>ll bl<><>d caste y<>u drink fr<>m)
  198. [21:32] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : ( ( o: ) )
  199. [21:36] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : ( :O )
  200. [21:37] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (/me pokes you to see if you have an off/on switch for glowing)
  201. [21:39] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (/me d<>es)
  202. [21:39] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (/me is quite c<>nfused)
  203. [21:39] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : ( O: )
  204. [21:39] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (/me pokes it repeatedly)
  205. [21:40] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (/me puts up a seizure warning sign for anyone watching)
  206. [21:41] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (ehehe)
  207. [21:41] * Keleviel ( has joined #ultimatereward
  208. [21:48] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (/me kisses your face)
  209. [21:48] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (You're adorable)
  210. [21:48] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (/me kisses back)
  211. [21:48] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Still think y<>u're m<>re s<>)
  212. [21:51] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Like y<>u have better fashi<>n at least)
  213. [21:51] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Well yes)
  214. [21:52] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (But you and Bash both think I'm cuter, and you're both wrong :I )
  215. [21:52] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (|:)
  216. [21:57] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : ( :I )
  217. [21:57] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Both of you are cuter than I am)
  218. [21:57] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (N<><><><>)
  219. [21:57] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Yup)
  220. [21:57] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Way cuter even!)
  221. [21:58] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (/me tickles y<>u n<><><>)
  222. [21:58] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (noooooo)
  223. [21:58] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (/me hides from the tickling)
  224. [22:01] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Y<>u can't escape)
  225. [22:01] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (The tickleged<>n)
  226. [22:01] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (nooooo)
  227. [22:02] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (/me hides under the bed)
  228. [22:02] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Suddenly beds)
  229. [22:03] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (aww)
  230. [22:03] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (Have to get ready for dinner)
  231. [22:04] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (/me hugs a lot)
  232. [22:04] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (/me hugs)
  233. [22:04] * waterloggedDrifter 6PMs "Afiqah" : (Have fun, I l<>ve y<>U)
  234. [22:04] * emeraldEclipse 3PMs "Dosima" : (I love you too)
  235. [22:05] * emeraldEclipse 3has disconnected from the memo
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