
an interesting thing

Aug 16th, 2013
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  1. 07:49 Roget I have a chance of eclipsing smapti
  2. 07:49 Roget If I ever run a contest, I would consult you on how to make it more fair
  3. 07:49 Annalea shoulda put all the entries into a category, locked voting
  4. 07:49 Annalea waited until all entries were in
  5. 07:49 Kens|Labwork Something like that yeah
  6. 07:49 Tuomey But it'd be a fairer contest if we had to, I dunno, hold a thing on a sandbox and only post them at x time or lock votes or whatever
  7. 07:49 Annalea then reveal them in random order
  8. 07:49 Roget Hmmm
  9. 07:50 Roget that would be cool
  10. 07:50 Roget I would support that for the 2000 contest
  11. 07:50 Roget everything in the category 2000contest or summat
  12. 07:50 *** kazahn joined #site19
  13. 07:50 Annalea also, contestants really should not have their votes count in the contest listing
  14. 07:50 Annalea i mean
  15. 07:50 Annalea if they want to vote on stuff for the sake of voting on a tale/scp, sure
  16. 07:50 Tuomey Kens|Labwork: new brakes, new rotors, did you break a helicopter?
  17. 07:50 Annalea but I'd have Nala filter those votes out
  18. 07:50 Annalea it's only fair
  19. 07:50 Roget can you filter out individual votes?
  20. 07:51 Annalea Yep.
  21. 07:51 Annalea I do it to calculate contributor ratings.
  22. 07:51 Roget neat
  23. 07:51 Kens|Labwork Tuomey: My car is nearing 7 years old. It's getting close to the time to replace the brake pads, and my front rotors aren't looking so good.
  24. 07:51 Roget how much code does that take?
  25. 07:51 Annalea I filter out account deletes
  26. 07:51 Roget Like, how does it work?
  27. 07:51 Tuomey Kens|Labwork: replace it with a helicopter
  28. 07:51 Kens|Labwork no fuck u
  29. 07:51 Annalea Before I parse the list of vote data
  30. 07:51 Tuomey :/
  31. 07:51 Annalea I cycle through all pages
  32. 07:51 Annalea and add anyone who's written something to a Set<String>
  33. 07:52 Annalea then i loop through votes
  34. 07:52 Tuomey Kens don't make me play a card
  35. 07:52 Annalea if (contributors.contains(voter)) { applyVote(); }
  36. 07:52 Tuomey I will play a card
  37. 07:52 Annalea otherwise ignore vote
  38. 07:52 Kens|Labwork u r a card
  39. 07:52 Roget cool!
  40. 07:52 Tuomey ok
  41. 07:52 Roget that's interesting
  42. 07:52 Tuomey I am playing the card kens
  43. 07:52 Roget what language is nala written in?
  44. 07:52 Annalea it's an easy copy-and-paste to apply that to contestants rather than voters
  45. 07:52 Annalea Java
  46. 07:52 Roget coooool
  48. 07:53 Kens|Labwork ...
  49. 07:53 Tuomey played the card
  50. 07:53 Annalea same deal with staff ratings
  51. 07:53 Kens|Labwork /mode +b Tuomey
  52. 07:53 Annalea Nala has a list of who is or isn't staff
  53. 07:53 Tuomey :P
  54. 07:53 Annalea and can use that to calc a rating based on staff only votes
  55. 07:53 Annalea nala also categorizes tags by their type
  56. 07:53 Roget How hard is that to do? Do you need like, the wikidot api
  57. 07:53 Annalea so can make informed statistics based on main vs attribute vs group/goi tags
  58. 07:54 Annalea well, let's see
  59. 07:54 *** Echo quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  60. 07:55 Annalea there's three components to Nala
  61. 07:55 Annalea the core chat bat running on Pircbot
  62. 07:55 Annalea the basic statistics and lookup module that's using the Wikidot API
  63. 07:55 Annalea and an advanced/manual statistics module that's built on top of the basic module
  64. 07:55 *** PaulS_laptop quit (Client exited)
  65. 07:55 Annalea Nala as a chatbot only runs the first two components
  66. 07:55 *** Provolone joined #site19
  67. 07:56 Annalea the third one is on my console here
  68. 07:56 Annalea as for line count...
  69. 07:58 *** Severe joined #site19
  70. 07:58 Severe Good afternoon all!
  71. 07:59 Annalea mrrr
  72. 07:59 Annalea i can't get an aggregate line count
  73. 07:59 Annalea but just the core classes without the support code
  74. 07:59 Severe Did you try unplugging it and plugging it back in?
  75. 08:00 Annalea we're looking at 2600 lines for Nala
  76. 08:00 Tuomey wow
  77. 08:00 Annalea 1600 for SCPWikiConnector
  78. 08:00 Annalea and 2100 for SCPWikiStatisticsConnector
  79. 08:00 Annalea this doesn't include helper classes, data objects, or utility classes
  80. 08:00 Tuomey I'm pretty sure that is more lines than I have written total
  81. 08:00 Annalea all in all, maybe around 10,000 lines
  82. 08:00 *** Lumindia is now known as Lumindia[A]
  83. 08:01 Annalea Tuomey: the product I work on at work has a hair under 1,100,000 lines
  84. 08:01 Tuomey 0_0
  85. 08:01 Annalea neither count includes 3rd party libraries
  86. 08:01 Tuomey maaaan
  87. 08:01 *** Silber joined #site19
  88. 08:01 Annalea compiled into a JAR file, Nala is 165kb
  89. 08:01 Tuomey and I here I was, feeling good about getting everything right on my shitty java applet test
  90. 08:01 Silber Howdy
  91. 08:02 Annalea and has about...
  92. 08:02 Annalea ~300kb in external libraries
  93. 08:02 Annalea she's actually rather small :P
  94. 08:02 Annalea fits onto a floppy
  95. 08:02 Annalea by comparison
  96. 08:02 Annalea Project Foundation is 616kb without including any dependencies
  97. 08:03 Annalea and probably around ~20mb with external libraries
  98. 08:03 Annalea and that's not counting any data
  99. 08:03 Annalea we're looking at maybe... 5mb for the core content without a single user-contributed page
  100. 08:03 Annalea and, according to the last pull
  101. 08:04 Annalea the wiki currently consists of 466 mb of data, images, comments, and votes
  102. 08:04 *** BlaShops is now known as Blaroth
  103. 08:04 Annalea across all SCPs, Tales, Guides, and Essays
  104. 08:04 Blaroth That's kind of surprising
  105. 08:04 Annalea oh, Nala does keep about 1mb worth of data too
  106. 08:05 Annalea user overrides, last-activity timers, memoes
  107. 08:05 Annalea she does not do full logging, only the last line said
  108. 08:05 Annalea i think there are people who would flip out if she did :I
  109. 08:05 Tuomey meh
  110. 08:05 Tuomey fuck 'em anyway
  111. 08:05 Silber eh, plenty of people log
  112. 08:05 Tuomey A few people log everything in their chat clients
  113. 08:06 Tuomey Annalea: man, remember rikks
  114. 08:06 Annalea ?
  115. 08:06 *** FlameShirt joined #site19
  116. 08:06 +++ ChanServ has given op to FlameShirt
  117. 08:06 Tuomey the guy who freaked out about possibly-bi james bond and glass dildos
  118. 08:07 Tuomey that was fucking hilarious
  119. 08:07 TheRaven ...wat
  120. 08:07 Annalea oh lourd, that
  121. 08:08 Annalea lemme find the log
  122. 08:08 Tuomey he did get annoyed at me in the snippets thread
  123. 08:08 Annalea yes, yes he did
  124. 08:09 *** Waterfire joined #site19
  125. 08:09 Annalea man, i can't find it
  126. 08:09 Tuomey One sec
  127. 08:09 Waterfire Hello once again.
  128. 08:09 *** FlameShirt quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  129. 08:10 Tuomey got it
  130. 08:11 Annalea Teehee.
  131. 08:12 TheRaven That log is amazing.
  132. 08:12 Blaroth we have a chat snippit section...
  133. 08:12 Blaroth oh my god
  134. 08:13 Blaroth why did no one tell me
  135. 08:13 *** FlameShirt joined #site19
  136. 08:13 +++ ChanServ has given op to FlameShirt
  137. 08:13 Tuomey you didn't know?
  138. 08:14 FlameShirt nope
  139. 08:14 FlameShirt (What are we talking about?)
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